The best immortal cultivation: immortals walk in the city

Chapter 338: Under the reverse scale

Chen Zhixiang flashed the word "evil" in his heart, but only these two words can describe Xia Feng in his heart!

Everything he has done can't be understood by ordinary people...

Jump at a height of 100 meters. You know, this is the top of the 90th floor!

The top of the 70th floor!

Calculate according to 4 meters per floor.

That is to say, he jumped down from a height of more than 200 meters... He jumped down and fell into mud and his parents couldn't recognize him. That's for sure.

From the action of jumping from Xia Feng, Chen Zhixiang's flashed thought was: "He is going to commit suicide!"

The first thought flashed, when his eyes looked at Xia Feng and jumped down the rapid landing... Note: "Chen Zhixiang was opened by Xia Feng, if he saw Xia Feng with an invisible symbol"

Seeing that he was dragged by the invisible wind, he landed lightly. Chen Zhixiang's heart hanging in his throat finally fell to the ground.

In this evil way, Chen Zhixiang sweated coldly, and his spine sweated heavily, and he was at a height of more than 200 meters. Because of the sweat, the cold wind blew. Although Shanhai City is in the south, at least it is winter now, and Chen Zhixiang's teeth keep fighting up and down.


The fairy power that originally remained in his body, when Chen Zhixiang was extremely cold, left the remaining fairy power, swam around in the veins, and immediately drove away by the cold, making Chen Zhixiang comfortable. At this time, the focus of his eyes was on the falling summer wind.

Fortunately, it's only a few hundred meters. Relying on the eyes of the sky, I can clearly see what Xia Feng has done.

Countless auspicious spirits have gathered in the Chu family, which is a blessing for the Chu family.


When Xia Feng stood at the Kirin Gate in the Eight Doors...

Two three-foot unicorns stood at the door, full of power.

Two statues of unicorns occasionally let tourists to and from Shanhai City stand in their summer breeze and take photos, but...

A wisp of wind drifted to the door of the Kirin statue, and Xia Feng smiled coldly at the corners of his mouth.

Those who insult others are always humiliated!

Those who bully others will always repay them!

"Hurry up, this unicorn is so lifelike. Take a few more pictures!"

The tourists standing under the three-foot unicorns stood there and complained about this. The carving process of the two unicorns is absolutely first-class. What's more, it has been indoctrinated with heaven and earth and condensed into a protective weapon?

Xia Feng stood under the unicorn, looking at the unicorn, spreading his palms and wiping the void. Then to the unicorn on the right, a roll of long sleeves...

Just in that group of tourists took pictures happily, and the shutter was just pressed...

Suddenly, the golden light broke out without warning. The original stone carving unicorn, the dazzling light suddenly bloomed, like a dazzling scorching sun, and a faint cry came out of the stone statue...

"The aura of heaven and earth, reverse!"

"In the name of my true immortal, turn!"

Xia Feng, standing in place, shouted angrily, his hands were quickly sealed, and the blue halo method was determined one after another.

The obscure seal rushed to the unicorn. After entering its body, Xia Feng's big hand suddenly slapped the ground fiercely, and the dust flew away!

Originally, the spirit of good luck at the Kirin Gate moistened the southeast gate, but suddenly...

In a flash, the flow into the southeast gate was like a low tide, and wisps of white gas quickly retreated... Similarly, the dark and disturbing evil spirit, the open teeth and claws rushed forward!

Over the years, how much evil spirit has been precipitated at the door of the whole Chu family commercial base?

Don't forget that the use of this feng shui array is to filter, gather the auspicious spirit, and block the evil spirit.

However, Xia Feng reversed the whole formation with one hand!

The evil spirit rushed in from the southeast gate.

Good luck is blocked outside the door. But! Just now, Xia Feng cast a spell to rotate the array. The so-called "turn" is whether it is the spirit of good luck or evil spirit. The seal that just entered the body of Kirin is the method of transformation!

All changed to: "The spirit of evil!"

Just now, a wisp of white catkins flowed, and suddenly turned into a dark and dark evil spirit, which flooded into the whole southeast gate! A cold breath rushed into the southeast gate, as if there was a flood, but suddenly there was a gap!

Protecting the feng shui array of the Chu family for nearly a hundred years, one of the eight doors has been broken!

Chen Zhixiang, standing on the roof, looked at the scene in horror. His throat was a little dry...

"Demon, demon, demon..." He didn't know how to describe Xia Feng.

Don't mention breaking the array, but actually just erase it and turn the opponent's array into your own use? This is incredible, especially when he saw the roaring gloomy spirit rushing into the commercial base, he couldn't imagine what kind of disaster the Chu family would suffer!

Xia Feng's figure shook, and the invisible charm was still useful. In a blink of an eye, he arrived at the East Gate, Qinglong Gate!

The same technique, in a blink of an eye, as if the dam was broken, the roaring evil spirit, like a dragon with teeth and claws, swept across the whole commercial base in an any time.

Shanhai City, originally cloudless, the blue sky was a little gloomy, and the dark clouds gradually condensed...

Revenge is still...

Someone once asked the top commander of the Security Bureau: "Lu An."

"At present, the whole world has basically been regulated. Except for the ancient martial arts, he is a power warlock. Which of these two professions do you think is more terrible?"

The power warlock, waved his hand, the power element condensed, and the strange ability killed in the invisible.

Ancient martial arts practice, quench your own body, refine the veins, and let yourself accommodate stronger power. Legend has it that stepping into the third-level ancient martial arts can step through the sky, and hold a long sword to cut the mountain!

Two extreme professions have become the strongest terrorist force in the country.

But... The top commander of the Security Bureau: "Lu An" shook his head and replied flatly: "They are not the strongest..." The person who asked this question was a little confused. When they were puzzled, Lu An slowly said, "In front of the feng shui array, they will always be the pigs and sheep in the array to be slaughtered. ."

Fengshui array... a strange word.

In the era of the founding of China, all feng shui information on the official surface was basically destroyed.

The people only left a mysterious legend about him. Their strength can sometimes only affect the luck of a family.

Big enough to...

The fortune of a country is under the control of the flip hand.

In the already weak world, some people dare to fight with ancient martial arts, and some dare to retaliate against the power warlocks.

From beginning to end, I haven't heard anyone say that who dares to retaliate: "Feng Shui Master".

Legend has it that the Chu family was in Shanhai City in those years, but it was just a third-rate tycoon. In an accident, the Chu family saved the life of a feng shui array. The other party had a strange temper and did not want to owe the Gu family. He left a fortune, and helped the Chu family spend three years to build a manor, so he left sadly, leaving a sentence: "Life is worth two love, and one has been returned!"

It means that I am willing to repay my life twice. For the first time, I helped the Chu family decorate their accommodation manor.

Three years later, no doubtless, the Chu family made a fortune, built civil engineering, and bought a huge piece of land to build a commercial base.

Relying on contact, pleading for help from the other party, the second favor.

The feng shui array sent an apprentice to build the magnificent commercial base of the Chu family. In the past two years, the Chu family jumped up. With amazing luck, they sat up in the three giants of Shanhai City, which was extremely rich!

And today...



In all directions, the Chu family kept bursting with a series of explosions, and the roaring evil spirit was like the anger of Neptune. Layers of waves of evil spirit poured into the whole commercial base.

The upper part of the Chu family's commercial base condensed dark clouds!

The whole mountain and sea city is cloudless, and the scorching sun is in the sky.

Only over the Chu family commercial base, the haze was thick, as if it was going to rain. These surprises suddenly made people at a loss and caused a period of riot.

The gloomy weather shrouded in the clear sky of the Chu family's commercial base, which makes people feel particularly sad.

Chen Zhixiang has been covered with blood, such a huge eight-door feng shui array. At this moment, it has been broken, leaving only the last door...

Those who insult others are always humiliated!

Those who bully others will always repay them!

What Xia Feng said has exploded in Chen Zhixiang's mind. He seemed to remember the other party's ordinary words... At the same time.

The current time is 2:55 p.m.

Many high-level people of the Chu family have all regrouped in the highest conference room of the commercial building.

There is a huge LCD TV the size of a wall hanging on the wall of the conference room.

Every high-level official, even the Miss Chu family, looked at the stock market with a faint smile.

The newly listed items have caused the Chu family's stocks to soar again, advancing by leaps and bounds, and have driven the stocks of many of the Chu family's companies to increase.

Today is the closing day, and it will be over in five minutes. It seems that it will limit up again. This made the shareholders in the company, all full of smiles, and the shares held in their hands doubled again.

"As I said, the Chu family will always be the most fulfilling treasure basin. As long as everyone is united, the company's report to you will definitely satisfy everyone present!"

Miss Chu helped her dark glasses frame and said with a smile, as if she had forgotten all the angry things in the afternoon.

"The eldest lady is still a good leader. It seems that the eldest lady is the only one besides the head of the family."

A shareholder squinted happily and said with a happy smile, and flattered without leaving a trace.

Miss Chu smiled and was ready to say a few polite words euphemistically...

At this time...

Originally in the stock market, a red and soaring stock market suddenly...


The red stock market turned into a miserable green in an span!

Just for a moment, the stock fell by half! Half of today's growth has all fallen!

"What's going on!" Miss Chu's eyes suddenly flashed with shorrification and subconsciously blurted out.

When this sentence is over...

The original * stock market was a miserable green, and the arrow that just swayed up fell to the bottom!

"Fall, fall, limit down?"