King of Close Combat

Chapter 378 Strong

Listening to everyone's comments, Li Yang did not refute, but listened confidently. The reason for the meeting is to tell everyone that Yuan Badadao was killed, and also to listen to the opinions of the audience. From some people's opinions, it can be seen that conservatives and strong people, as well as some two-sided factions.

Xiong Man seems reckless and supports Li Yang every time, which is why Li Yang is willing to let him manage most of his brothers when he is there. Strong strength and obedience are his greatest strengths.

In this way, Liu Shan, Xiong Man and others talked for more than ten minutes. Li Yang raised his right hand and said, "Everyone."

Although everyone is talking, the purpose is to make Li Yang agree. Naturally, everyone speaks and looks at Li Yang from time to time. Li Yang raised his hand and the 20 masters present closed his mouth and stopped talking.

Li Yang said, "I can roughly hear everyone's opinions. It is divided into three types to support me, that is, to directly enter the east of the city to control the Yingshan Association in a short period of time, and then Yingshan will stabilize the east of the city. Second, against me, I feel that I am so risky that it is easy to disband Yingshan, but attract the attention of other forces. Third, I hesitate and don't know the choice, so I won't comment much.

After a pause, he looked at Tao Yan and asked, "Tao Yan, take your time. Where do you think we should start and nibble on the Yingshan Club a little?"

Tao Yan frowned slightly. Since Li Yang came back this time, his temperament has changed a lot with the strengthening of strength. It turned out that their status was similar, and Li Yang was not much higher than him when they talked.

But now, Li Yang's words and behavior show the temperament of the person in power. Although Lin Waner has been managing the Sun and Moon Group during this period, everyone is also very convinced of her. However, as soon as Li Yang came back, he instantly confirmed the position of the leader of his Sun Moon Group from yesterday to today.

Tao Yan thought about it and said, "I feel that from our Sun and Moon Group, a few streets in the north of the city and near the east of the city, are slowly encroaching. Finally, take full control of the east of the city.

Li Yang smiled and asked, "In less than two days, the news of Yuan Badao's death will come out. At that time, the Huangfu family will definitely join the Yingshan Association through the Hunting Group. Sun Can in the south of the city will also start to eat from the streets near the east of the city in the south of the city. At the same time, overseas strength is likely to take the opportunity to enter.

"Do you think our Sun and Moon Group can fully control the east of the city? Or can we occupy one-third?"

Tao Yan doesn't know what to say. The Huangfu family and the eldest grandson family can't afford to be provoked by the Sun and Moon Group. He also thought about this. And he never thought that the Sun and Moon Group could fully control the east of the city, and it would be good to control one-third. Of course, he dared not say such depressing words in front of Li Yang.

Tao Yan was silent, Li Yang smiled, and then glanced at those who opposed him and said, "If we take your time, can our Sun and Moon Group achieve such a great power in a year?"

"Even if we don't succeed and destroy the Yingshan Association, we can still start to encroach from the junction of the north and east of the city, but it's a little less. If this time is successful, the east of the city will be our Sun Moon Group. After all, this Sun and Moon Group was established by everyone, so I will tell you.

After saying this, I want to hear your decision again. Raise your hand and decide! Exclusion of me, Waner, Yingying. The party with more votes will implement the plan. For me and against me, you can choose!"

Xiong Man raised his hand directly and said loudly, "I support Brother Yang. I'm a rude person. I don't quite understand what you said, what Brother Yang said, and what I do."

"This big bear is preempted by him every time, damn it! The brain is not working well, but there are a lot of intentions. Liu Shanxin also raised his hand and said, "I support Brother Yang."

Ge Cheng raised his hand and said, "Support Brother Yang."

Xu Han raised his hand and Yan Bai raised his hand. As a result, Tao Yan and Tao Fengcheng also raised their hands, all supporting Li Yang.

In the final analysis, the Sun and Moon Group actually has the final say in Li Yang alone. Because Liu Shan and others experienced the early stage of Li Yang's creation of the Sun Moon Group and knew Li Yang as a person. To say that it is a vote is nothing more than to see who opposes him. Li Yang's strength, as always, is relatively obscure.

When Lin Waner controlled the Sun and Moon Group, she also had her own direct line. She did not vote. Looking at Li Yang's eyes, she obviously supported Li Yang. Naturally, the people who support her also support Li Yang.

As a result, more than 20 people passed unanimously and supported Li Yang!

Looking at this scene, Lin Waner said to himself, "Although Li Yang is not very strategic, he is very strong in terms of power control. Only one day after coming back, no one dared to oppose him. Is this the importance of strength?

Seeing that everyone raised their hands to support him, Li Yang stood up and said loudly, "Since the whole vote has passed, let's go now!" Directly, the headquarters of Yingshan Association.

Half an hour later, more than 40 various cars left the Sun and Moon Group Building and went directly to the east of the city.

As you enter the highway, cars are scattered. Some enter the city center and then into the east of the city. Some go from the coastal pier to the east of the city. This was planned by Li Yang and everyone. Everyone went to the east of the city, and Li Yang led Tao Yan and Ge Cheng directly to the headquarters of Yingshan Association.

And Xiong Man, Liu Shan and others led some mysterious masters to the branches of the Yingshan Association to ensure that the core members of the Yingshan Association would not escape.

Natural, everyone acted separately.

This time, Li Yang and the two women did not drive the BMW business car, but drove a relatively ordinary black Volkswagen Sagitar car. The license plate number of the business car is too conspicuous. Now everyone knows that it is Lin Waner's private car. If they are seen entering the east of the city and have not yet entered the Yingshan meeting, they may be surrounded by people first.

This time, it was Zhou Yingying who drove, and Lin Waner and Li Yang sat in the back seat.

In the car, Lin Waner held a tablet in her hand and called out a file with pictures and information.

She said, "You idiot, you should not focus on investigating the Yingshan Society. I'll tell you something first, so that you can't even call someone's name."

Li Yang scratched the back of his head awkwardly, not to look at him holding Zhizhu in front of Liu Shan and others. In fact, he doesn't know much about intelligence information, at least he doesn't know much about the information of the members of the Yingshan Association.

Lin Waner said, "Let me introduce some first. Yingshanhui, Yuan Badao is the strongest. After him, there are six guardians. At present, there are five people in the late stage of Xuan level and one person is at the peak of Xuan level. And Zhong Han, the peak of the mysterious level, was killed by you yesterday. The other three are Yang Lianming, Wu Xu, Gu Qianlin, Hu Jicheng and Liu Xun. After the six major guardians, there are still 13 people in the middle of the Xuan level. After that, it was the early stage of 30 mysterious levels.

"Let me tell you about the remaining five people of the six major guardians first." Lin Waner called out a document, pointed to a relatively old man in the photo, and said, "Yang Weiming, who is good at iron sand palms and likes to kill..."

Then, Li Yang explained the remaining five guardians of the Yingshan Club in detail, and then roughly talked about the 13 metaphysical mid-term masters. As for the subsequent 30 early Xuanlevel martial artists, she just gave a general name, that is, let Li Yang hold the tablet and watch it for herself.

After reading these, Li Yang couldn't help but be a little surprised. These people, Li Yang seems to be nothing now. But before he founded the Sun Moon Group. At that time, the strongest of the Dragon Shadow Association was only Wang Long. His five King Kong and several people in Liushan were only in the middle of the mysterious level.

You should know that these people in Yingshanhui are already in the late stage of the mysterious level. At that time, if Yuan Badai led the six guardians and the next 13 Xuan-level mid-term warriors to kill directly to the north of the city, the Dragon Shadow would never be able to bear it.

To the west of the city, Tao Yan couldn't stand it. And Li Yang also understood why Yuan Badao did not rob Wang Long's north of the city, because because Wang Ying was there, Yuan Bashio took Wang Ying into account.

However, a year ago, the lineup of Yingshan Club was very luxurious. Compared with now, Yingshan Club is a little bad. If Li Yang doesn't take action, Tao Yan and Lin Waner can suppress these people.

After reading these materials, Li Yang has entered the east of the city and went to the villa where Yuan Badao was located. The headquarters of Yingshanhui is also Yuan Badai's villa.

Yesterday, he killed Yuan Badao, and Li Yang naturally got the other party's mobile phone, as well as Zhong Han's.

On the way, he used Zhong Han's mobile phone to send text messages to other mysterious masters except the five guardians and summoned them to the headquarters of the Yingshan Association. Then he used Yuan Badao's mobile phone to send a text message for the five major protection methods.

Li Yang also doesn't know who will inform others of the meeting of Yingshan. That is to give it a try. If you can't call them, use Xiong Man and others to arrest them directly and bring them to the headquarters.

Lin Waner put away the tablet and said, "In the past four months, I have bought three Xuan-level early martial artists and a Xuan-level mid-level martial artist Lin Haichun in the Yingshan meeting. In a moment, we may need it."

At this time, Li Yang's mobile phone rang and saw that it was Xiong Man.

Li Yang answered the phone and Xiong Man said, "Brother Yang, I have arrived in the east-west direction of the city. The case made the brothers block several major roads into the city center in the east of the city. As long as the Xuan level master of Yingshanhui wants to escape into the city center, he can definitely stop it."

After that, Liu Shan sent a message: "Arrival at the east dock of the city."

Tao Yan sent a message: "We have arrived outside the door of Yuan Badao Villa and parked at the intersection."

After that, people kept calling or sending text messages. They were all masters of the Sun and Moon Group, blocking some important streets from the east of the city to the outside world.

The area of Tianhai City is very large, but there are only a few major highways. The license plates of Yingshan can be driven by masters. Lin Waner has been investigated by celebrities a long time ago.

Finally, at 8:30 in the morning, Zhou Yingying drove the black Volkswagen and came to the door of a villa.

This villa is very large, with walls more than six meters high and a large scarlet iron gate. It looks like the interior area is not small.

"It's worthy of being a master of the elders. This villa has at least 200 million yuan. I really enjoy it." Li Yangdao.

"Cut, our Sun Moon Group currently has 3 billion assets. As long as you want, we can also buy one." Lin Waner said confidently.

Li Yang didn't tell the two women about the 10 billion dollars, and the two women didn't know yet. Naturally, Lin Waner still uses the assets of the Sun and Moon Group to determine how much money she owns.

"Go in!" Li Yang said calmly and pushed the car door directly.