The best immortal cultivation: immortals walk in the city

Chapter 185: Sweep on

Zhang Jing and Chen Zhixiang were tortured. When they were first interrogated, they were first copied to the warm porcelain. That thing will make your life worse than death after being copied. You can't squat or stand. The height was just right, and I was tortured first.

The two of them also understood that they had fallen, and the dandy's character showed a constant shouting, thinking about ** identity. They are not like the summer wind. Who knows, that bird is this. The police who arrested them have judged them as international criminals. After all, it was the deputy bureau who personally guided the assault. It was a great achievement to solve the case.

The two did not cooperate. The person who originally wanted to scare the interrogation was also provoked by the two. Press a dictionary on the two people's chests and smash the hammer head rudely. Then he pressed his hands into the washpan and filled the water and electricity stick to open it, but the two of them suffered a lot.

Although he was injured, except for the big palm marks on his face, even if the forensic doctor came to check, he could not find any scars.

This is a common method of censorship, and neither of them has ever suffered such a crime in their lives. Chen Zhixiang was calm, but there was still a little fear in his eyes. It seemed that he was very scared just now that he had not recovered.

Chen Douyuan stood aside and was very embarrassed. The person who could be with Major Xia was by no means an idle person. Maybe it's a deep * dandy. He said it well. After saying that, he hurriedly waved his hand. First, he comforted the two of them in a smile. The two didn't know who Chen Douyuan was standing side by side with Xia Feng. It was a good greeting.

When Chen Douyuan knew that it was the right situation, and Liu Zhongzhong was also imprisoned now. And patted the chest to guarantee, absolutely make up for the mental and physical damage suffered by the two people, and promised a lot of things, and the two of them woke up from the thrill.

"Feng... Brother Feng, what are you going to do in such a big battle?" Zhang Jing saw the all-in-one armed police officers, carrying a QBZ-95 automatic rifle on his shoulder, and the large searchlight of the police station had also been turned on. Zhang Jing was naturally shocked.

Chen Zhixiang smiled and said, "Ha ha, look for a place." After saying that, he shook his head and smiled bitterly and said, "Brother Feng, you go. Remember to count my hatred. I'll find a hotel for a night first. I have never suffered such a great crime in my life.

"Well, you can go to bed first." Xia Feng nodded, patted Zhang Jing on the shoulder, and said flatly, "If you recognize me as a brother, I can't let you be bullied." Then he looked at Gao Qiang and said a few words with a straight face. After Gao Qiang meditated for a while, he said in a low voice, "Brother Ao said it. It's up to you. However, this action is a little exaggerated. It's better to get evidence during the action, otherwise it's not easy to explain.

"I understand." Xia Feng sneered and said, "If he catches Jiang Hei's face, he will obediently tell the crime he has committed." After saying that, Xia Feng sneered at the corners of his mouth, took out a cigarette from his arms, and slowly lighted it. Gao Qiang was not in the ink. He immediately told the major beside him to say something. Chen Douyuan also arranged his subordinates and asked Chen Zhixiang to find a hotel to rest first and do everything well. And Chen Douyuan arranged a full six police cars to use them when they were arrested later.

This nondescript guy with hooliganism, not anyone else! It is the "A Liang" who has turned the grass chicken into a meat chicken!

Today, A Liang was appointed as the deputy captain by Wu Laowu, which was also a little powerful. In a few hours, someone came to lick A Liang's toes as his little brother. Now A Liang is still excited.

A Liang heard from his subordinates that there seemed to be a big guest coming, so he came out in a hurry. However, as soon as I walked out of the door, I saw the truck dedicated to the armed police from afar. The truck didn't have time to react, and the police cars behind came galloping with a roar. Such a big battle was instantly dumbfounded and his brain rang.

Who knew that after the truck drove to the door of the nightclub, no matter anyone, the officers and soldiers carrying Type 95 automatic rifles jumped down rudely. These people didn't have time to react. The armed policeman who jumped out of the car first picked up the butt of the gun and hit the head of the two security guards fiercely and shouted, "Squat down, hold your head, don't move!"

With such a loud shout, A Liang completely woke up and shouted in shock: "Oh, my God..."

Some people around who were ready to come to the nightclub for recreation suddenly stopped and looked from afar.

Several police cars also stopped at the door with sirens. The door was opened at the same time, and the jeep was even more rude and roaring. Some of them shouted, "No one can stop them. We come to find the 'Jiang black face' of the underworld drug trafficking and arms smuggling. Those who block it all think that their accomplices should not disturb the people. When you threaten your life, you are allowed to shoot!"

Such a roar, with the unique siren sound, immediately became an uproar. Such a battle can only be seen during the annual large-scale crackdown. Only the security guard at the door was hit to the ground, and the police officer behind him came up and copied it without saying a word.

Then more than 30 people rushed inside neatly. The lost A Liang kept shouting that something had happened. Some nightclub security guards who didn't understand the reason thought that someone had come to grab the field and smashed the field. Everyone came out with an iron bar in their hands to fight, and they kept shouting.

But when they met a group of officers and soldiers with live ammunition, they stopped one by one, and a basin of cold water was poured on their heads, which was completely embarrassing. He looked back desperately. Who knew who it was? He hit the chandelier on the side fiercely. The sparks splashed and shouted angrily, "All stand up, hold your head, and squat down."

This gunshot, with the unquestionable words, is like a fairy.

Except for a few guys who had run to the corner of the corridor and ran away disobedient.

The rest of the people basically stopped, squatted down and hugged their heads with various conditioned reflexes, and the stick in their hands was thrown aside, and they did not dare to be presumptuous at all.

The police behind him made up and immediately kicked all these people into a room, and the handcuffs were not enough, so they left a few people to guard these people, and kept moving towards the inside. Every time they entered a box, they kicked open the box door fiercely to check everything.

Anyone who finds that commits an illegal incident is even more rude to arrest him first. This is a raid and sweep!