The best fox demon grabbing the concubine

061 There is meat to eat in the middle of the night

The little princess of the snake clan was punished accordingly. She was immediately sneaked back into the snake clan and put under house arrest for a year. Until the moment she left, she stared at Mo Xiaoran fiercely, as if there was some deep hatred. Facing such vicious eyes as Jiuran, Mo Xiaoran stood innocently and touched her nose and shrugged. He shrugged his shoulders to show that he was helpless. At this point, the matter has come to an end.

Mo Xiaoran also made trouble and played, and the limelight came out. Therefore, the Fox King politely invited Mo Xiaoran to the Qiancheng Hall for a long conversation.

I don't know what the Fox King said or did to Mo Xiaoran. In short, since Mo Xiaoran came out of the Qiancheng Hall, he has honestly done what a princess should do for a few days, and there is no more moth. This also makes the whole palace of the fox clan much quieter.

However, Mo Xiaoran stopped at that time, and some people were ready to move.

By the saying, one day, Mo Xiaoran gradually woke up, opened his hazy sleepy eyes, and suddenly felt that the cold things on his body were constantly... Well, squirming. Mo Xiaoran suspiciously lifted the quilt covering his body. Suddenly, an inverted triangular head appeared in front of Mo Xiaoran's eyes. From time to time, he spit out a crimson letter at Mo Xiaoran's sleepy face. His green eyes stared at Mo Xiaoran's eyes and twisted his body around Mo Xiaoran's chest. It seemed that he wanted to convey some words, but before he could convey what he wanted to convey, Mo Xiaoran screamed and directly choked what he was going to say.

"Ah--" Suddenly, Mo Xiaoran shouted without backbone. This hoarse shout directly shocked all the people in the palace.

"You, you...what are you?" When all the people gathered at Mo Xiaoran's bed, Mo Xiaoran looked at something coiled on his chest in front of him in shock and asked this sentence. Someone who heard this sentence almost fainted on Mo Xiaoran's chest. Fortunately, a pair of hands picked him up. He was not killed by Mo Xiaoran's shock on the spot.

A rescued one immediately returned to its own form, but it was a beautiful young man. Looking carefully, he was the prince of the snake clan. Mo Xiaoran looked at someone in shock, turned his eyes and successfully fainted. And someone only blinked his eyes, shrugged his shoulders helplessly, and fainted.

The people present were scared by the scene in front of them and had nothing to say. They immediately ran out in a hurry. They should find a doctor and a person who should deal with it. Suddenly, Liyue Pavilion became a mess.

However, some foxes were unusually calm, standing aside and watching the bustle, with no intention of going forward to help.

Night, coming.

The wind blows.

The blood moon shines on the earth.

The rustling sound of trees is like the roar of soldiers in the ancient battlefield.

full of sores, full of sadness, blood all over the ground, stars in the sky and the pale moon.

Mo Xiaoran woke up in a cold sweat, his forehead was covered with dense sweat, his eyes wide open, and he gasped loudly.

Mo Xiaoran firmly believes that it is a nightmare, an unfinished nightmare. If possible, Mo Xiaoran chooses to forget. However, the more Mo Xiaoran looks at part of the memory, the more the memory sticks to his mind and never leaves.

"Did you have a nightmare?" Mo Xiaoran suddenly remembered a gentle and familiar voice in his ear, and Mo Xiaoran nodded involuntarily and admitted it.

After a while, Mo Xiaoran slowly turned his head and looked around, but he didn't find anything abnormal, let alone anyone around him. He didn't understand who made the sound just now.

"Woth, don't you remember?" The sound sounded again and appeared empty in this room, making Mo Xiaoran have a trace of fear and some joy. Mo Xiaoran did not know how to express his current feelings.

"Ye, I remember." Mo Xiaoran blurted out this sentence in such a daze. When this sentence was said, Mo Xiaoran couldn't help but be surprised at what she should remember and why this sentence seemed to come from her heart without any doubt. It's just that Mo Xiaoran really doesn't understand what he should remember.

" girl, come back when you are tired. You have done enough these years. The sound sounded again in the empty room, making Mo Xiaoran feel far away and ethereal, as if there was a hand pulling himself forward and walking constantly.

"Who are you?" Mo Xiaoran finally found her voice and asked faintly to the empty room. The eyes are constantly looking for the familiar and strange figure.

"Woman, you finally chose to forget me..." The voice said sadly and sadly, but Mo Xiaoran also heard a trace of relief from his tone. Before Mo Xiaoran finished analyzing, the voice sounded again, "Well, girl, remember, be happy." As the sound fell, Mo Xiaoran felt the slight warmth of her face, as if a hand was stroking her face and gently touching it, just like the moment when her lover said goodbye.

Mo Xiaoran's sadness, who didn't know where he came from, unexpectedly shed tears and fell drop by drop at this moment, but he didn't know why he didn't fall on the quilt after all, but disappeared in mid-air.

"Are you leaving?" Mo Xiaoran cried and asked, with infinite grievances in her heart.

"I didn't leave, I'm just following you in another way. Girl, can you not be sad..." The voice slowly came into Mo Xiaoran's ear, gentle but distressing. Saying inexplicable words made Mo Xiaoran inexplicably moved and cry inexplicably. The whole thing was so illusory. Mo Xiaoran felt that he had lost his way at this moment and couldn't find it. To the exit.

Before Mo Xiaoran could stay, the man had left. Mo Xiaoran didn't know why, even if he could only hear his voice and couldn't see all the movements, he could present the picture at this moment in his mind.

In the end, the image left to Mo Xiaoran was just a sad back that left alone. How sad the back was that Mo Xiaoran couldn't bear to look directly.

With the disappearance of that back, Mo Xiaoran also woke up and cried loudly.

I have to say that this sound was very shocking. It directly woke up some vigil foxes outside the door directly from the dream and ran into the room nervously one by one. Mo Xiaoran buried his head in his knees and his shoulders kept shaking.

Without saying a word, Mo Yao held Mo Xiaoran in his arms and gently patted him on the back to comfort him.

"Don't cry, don't cry..." Mo Yao muttered softly in Mo Xiaoran's ear. At this moment, Mo Yao didn't know what the reason was, but someone who was crying faintly in his arms, as if there was a kind of magic that was attracting him and making him unable to escape. He really wanted to continue like this. For the first time, Mo Yao had this idea of aging with his head.

"Little demon, why, why, here, empty, as if something has been lost..." Mo Xiaoran raised his head, looked at the ink demon in front of him, pointed to his heart, and asked with tears. His eyes were full of confusion, puzzlement, sadness and fear, but there was only Mo Yao in his eyes. Perhaps because of this, Mo Yao seemed to be infected by Mo Xiaoran, and his heart was faintly painful.

Mo Yao held Mo Xiaoran tighter, as if he wanted to rub it into his body. However, some foxes who followed up quietly left the room and disappeared. I don't know when the door was gently closed.

Mo Yao moved with his emotions, pulled Mo Xiaoran out of his arms, kissed the seductive cherry mouth accurately, sucked full, and his tongue deftly pried open Mo Xiaoran's teeth, stirred unscrupulously in Mo Xiaoran's mouth, stretched out and pulled and entangled with the lilac tongue.

Mo Xiaoran was overwhelmed by the practice of the ink demon at first, and then reacted and suddenly tried to retreat the ink demon. However, Moyao's strength was far greater than that of Mo Xiaoran. In the end, Mo Xiaoran's thrust aroused the fighting spirit of the ink demon. The more he kissed, the harder Mo Xiaoran collapsed in the arms of the ink demon, and his face was also because Kissing and breathing was red. When he was about to faint, Mo Yao slowly let go of Mo Xiaoran. Suddenly, there was only Mo Xiaoran's gasp in the whole room.

And Mo Yao did not intend to let Mo Xiaoran go like this. He firmly chose to take advantage of the fire. At the moment when Mo Xiaoran recovered a little, he kissed again, nibbled and bit. Their mouths were full of the smell of blood and rust. This smell made Mo Xiaoran couldn't help but wrinkle. Eyebrow.

Mo Yao's hand also slowly went down Mo Xiaoran's back, constantly igniting Mo Xiaoran's body. Mo Xiaoran couldn't help twisting his body left and right. The two soft meat in front of Mo Xiaoran's chest kept rubbing Mo Yao's explained chest, and the wrong fire was fueled, which greatly increased the Mo Yao's fire. One hand also took the opportunity to rub Mo Xiaoran's ball of meat through his pajamas, which suddenly reminded Mo Xiaoran's body of the fire and couldn't help humming. As soon as the charming sounded, it directly inspired some animal nature. Something hot and hard against Mo Xiaoran's waist, and then Mo Yao turned over and pressed Mo Xiaoran under his body. His hands also followed all the way down and peeled Mo Xiaoran's pajamas, and his hand also successfully reached the flower-rui. The discomfort in his lower body immediately made a woman wake up and understand what happened at this moment. What are you doing?

I don't know where the strength came from, so I pushed a fox that was pressing on me away, accidentally pushed it to the ground, making a sound of a touch, which seemed unusually loud in this quiet night.