The best fox demon grabbing the concubine

001 One person, one demon, one room 1

Mo Xiaoran, one of the hard-working white-collar workers in XX City, is brutally mutilated by the hateful boss uncle every day.

Well, a poor woman who has just finished three shifts is walking on the street home with a lot of resentment, cursing and kicking all the obstacles in front of her feet from time to time.

"Damn old man, I curse you, the young man has gray hair, the mistress comes to the door, his wife has an affair, the car breaks down on the road, and the company replaces you."

After saying a belly curse, he thought it was not enough to relieve his anger. He accumulated all the strength of his body and condensed on his feet and kicked hard at the gray unknown object not far away. However, he did not hear the sound of the object falling to the ground. He couldn't help sigh that his power had reached such an amazing level, but it was just in him. At the moment when she admired herself more and more, a sharp cry cut through the silent night and filled her eardrums. Looking at his feet again, it was an unknown object that was taken away by himself.

She couldn't help rubbing her newly stimulated ears with lingering fright, and then squatted down with curiosity to see who was in front of her.

However, when she looked into those dark eyes, she was stunned. She had to secretly praise in her heart that these were the most beautiful eyes she had ever seen, clear, pitiful, with a trace of warmth and expectation. Seeing more intrigues, she suddenly became kind-hearted. She picked up the unknown object in front of her and stared at it with her big eyes. Soon after, she finally identified the unknown object, a little dirty cat.

If she knew at that time that the so-called kitten, which she thought was harmless, had confused her with demonism, she would have really wanted to slap him to death to avoid his persecution in the future. Of course, this was only a later story.

After confirming his identity, Mo Xiaoran planned to put down his leaving, but he couldn't resist the little greed in his heart and took it home. However, if she knew at this moment that her momentary greed and kindness would change his life, he swore that she would never do so. But if it is, she doesn't know everything about the future at this moment, so she did it.

When Mo Xiaoran came home with a little dirty cat and saw the stains rubbed by him, he couldn't help shouting at someone on the ground, "Little dirty cat, I don't care what you do. Anyway, you clean yourself immediately, otherwise, you get out!" After saying that, he didn't look at the pitiful eyes at all, turned around and got into the bathroom, leaving the so-called dirty cat wandering alone in the living room and wagging its tail from time to time to show his helplessness.

She admitted that she deliberately didn't look at those eyes. She was afraid that she couldn't stand ** and was soft-hearted. She didn't know why she couldn't see those eyes. Just one glance was enough to sink herself.

However, she didn't know that because of the existence of a certain one, her nightmare had just begun...

By the saying, Mo Xiaoran, who dropped a little dirty cat, was soaking in the bathtub and narrowing his eyes alone enjoying the comfort and relaxation brought by hot water, a little dirty cat suddenly came out of the water and looked at a surprised woman with a smile. Then, there was a surprising cry in the bathroom "Ah--"

Then, a woman jumped out of the bathtub desperately, picked up a bath towel, and immediately ran to the bathroom door to check whether she had forgotten to close the door just now. However, she got the result that made her frustrated. The door was locked from beginning to end, and there was no one. Click on the open marks.

Mo Xiaoran turned around in horror and looked at a little dirty cat still playing unhappily in the bathtub. He roared and rushed over and pressed it into the water and rubbed his weak body hard. After he calmed down, he took it out of the water.

When she saw it with snow-white fur, she even had a voice in what she wanted to say, and there was no sound.

Since then, the name of a little dirty cat has come to an end.

But the next few days made Mo Xiaoran fully feel what self-inflicated. And strange events are making it more and more difficult for her to fight.

*Pick up something the next day*

When a woman finished her day's work and took a bath so tiredly, she lay in ** and fell asleep, completely ignoring that there was a person who had been picked up at home. However, it turned out that she was wrong.

When a woman slept soundly in the middle of the night, she suddenly felt a soft thing lying on her chest, constantly rubbing, licking once or twice from time to time, fully teasing her patience, and finally lived up to what she had to expect. A woman woke up leisurely and looked at her chest in a daze.

It doesn't matter. The original sleepiness suddenly disappeared, and the two already big eyes stared into copper bells for a moment. Just because it was not something else lying on her chest, it was a kitten that had forgotten by her, and the most annoying thing was not this one, but that the kitten clearly saw what it had done, but it still continued to take advantage of itself, and even became more and more excessive, and removed its claws. The woman's nightdress directly covered the two rounds that jumped out.

Seeing this, a certain woman couldn't help her inner anger, roared and threw someone out of the window. Since then, the little dirty cat has officially changed its name to Little Colored Cat.

But then Mo Xiaoran woke up and realized his impulsive behavior just now. He immediately got up and ran to the window to look down. The conscience of heaven and earth is no longer like this. She doesn't really want to kill it, but the truth is the truth, and no one can deny it. Mo Xiaoran stood in front of the window and looked at the darkness under the window without any sign of movement, and couldn't help but feel guilty.

However, the fact was so unbelievable that when she planned to close the window and go back to bed for silence, an image flashed in front of Mo Xiaoran in the night. Mo Xiaoran couldn't help looking left and right. Just when she thought it was her own illusion, the kitten she threw down floated in the air and appeared in front of her.

Mo Xiaoran screamed in a low voice, closed the window, and pulled up the curtains uneasly to cover his body trembling with shock.

But the next second, the cat still appeared in front of a woman, so that Mo Xiaoran knew that his practice was so naive in the cat's eyes.

", what kind of monster are you?" Mo Xiaoran finally couldn't help looking at someone in front of him and asked. However, it seemed that he did not intend to answer the question, shrugged his shoulders leisurely, turned to a woman's ** and continued to sleep.

As a result, the next day, a woman stared at two panda eyes and appeared in the office.

*The third day to pick up a certain one*

This day is the only day that Mo Xiaoran has not worked overtime in the past three months. One is to celebrate today's special day, and the other is to reward her stomach that has suffered with her for many years, a woman decided to go shopping in the supermarket and buy some seafood and meat to cook at home.

As a result, when a woman tried her best to bring home the big and small bags in her hand, a little cat was lying on the sofa and shining her eyes on the bag containing seafood and meat, and almost drooled, so that she couldn't wait to go up and eliminate all these immediately. When a woman saw such an expression, she couldn't help holding the bag tightly. She also seemed to feel the meaning of a woman and turned her head and looked elsewhere. At this time, the woman safely went into the kitchen with something and was extremely happy to make a rich dinner, but she didn't see the proud look of someone who turned her head away.

With the passage of time, plates of food with full color and fragrance were placed on the table one by one, and someone couldn't help rushing up and destroying all the things on the table. When a woman came out of the kitchen with the last plate, which was also the only vegetable dish this night, vinegar cabbage, she saw the scene that made her most angry. A little cat was stretching out its claws to put the last piece of cumin beef on the table into its mouth, and then did not forget to grin and nodded slightly to her. At this moment, she really doubts that what she has in front of her is a gentleman with noble blood, not a kitten picked up.

Finally, Mo Xiaoran suppressed his anger and sat on the table eating white rice with the plate of vinegar cabbage.

So far, a little cat has changed its name to Little Gluice Cat.

"Go, greedy cat, go and lick today's bowl. You think I picked you up for nothing. I never do anything without reward. Even your accident is not unexpected. Not working is like eating. Not to mention the door, I even close the window!" A woman sitting on the sofa watching TV after dinner, viciously stretched out her hand and patted down the sofa beside me and roared. Obviously, a woman is the kind of person who forgets the pain after getting a good scar, and the scary side was obviously forgotten by her yesterday. He began to be a landlord who oppressed slaves again.

But someone didn't seem to intend to continue to intimidate a certain woman, but wagged his tail and walked to the kitchen with infinite resentment.

Soon after, a woman in the kitchen screamed, which immediately attracted the attention of her neighbors and opened the window to look at the source of the sound.

A woman pointed to the new kitchen with a shocked face, looked at the leisurely little greedy cat, and said the most incredible words ever, "These are all made by your little greedy cat." The tone is so sure that there is no doubt at all.

"Yes, otherwise what do you think? Stupid woman. Then he saw the so-called greedy cat speak human words one after another. At that time, Mo Xiaoran fainted on the kitchen floor without a backbone. Although a woman had to admit that her voice was really good, like the tinkling of spring water and the melodious singing of a phoen, among which she shouted the strong and domineering of men. However, a woman still recognized that it was a man's voice. Suddenly, a woman who had not yet fainted fainted directly. At this moment, she finally understood why a cat had that kind of pervert's behavior that day.

So that every time I think of such a scene in the future, I have to despise myself.

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