The best immortal cultivation: immortals walk in the city

Chapter 60: Late Condensation

Qian Xiaofeng saw that Zhu'er had lost his calmness. He stood up and hurriedly stopped Zhu'er. He comforted and said quickly, "Zhu'er, Zhu'er, don't worry. Brother Huzi is still breathing. Listen to it, listen to it!" After saying that, he held Zhu'er's weak little hand and leaned towards the outback of the tiger's nose.

Xia Feng's face was pale and he sat on the sofa. In the Dantian, Xianli didn't even have a spark. The divine consciousness has been overdrawn to the point where he has a headache to death. Xia Feng felt his lack of fairy power. He hurriedly meditated cross-legged, and his mind was ethereal to absorb the seemingly non-existent spiritual power around him and filled his Dantian.

"Little girl, call a board? Don't talk, let me be quiet for a while." Just as Zhu'er's tears slipped down, her delicate body trembled. When the jade hand was about to touch the proud tiger who closed his eyes and fell on the sofa, the outback suddenly scolded, scared Zhu'er's hand to shrink and her body trembled, but it turned from sorrow to joy. His face was full of excitement, erased his tears, and sat next to him quietly looking at the two. Individual.

"Really... How can I not trust Doctor Xia? He is a doctor who is better than his master.

"Where on earth did he learn his medical skills? That's a dead hole. According to it, if a dead hole is stabbed, he will definitely die... He is so mysterious.

"Alas... I'm really sorry for him. Do you want to say modesty?" Zhu'er blushed and thought nonsense. Thinking of her impatient appearance just now, she wanted to slap her big mouths. In an instant, she began to hesitate, and wondered why Xia Feng stabbed her brother's death, but on the contrary, she was more lively?

In fact, just now, when Xia Feng pierced the silver needle into the dead hole of the arrogant tiger, Xianli jumped into the dead hole, because the acupuncture point of the dead point was strange, and it seemed that it would never die if others stabbed! But Xia Feng is different, with the support of immortal power. For the tiger, there are only benefits and no disadvantages. In particular, this fairy power can have a stronger effect on the body recovery of the tiger in the acupuncture point of the dead hole.

At this time, Xia Feng was cross-legged on the sofa and meditated on a white face to restore his immortality.

And the arrogant tiger next to him is the upper body**, with his arms on the sofa full of enjoyment, as if he felt some strong and powerful power! The dry red on the out tiger's body is gradually fading, and the muscles of the dragon on his body are also shining with bronze luster.

"Wow..." After a long time, Outback slowly opened his eyes and waved his right arm. After feeling the surging power again, he couldn't help smiling comfortably and didn't disturb Xia Feng. After putting on his clothes silently, Aohu glanced at Zhu'er's rope and said, "I'm impatient, like a boy, like a girl there. Question mark Pay attention to what I say in the future! Otherwise, even if I'm your brother, I'll spank you!" When he said that, when he saw Xia Feng meditating, he didn't dare to disturb him, but looked at Xia Feng with solemn eyes.

What is the origin of this young man? Why did he find all his 20 years of experience in the military's transfer, but there was no information about his medical skills? Moreover, this medical skill is very superb. Today, the hand of the silver needle is even more shocking in the heart of the Outback! The outback asked himself that if he was attacked so fiercely by Xia Feng, he would be seriously injured if he didn't die.

So the mystery of the summer wind has aroused the interest of the Outback! Since Xia Feng has carefully cured his illness, the outback is not a white-eyed wolf. He understands that Xia Feng sincerely has a brother with him, and he can't cold his brother's heart, can he? Thinking of this, Outback began to plan how to repay his brother.

Did you shovel Xiao's family? Give your brother some money? Give him a position? The proud tiger's pupils flashed, but this time the dry breeze was quiet but also difficult to say. He hesitated, "Brother me a favor."

Aohu asked, "What are you doing?"

Qian Xiaofeng's face was full of embarrassment. Finally, he squeezed his lips and said carefully, "My grandfather is now sick, and Uncle Li Ting can't be cured. Can you help me invite Brother Xia Feng to treat me?" Naturally, Qian Xiaofeng's grandfather is not someone else, but the first head of North China! People who really stand on the top floor in North China.

Ouhu was surprised and asked curiously, "Why don't you say it yourself?"

Qian Xiaofeng was even more embarrassed. The man who was still talking frank at this time lowered his head and pulled his hand. He was embarrassed and said, "I offended Brother Xia Feng when I first met him today... Now I'm going to ask him for help, right? After all, it seems now that Xia Feng's medical skills are definitely the first in North China!" When he said it, Qian Xiaofeng's little face was full of embarrassment.


I don't know how long it took. Xia Feng's mind was closed, the six senses were completely locked, and he was absorbed in the thin and seemingly non-existent spiritual power of the earth.

When Xia Feng woke up, the fairy power in Xia Feng Dantian finally had a faintly formed a mini tornado. Xia Feng opened the star's eyes, and a flash of light flashed in the star's eyes, and then the divine consciousness suddenly dispersed within 70 meters. Xia Feng found that it was already dawn at this time!

And there is no fourth person in the living room except the summer breeze and Gulan and the Gulan mother in the bedroom. Xia Feng didn't know how long he had been meditating. After checking his watch, he found out. I have been refining my immortal power for eight hours, and it's now five o'clock in the morning!!

And the 70-meter divine consciousness was also found. In the left and right two rooms next to this room, Chen Nian, the four beautiful women, Tian Xiangxiang, Jin Suirong and Zhuer, were squeezed in one room, Aohu, Qian Xiaofeng, and the two men squeezed in the same room.

But Gu Lan held a pillow and lay beside Xia Feng. He fell asleep quietly. Xia Feng smiled bitterly, and then stood up and loosened his muscles and bones.

After a while of crackling sound, Xia Feng felt his surging power. Now Xia Feng's cultivation has reached the peak of the middle stage of condensation. He only needs to break the layer of window paper and take a step to reach the later stage of condensation! It seems that the condensation is very simple in the later stage, but for Xia Feng, it is really like a sky.

If you enter the later stage of meditation alone, Xia Feng absolutely believes that it will take at least three months to break through this layer of window paper, so Xia Feng is now eager to get immortal power! Xia Feng glanced at the sleeping Gulan lying on the sofa. Gulan was so beautiful at this time.

Wearing brown upper body plush pajamas, the hair is scattered on his shoulders. The brown pajamas are firmly supported. Under the pajamas are two slender ** like blow-up mutton fat cream. Even when Guran is breathing, there is a faint and attractive smell of vanilla all over his body.

Xia Feng felt that his throat was a little dry, and even some places were ready to move. Looking at this sleeping beauty, especially the long eyebrows and the narrow phoenix eyes, made Xia Feng feel the throbbing for a while, whether it was the desire of fairy power or the desire. In terms of longing, the summer wind is urgently needed.

Under Gulan's deep sleep, Xia Feng gently leaned towards Gulan. Looking at Gulan's delicate red lips, Xia Feng couldn't help feeling that he was hot all over his body and couldn't help but want to kiss the fragrance.

Just when the heavy gasp of the summer wind came to Gulan, he was ready to taste the bright red lips that countless men dreamed of touching...

Xia Feng's thick nose woke up the sleeping Gulan! Gu Lan's awakening naturally caused Xia Feng's chaos. When Gu Lan opened his eyes, he suddenly saw Xia Feng coming towards him, especially a pair of lips leaving only a trace of his delicate red lips.

The conditioned reflex of Gulan first dodged, screamed, and punched Xia Feng's eye. Poor Xia Feng was hit by this punch. Because he was unprepared, the strength of this punch was enough for Xia Feng to eat. Xia Feng squatted on the ground and rubbed his eyes in pain, and Gulan was also from there at this time. I woke up in anger.

In Gu Lan's mind, all his thoughts were confused, and an idea echoed in his mind: "Is Xia Feng going to kiss me? Does he want to kiss me? The more I think about it, the more bad Gu Lan's brain is. Although Gu Lan is familiar with countless island love action movies, he is still a virgin, so he is still a little scared all of a sudden.

"Damn it, it's just a kiss. Why are you so excited?" Xia Feng squatted on the ground, rubbed his eyes desperately, and shouted in pain. In fact, it didn't hurt much, but Xia Feng was afraid that he would stand up and be punched. It's better to pretend and wait for her to subsise.

Gu Lan's face gradually changed from panic to calmness, and a few strange lights flashed in the charming eyes of the phoenix, especially the demeanor and personality charm of today's summer wind. Gu Lan had a feeling of being convinced... And Gu Lan was thinking in his heart at this time... If he wanted to kiss, just let him kiss, anyway..., on the contrary Right... I don't suffer losses!

It's him who suffers!

And... Gulan remembered that when Xia Feng saved his mother, he was ready to give his chastity to Xia Feng. Now how can such a big oolong not be embarrassing?

"I'm sorry...are you all right?" Gu Lan lowered his head and said in a low voice, full of guilt, but then his eyes gradually became firm, and he asked softly, "Xia Feng... Do you really want to?"

Xia Feng squatted on the ground and was stunned. I was rude to her, and she still apologized to me? Isn't the head funny? However, when he heard the following sentence, Xia Feng's head roared, and in an instant, he began to think nonsense. Xia Feng swallowed his saliva and muttered, "I want to..." After saying that, his eyes showed a hot look, but he smiled sadly. How could it be?

A charming and arrogant woman like Gulan will not look up to such a down-and-out dandy who has nothing. Thinking of this, Xia Feng stood up and decided to quickly restore his cultivation. As long as his cultivation only needs to restore the early baby period, what can Xia Feng control the earth?

In a flick of a finger, cover the sky and the sun, destroy the sky and the earth!

"Then... I'll give it to you!" Just as Xia Feng stood up and was about to turn around, Gu Lan said in a low voice, and then slowly untied his brown plush pajamas. In Xia Feng's heart trembled, the plush pajamas slid to the ground, revealing the exquisite body...