The best immortal cultivation: immortals walk in the city

Chapter 279: Defeat the God of Gamblers

The security guard has pulled a cordon around the surrounding area, and the bright lights are extremely shining. Hundreds of people onlookers are holding their heads high, and the people in front of them want to see the scene inside.

No less than seven security guards, holding batons in their hands, do not allow anyone to approach within three meters.

At this time, the two young people were crowding the security guard, who was cold and could drop the ice and raised his baton as a warning. Someone took the lead and attracted a lot of attention. At least the silver-haired old man's eyes also followed. After seeing who the crowded man was, he was slightly stunned.

"Please go back. No one else is allowed to intervene in this gamble..." The security guard immediately said a warning coldly.

The silver-haired old man was stunned, but suddenly waved his hand and said, "Let that young man in. Yes, it's him. Let him come in!"

When the words sounded, even the security guard was stunned, and then before he could react, the figure squeezed into the warning line. When Chen Zhixiang was also going to take advantage of the loophole to squeeze in, the security guard reacted and blocked Chen Zhixiang outside.

"Why can't we go in if he can?"

"That's right, isn't our worth as much as this young man?"

"What are you doing at Jinyuan Casino? What's wrong? We don't even have the right to sit down and gamble?

"This young man looks so familiar."

** sounded in the crowd for a while, and the angry merchants began to blame each other. It is an honor for them to be able to participate in this level of gambling. Now he is blocked outside, but a young man who seems to be less than 20 years old has been put in, making their faces a little hot.

For this, the silver-haired old man stood up and said with a smile, "This gamble is not a matter of value. It's the problem of gambling. If you are present and think that gambling can be compared with my 'nine beacons', please come in. The minimum chip is 200 million!"

One sentence made countless people dumb. The crowd peeping at each other didn't know what to say. The people present were full of eyes.

The people present know who this 'Jiufeng' is.

Hong Kong gambler, who has been exposed to gambling at the age of nine, has lost a few times so far. The most important thing is that this Jiufeng has a great status. In the Jinyuan Casino in Shanhai City, the biggest person is not the so-called manager, but him!

Who dares to answer other people's words?

What surprises these people most is the meaning of this sentence.

May I ask, can only those who are compared with him come in? What is the moral meaning of this sentence? Who on earth is this young man who can sit on a table with Jiufeng? In a moment, the attractive eyes became more and more. Xia Feng also smiled, sat in his seat rudely, threw his 300 million chips on the table and said with a smile, "Such a little chip, I'm just here to play. Don't keep an eye on me all the time?"

Xia Feng smiled, and the eyes around him were almost all focused on him.

Rao was the original communicative Hua Jiangjie, and his green onion fingers knocked on the table fiercely. His pupils trembled unimperceptiblely, and he stared at the summer wind when he sat down.

"Summer Wind???"

Four voices sounded at the same time at this moment, and Qu Ye stared at the young man who sat down. His face was like fire. He lost so hard today, and his face was lost, which naturally made him feel ashamed.

The sudden appearance of Xia Feng made him even more ashamed.

The rest of the voices must be Jiang Jie, Xia Yuli and Li Ming.

Especially Xia Yuli and Li Ming, the two of them stared at the young man with a faint smile at the corners of their mouth, and their brains roared and went blank. The moment the signature smile was exposed, the two people were completely hit by the brain.

Xia Yuli and Li Ming are already stupid.

Is the summer breeze also here? How could he be here? This young man who once made them regret and reversed the whole Xia family for a lifetime ignored the family last time. The sudden arrival caught them off guard.

It was this young man who covered the sky with one hand and changed the original pattern of the Yanjing family, which had been fixed for a hundred years.

Those who obey others will prosper, and those who rebel against others will die.

In casual time, the deep-rooted Xiao and Chen families were destroyed. For Xia Feng, Xia Yuli and Li Ming both have a regretful idea that they want to pinch themselves to death. If they had succeeded in standing in the team at the beginning, how could the leading family of Yanjing be an ancient family now?

The ancient family in the district, at the beginning, just chose to stand behind Xia Feng, and transformed into the leading family of Yanjing overnight.

So powerful, why don't they regret it?

After seeing Xia Feng again, Xia Yuli and Li Ming looked almost the same. His lips trembled and stared at Xia Feng. I was about to cry when the two of them were staring at the summer breeze. Isn't Qu Ye right?

Qu Ye had a dry throat and said with a wry smile, "Don't tell me that you are still proficient in gambling."

"No, I can't play. It's just a little better luck." Xia Feng smiled and waved his hand and said, and then sat next to Qu Ye.

His eyes unconsciously glanced in front of the Xia family, and his eyes were three points of displeasure, and he was finally relieved.

It's been so long. At least it's the direct relative of "Xia Feng" at the beginning. If you really abandon it, it's really a little uncomfortable.

Xia Feng patiently asked Xia Yuli, "How much did he lose?" It's okay not to mention it. It's full of tears. Looking back on my hundreds of millions, I was blown off in the blink of an eye, and I was heartbroken.

Li Ming helped his gold glasses frame and said in a trembling voice: "500 million..."


The moment the word 500 million appeared, not to mention the summer wind. The people around them were silent for a while. Someone actually lost 500 million in Jinyuan Casino? Although the people present were all rich. But it has not reached the level of treating 500 million as 100 yuan, so everyone's eyes gradually turned into horror.

Xia Feng touched his nose and sneered, "Why didn't you see Xia Shouruan?"

"The second brother... is separated from us, as if he went to Tibet... to be an ascetic monk." Xia Yuli lowered his head and preached dryly.

Since the Xia family lost power in Yanjing last time, it has been depressed ever since. Although all the business has been restored, the Gu family has not suppressed it. The whole Xia family was very noisy. The sales staff below all deviated, and the huge family collapsed.

In the end, the three brothers turned into two rows and sold the originally valuable Xia family for only one billion...

One billion is enough for a person to live a lifetime. Xia Yuli and Li Ming have really had a good time these days. They spend a lot of money every day, which is very moist.

But today, all the money was completely lost on the table, so it was so gloomy.

After understanding the cause and effect of the matter, Xia Feng's face gradually got better, but he was still extremely gloomy. There is some anger burning in my heart. Fortunately, I have enough reason to suppress it. The people around are already impatient. Everyone began to shout.

"Why do you talk so much nonsense? Why don't you start the comparison? Damn, I'm here to see you gamble, not to watch you chat.

Jiufeng narrowed his eyes slightly and asked with a sly smile, "Little brother, your name is Xia Feng? I remember that when Master Tang got on the boat, there seemed to be a sworn enemy named Xia Feng. Isn't it you? After saying that, Jiufeng leaned slightly to the back.

"Don't talk nonsense, the dealer will issue the card." Xia Feng is not interested in talking nonsense with the other party.

He came here to make money. If he was in a good mood, give a little reward to the Xia family or Qu Ye, which can be regarded as paying back the residual kindness of this body.

Jiufeng smiled, nodded, and motioned to the dealer to issue the card.


In an instant, the dealer immediately issued the card, and Jiang Jie's smile in the spring light converged, and she looked at the summer wind in surprise. She has secretly contacted Tang Wei. She has no so-called friends in her eyes, only interests.

So I'm thinking about how to deal with Xia Feng.

The moment the card was issued, several people ink for a while, and the chips immediately reached 100 million. As for the Xia family, they basically just sit there and stare.

"What's the ink? Let's win or lose. Shuttle! Who will follow!"

There was a sneer at the corners of Xia Feng's mouth, playing cards?

Ha ha, playing gambling with a fairy? It's not that Xia Feng despises them. He knows the number of poker points of this group of people. If you want to change their cards, it's extremely easy for him.

The cards on Xia Feng's cards are already huge, which is stable to everyone on the spot.

After carefully staring at the cards on the table, Qu Ye immediately hesitated. Obviously, Xia Feng had a high chance of winning. After weighing three times, Qu Ye finally gave up his chips and did not follow.

Jiang Jie smiled and said flatly, "Since you are so proud, follow!" After saying that, he pushed his chips to the table, and his smile bloomed in spring. He smiled and said, "Xia Feng, I really didn't expect that you were also hidden."

"Hehe, don't mess with me. I don't like women like you. Xia Feng rudely gave the other party a cold look, and then swept to Jiufeng and said coldly, "Do you follow?"

Jiu Feng laughed and squinted at the four cards exposed by Xia Feng.

10,J,Q,K, all spades. No one knows what the bottom card is so far.

Jiufeng touched his white beard, dry and wrinkled palms, and trembled unconsciously. Finally, he smiled and said, "You young people are so powerful that I can't afford to play! I won't follow you. The chips are yours.

The chips on the desktop have reached 700 million, and basically all the chips have been drawn in one game.

The dealer said fairly, "Please open the card."


Xia Feng opened the bottom card, and he didn't even read the bottom card. A spade A, ** on the desktop.

This deck of cards is basically the largest deck of cards in *, and Jiang Jie is also a flush. However, for Xia Feng, it is much smaller. It's just 9, 10, J, Q, K.

With the exposure of a deck of cards, the dealer suddenly sweated coldly. This group of people are all masters. The action is a card such as Tonghuashun.