The best immortal cultivation: immortals walk in the city

Chapter 921: I don't know that your heart has me, my heart is in your body

Chapter 921: I don't know that your heart has me, and my heart is in your heart "Middle"

A calculation is really perfect. Even if it is Xia Feng, I'm afraid he can't see through this situation. When Ao Tian understood that when he got up and left, he found that... the space seal around him was extremely stable. If he wanted to break the cultivation of his quasi-emperor, I'm afraid it would take at least a stick of incense. But... the bloody thunder on the sky, the waves are turbulent, endlessly gathering, such a destruction thunder, even he Aotian can't stand it for a while!

So it is naturally impossible to free up space to leave this area.

Ao Tian was upset, and for a moment, the stormy waves in his heart also turned into fear. Once the Wind Emperor reincarnates and makes a little mistake, who in the world can stop the edge of the reincarnation of Taoist? Ao Tian had no countermeasures for a while. On the contrary, the reincarnation of the Taoist, like a bird out of the cage, let him fly. However, everything is in the hands of the reincarnation. How can he let go of this great opportunity?

After all, the Wind Emperor is his fatality. Once he is completely erased, he will be really safe.

"Ao Tian's fool, when he breaks my array, at least seven days later, I want to destroy the place of dragon inheritance, one day is enough! At that time, cut off the shackles of life exerted by the Wind Emperor on me, step on the virtual fairyland again, reshape the North Sea, roll up hundreds of millions of souls, and completely destroy the blood of the emperors. At that time, I will sacrifice the descendants of the blood of the emperors, so that I can reach the realm of the emperor. At that time, who can stop me in heaven and earth? Even if the emperors have a quasi-imperial boy to guard, it is definitely not my opponent!"

After the reincarnation Taoist had a plan in his heart, his eyes were extremely fierce for a moment. He saw the blood shadow in the sky rolling, and thousands of wronged souls accompanied him behind him. The blood-colored robe and the scarlet long hair were as horrible as the purgatory emperor who came out of the underworld. Suddenly, the blood cloud was born, and the divine power was so powerful. The green spirits thousands of miles away looked at the distance with horrified, and their faces changed greatly!

Wherever the blood cloud passes, whether it is the monk, the demon clan, or the dragon clan, they all get involved in the demon cloud and draw the soul. A body of flesh and blood is transformed into the essence of the body of the reincarnation Taoist. As for the soul, it is integrated into the blood cloud, increasing the Taoist foundation of the reincarnation, the bloody storm, and no life.

"All clans obey the order, leave here, return to the deepest hinterland of our dragon clan, use the clan array to compete with the enemy, and retreat quickly. Thousands of miles away, there is a quasi-emperor to attack and kill. Half of the emperor of our clan is temporarily trapped and retreat quickly!!!"

The anger roared like thunder. Many dragon clans suddenly tightened their pupils. They naturally noticed the horrible cultivation coming thousands of miles away. Hearing this, they couldn't help but say a few words. There were nearly a thousand dragons, and they couldn't help but escape to the foundation of the dragon clan, but the blood cloud thousands of miles away was too fast. It's almost like a lightning flash. When the blood cloud comes here, I'm afraid it will be enough to take a few breaths.

Qingling looked at his clan and fled crazily. Although he was hesitant in his heart, he soon calmed down and replaced it with calmness!

You are the elder of the dragon clan. Even if the sky falls, you should calm down!

"If the clan wants to escape to the clan array in the hinterland, it will take at least a hundred breaths of time. If I don't stop it... At that time, our clan will definitely be destroyed." Qingling's heart was pounding, and his eyes were blooming. Obviously, he was about to make up his mind.

"The cultivation of the quasi-emperor..." There is a sense of sadness in Qingling's eyes. With his cultivation, even the time to stop the quasi-emperor's ten breaths of cultivation, not to mention a hundred breaths? The murder was rampant, and Qingling shook his green robe. Although his face was twitching, he still squeezed out a smile.

"It's my blessing to be born in our family."

"It's my blessing to die in our people."

"The emperors did not hesitate to die in order to defend our people. I am the elder and an example in the clan. At the critical moment, how can I live secretly? Qingling shook the green robe, and the cultivation of the three sources and half emperors proudly walked out of the top of the clouds.

"Today, I died in battle for my clan. The people of our clan will definitely return this revenge ten times and a hundred times."

The next moment, the green spirit turned into a hundred feet of green dragons.

The huge dragon eye of Qingling was thinking about how to resist the attack, and then finally had a countermeasure... It's just!

These countermeasures are too serious for the dragon clan. The palace has reached the realm of the quasi-emperor. After he gets out of trouble, he will definitely be able to bring the dragon clan back to the virtual fairyland. No matter how bad it is, he can completely repair the trauma suffered in this world. What if it destroys the foundation of a family? Sooner or later, our dragon clan will leave here. On the contrary, with the clan... The blood is gradually withering. If there is any accident for the thousand people, our clan will suffer the most terrible blow in 100,000 years... Without the ancient years, I'm afraid it will be difficult to recover, so...!"

"It's better to destroy the foundation of the boundary than to make our race change again!" After Qingling paid attention, the dragon's eyes were extremely sharp, and he recited the ancient magic, as if he was summoning something...

After counting breaths, Qingling's eyebrows flashed for a while, and he saw the sparkling and shiny lifeprint in the size of his palm, which was suddenly in front of his eyes...

Life seal!

Qingling also knows what kind of choice he is about to make. Although the seal of life can make his cultivation temporarily rise, but in exchange... this life will be his end. After this life... Three thousand worlds will no longer have his identity, no reincarnation, and completely disappear.

But for the sake of the clan, the green dragon eyes crossed with tears, and a wisp of obsession entered the seal of life.

"Bang--!" The sound of the life seal bursting in his ears, and immediately the power of terrible vitality poured into Qingling's body. The power of the seal of life records countless reincarnations. Even if every life of practice leaves a little strength and accumulates in a hundred generations, how powerful is it?

Moreover, the only way to mobilize the power of the life seal can reach two and a half sources of the emperor.

Those who reach half the emperor, fall into reincarnation, and can wake up their wisdom in the future. After reincarnation, the Taoist foundation is unprecedentedly powerful, so it is not a deep hatred of the sea of blood. Few people will break the seal of life to revenge.

The life seal was broken, and in an instant, the cultivation of the Qingling has been raised to the five heavens!

is the Five Sources and Half Emperor!

The terrible aura, when it first appeared, was really fierce. It's just... Qingling didn't want to let go for a moment. In the distance, where the blood shadow passed, all spirits slaughtered. Fortunately, the Qi family left this world and returned to the North Sea a few days ago, otherwise they would really end up the death of the clan.

And the demon clan...

No one left!

Fairy clan, there is no one left!

Whether it is the War Immortal Gate or the horrible monks of the Immortal Palace, even if they reach the cultivation of the Four Sources and Half Emperors, they are included in the blood cloud of blood by the reincarnation Taoists and refined into the soul general!

Some of these immortals came from the blood of the three emperors and five emperors in the eastern land. Only two people in the wind emperor's vein performed secret skills and fled in a hurry, and the rest were destroyed here. Emperor Yan's vein, a force from the dark saved him.

As for the soul emperor, no one is left.

Where the blood shadow passes, whether it is a barbarian beast or a monk, it is not left!

At this time, Qingling also completed all his preparations, and did not hesitate to break the life seal in exchange for the realm of the five sources and half emperors. The so-called cultivation is not to block it!

It is to mobilize the seven-storey 100,000-year-old horror fairy base of the Dragon Cave with the cultivation of the Five Sources and the Half Emperor!!!

ps: Two chapters have been updated, and there will be three chapters tomorrow. By the way, please recommend your new book "Invincible Blood" for readers to have a look. I think it's quite good.