The best immortal cultivation: immortals walk in the city

Chapter 301: Little things one by one

North China Military Region Command Headquarters, nominally. Located in the location of "Qinglong" in Longdu, the general headquarters is only 30 miles away from here.

The whole China is divided into four military regions. Similarly, the highest headquarters in the name of the four military regions are all in Longdu.

Of course, the real real power headquarters must still be in their respective military regions.

After the helicopter stopped, Xia Feng walked in front in military uniform, followed by Qian Xiaofeng and the other two. As soon as I jumped off the plane, I see a scene not far away.

Two people are already waiting for the summer breeze here.

There are two people, Qian Han Niu and Ao Hu.

Qian Hanniu is a division commander in the North China Military Region. It is said that he will be promoted to major general soon, and the major general corresponds to the commander of the army. It was enough for him to come here to welcome the summer wind. The outbacked tiger next to him was still straight in a military suit, comparable to the figure of a blind bear standing there like an iron tower.

The strong and bullish outhogu should be full of heroism. Although his face is still good, there is unconcealed fatigue in his eyes.

Since I started to carry out the task a few days ago, I slept less than three hours a day, and my eyes were full of blood. Now it's not easy to hold on. The wound on his shoulder has just been sewn for half a day at this time. It is said that he should be healed and follow Xia Feng, which is enough to show the friendship between the two brothers.

Xia Feng's consciousness was swept away, and it was immediately clear. The propeller of the helicopter gradually stopped, and the cold wind was piercing. The weather in Longdu was a little hazy and cloudy today. When he walked to Qian Han Niu, he had a bear hug. The outback smiled bitterly and barely touched it, with a wound on the shoulder.

If he moves his arm, I'm afraid the thread he just sewn will be broken again.

"The injury is not light." Xia Feng squinted and preached flatly.

It is true that there are six scars on the body, including four traumas and two internal injuries. The lungs were hurt to varying degrees, and there were two serious injuries everywhere, which made Xia Feng's face solemn. As a leader, the leading outback was injured like this. It seems that the brothers below are also uncomfortable.

Qian Hanniu knew that business was important, so he was not very polite. He shook his head and smiled bitterly and said, "This task is really too sudden, Brother Feng. I didn't want to bother you, but it seems that you have to go out this time. Otherwise, I'm afraid it's not so easy to compare with the divine camp this time.

"I'm also a member of the killing camp, I should." Xia Feng replied softly, even if he whispered to the arrogant tiger, "Take off your clothes and treat the wound on your shoulder first, otherwise it will penetrate too much blood. When your muscles are too burdened and you don't pay attention to rest, maybe this arm will be no different from waste in the future."

"Don't worry about me!" Aohu's bloody eyes, gritted his teeth and endured a severe pain and firm pain in the corners of his mouth and said, "There are brothers in it who are more miserable than me. Although Longdu's medical equipment is very complete, it takes too long. We don't have so much time, and some brothers can't hold on."

"Brother Huzi, can you let Brother Feng show you first? You are the battalion commander!" Qian Xiaofeng was in a hurry. Why did the outback be single-minded? He hurriedly began to persuade him.

The outback looked straight and said coldly, "First rule brothers, I can stand it!" After saying that, he snorted, and there was an internal injury in the lungs in his body. Just now, he was angry and caused a mess.

Qian Hanniu has a headache for such a stubborn character of the Outback. He is just so single-minded and always tight to his brothers, and because of this. Only the brothers of the killing camp will grit their teeth and follow the Outback and break through the famous name of the killing camp.

"It won't take long, 20 seconds at most." Xia Feng frowned, and his big hand and lightning patted the Aohu's body three times in a row. The vast warmth of the sea scattered into Aohu's body, moistening his limbs and bones. After turning around the body of the Outback, Xianli healed the internal injury.

Similarly, he took out two Peiyuan Dan from his Xumi ring, and pinched the medicine with his big hand. Between his sleeves, the military doctor of the upper body of the Outback immediately burst open. Feng Qingyun showed his hand lightly, which stunned Qian Hanniu next to him. Even if it was Aohu, his pupils were also tight. It seemed that Xia Feng's skills were much more refined.

The Outback is scarred everywhere, one on the arm, the other on the chest, and the other two on the calves. It is estimated that the shrapnel is scratched, but it is not embedded in the flesh, which is a blessing of misfortune.

After preparing to sprinkle two pills of Peiyuandan on his arms and chest, Xia Feng said flatly, "I can't stand it." After saying that, the end of the medicine was evenly sprinkled on it, and there was a sneer for a while. Peiyuan Dan was worthy of the elixir containing the original power of the summer wind.

The vitality of fairy power is added with medicinal healing.

After the combination of the two, after the medicine was sprinkled, the wound began to grow meat and skinned visible to the naked eye. The shocking scar just now quickly recovered.

Similarly, because the scars on the chest are healing, when the new flesh grows, the blood in the eyes of the proud tiger rises again, the teeth are grinding and rattling, trying to control his big hands, don't scratch the wound, the upper body is sweaty for a while, the sweaty water is gathered on the body surface, and the arrogant tiger hums constantly.

Because when the new meat rises, the ordinary slow healing is enough to make people itchy and crazy, let alone so fast.

It's itchy to the heart and tortured to the soul.

It's okay. In a short time, the wound healed as before, leaving no scar. It was dark in front of Aohu's eyes and he almost fell down. If the person who was not strong-willed just now, I'm afraid he has fallen to the ground. Xia Feng hurriedly slapped him with lightning. Xianli brushed his three souls and seven souls, and his original fatigue was swept away.

"Wow... I almost tortured me to death." Outback felt that his teeth were loose and said vaguely.

Qian Han Niu, Qian Xiaofeng, and the other two captains all stretched out their tongues.

It's really jaw-dropping. Such a rapid healing, even these people who have seen the world are all freckled and incredible!

If the summer wind hadn't reached the middle stage of the foundation, I'm afraid the cure would not have been so fast. After a long time, the corners of Qianhan's mouth twitched and said, "Brother Feng is really in the world."

Qian Xiaofeng asked with a dry throat, "Father... Do you think Hua Tuo's medical skills can reach the state of rapid nourishing skin and flesh?"

In one sentence, Qian Hanniu immediately turned dumb. Not to mention that the original feudal era was impossible, even in the current high-tech era, do you want to recover so quickly? If there is no hair, at most let the skin and flesh heal together, instead of the so-called restoration to the original state.

They haven't been surprised yet.

Suddenly, Qianhan's eyes swelled, and his abdomen surged up. He seemed to be supported by something. He gasped like an ox, and his face was blue and red.


The thick tendons and veins of the upper body of Qianhan Niu's arm were exposed. He was like an iron man, and the muscular man simply made people look up and roared. The big foot stamped hard on the ground, as if he wanted to vent!

The proud tiger roared, and his veins were exposed one after another, like dragons. Xia Feng squinted his eyes and hurriedly pulled away Qian Hanniu and Qian Xiaofeng. He took the opportunity to roll up his sleeves and pushed the two captains out for more than ten meters. He only saw that the body surface of the tiger secreted a thick black filth, with a fishy smell, disgusting and disgusting smell. .


The proud tiger stamped on the ground again, roared, and roared up to the sky. The appearance of filth all over the body accelerated a point again, and the big foot actually stepped on the cement with a thick footprint of a thumb. The dust swept around, the roaring wind rippled around, and the wind blew on the face, like a knife cutting, hot pain.

"This is..." Qian Xiaofeng felt this momentum in disbelief, and the huge momentum made him feel depressed at the peak of the later stage of the yellow stage.

"I broke through to the master of Xuanjie." Xia Feng narrowed his eyes, said with a smile, and raised the corners of his mouth.

Not to mention the body of the outback that his immortal power moistened just now, the immortal power made the muscles of his outback's body more perfect. The nourishment of the fairy power was indeed infinite, which made this guy directly break through to the mysterious level.


There was a bursting sound from the dust fog, and an iron tower-like figure slowly came out. The strong muscles, like steel, were full of explosive power. The bronze skin symbolized the surging of his power, which was two meters big, which made people afraid at a glance.

"Ha ha, I feel it. I... am very strong!"

When the upper tiger ** came out, the well-proportioned and toned eight abdominal muscles** were like steel casting. As soon as he walked out, he stretched out his fist and suddenly clenched it!

For a while, the strong momentum condensed, and the Outback's fist was actually wrapped with a seemingly non-existent gas, mixed with imperceptible slightly green...

"Let's go and see the brothers. In addition, I need a lot of medicinal herbs. Xia Feng smiled gently and said his needs. Before the Outback had time to promise, Qian Hanniu immediately patted his chest and promised, "This is Longdu. You can diagnose it first. I'll take you to the treasury to get the medicine tomorrow!"

Although Xia Feng can heal the damage of the Outback in the blink of an eye, it doesn't mean that he can heal nearly 100 people in one breath, right?

Just now, Xia Feng seemed to be casual. Who can guess that he spent his energy to heal? Stabilize the condition first, and finally use medicinal herbs to gradually cure the brothers. There are still five days left. I believe there is enough time.

When I arrived at the injured room of the injured, I suddenly found that there were more than 30 injured people.

The other 70 people were resting at this time. After scanning the 30 people, they found something in common.

Unexpectedly, all of them have internal injuries!

Xia Feng frowned. Qian Hanniu sighed and asked, "Brother Feng, how's it going? Are you sure about five days?

"It's a small thing." Xia Feng waved his hand, preached carelessly, and said thoughtfully, "Uncle Qian, please gather the rest of the killing brothers!"