The best fox demon grabbing the concubine

095 Truth? Illusion?

"Father, I said, I didn't do anything. It's all that bitch..." At this time, the little princess's temper also came up. Her father hasn't hit him since she was a child, and this time he actually slapped him because of that woman. How could he put up with this tone? So, loudly Refuting, but before Jiuran finished speaking, the snake king's palm waved to Jiuran's face again and directly interrupted what Jiuran was going to say next.

"It's all because I'm too arrogant and spoiled you as you are now, lawless..." The snake king sighed heavily and regretted that he hated the iron and steel. The disappointment on his face was obvious, so that everyone present could see it clearly, but the Snake King He said alone that he was usually arrogant and drunk, but he didn't say why he came here today. He didn't mention the matter of losing and stealing things, let alone the word moon mark.

After all, this is a ** period. If it is handled well, there will be nothing to do. If it is not handled well, it will have to be buried with the real. Therefore, the Snake King is very careful now and does not allow Jiuran to say anything at all. Almost as Jiuran was about to say something, he was slapped back by the Snake King. Up to now Zhi Jiuran couldn't say a complete sentence. Although these ordinary words did make the extravagant hope very satisfactory, Jiuran just said that he had never done anything, which was also a good evidence to get out of this matter. He also believed that in this group of onlookers, the details had spread the news.

"Let me in." Just as the Snake King was satisfied with the current situation and was ready to get out at any time, a weak voice came in and directly reversed the current situation.

As soon as the voice fell, a wide and narrow road was separated from the crowd. Then, everyone saw Mo Xiaoran leaning weakly on the ink demon and being carried in. His face was still as pale as paper, his eyes did not look like the past, and his body was thin. That was just right. The dress is now worn like a cloak, empty and very weak, as if it may disappear at any time.

"B bitch! What on earth did you say? I really regret that I didn't kill you directly with all my strength at that time!" The moment she saw Mo Xiaoran come in, the little princess couldn't help it. She was full of anger and finally found a way to vent. Therefore, no matter how she scolded, I have to say that her performance was really reversed for the current situation. Everything the Snake King did for her just now was in vain. Looking at the face of the Snake King, how ugly the assassin was. If it hadn't been for so many people, he would have pretended to be a king, otherwise it would have exploded.

"Yes, what's the difference between you stealing my things now and killing me? Living like this, I'm also a living dead person, not to mention that I haven't had much time..." Mo Xiaoran motioned Mo Yao to put her on the chair, and then took a deep breath, as if he had saved his heart and said it in one breath. Although he was still in such a weak tone, it sounded better than just now. Many, but after she finished speaking, she collapsed on the chair. If Mo Yao hadn't held her quickly, I'm afraid the woman would have fallen to the ground long ago. Originally, everyone thought that Mo Xiaoran was pretending to be like this, and wanted to teach the little princess a lesson, so as to give a lesson to the snake clan, but in the current situation, everyone began to affirm the authenticity of the matter. In the corner where no one noticed, several people quietly left.

"You pretend, you continue to pretend, and want everyone to pity you? You are really vicious!" The little princess Jiuran couldn't get used to Mo Xiaoran's sick and pitiful appearance, so she ran forward to Mo Xiaoran and pushed him rudely. At this time, Jiuran's speed was unusually fast, and she didn't even stand beside Mo Xiaoran to support her. After reacting, I only saw Mo Xiaoran spit out a mouthful of blood, which covered everyone's eyes in the whole room with blood mist. In an instant, the smell of blood filled...

At this moment, even Jiuran was stunned, and all the people were surprised to see such a sudden scene in front of them. They couldn't believe their eyes. In fact, it has to be said that Jiuran did confirm the suspicion in the hearts of everyone present. After all, such a powerful thing as Yuehen is not something that anyone wants to take away. It can be taken away, and now it seems that the reverse phagia after the disappearance of the moon mark is indeed very large. Otherwise, no matter how much a good person pretends to be sick, he can't get sick like this.

"Ha ha, do you believe it? ..." Mo Xiaoran slowed down for a while before he could barely cheer up. Then he looked up with a faint expression and looked up at the place where Jiuran was without focus. He said weakly. After saying that, he began to cough violently. While coughing, he slowly shed bright red blood from the corners of his mouth.

"Well, you also admit it. In fact, that thing is useless to you and will only bring you disaster." Mo Xiaoran still said faintly, and the seemingly smile at the corners of his mouth was always so ironic, as if he was sarcastic, as if he was satirizing the snake clan, and more like satirizing those ambitious people. In short, no one knows what this woman thinks at this moment.

After Mo Xiaoran finished speaking, his eyes slowly faded, and not long after he woke up, his whole body fell asleep again.

"Became back Xiaoyan..." The Fox King's eyes were full of sadness and said with difficulty. It seemed that he was very saddened by his current situation.

"Yes." Mo Yao answered, carefully picked up Mo Xiaoran and was ready to leave. At this moment, Mo Xie, who had disappeared for a long time, suddenly appeared and took Mo Xiaoran, who had been unconscious, and held him in his arms domineeringly. His face was extremely ugly and so sad. It can even be said that it is painful. At this moment, everyone finally knows that the cold-blooded prince, who is famous in the demon world, will also have an expression.

Mo Xie didn't say a word from beginning to end, but just looked down at Mo Xiaoyan, who had a dead face in his arms. He quietly ran through the crowd and walked out. When he walked to the door, Mo Xie suddenly stopped and said coldly, "Today's account, the next day will be settled!" She dies, you die!"

After saying this, Mo Xie went straight away, but those words completely shocked everyone present. The room was silent and did not make a sound for a long time.

"The Snake King came in a hurry and was very tired today. Jiaqiu prepared a few rooms for the Snake King to rest." After saying that, the Fox King also turned around and left. There was no change in this matter. This time, he was not saved, but confirmed the charge. Such a result annoyed the Snake King, and he had nothing to say when he looked at his daughter.

In the Qiancheng Hall, the Fox King sat alone on the top, and several other foxes stood below, staring at the Fox King closely, as if waiting for some answer.

"Father, what the hell is going on?" Moxi asked anxiously. Moxi felt that she would go crazy if she continued like this. Why did she change dramatically in the palace after she had just been out for a few days? The lively woman looked like she was dying in a blink of an eye. How could he accept this?

"Like you heard, the moonmark was stolen." After meditating for a long time, the Fox King said faintly, followed by a strong sigh, and his eyes also flashed with regret.

"Father, tell us the truth." Mo Yao looked at the Fox King and said lightly, his tone full of pleading.

"This is the answer. Believe it or not, if you really care about Xiao Ran, go and spend more with her..." After saying that, the fox king put down the cup in his hand, and then turned away, leaving an old back of some foxes, which made them feel very vicissitudes.

Time passed inadvertently, and all people didn't feel anything, but inadvertently found the vicissitudes left by time for them. This vicissitudes constantly remind them that time has passed. They were young, but it was just the past.

Each of us can't escape the pursuit of time. We are constantly abandoned and want to forget, but in the end, there is only the reality of vicissitudes and vague memories. In the end, we forgot what we had arrived at. Maybe we never got it.

Some foxes came out of the Qiancheng Hall with such a heavy face. Everyone didn't know how to speak, or they couldn't say it at all. They had been unwilling to bring up this topic.

Today's situation is also precarious for the fox clan. Their demonic foxes have completely disappeared from the former strength. At present, it is good that they can protect themselves, not to mention that they can protect the whole family. A large number of those elders have retreated or traveled around. Let's go, and it's hard to say that my eyes have not been dazzled by some benefits.

It turns out that those ambitious people in the whole demon world will still be afraid of the existence of the moon mark, and now the moon mark will also be stolen, so they will not hesitate. Now, the snake clan itself is insurable and will not care about this bunch of thankless things.

Although they still haven't believed the authenticity of the Fox King's words, they can't find any flaws. They can't explain why Mo Xiaoran, who has condensed so much energy, has become like this overnight? Moon scar was originally an ancient sacred object. How could it be stolen so easily? What is there that they don't know?

——*——————*————* - Dear friends, there will be another chapter later. It will be released at the end of the month~ Wow, recently, during the end of the semester, we have to review for class every day. We are very busy saying, please forgive us. Thank you very much for those who have been insisting on reading our articles. Holding is our motivation, and we will always work hard! Na na, recently, we have asked our relatives for collection and red tickets. The message said, na na, we haven't asked for it for so long. Do you feel sorry for us and give some red tickets and collections in your hands? Does it make us as excited as chicken blood? Hey hey, what's the whole thing~——*————*————*——