The best immortal cultivation: immortals walk in the city

Chapter 384: Three Disasters to punish immortals, you are not a fish.

Zhan Ming brothers, the power used shows the real power of the power warlock.

Nearly a hundred people were killed by the two brothers in less than ten minutes.

The sixth kind of supernatural warlock is really horrible.

Not only did the two brothers take action, but also the killing camp went into battle and had been fighting side by side in the killing camp. The remaining four supernatural warlocks brought by Mu Yi were all pressed up.

With sneak attack and elite, he went deep into the enemy, just like a sharp knife, tearing open a huge cut.

The whole Golden Triangle has fallen into a bitter battle.

This news has been known by the three countries!

After all, the Golden Triangle is on the border of the Three Kingdoms. Such a big thing has happened, which must not be concealed. The Three Kingdoms shook together. What the hell are those big drug lords doing? The battle of nearly 20,000 troops is no less than a small battle played by the country.

Hehongshe was originally retreating, and the front line was defeated. Bahei, Longbaton and Li Ke fought regardless of casualties. The load was too large. Half of the people of Hehongshe had been seriously injured and left the battlefield for rear treatment.

As for the remaining three armies...

The corpses are all over the field.

Blood stains the earth.

These words are the most appropriate to describe, but the advantage of the number of people is far from being made up for.

At the time of these defeats, Mu Yi led his own power warlocks to kill, and the warlock's strength was exerted the strongest. The Zhanming brothers, whether they assassinated the officer or fought hard in the army.

It's like two evil gods, killing back and forth on both sides, like cutting grass and mustard, harvesting the lives of these people.


Time has passed quietly, and the scale of casualties is still increasing. The three countries have sent 10,000 regular troops at the same time, which are coming and decided to intervene in this incident.

Of course, Xia Feng doesn't know these things.

He is still in retreat. The last time he suffered much more serious damage than expected. Bai Ling sat in the green grass, and the three souls and seven souls returned to her body. She has regained her senses. The white veil that covers her face still exists, and the sky in the Golden Triangle is blue, which makes people look extremely comfortable.

Occasionally, the breeze blows, which is cool and cool. Compared with the battlefield not far away, this is simply a paradise loved by birds and beasts, and there is a bloody hell of poisonous snakes and centipedes.

A white veil and white spirit sat quietly in the shade of the grass.

She suddenly became confused.

Last night, she was ready to die. She just wanted to let go of everything. She didn't have to be so tired.

Although the horse-faced ghost sealed her in the pure jade bottle, she... knew everything outside. The halberd was in his hand, his black hair was dancing wildly, and he was furious.

The scenes were all tumped in her memories. The dying man suddenly survived, looking at the familiar sky, feeling the warm sunshine, the gentle cool breeze, and the fragrance of flowers and plants. Everything is like a dream, Nanke's dream?


But she still can't forget that night after night, nightmares are coming.

Even the appearance of those green eyes, the cold ghost spirit, echoed in her mind.

"It's good to be alive, and I suddenly feel. Uncle Banxian always said that it's right to live rather than to die..." Bai Ling sat in the shade of the grass, and his empty star eyes flashed with vitality, full of yearning.

Like a dying person, his heart is like dead ashes.

Suddenly, he had a straw redemption again.

Everyone will be eager to stay in this beautiful world because of the redemption of such a straw.

The natural protected environment of the Golden Triangle is not bad. There are many birds flying in the sky, and flocks of birds wandering in the sky, making Bai Ling look at her yearning for a while, and freedom is what she yearns for.

The chittering birds flew to the east in groups. The chattering sound kept coming, and the muffled sound of the gunfire around kept coming, which seemed to scare these cheerful birds.

"They are really happy... I wish I could be a bird for a lifetime."

In her heart, this idea is like a seed, constantly breeding, and the desire for yearning is constantly growing.

Some people prefer money, and their desire for money is constantly increasing.

Some people prefer women, and the desire for women is increasing.

Bai Ling is very different. She wants to live a plain, simple and free life. Birds are her ideal world.

Suddenly, a dark shadow came behind her, and she was unconscious.

The shadow appeared a clear spirit with fairy spirit, and the momentum on his body was restrained. He also sat cross-legged next to her, just like her, still staring at the blue sky, those wave after wave of birds flying away.

The two people were motionless like living fossils. After a long time, Bai Ling slowly took off the veil he had worn for a long time and threw it aside.

It shows the face of the Holy Spirit that cannot be blasphemed.

The skin is like mutton fat, the lips are full, and the facial features are very uniform. This exquisitely carved facial features should be amazing.


The piled up face is not charming, nor is it the national fragrance.

It's very ordinary, but only the skin like mutton fat is enough to make many women jealous.

The face of the Holy Spirit that cannot be blasphemous makes people intoxicated. Xia Feng had no waves in her eyes. His consciousness had long peeped at Bai Ling's face, which was easy to see.

"Thank you..." After meditating for a long time, Bai Linghao's teeth gently opened up with a strong charm.

"No, I promise you." Xia Feng shook his head, and his expression was calm.

Bai Ling breathed a sigh of relief that his disgust for Xia Feng had been swept away. He lay on the shade of the grass and smiled and said, "Look how happy those birds are, flying in the sky and free."

"How do you know that birds are happy?" Xia Feng replied with a smile.

In the distance, the sound of gunfire is still roaring. In contrast, the world of two people alone is like a pure land.

Bai Ling turned around in surprised, and the Holy Spirit smiled and said, "They are free and fly at will. The big world lets them fly, carefree, why are they unhappy?"

Xia Feng was silent, looking at the flock of birds, panicked.

Hearing the sound of gunfire, it was like the hook sickle of death was deterring them.

Without the strength of self-protection, he is watched by some hunters with guns in the Golden Triangle all the time. If you are not careful, it will become a big feast at night.

Is this the so-called freedom? The so-called happiness?

Without the strength of self-protection, is it really happy to survive on the 'pity' of high-level races in this world of the law of the jungle?

Creatures that live on 'mercy', will they be happy?


After thinking for a while, Xia Feng didn't know how to persuade Bai Ling. Suddenly, he remembered a proverb of the ancients and turned his head and asked flatly, "If you are not a fish, how can you know the joy of fish?"

If you are not a fish, how can you know the joy of fish?

You are not birds. How do you know if they are happy?

A plain and casual word made Bai Lingru hit by lightning, a smile of envy at the corners of his mouth solidified, and his eyes were turbulent.


Seeing that Bai Ling was stunned, Xia Feng sighed and said, "You have even been unhappy in this life. Are you sure that after you became a bird, you were happy without boring flying and being killed by hunters? Think about it yourself.

"A dream is a dream after all. Nanke's dream surrounds his heart and dares not face the reality. He will always live in his own dream. To put it bluntly, it is another kind of escape. It's better to face it calmly." Xia Fenglang said long, with firm eyes. A flying eagle in the sky crossed the sky. Xia Feng pointed to the eagle and said indifferently, "Do you think it is happy?" Happiness?"

Bai Ling's eyes were confused, and finally subconsciously nodded.

Xia Feng stretched out a finger and went down in the air.


The body of the 50-meter-opened eagle shook and almost fell from the sky. The frightened eagle screamed and flew to the sky in a hurry with its wings.

Xia Feng turned his head and looked at Bai Ling and said, "They survive by mercy. Are you sure they are happy?"

Bai Ling was silent... He squeezed his lips tightly and turned white, and the face that the Holy Spirit could not be desphemed was stained with a pale paper.

"Wow, this girl has finally been almost induced by me."

Seeing that Bai Ling finally resonated with him, he was finally relieved. Xia Feng was afraid that he worked hard to save her. The girl committed suicide by herself, so he had the impulse to spit blood.

Everything he did was nothing more than giving Bai Ling a heart-strengthening agent.

Let her get out of her dream and face the reality bravely.

In fact, Bai Ling has always had a good impression of Xia Feng. When we met, he also helped him speak out. Not only that, but he also personally transported Zixuan out of the Li family. All this kindness showed that she was actually not bad.

When Xia Feng saw her face, Bai Ling chose to forbear.

Don't forget that the Li family had ancestral teachings. Anyone who sees Bai Ling will be killed within three days.

The white spirit is still unobstructed.

But she chose not to show off...

All kinds of explanations, in the later period, Bai Ling rejected him no matter how sarcastically he was.

Xia Feng felt that he owed her. Finally, after untying her heart knot, his big hand quietly brushed her green silk and sighed, "If you are not a fish, how can you know the joy of fish? I risked my life to save you. I didn't come to see you living in a dream every day. Think about it yourself.

After saying that, he flashed and turned into a cyan rainbow light and flew to the sky of the battlefield.

Sakura Sanqing in front of him has sent many power warlocks to participate in the battle.

The battle between the two sides has reached the level of corpses. They are really willing to pay the price and send a lot of warlocks. What do they want to do?

The Zhan Ming brothers were no longer the original power of anger. At this time, they were besieged by three people and seriously injured. Sakura Sanqing stood behind and never made a move.

"Ha ha, Wang Qing, if you are willing to bring the seedlings, I will kill them! Our account should be well calculated!"

"Minglei, you go!!" Zhan Minggeng was covered with blood, and his shoulder bones showed cruel blood stains everywhere. He roared angrily and said brazenly, "Go!!!"