The best immortal cultivation: immortals walk in the city

Chapter 469: Fulfill the Promise

There are elders on the third floor!

People who have come to the martial arts arena, especially the power warlocks, have their pupils shrinking!

For more than ten years, the third-floor box has never been opened, and even when Wang Qing advanced to the fourth level in recent years, the third-floor box has not been opened. Today's Bidou even attracted the five elders? The topic of exclamation and shock was endless, and it was extremely lively below.

The old Chi Zhen sat on the sofa and looked down. He heard the noise of discussion. He immediately coughed and said weakly, "It seems that we old bones have not appeared for so many years, which makes the little guys so excited now."

"Ha ha, it's understandable that even I have never seen the opening of the three floors, not to mention them?" Wang Qing shook his head, made a cup of hot tea and pushed it to the side of Chizhen. Standing in the deep pit of the four directions, I didn't expect that my martial arts battle could attract the five elders of the legendary Security Bureau...

In this situation, even Zhan Chuan couldn't help fluttering, and his mouth was dry for a while.

After a while, the news that the five elders came to watch the battle spread faster and faster. In a short time, more and more people came to the martial arts arena, and some of the underworld guards who were on patrol had to come to the martial arts arena to maintain order and beware of sudden emergencies.

"Ha ha, it seems that the little guys haven't arrived yet. It seems that we need to wait for a while." Chi Zhen glanced down and found that there was only Zhanchuan in the deep pit in four directions. After shaking his head and preaching. Wang Qing smiled and said, "There are still five minutes left. That guy will be very punctual."

"Well, that's good. A little guy with unlimited potential is worth waiting for five minutes. Chi Zhen nodded, and his tone was indescribable loneliness.

Finally, I closed my eyes and went back to my senses alone. Wang Qing can only smile bitterly. This senior's temper is not ordinary. Only others have been waiting for him. Is there a saying that he is waiting for him? More and more people are coming. In a blink of an eye, the location of the martial arts arena was basically full, and many third-order warlocks also appeared in the second-floor box.

I'm afraid that most people's mentality is not in this battle.

Everyone's eyes will glance at the third floor from time to time. I'm afraid there are not many times in their lives that they can sit and fight with the legendary five elders! Some people even regard these as an honor.

Zhanchuan is under great pressure. Originally, Xia Feng's reputation was already very gimmick, which can attract many spectators. Who knew that Cheng Yaojin came out halfway? The elders in person, what kind of card is this?

Today's battle, it's okay for him to win in Zhanchuan. If he loses... He can't imagine that he will be defeated by Xia Feng in front of so many spectators, then he will not be able to lift his head from now on, and even his position in the family will probably fall sharply.

The flow of people is surging, and every noise is a kind of pressure for Zhanchuan.

Gradually, Zhanchuan has been decided. Even if he loses today, he must fight to the death to make Xia Feng also uncomfortable, so that it won't be too humiliating at that time.

The time is approaching nine o'clock infinitely, and the second hand keeps jumping.

Because some people's watches were relatively fast, they realized that Xia Feng still did not appear on the clock, so they looked around and shouted, "Where are the people? Didn't you say you wanted to fight? Are you afraid of war and don't even dare to run away?

After a loud voice is brought up, the sensation caused can be imagined.

Even the elders appeared. If one side of the fight doesn't come and ends up in an embarrassing situation, it will make people laugh and cry. Zhanchuan found that time was gradually stopping, Xia Feng did not appear, and he was relieved in his subconscious heart...

It's best that Xia Feng can't come. There are more and more people shouting, and there is a faint charm of gathering people to make trouble.

It's not easy to sit with the legendary elders and watch a martial arts fight. There must be a chance for more than ten years, but now people don't come at all? I'm afraid anyone will be annoyed, right? There was a smile on the corners of Zhan Chuan's mouth, listening to endless abuse.

And how comfortable it is for some spectators to say that Xia Feng is afraid of his own strength and dare not show himself.

But at this time!

Sitting on the third floor, Chi Zhen, who had been closing his eyes and refreshed, suddenly his dark eyes flashed and said weakly, "I'm coming!" After hearing this, Jiang Meng immediately looked under the stage, and a jaw-dropping scene appeared...

When the granite came out of the deep pit in the four directions, a figure gradually emerged from the granite.

Xia Feng stood behind Zhanchuan and emerged silently from the ground. In fact, Xia Feng has been here for a long time, but he has been practicing under the ground. At the moment when he appeared, Zhanchuan still had a faint smile on the corners of his mouth. Now the summer wind has not come yet, so it's come!

It's not harmful to lose today!

"Huh? Why is there a sudden silence around? Zhanchuan still smiled at the corners of his mouth and suddenly noticed that the sound of the martial arts arena, which had been noisy just now, suddenly stopped, and even everyone could hear the neat heartbeat!

"What are you laughing at?" Just when Zhanchuan wondered what was going on.

A faint question suddenly came from behind him. This sentence made Zhanchuan's hair creepy. Behind him, the cold wind floated up, and the neurotic rushed forward. He twisted his waist, hurriedly turned around and opened the distance between himself and Xia Feng!

"When did you get here?" Zhan Chuan's face turned pale when he was cold and scared, and his heart jumped and asked.

Xia Feng shrugged his shoulders and said casually, "Why should I tell you?"

Granite is an extremely hard rock.

It's so hard that even if you take a steel to make a steel sword and keep cutting it, I'm afraid it will only splash out a very small gap. And, maybe your steel sword splashed out earlier than granite! Earth warlocks can escape into the ground, but no one can penetrate his body through granite with his power...

What's more, you should be clear that the granite stone made of square deep pits is definitely not a small piece, but a large rock of seven or eight tons of large rocks polished and piled up one by one.

So if it hadn't been for the audience I just witnessed, I'm afraid anyone who said that the earth power warlock would cross the granite and would spit on his face.

"The little guy is young, and his power has this ability, and he is worthy of the name inherited today." Chi Zhen's language was weak and coughed twice, and his eyes were gloomy.

"Why is it him again?" Jiang Meng's first reaction was this!

No matter where you are, how can you meet this guy?

Standing in the unmoved summer wind, the originally indifferent mood finally restrained, and a touch of anger hung on the fairy face!