The best immortal cultivation: immortals walk in the city

Chapter 665: Desperate North Sea 5

Qijia Island's business is very developed. You are like Xianwangfu and Zhanxianmen. These forces often have some quarrels on their territory. But there has not been a single life accident on Qijia Island for more than 200 years. It is said that there was once a great immortal in the middle of Yuanying who killed a mortal at will on Qijia Island. The final result was that his head hung on the wall until it was dry.

Since then, the prestige of Qijia Island has gradually risen. In other cities, mortals may become ants. However, in Qijia Island, mortals who have no power to bind chickens dare to scold immortals directly. Such events can be described as sensational, but they are true.

I came to the largest material shop on Qijia Island. The purpose of Xia Feng is to refine a few of the best spiritual weapons. At that time, they will be sold at the auction, so that they can have the money to buy Haitu. If any immortals want to hear this, I'm afraid he will stare his eyes and show disbelief. The best spiritual weapon can be said to be the supreme magic weapon, and the summer wind with divine fire can be refined at will. It takes hundreds of years to purify alone.

As soon as she arrived, a woman with a graceful body in the material shop walked to Xia Feng. Before she opened her mouth to ask what she needed objectively, her face stiffened when she saw Xia Feng's appearance. Recently, two famous wanted criminals in the North Sea actually came to their treasure house. What is the purpose? After thinking about it for a while, he still walked to Xia Feng and asked softly, "I don't know what you need when you come to our Baozhai?"

Xia Feng smiled indifferently and said, "Find your manager. I want a large number of the best materials, and the price is easy to say."

"Uh..." The woman with a graceful body brushed the hair covering her eyebrows and said for a moment, "Please wait a moment." His appearance made many customers in Baozhai subconsciously glance at it, and the whispering voice kept ringing. A small number of people looked at Xia Feng's eyes, full of greed.

Xia Feng didn't seem to know these eyes, and he looked at the decoration in Baozhai with a simple taste. A post in the hall attracted Xia Feng's attention and subconsciously walked over.

"It is said that the third lady of the Qi family seemed to have been hurt by some ghosts a month ago. The Qi family is searching for some magic medicine that can cure the soul all over the world. This reward has been hanging for five days, but still can't be found."

"The magic medicine for the treatment of the soul is a treasure of heaven and earth. How can it be so easy to find it? What's more, the North Sea with scarce resources? It seems that the third lady of the Qi family is in danger this time.

Seeing the above reward, after entering his eyes word by word, Xia Feng's eyes flashed with crystal light. While he was thinking about it, there was already a crane-haired boy standing in front of him.

The boy is as tall as his waist, but the beautiful girl just now stood behind him. Taoist friend, I am the manager of this Baozhai. I don't know what you need? The voice sounded in Xia Feng's mind. Xia Feng looked back when he heard the words, but he couldn't see anyone. After looking forward to it, he finally bowed his head and saw the person in front of him. He immediately apologized and smiled: "I'm sorry, I didn't expect that the Taoist friend's skill of staying in the face has returned to the childland. Let's talk in another place, okay?"

"Yes." Although this boy looks childish, he speaks with an old-fashioned way. He also seems to be an old man who has lived for thousands of years.

After the two sat down in a secret place, Xia Feng wrote down all the materials he needed on a piece of paper and let him watch. After the boy took it, he just glanced at it and said, "There are so many best materials, Taoist friends, do you want to refine the best spiritual weapon? However, the price of these materials is extremely high. If you buy them, the price is..."

"Don't worry about the price, as long as it's reasonable. I think Guibaozhai must also accept the form of barter, right? Xia Feng smiled and said, "Although Xia doesn't have enough spiritual stones, there are still a lot of fairy medicine on his body." As soon as the words fell, he took out a precious light from his Xumi ring, and there was a colorful auspicious light medicine, which was placed in front of the boy. The pupil of the deal with it suddenly shrank. When it was pressed on the armrest of the chair, it was crushed by the excitement and said, "The elixir of ten thousand years!!"

Xia Feng rolled his eyes and said, "This medicine is 100,000 years old, not the ten-thousand-year elixir in your mouth. It is called Juling Ancient Flower, which can make the immortal power of immortals more pure, and the most important thing is! It can remove a heart demon on the monk's body or when the baby is seriously injured, and refine this medicine into an elixir, which can help your baby recover quickly.

The seemingly plain words made the boy in front of him put a happy smile on the corners of his mouth and said, "Friends of Taoism, is this medicine really a gathering of ancient flowers?"

"If it's fake, you'll pay ten." Xia Feng said jokingly.

"Can you get started?" A flash of urgency flashed in the boy's eyes. Any fairy could not calm down when he saw such a treasure of heaven and earth. Xia Feng handed over the magic medicine and carefully held it in his hand. Five minutes later, the boy's face flashed with hesitation, but he still whispered a few words to the wonderful woman. After hearing this, the woman immediately bowed and retreated.

"This matter is too important. I think it is necessary to invite the elders of the family to discuss it with you." The boy slowed down and explained to Xia Feng.

"I know that, too." Xia Feng nodded, picked up the tea on the table, and casually asked, "Guibaozhai should be able to provide these materials, right?"

"No problem, no problem, but it needs to be transferred from the clan, which will take about a day." Tongzi said quickly, afraid that Xia Feng was unwilling to carry out the transaction.

People are like this. When you show enough strength, the other party will naturally respect you. After Xia Feng waited patiently for an hour, an ink-haired young man flashed across the room. The young man looked a little handsome, but his long hair hung his waist. When the other party came, when he saw Xia Feng, he smiled and said, "I didn't expect that you would make the whole North Sea a miasma. You really came to Qijia Island, but it was really a wise choice."

Seeing this, the boy got up and introduced, "This is Qi Lang, the elder of the clan in charge of rare materials. He needs to talk about these things, so that the deal between us can really succeed."

The Qi family has always kept the best materials strictly, because in this wilderness of the North Sea, owning those best materials is the foundation for them. It's not easy to sell. After Qi Lang came, he sat rudely opposite Xia Feng. After taking over the herb and confirming that it was correct, he said straight to the mountain and said, "Taoist friend, the magic medicine you take is enough to exchange the materials you need. But our Qi family has two requests, and I hope you can agree.

"What request?"

Qi Lang waved his hand and smiled happily and said, "It's not a big deal. Taoist friends are now crossing the street like mice in the North Sea, and everyone shouts and beats them. But I think I have a lot of ability to live to this day. Seeing that you need so many best materials, it should be the best spiritual artifact. You might as well be a Taoist friend. Come to my Qi family as a guest elder and teach the knowledge of refinery. You can rest assured that no one can hurt you on Qijia Island.

"What about the second one?" Xia Feng said quietly.

Qi Lang continued to smile and said, "I hope Taoist friends can take out a magic medicine to save the soul. If we can take it out, our Qi family is willing to spend a lot of money to buy it and keep you and the witch safe. How about it?"

"But I don't." Xia Feng blinked his eyes, and the other party actually guessed that he still needed magic medicine. The so-called wealth cannot be exposed. Once the Qi family has the intention of killing and grabbing treasure against him, it can...

"Hehe, our Qi family has investigated you. You sold a 100,000-year-old magic medicine in a small dynasty in the northwest region a few months ago, and now you have taken out another one. This shows that Taoist friends definitely have it, otherwise I wouldn't have come here non-stop this time. If Taoist friends are willing to take out an herb to heal the soul at this time, it will be a benefactor to our Qi family. Our Qi family has always respected their benefactors!" Qi Lang said with a deep meaning.

"Sorry, I really didn't. However, I can promise you one thing. I'm not interested in your elders. You provide the materials, and I can help you refine a best spiritual weapon, what do you think? I think it's okay, right? Xia Feng said slowly.

The boy standing behind Qi Lang obviously turned hot! Helping to refine a best spiritual weapon, such a rich reward is simply eye-catching. In the virtual fairyland, spiritual weapons are basically high-quality goods. The best spiritual weapons are more or less left from ancient times today. Without exception, due to the lack of divine fire, they can never refine the magic weapon to a pure state.

Qi Lang heard that Xia Feng refused him twice, but after the subsequent price, his face slowed down. Understanding that Xia Feng did a good job, he immediately asked in a low voice, "You might as well think about it. Although Qijia Island is extremely low-key in the North Sea, no one has dared to provoke our dignity for thousands of years. It is said that you are still being hunted down by the Qi family in Nanzhou. My clan can be safe.

"No." Xia Feng took up his tea, glanced at Qi Lang and said, "Xia doesn't like to be under the fence. Since some guys don't know the depth of heaven and want to take Xia's life, I will give him a ride in advance.

When the boy next to him heard it, his face was very wonderful. Qi Lang said it so well, but the guy in front of him seemed to be very confident and refused.

I really don't know if he is crazy or has any cards! You should know that many real immortals outside want to take his life. Qi Lang sighed. After understanding that it was impossible, he immediately said, "Then let's rely on the Taoist friends. After the cooperation between the Taoist friends and my Qi family is completed, we will quietly send you away temporarily."