The best fox demon grabbing the concubine

130 The Death of Wine

"Princess, it's time to take medicine." Xiaoru pushed the door in with a bowl of familiar soup, stood by the bed and whispered to the little princess curled up in the corner.

"Get out of here - get out of here!" Jiuran, who was originally dull-faced, suddenly raised his head when he heard Xiaoru's words and saw the person. His eyes were disgusted and shouted that he had no longer looked like a princess, as if the woman in front of him was a shrew in the market. Her face was yellow, and purple marks on her body were everywhere, and her hair It's also messy and untidy.

Jiuran has been in this hut for more than a month. Even Jiuran himself can't remember exactly how long it has been. It seems that Mo Xie has never let Jiuran leave the house since the woman left the fox clan. At the beginning, even three meals a day were delivered by special people, but Mo Xie knew that the food delivered did not move, so he ordered that there was no need to deliver it. Yes, they are demons, and they won't starve to death even without food. Since then, no one has come to this small house, except Mo Xie.

Every time Mo Xie came, he would bring the dowry maid Xiaoru brought from the snake clan, so that Xiaoru could see her being humiliated by Mo Xie again and again. What this means for a princess, Jiuran is very clear.

"However, this is what the ninth prince ordered." Xiaoru looked at Jiuran curled up in ** with an embarrassed face and said slowly, but who knew that it would be better if she didn't mention Mo Xie. As long as she mentioned Mo Xie Jiuran, she would be crazy.

Jiuran didn't say a word. He quickly rushed to Xiaoru standing by the bed. After that, he pressed Xiaoru on the ground very accurately. He didn't know where Jiuran's strength came from. He kept waving his hands and hitting Xiaoru's body one by one. At this moment, there were screams in the room and begging for mercy. , the sound of saving lives, the sound of fists hitting the body, and the sound of things breaking around them kept coming out, which was a lot of excitement.

"Xiao Ru, I hate you." As Jiuran spoke, he casually picked up the fragments of the bowl of soup that had just fallen to the ground. He pinched Xiaoru's neck with one hand and inserted it fiercely into Xiaoru's neck. Suddenly, Xiaoru's neck was bleeding, dyeing Jiuran's already torn dress red and white. The snowy ground stained Jiuran's eyes, and Jiuran fell to one side and looked at Xiao Ru's face twisted because of pain, and those frightened eyes. Those eyes always looked at Jiuran sitting on one side. The smile at the corners of his mouth is like sarcasm and pity.

I don't know how long it took, Jiuran still sat there motionless, and the little Ru beside her had no breath, and finally looked at the direction of Jiuran without closing her eyes.

Blood is still flowing, as if it were a river with no end. The blood stained the whole room and dyed the wine world red. The wine looked at the blood in his hand in a daze, and the scene just now was replayed in his mind over and over again.

The room was filled with a strong smell of blood, which was disgusting. After a long time, the blood in the room had solidified, and Xiaoru's body also turned into a small snake, lying there stiffly and never moved again.

In the past few days, Jiuran has been thinking in such a small room. All the scenes are played in his mind over and over again. Every time he sees Jiuran, he understands something. After a month of continuous thinking, Jiuran has completely understood.

Ha, in fact, from beginning to end, he is just a pawn of Mo Xie. He can marry this man because he is useful to him, and that man can spoil himself because he can get something he needs from himself. When everything has been used up, When she has no value, it means that she will die alone in such a small room, and the man will cruelly put her to death when she loses value.

The man gave her hope, but finally pushed her into the endless abyss; the man gave her blood, but finally gave her soup; the man spoiled her, but finally just wanted to humiliate her.

Jiuran felt ridiculous for her original idea. She was so naive that time could change a person, but in the end it was only herself that changed; she was so naive that she could melt the ice on his body as long as she did enough, but it eventually melted. Her pride chilled her heart; she was so sure that she could get the happiness she wanted as long as she worked hard, but in the end she only got her own sadness.

She now finally understood why her father tried so hard to stop it, and why she understood the sad eyes of her mother before she married. It turned out that they all tried to stop it, but at that time, she was blinded by the happiness she thought was so suddenly. There is love after seeing father and mother.

I don't know when Jiuran will no longer cry, or Jiuran has dried his tears. No matter what kind of heartache will not flow out again. I don't know when, Jiuran will only have a bitter smile except for a bitter smile.

She asked for all this. She didn't have the right to blame anyone. She could only blame herself over and over again, and then told herself that she would continue to hate that man, but he didn't understand why she hated and hated her. The more you hate, the more difficult it will be to forget the man. The more you hate, the harder it will be to forget those injuries. The more you hate, the more reluctant you will feel to give up.

She wanted to find Mo Xiaoran and asked her to give her a way out to help her get out of here. However, before she could implement this idea, Mo Xiaoran had left the fox clan, and she was also under house arrest in this small room, and all the original ideas had become a bubble.

When the color turned black, Jiuran's eyes returned to their original focus. They looked around and looked at their bodies, slowly stood up, took off their blood-stained clothes, and then walked to the front of the cabinet and married their fiery red clothes one after another. She put it on, with a faint smile on the corners of her mouth, as if she had returned to the moment of marriage, and her eyes glowed with a different color. That was the longing for future life, the desire for happiness, and the excitement of this moment.

Then, Jiuran ignored the strong smell of blood and the mess in the room, and walked to the dressing table that had not been used for a long time and sat down elegantly. He took out the ivory comb he used to use in snakes to put the messy hair. After straightening out, and then, he tried to recall the way his mother combed his hair when he got married. Fortunately, at this moment, his memory is very good. Every step and every procedure are clearly remembered. In less than a quarter of an hour, he has never combed his head like this. A blue silk was coiled up, and then he found the phoenix crown used for marriage at that time and wore it steadily on his head. Then, after Jiuran finished his hair, he picked up the large box of rouge that his mother gave herself and began to decorate it until he was satisfied.

Jiu Ran looked at himself in the bronze mirror and smiled faintly. It turned out that he could also be so elegant. How long has it been since he looked at himself so well? Maybe in the end, he even forgot that he was a beauty.

"Mother, I'm leaving." Jiuran seemed to really return to the moment of marriage, with a bright light on his face, and his eyes looked at the front and whispered.

"Mother, I will be happy." Jiuran bent the corners of her mouth and said happily, and then walked forward step by step. She was so happy when applying. However, why didn't she see the endless abyss hidden under the original sugar coating at the beginning? She fell into it and couldn't think of it unless she died.

Jiuran opened the door like that and came out for the first time more than a month later. I don't know why. The little girl sent by Mo Xie to monitor the door was not guarding the door today. Let Jiuran run out like this. Maybe it was the tragic fate of such a woman. That's why she is given such freedom.

The wine just walked like that, without stopping, and kept walking, as if there was no end to this road.

The pace is slow, the body is light, the eyes are confused, and the corners of the mouth smile faintly. Anyone can't help watching it carefully, but at this moment, there is no one else here except Jiuran.

When Jiuran walked out of the shadow of the house and his whole body was exposed to the enchanting red light of the blood moon, he suddenly felt a burst of heartache, which was so heartbreaking. The pain seemed to tear her whole body apart. Jiuran covered his heart with his hand and gasped heavily. , trying to appease the pain in his heart, but Jiuran found that the pain became more and more painful as the snow moon continued to rise.

Finally, Jiuran only felt the darkness in front of him and fell to the ground. His eyes were always looking at the blood moon doubtfully, and his body kept disappearing. Then, suddenly a flash appeared, and Jiuran's body condensed into a transparent bead. Soon after, the bead seemed to be spiritual. Flying away, only the wedding dress and phoenix crown were left to shine in the light of the blood moon.


Alas, dear friends, a fish is really out of state tonight. Originally, I thought very well about this plot, but I don't know why I can't write it tonight. Let's just watch it first. When one day a fish feels it, we will revise this chapter well. We're going to collapse.