The best immortal cultivation: immortals walk in the city

Chapter 351: Golden Lock Armor 4

Is the material of the top-quality ore ordinary?

I'm afraid that if you get the immortal world, at least the real immortals in the Jindan period will fight for it.

These strange treasures have been refined into magic weapons, which are the best magic weapons.

In the world of immortal cultivation, the two professions are the most noble.

One is: "Alchemist"

One is: "Caster"

The strong in the immortal world are respected, and everyone is eager for items that can improve their strength.

A large piece of bone is difficult to eat, but how can the summer wind be fierce?


A thunderous sound, with the whimper of the wind, echoed in the cave, smoaning the hurricane, bringing up a huge momentum. The ocean-like fairy power in the body, roaring and filling the limbs, is comparable to the moment when the momentum spread in the later stage of foundation building.

"Refine it for me!!"

One finger is a little bit of three flavors of real fire, and between the flash of the electric stone fire, there are several halo fairy power, and they are surging up. The arrow-like speed fell into the three-flavor real fire. When the original 'gentle' burning of the three-flavor true fire of the top-quality ore was poured into the fire by the halo fairy power.

It's like an ordinary flame filled with pure oxygen.

"Bang, bang, bang!"

The sound of explosions one after another exploded in a mess.

I only saw the three-color flame of "gentle" just now. I'm afraid it can only be described as "rage" at this time!

The three-flavored real fire the size of peony has increased ten times, the fire shines, and the whole ground is cracked by high temperature steam. A splash of sparks kept flashing around it. The three flavors of real fire poured by Xianli, the temperature rose rapidly, and the smell of the heat wave came to his face made Xia Feng subconsciously take a breath and felt that his lungs were almost blown up!

In the top-grade red gold stone shrouded in a hot flame storm, there was finally a sign of melting **, and a layer of surface has turned into a liquid permeated the ore, squirming.

"Effective!" Xia Feng's eyes flashed. After a smile, he rolled up his sleeves, and the other three top-quality red gold stones rose up one after another and threw them into the three-flavor flames of the violent hurricane.

If you want to refine the best magic weapon, the material requirements are not high. At least, the materials must be high-quality, and the first thing is to eliminate the impurities contained in the ore one by one!

Four high-quality red gold stones were humiliated in the three-flavor flames. Xia Feng kept bending to the three-flavor flames with one hand to eject wisps of immortal power to keep it at a terrible temperature. The upper-grade red gold stone the size of a mountain squat seems to be the largest.

But in fact, he contains the least essence! 90% of them are impurities.

If the essence of the mountain squat and the other three materials belong to the same category, Xia Feng will not choose this thing.

Three pieces of ore just thrown in, after entering. When the red gold stone the size of a mountain squat was tempered by the high temperature of the burning sky, the sound of bang, bang, explosion was almost continuous.

In a blink of an eye, the impurities turn into wisps of flying ash. During the breath, the mountain squat-sized red gold stone was sharply reduced by half!

After two minutes, the original mountain squat-sized red gold stone was only the size of a basketball. The gray brown of the original stone watch has been transformed into golden, emitting a strong golden sparkle.


A wisp of fairy power seems to be inexhaustible, ejecting into the three flavors of true fire, and the temperature is always maintained. Xia Feng's forehead has seen sweat!

This is the real raw material for refining magic weapons!

First of all, to refine the magic weapon, you need to do whatever you want. When needed, you can summon it as soon as your mind moves.

To build such a resonance, you must make the magic weapon a part of your body!

When a red and golden ** was suspended in the air, Xia Feng suddenly forced his eyes, and his sword eyebrows frowned, as if he were going through the most painful process! I want to resonate with the magic weapon and become the only way to use dexterity like limbs on your body!

One is a blood sacrifice, which drips its own blood into the finished magic weapon. The two sides have a mental connection, which is enough to control. Similar to the red gold brush and the bronze red tripod, they are all blood sacrifices. The advantage of the blood sacrifice is that the magic weapon does not belong to your own forging, but it can be used by the Lord. But if you forge your own magic weapon and use blood stains, it is an extremely loss-making business. The body can be driven by people because it is closely related to the three souls and seven souls.

What Xia Feng wants to perform is the soul sacrifice!

Let the magic weapon completely become a part of your body! If a person dies, the magic weapon will disappear! If the magic weapon is ashes, people will be hit hard!


The driving of divine consciousness is practiced by three souls and seven souls.


Suddenly, a drop of blood in the center of Xia Feng's eyebrows was forced out, and the blood was red, with great spirituality, not only that. Xia Feng clenched his teeth and suddenly felt muffled in his heart! On the fingertips, a wisp of private fertilizer, a beautiful gray-brown 'soul silk' wrapped around the fingertips! This trace of 'soul silk' is separated from his soul. Ordinary people are shocked and may become idiots.

What if the three souls and seven souls are divided? That kind of intense pain simply made Xia Feng want to go crazy. In order to make the magic weapon have a higher fit with himself, he had to do so!

"Go." Xia Feng raised it with one hand and ordered.

A wisp of soul and blood flew lightly into the pure **.

The moment when the blood was integrated into the red gold stone**, it immediately sparkled with dazzling red light, with three points of blood and seven points of strong fairy power. The ** of the red gold stone with a strong purity just now, occasionally when ** squirmed, it brought a trace of blood and flowed with it.

Not only that, a wisp of summer wind soul origin, under his severe pain, when he integrated into the red gold stone, a feeling that seemed to belong to a part of his body suddenly appeared, and finally succeeded. Next is the magic weapon.

A pure ** has completely become a part of the summer wind.


What is refined into? Weapons?

Or armor?

If you hold the magic weapon in your hand, Xia Feng probably can barely fight head-on with Xiao Xiao!

If it is refined into armor, at least when you encounter a third-order warlock, you have the confidence to save your life. When he was about to cross the Jindan disaster, Xia Feng was firm in his mind.


Condensing armor!

After firming his mind, he didn't hesitate. The pure red gold stone liquid had become a part of himself, and a battle armor began to appear in his mind.

The red gold stone liquid, which was originally suspended in the air, gradually began to squirm, disperse and transform with the appearance of Xia Feng's fantasy armor!

The originally pure red gold stone liquid has become an embryo of armor under the control of Xia Feng's divine consciousness in a blink of an eye!