The best fox demon grabbing the concubine

098 one-sentence commitment

Time flies, and the years fly by. In the vast river of time, perhaps these ten days are just a drop in the sea and a grain in the desert. Just a blink of an eye has passed.

From here, Mo Xue had a concept of time for the first time. For the first time, he felt the passage of time. For the first time, he felt a sense of powerlessness. He wanted to try his best to seize the time of flying, but before he stretched out his hand, he suddenly found that it had stood on the finish line of victory. Ink blood hates this uncontrollable feeling, even more like the slow passage of time. Each of us is a collection of contradictions. We always hope for this and hope for that at the same time, and our hope is always at two extremes. We can't tell why. In fact, I don't know why in my subconscious, because we are a collection of contradictions.

Of course, even Mo Xue has been practicing in such an environment for thousands of years. After all, he once lived like a normal person, and then had love, flesh and blood. Perhaps, from that encounter, his life was no longer so ordinary. After all, that woman It has become an eternal wound in his heart, and he will live a lifetime. However, one day he finally made him wait, but she was a memoryless woman, but he still couldn't help approaching. The closer they are, the more they find that they have a lot in common, not just looking alike. He had long known that Qiyue would be cautious when choosing his heir, but he did not expect that this time he was an ordinary human being.

However, now it seems that this little girl has been well integrated with the moon scar, and I have to say that the moon scar is very suitable for this body. Although there will be some rejection reactions at the beginning of the fusion, compared with this little girl, such a reaction can be regarded as very light. What's more, in the past few days, the lotus in his lotus pool has almost been eaten by her. You know, that has been growing lotus since ancient times. It has absorbed the aura of heaven and earth for thousands of years, which is a good medicine for integrating moon scars. It is the best. He dares to say that he can't find such a lotus in the whole continent now. However, the heartless woman did not show any gratitude. Instead, she complained that she would give her these salty things and abuse her.

In the past few days, Mo Xue has been by Mo Xiaoran's side since beginning and end, not far away, which makes Mo Xiaoran, who has always been very curious, wonder. However, once Mo Xiaoran doubts, it is difficult to say what will happen.

One day, when Mo Xiaoran woke up, he found that Mo Xue sat not far away and looked at himself. When he saw him wake up, he quickly moved his eyes away. Mo Xiaoran felt that Mo Xue at this time was like a found peepeek. He looked very cute and completely subverted what the man gave her. The first impression, gentleness, maybe this is just an appearance, just like Mo Xie, whose essence belongs to the essence of evil. No matter how to hide it, it will reveal the tail of the fox.

"You are a fox, aren't you?" After opening his eyes, Mo Xiaoran sat up from the crystal coffin, and then blinked his eyes and asked the ink blood of nowhere. It seemed that such a question was very inadvertent, but it was reasonable.

"Hey, fox, why do you pretend to be silent? The fox's tail is exposed..." Mo Xiaoran looked at Mo Xue's awkward look and always wanted to tease this dark fox. And this fox was also very cooperative. When Mo Xiaoran finished saying that sentence, he quickly looked behind him, but when he saw that there was nothing behind him, he looked back and saw Mo Xiaoran's smiling face and immediately understood that he was deceived.

Mo Xue sighed secretly, and his expression was a little helpless. Oh, the two people really have a lot in common, even the same as the teasing. At that moment just now, Mo Xue actually felt that Qi Yue had returned, the smile like a flower, the agility of the corners of his eyebrows, and the lively temperament, sometimes recognized Really serious eyes, thinking about it, start to be stunned.

"Hey, little fox, do you want to put on such a happy expression in front of a less happy person? Isn't this the excitement of red fruit!" Mo Xiaoran jumped out of the crystal coffin all of a sudden. Of course, after jumping out, she did not forget to turn back and wipe it for fear of breaking it, because Mo Xiaoran knew that she could not afford it at all now. Even if she had money, there was no place to get this crystal coffin.

"I said my father-in-law, do you want to stimulate your wife like this? How dare you think of other women under your wife's eyes!" Mo Xiaoran walked over quickly. Before Mo Xue could react, he sat on Mo Xue's lap, put his hands around Mo Xue's neck, and said with charming eyes. Not to mention that he was really like a jealous little woman, such Mo Xiaoran directly made fun of Mo Xue, who was a little painful in meditation. .

"What do you want to ask?" Mo Xue stretched out his arms, circled Mo Xiaoran sitting on his lap in his arms, and said faintly. I don't know why, but it seems to be because of the moonmark, which makes Mo Xue feel unprecedented peace of mind and familiarity. Even Mo Xue wants to forget the agreement with Mo Xie's child and want to live together like this. And Mo Xiaoran suddenly calmed down, because Mo Xiaoran felt that this embrace was so familiar, as if it was the embrace she had been looking for thousands of years. The picture that seemed to be a dream always appeared in front of her eyes, with joy, sadness and sadness.

"Why didn't you finish the bloody jade chess game at the beginning?" Mo Xiaoran asked quietly, and his hairy little head leaned against the ink-blooded chest, listening to the powerful heartbeat sound, and suddenly felt so unreal at this moment.

"If it is possible in the future, can you finish it with me?" Mo Xue looked at the petite people in his arms and said faintly without answering Mo Xiaoran's topic, but Mo Xiaoran knew that this was the final answer.

Mo Xue knew at this moment that this woman knew everything, but she had never asked. She knew his identity, and she knew her in his heart. He knew that he always looked at her through her. She knew what he thought and smiled faintly. It turned out that she knew what she wanted to hide. No wonder such an ordinary little human girl with a delicate heart would be the object of Qiyue's choice. Such a heart cannot be possessed by anyone, nor can all people see it thoroughly. In such a few simple conversations, they reached an agreement and a consensus, which is also what Mo Xiaoran ultimately wants to achieve.

"Thank you, ink blood." Mo Xiaoran slowly stood up, stood in front of Mo Xue, showed the most real smile, and said seriously. At this moment, Mo Xue suddenly felt that Qiyue was back, and he couldn't help but get up and hold Mo Xiaoran in his arms, constantly muttering the name of the legendary woman who often appeared in Mo Xiaoran's ear.

"Qiyue...yue...yue" Mo Xue's heart hurt fiercely every time he said. The more he shouted, the more painful it was, but the more Mo Xue would shout, until his heart was numb with pain, until Mo Xue's face was full of tears, until Mo Xue finally accepted the reality, and until Mo Xue's heart died together. Mo Xiaoran knew that he didn't need to do anything by himself at this moment, as long as he accompanied the man quietly, because Mo Xiaoran knew that the man had endured feelings for too long and finally vented it.

People, that's how they are. They are constantly forbearing and suppressing their emotions. When they finally can't stand it one day, they will vent it. Although life is not long, it is hard. There are many things that we have no choice but to predict. There are many things that we have to admit that we are all losers in reality.

When the tenth day came, Mo Xue could already face it calmly, because the knot in his heart had been untied, so he was relieved and waited, and Mo Xue still decided to wait all the time, because he always believed in his heart that there would always be a way to make Qiyue again when the world is so big. When he came back, he firmly believed, and always believed...

The door of the mausoleum slowly opened again, and Mo Xie came in gracefully. The elegant brocade robe was covered with a thin layer of snow, surrounded by a cold breath. From this, it can be seen that the child has not left for ten days. Mo Xue smiled faintly. Indeed, this is the only way. Only those who can match the little girl.

"Master..." Mo Xie walked to the lotus pool and greeted Mo Xue, who was still meditating in the heart of the pool. Mo Xue opened his eyes and saw the hesitant Mo Xie. Suddenly, he felt a little funny, and even the expression on his face couldn't help softening.

"Hey, I said father-in-law, who is here?" At this moment, Mo Xiaoran's voice came out of the inner room crisply, but Mo Xiaoran's words made Mo Xie stunned. Mo Xiaoran came out and saw that Mo Xie's figure was also stunned, and even the lotus that had just been picked out in his hand fell to the ground. Mo Xiaoran saw how ugly and beautiful Mo Xie's face was. She had to say that she and Mo Xue had a good relationship these days, so she joked about it.

"Thank you, Master, I will take him away." After Mo Xie finished speaking, the wind came to Mo Xiaoran's side, hugged Mo Xiaoran in his arms, and left without stopping for a while. Mo Xue listened to the sound of the closing of the stone door, with a shallow and sad smile at the corners of his mouth. He came out of Chi Xin, stood at the place where Mo Xiaoran stood just now, and picked up the fallen lotus. I got up and ate it little by little, but I ate tears on my face.

They will meet again, because he already knew the promise he gave to Mo Xiaoran.

This is her robbery and his robbery.

For thousands of years, there has been no stability, so let's completely eliminate it.

It's just, Qiyue, is this what you want?