The best princess

Chapter 26 Accidental and False

"Did the prince tell the truth?" With the loud voice, a man walked in from the door of the hall. He was about fifty years old, and his hair was a little gray, but he could not hide his king's temperament in the world. Fu Youran almost immediately confirmed the identity of the arrival.

I believe that there is only one person who can be so thorough in the Dajin Dynasty - the shoes are yellow, the clothes are yellow, the golden crown on the head is yellow, and even the eyebrows are a little yellow...

As soon as the queen saw the person coming, she pulled Fu Youran to get up and rushed to the door of the temple. She leaned down and knelt down. "My concubine greets the emperor."

Sure enough, Fu Youran secretly admired his "good" eyesight. In less than half an hour, he had seen all the most famous people in the palace. When he went back, he must tell Lin Xiyue and be jealous of that stinky girl.

However, everything in the palace is good, but it's troublesome to kneel up and down. Well, I knelt down again, "I see my father."

"Get up." A deep and majestic voice sounded above his head. Fu Youran was not polite. He immediately got up, but was kicked down by the queen. The queen said, "Your Majesty, Yi'er knew that he had made a big mistake by leaving the palace without permission, and he was about to make amends to the emperor."

Emperor Zhaotai did not deny the queen's words. He walked into the main seat of the hall and waited for the maid of honor to hold the fragrant tea. Emperor Zhaotai took a sip. Then he seemed to say inadvertently, "What the prince just said is true?"

"Your Majesty!" The queen stepped forward nervously. Emperor Zhaotai glanced at the queen and said in a slightly lowered voice, "I'm talking to the prince."

The queen still wanted to open her mouth, and Fu Youran said easily, "Can I still lie to my mother?"


Ignoring the queen's screams, Emperor Zhaotai said with great interest, "Oh? Do you really give up the position of your son?"

This made Fu Youran stunned, huh? The nature of the event seems to have changed? She was originally defending the glorious image of her idol, and comforting the queen that if there is such a day, don't be too sad. Why does she listen to the emperor now? It seems that there is an immediate decree to abolish the prince?

From being forced to give way to taking the initiative to give way, Lao Qi... Shouldn't he thank himself? And he doesn't seem to have the right to make a decision for Lao Qi that affects his life. After being embarrassed for a long time, Fu Youran decided to risk it. Now, isn't it more like "His Royal Highness" a capricious villain?

"Being an emperor can't bring a better life to the people. It's better not to do it, but..."

Emperor Zhaotai's eyes narrowed slightly, "But?"

"But you must make this decision early."


"The earlier the decision is made, the more conducive to the unity and stability of the country. Isn't it because the affairs of the prince were messed up in the state of the state of Chu? As a result, one did not accept it and two were not angry, which caused chaos and the national strength declined?"

After saying these words, Fu Youran kept comforting himself in his heart that it was none of his business. He just conveyed the voice of the people. Even without her, the emperor would still make a decision. If the prince was really abolished in the future, it would not be caused by what Fu Youran said today, Amitabha Buddha.

Listening to this remark, the queen was already so angry that she couldn't say a word. She raised her hand with a pale face and wanted to teach the crazy son a lesson, but Emperor Zhaotai laughed loudly after a brief dis astonishment.

"Queen, our son is much more reasonable than you."

The queen was so angry that her face turned pale and said proudly, "The prince is the foundation of the country. How can he abolish it at will? If the emperor really makes such a decision, I will definitely admonish him with death!"

Fu Youran listened to the queen's vows to die, swallowed her saliva with difficulty, and the seriousness of the incident escalated again. Fu Youran swore that this was by no means her original intention. If the queen really had something wrong with this, even if she reads "Amitabha Buddha" until she died, she could not get

"Queen." Emperor Zhaotai waved his hand to wait for the queen to pull her back and forth to sit down, and said in a low voice, "You have always been so unyielding. Do you know that it is because you have made decisions for the prince everywhere that the prince has developed such a gentle and cowardly character over the years?"

Huh? Objection! Lao Qi swallowed a little, but this cowardice didn't tell. Have you ever seen a cowardly man calmly come up with a good idea to rob himself against the mountain thief? No, right?

Of course, Fu Youran just thought about the above words. He didn't dare to jump up for Qi Yibei. The queen was so excited that her lips couldn't help trembling. "Yi'er is still young. Naturally, she can't make her own decisions about some things."

"He is 20 years old this year. When he is appointed as the imperial concubine, he will officially participate in politics. How long do you want to protect him?"


"Recently, the remarks in the court are very unfavorable to the prince, and some ministers even persuade me to make a decision early before the prince participates in politics."


"The queen should be clear in her heart." Emperor Zhaotai stood up and walked to Fu Youran, who was still kneeling in the hall. "I've thought about it."

"Your Majesty." The queen rushed to the emperor of Zhaotai and knelt down on her knees and cried, "It's my fault. Please give Yi'er another chance..."

Emperor Zhaotai picked up the queen, "If I don't hear the dialogue between your mother and son today, I really have to think about it carefully."

The queen's expression was confused. Emperor Zhaotai picked up Fu Youran again, and his eyes were full of relief. "The prince, who puts the people of the country first, must be a good king in the future. The prince can realize that the stability of the country is more important than the personal honor and loss, which is very comforted by me."

The queen's gray face gradually had a little vitality. Fu Youran was scared by the moment just now and did not dare to make any more comments. Emperor Zhaotai seemed very happy, but he complained to the queen: "It's all you. Over the years, you have protected the prince too much, giving people the impression that the prince is incompetent After a circle, I realized this truth. For the general thought of the country, I was humble and benevolent to my brother, which was quite the style of the emperor's father in those years.

The queen has now completely got rid of the gray life just now. She nodded with great joy, "Yes, it's all my concubine's fault."

Emperor Zhaotai snorted softly, "It's good to know that the mother of a country incites the prince to discord with his brother, which really doesn't let me worry."

"My concubine is just in a hurry..."

"Okay," Emperor Zhaotai interrupted the queen, "In August, the prince wants to register a concubine, and the choice of the crown princess must be carefully considered. I am secretly shocked to see Ye Qing's daughter. How can she be the mother of a country in the future? What a nonsense!"

The queen was speechless for a moment, and Emperor Zhaotai said, "In a word, let's consider the meaning of the prince first."

"I understand."

"Well, the prince has just returned to the palace, so talk to the queen more." After saying that, Emperor Zhaotai wanted to leave, and the queen quickly said, "Your Majesty, about Yi'er leaving the palace..."

"How dare you mention it? Didn't you force him to leave the palace? Emperor Zhaotai's eyes stared, "If you want me to marry such a woman, I will also leave the palace!"

If the prince is young, he is also competitive, but as he gets older, he becomes more and more mediocre. Of course, Emperor Zhaotai will not feel that there is something wrong with his genetics. He believes that it is the queen's favor that makes the prince do not know how to make progress. But even so, Emperor Zhaotai still loves After the imperial concubine officially participates in politics, he will get rid of the influence brought by the queen, but who knows that the prince left the palace privately at a critical moment before the imperial concubine's ceremony. How can this make him not angry? This time, I came to Zihuai Palace to ask for sins, but I had no objection to hear the dialogue, which made Emperor Zhaotai's heart begin to shake and stabilize. As a king, it is important to make overall plans for the world. The prince who said those words undoubtedly has this potential.

After sending off Emperor Zhaotai, the queen hugged Fu Youran happily, "Yi'er, you just scared your mother. The queen never thought that this is your plan to retreat."

Ha, what else can Fu Youran say now?

What a dog P public opinion representative! Who is the future lord of the Jin Dynasty and what does it have to do with her? She just waits to get married in a beautiful body. What's the message of the people? I'm really full! Anyway, if the emperor really abolishes the prince today, it will be lucky for Lao Qi not to kill her. Who will take care of her future daughter's dowry? Idols are important, but they are far from important enough to cover their own interests. Fortunately, things are not too bad now. In the future, she only needs to control her mouth and keep her dowry. Don't be a messenger of justice anymore.

"How did Yi'er know that the emperor was coming, so she said that?"


"Yi'er's move is really smart. It not only makes your father make a big change for you, but also eliminates the fault of Yi'er's private departure from the palace this time..." The excited queen did not find her son's embarrassed expression at all, "Yi'er, don't worry, the mother will not force you It's settled."

In addition to laughing and nodding, Fu Youran didn't know what else she could do. As soon as she entered the palace, she almost caused a big disaster. Thinking that it would be the emperor's birthday in another ten days, Fu Youran's head hurt again. She even began to miss Qi Yibei. After hesitating for a long time Girl, can you... pick them in?"

"Girl? What's your identity?

Identity? Lao Qi made up an identity, what is the teacher's adopted daughter, but the key is "what" teacher? If you say it yourself, isn't it troublesome for the queen to ask? And Lin Xiyue, her identity as a mountain thief is 100% pure, and she can't see the light at all.

Seeing that Fu Youran was in a dilemma, the queen smiled clearly, "Now that the imperial concubine's election is approaching, it is not easy for Yi'er to take a concubine. Besides, she is still the daughter of a commoner. If Yi'er really likes it, it's better to wait until the imperial concubine,

After the concubine? The cauliflower is cold. It seems that you can't rely on others. Find your own way.

"Mother will think about it for you." The queen patted Fu Youran on the shoulder, "After walking for so many days, you must be tired. Go back to the palace early to rest."

"Uh... the child will stay with his mother for a while."

The queen smiled lovingly, "No, go back quickly."

"I..." How on earth do I go back! It's hard to say that you don't know the way, right? Looking at the queen's doubtful eyes, Fu Youran scratched his head. Sooner or later, he would die! At the moment, he crossed his heart and held his fist with both hands: "The child is leaving!" After saying that, he shook the hem of his clothes and strode out of the hall.