The best fox demon grabbing the concubine

087 Dream or reality?

Mo Xiaoran left like this, just like the sudden when she came, so that Xue Muyang was not prepared at all. When Xue Muyang returned to the house, he just felt that the palace suddenly became quiet, as if it had regained its previous deadness, but it was nothing like that. He just thought that Mo Xiaoran was still in bed. Her brothers also went out to play the title of princess's brother, so they didn't care much and went straight back. He changed his casual clothes in his room next to Mo Xiaoran, and then got up and went to the study to start dealing with the things given to him by the emperor today.

However, seeing that business was about to pass, Mo Xiaoran's quiet woman still had no movement, and the courtyard was also silent and terrible. Xue Muyang couldn't help frowning and got up and strode towards Mo Xiaoran's room.

Xue Muyang thought of thousands of possibilities in this short journey. However, when Xue Muyang stood outside Mo Xiaoran's door at this moment, the hand that knocked on the door reached out and shrank back several times. Finally, he made a great determination to knock on the door. After waiting for a long time, it was still in the door. It is quiet.

In this way, Xue Muyang, who had always been calm, suddenly panicked and pushed the door open vigorously. There was no change in the room. However, there was no shadow of Mo Xiaoran, and even the quilts that had always been too lazy to fold by Mo Xiaoran were neatly. If outsiders saw it, it would be sure You will feel that no one has ever lived in this room.

Are you leaving? Disappeared? Kidnapped? Xue Muyang, who stood still, kept flashing with question marks in his mind. When all the possibilities were thought about, he directly deleted the idea of being kidnapped. After all, even Mo Xiaoran's ability could not win by himself. What's more, what's the use of robbing such a woman? But what he doesn't know is that Mo Xiaoran was really robbed, but just robbed by those foxes. Although Mo Xiaoran itself has no effect on this world, for those demons in the demon world, Mo Xiaoran is as precious as a national treasure. No, it should be more precious than a national treasure. After all, although the national treasure is rare, there are still at least a few, while Mo Xiaoran has only one, or there is only one moon mark, and Mo Xiaoran is the carrier of the moonmark.

Once the idea of Mo Xiaoran left, it would be difficult to disappear, but he still didn't want to believe it. He didn't believe that Mo Xiaoran would leave without saying a word, or even saying hello. This is not Mo Xiaoran's style at all. Although Xue Muyang doesn't know Mo Xiaoran's style until now. What is it? But to be honest, this is really what Mo Xiaoran can do, but Xue Muyang has always been deceived by Mo Xiaoran's clever appearance, so that he still can't believe his eyes.

"Where's the princess?" Xue Muyang walked out of the door and invited a little maid. She asked nervously for fear that someone would tell him the reality that Mo Xiaoran had left. In the process of waiting for the answer, Xue Muyang felt that he was extremely nervous and was not even nervous when he was besieged on the battlefield.

"Go back to the prince..." The little maid said with some slight nervousness, but before the little maid finished speaking, Xue Muyang's roar directly made the little maid babble.

"Just to the point!" However, after waiting for a long time, Xue Muyang heard such a nonsense from the little maid in front of him. He couldn't help but hit a place and said in a bad tone.

"Princess...Princes..." However, this little maid was even more frightened by Xue Muyang. Anyway, she didn't say a complete word, which made Xue Muyang Bai anxious. In fact, this is not to blame this little maid. In this royal palace, everyone was very in awe of this experienced and invincible prince, but now, she is scared to death by the gloomy face and impatient tone of the prince in front of her, even if she wants to speak, she can't speak.

"What the hell? If you can't say it, just throw it directly into the well. Xue Muyang said angrily, and had no patience. He even said such a threatening word, but I have to say that this is a good way for the little maid.

"The princess went out early in the morning and said that she was going to the satin shop to buy some cloth." Really, after listening to Xue Muyang's words, the little maid did not stam, but directly said the most important information, and after saying that, she ran away very quickly. Xue Muyang finally breathed a sigh of relief after the little maid said this. It turned out that she went shopping. No wonder Xue Muyang looked at the rabbit running faster than a rabbit. The little maid who was still fast raised the corners of her mouth slightly. It seemed that she was really terrible just now.

Xue Muyang was relieved and relaxed. Suddenly, he felt a trace of fatigue sweeping in, and then dragged his tired body and slowly walked to his room, ready to rest for a while.

However, as soon as Xue Muyang reached the door, he heard the voice of the little maid shouting the princess in the distance, so Xue Muyang immediately seemed to be stimulant, and the fatigue on his body did not know where he had gone. He turned around, stepped and ran to the source of the sound.

However, when Xue Muyang saw the strange face, he stood still and was angry. He couldn't wait to smash the little maid who looked good just now. Unexpectedly... cheated! This is the most intolerable thing for Xue Muyang, whether in the past or now.

"Prince~" A sweet and greasy voice suddenly sounded beside Xue Muyang, which made Xue Muyang come back from shock and looked at the nominal princess who was struggling to drill into his arms. Xue Muyang took away the woman who disgusted him without any pity.

I don't know whether Xue Muyang used too much strength or whether the woman was too weak. After being pushed like this, the woman fell to the ground awkwardly and looked at Xue Muyang with an impatience.

"Princess, are you all right?" The little maid beside the woman who fell to the ground quickly bent down and pulled up the woman who was still sitting on the ground with a shocked face. While patting the soil on the woman's body, she asked worriedly.

And it doesn't matter if the little maid didn't say anything. Such a sudden sentence directly made Xue Muyang frown and stay in place, staring closely at the woman in front of him who was turned into a princess by the little maid.

Why does it feel like he has forgotten something? No, it should be that they have forgotten something. First of all, he really wants to know who the woman in front of him is? Whose princess is it? It seems that such a person has never appeared in his memory. Where did Mo Xiaoran's woman go again? If the princess they said didn't mean the woman Mo Xiaoran, then who is Mo Xiaoran's woman with them? Suddenly, Xue Muyang felt that everything around him was unusually strange. I can't find any familiar feelings, and my mood is particularly low. Turning around and stumbled, he immediately walked back. He needed to think about some things. It was impossible that the things that had happened for such a period of time were his own dreams, but he himself clearly knew that he was not so confused that he could not even distinguish between dreams from the real.

"Your Majesty, where are you going?" Before Xue Muyang could take a few steps, the woman's voice sounded again, and then she had two more hands.

"Let go." Xue Muyang's voice without any emotion sounded, and there was a little confusion in his voice, and more of a cold chill.

"Prince..." But not to mention, there is really that kind of woman who is not afraid of death. The woman in front of her is one. Hearing such a voice of suppressed anger, Xue Muyang actually persisted without any sign of defense. She also tried to seduce Xue Muyang, but she was still very stupid in the face of the woman behind her. Xue Muyang was very annoyed with her plump rubbing against his back. Is he so lack of love?

"Ren go!" Xue Muyang said coldly and shook off the woman's arms, then glanced at the woman who was really in place and left.

This royal palace reveals a strange breath from beginning to end. No matter how Xue Muyang looks for it, he can't find that trace of familiar feeling. Is this the reason why Mo Xiaoran is gone? For a while, he couldn't believe that it was just a dream he had. Then he found several old people who had stayed in the palace for a long time to ask questions, but the answers were the same.

"Housekeeper Liu, go and invite Prince Ruoxin to come and tell him that I have something important to ask." Finally, Xue Muyang still couldn't accept such a fact, so he put all his bets on the prince. Mo Xiaoran had seen him, and even he couldn't forget it.

"Brother Muyang, are you looking for me? Are you a little better?" When Ruoxin came, Xue Muyang was in a daze out of the window. Ruoxin asked worriedly.

"Ye, do you remember Mo Xiaoran?" Xue Muyang didn't beat around the bush, but asked directly, and his eyes also looked straight into the depths of Ruoxin's eyes.

"Mo Xiaoran? Oh, I remember." At first, Ruoxin still looked confused, but after some thought, he suddenly realized that, but at the moment when Xue Muyang was excited, Ruoxin said something that made Xue Muyang fall directly into the abyss, "Brother Muyang, I also want to ask you. It is very important for you to keep shouting this name when you are in a coma. People? But what kind of person is he? Why have you never heard about it before?

"Coma..." Xue Muyang lost his mind and found the point of Ruoxin's sentence and muttered to himself.

"Brother Muyang, don't you remember? A few days ago, you hunted and were suddenly attacked. In order to protect your father, you were in a coma for five days. Thanks to your sister-in-law taking care of you day and night..." Ruoxin looked at Xue Muyang's distracted and frowned appearance and couldn't bear to say.

"Oh, I remember. Ruoxin, I'm a little tired. Let's take a break first and treat you when I'm ready. Xue Muyang recovered a little and said with a difficult smile. When Ruoxin saw that Xue Muyang, who didn't look very well, thought it was the wound, so he didn't think too much. He told him to have a good rest and left.

The moment Ruoxin left, Xue Muyang fell on the chair decadently and lost a little spirit. He clearly remembered that he clearly remembered that he went to court in the morning, and the emperor also assigned him some tasks. Why, it seemed that his original memory seemed to be disordered in an instant. Has everything changed dramatically?

Is this really your own dream?