The best immortal cultivation: immortals walk in the city

Chapter 490: Double promotion

He was able to seriously injure the other party, but stopped his hand at the critical moment. From this point of view, it is known that his character is good. After a thunderous applause, the first battle started. The prelude to the tide. The first battle was paved with the ground, and after it was opened, the battle came out.

All kinds of strange spells continue to appear, and the destructive combat effectiveness shown by martial arts also makes the warlocks pay special attention and look for breakthroughs. Twelve games have been held so far, and many power warlocks have detected a temporary breakthrough from the battle...

"Defense Device"

This is the only one who can break through the close body, and the warlock is enough to fight with him. In the first twelve battles, there was still an unexpected high. Tide. A second-order peak warlock collided with the earth-level martial arts. According to the principle, the martial arts should be an overwhelming victory, but sometimes accidents always happen.

Under the circumstance of contempt for the opponent, he is ready to crush him close to him.

A layer of blue cloud defense shield suddenly flashed and blocked it. The warlock was not a fool. Knowing that the shield would not last long, he quickly prepared his strongest move, "Tear the blade". Under the surprise of the master of the earth, his body was cut off with a shocking injury, and then the guerrilla dragged him down, which was a big blow.

Naturally, the two of them also have a bureau.

The victory that flashed across the sky made some of the casual people who pressed money make a small fortune.

Even the power warlock didn't expect that he was really fighting over the level. At that time, the excitement could be imagined! After the battle, the man looked at Xia Feng from afar, and Shi Li expressed his gratitude and retreated.

Time flies, and it's already 12 o'clock in the afternoon in a blink of an eye.

In the middle of the day, a twelve-story battle was held, which was already very fast.

After the end of the twelfth battle, the martial arts arena suddenly fell silent, and a small number of people's eyes moved on Xia Feng. Mo Qi smiled and said, "Brother Feng, it's your turn."

"No. 13, No. 87, please enter!" Xiao Xiao glanced at the next comparison and preached in a plain way. After the words fell, ** spread for a while. Most people knew that Xia Feng was No. 8, and the next opponent was...

After watching Xia Feng, everyone fell on a young man whose strength was not outstanding.

Most people silently bought the bet that Xia Feng will win. The Security Bureau even attracted this investment and opened it.

The odds of Xia Feng defeating him with a few moves.

The odds of Xia Fengsheng's opponent is 1:0.003, that is to say, you bet 1,000 yuan crystal, and you can only get 3 yuan in the end. It's ridiculously low, but the probability of young people winning the summer wind is 1:600. But this is almost impossible.

The young man's scalp is a little numb, and his martial arts may be amazing in the secular world. But it was still much worse than Xia Feng. In the end, he simply gritted his teeth and stepped into the square pit. Xia Feng walked indifferently, and for a moment, people were silent and watched the incident.

Xia Feng looked at the young man in front of him. He didn't look beautiful, but he was not disgusted. At this time, his eyes were a little embarrassed and hesitant. Finally, under the gaze of everyone, the young man put his long knife into the scabbard, shook his head and said in a low voice, "I admit defeat."

After saying this, even Xia Feng was surprised.

However, the people present did not think that the young people were very humiliating. After all, the difference between the cultivation of the two people is too big, and strong support is a fool. At such an end, Xia Feng said to him, "Yie."

After the end of the harmony and rationality of both sides, it is still a little disappointing. It seems that only in the back can we see Xia Feng's fight.

Sitting on the observation table, his eyes were full of evil spirit and sneered, "I'm looking forward to it. Can this guy keep this appearance when he meets a python?"

"Ha ha, it's just a guy who doesn't know the depth of heaven and earth. When he understands how huge the warriors are, he will regret what he has done. It doesn't matter. We hope he won't overturn the boat in the gutter and meet the sixth brother safely. Zhan Feng turned around and said, "Ono, are you sure about the battle between you and the family traitor later?"

"Fifth brother, don't worry. Humph, a warlock who has just entered the third level, I'm still sure to defeat it. Warfield replied confidently.

The battle front was a little relieved and said encouragingly, "If you can accidentally give the other party in the battle..." Zhan Feng said with a touch of his neck here and continued to say, "Even if the Security Bureau will be punished at that time, the family's reward for you will be enough to make up for your loss."


The pursuit of Zhan Minggeng brothers has never stopped. The two brothers, except for following the masters of the security bureau to carry out tasks, rarely leave the security bureau for the rest of the time. Because their wings are not yet full, there may be an unexpected danger when they go out.

After all, the two brothers have the blood of the warrior's direct line.

Once one day the wings are full, you can fight against the warriors openly. Therefore, the warriors never let go of any opportunity to get rid of the two brothers. And this time, it is a good opportunity for Zhan Ye to meet Zhan Minglei.

Return to the whole question.

The battle to eliminate 50 people really makes people feel that there is no **. Either the other party is too strong, or the two sides are too weak to fight like chicken ribs. It's a pity to abandon it and tasteless. At noon, the fight was over. Everyone went back for dinner, and Xia Feng and others were naturally the same.

When you are full, return to the martial arts arena.

However, compared with the crowds at noon, there are obviously fewer people in the afternoon. It seems that there are no expectations for the real ** war.

Time passed quickly, and it was 5:00 p.m. in a moment.

Zhan Minglei, who had been closing his eyes on the seat, suddenly opened his eyes. After hearing the familiar number, he grinned and said, "Finally it's my turn!" Zhan Ye, who was sitting not far away, smiled excitedly and glanced at Zhan Minglei like a wolf's eyes, provocatively showing a bloodthirsty look.

"Look at the red trousers? Let's try to stare at me. Zhan Minggeng noticed it for the first time. Without saying a word, he scolded him mercilessly.

All of a sudden, it caused many people to laugh secretly, and Zhan Ye looked a little ugly but did not dare to respond.

I decided to show absolutely no mercy when it comes to the game.

The two sides set foot in the deep pits in the four sides of the martial arts arena, full of hard granite, stepping on the soles of their feet. Zhan Ye looked at the guy in front of him. After recalling the reward of killing a rebel, his eyes seemed to be looking at a treasure mountain and said with a grim smile, "Finally, let me wait for the opportunity."

Zhan Minglei responded indifferently, looking at the guy with teeth and claws in front of him, there was only a trace of cold light.

The officer of the underworld and Xiao Xiao seemed to know the indelible feud between the two sides and reminded: "The competition is the main thing, don't hurt people's lives. Now, let's start!" The weapon in the field is a light long gun. The gun is sharp and cold, and the head is huge and sharp.

I'm afraid that even if it's not short hair, it's no problem to easily poke the human body with one shot.

The so-called knife and gun are eyeless. When the two sides are fighting, it is inevitable that there will be some mistakes, which will lead to bloody cases. Therefore, and in the game, if there is a human death, it is also very common. If there is a murder case in the competition, it will be given a lighter punishment.


The officer of the Underworld preached coldly.

With the sound of words, many people's eyes fell on the stage. The two people's cultivation is similar, and they are still high-level, and the fight is still extremely wonderful. So it attracted the attention of many people all at once.

Zhan Minglei didn't talk nonsense. He just silently took off the thunder bow wrapped around his back, then stroked the bow and said softly, "Father, it's time to pay off the debt. In those years, you were killed because of the kindness of your peers. There was no solution to hatred. Let them pay a little interest first..."

"Worry! Come with your life!!"

When Zhan Ye heard this, his eyes were bloodthirsty. After a roar, the figure quickly swept out. The gun came out like a dragon, and the strange shooting method stabbed, cut, cut, and was dazzling in an instant.

Among the 18 weapons, the gun is one of the most difficult weapons to use.

Once it is refined, it is invisible to kill people.

In the era of the Republic of China, Yuan Shikai's elites needed a close instructor to look for masters everywhere. A master of the magic gun was also invited, and then sent a disciple to help Yuan Shikai wipe out the enemy. When he went, Yuan Shikai's three Japanese instructors looked at the appearance and insulted him. The master's disciples held a gun and declared war, and the Japanese instructor felt shameful and took the lead. At the beginning of the battle, the two were stabbed in the throat like a poisonous snake, and then thrown out of the hall. The other two instructors were furious, and then died neatly...

Although the shooting of the battlefield is not perfect, it is also domineering and strange. At least the first reaction of ordinary power warlocks when they see such a posture is to retreat and lack of momentum.

Zhan Minglei looked at the other party's progress. He didn't say a sound. As soon as his waist stopped, the long bow pulled the full moon, and a flash of lightning and lightning came out. In front of Zhan Ye's eyes, he subconsciously dodged for a moment and avoided a death move. He was shocked that his heart was cold, and he suddenly realized that the guy in front of him was by no means easy to provoke, and the battle should be solved quickly.

Who knows...

After Zhan Minglei shot an arrow, he glanced at the other party indifferently. No, an arrow shot again...


This arrow can be said to be solid. It hit the lower abdomen of the war field. The tip of the gun in the war field is only an inch away from Zhan Minglei's throat... And the scene of watching the war, taking a breath of air, happened in an instant!

Zhanye was shot by thunder, and a wailing sharp pain came from his lower abdomen, but the paralysis of thunder made his limbs lose induction, but... he suddenly felt in the back of his neck that a sharp breath rushed in an instant!