The best immortal cultivation: immortals walk in the city

Chapter 926: The Finale of Desire 3 / 10

Chapter 926: The Finale of Flowers "3/10"

"What?" Hearing this, the original gloomy eyes rose in an instant. At this time, the catastrophe of the dragon clan was about to be destroyed in the world. The words of the eldest grandson Su Shi were like a dazzling beam of sunshine falling on the sky between heaven and earth. The fourth elder didn't want to miss this last straw. He was short of breath and said, "Friend, don't lie to me. Is it true?"

Changsun Su Shi closed his eyes and realized the changes between heaven and earth. After confirming that it was correct, he nodded and said, "If it is an ordinary spell, maybe I can't resist it, but the next blow of the reincarnation Taoist is to destroy the array of shelter since it attracted the power of the underworld. I can also resist this skill... However, it requires a certain cost. "

"What's the price? Let's talk about it. If I can do it, I will definitely not hesitate!" The eyes of the four elders were extremely hot, and they asked in a sonorous and powerful voice.

"I take the reincarnation lotus as the weapon, and I am the spirit. The reincarnation lotus is the treasure of the underworld, and hundreds of millions of ghosts regard it as an ancestor. My soul is integrated into the divine soldier. Since then, I have sheltered the altar for one day, and I can support it for up to one day...! What I need is that the four elders must take good care of my body. Maybe my soul will not exist at that time, but my body will keep my life seal. Let Xia Feng send my body back to Xihuang to my father, and then I can also save a life!

In an instant, the four elders stayed in place, reincarnation lotus?

The sacred object of the underworld, reincarnation lotus? Nowadays, the only thing that resounds in the minds of the four old people is this sentence. As a family, he knows more about what kind of power this thing is.

Although the quasi-emperor is horrible, the reincarnation lotus is the sacred object of the underworld, and there is only one left in the world.

The last reincarnation lotus appeared. According to the classics, it was controlled by the soul emperor and ruled the underworld. Later, the soul emperor died, and the reincarnation lotus was naturally shattered and turned into 100,000 seeds, scattered between heaven and earth. Only one of these 100,000 seeds can be turned into a divine soldier.

Can such magic soldiers actually hold it in the hands of the little girl in front of him?

The surprise in the eyes of the four elders could not be concealed, and when he heard the words of Changsun Su Shi, he was silent.

He understood how the eldest grandson Su Shi was going to do it...

Resist the reincarnation Taoist with your own soul!

Perhaps the four elders of their own clan have become accustomed to doing this kind of thing, but when a foreign fairy said this in person, the four elders just felt that a stone of Mount Tai suddenly fell on his chest, which made it quite difficult for him to breathe...

This is a foreigner!

For the sake of their dragon clan, they do not hesitate to sacrifice their souls and take the risk of not leaving their souls behind! On the old face of the four elders, he tried to squeeze out a smile and closed his eyes. Suddenly, he shook his head and said, "Taoist friend, I can't agree to this!"

"Why?" The eldest grandson Su Shi's face was shocked. The dragon clan has reached such a point that he would refuse his suggestion? It really didn't make her expect it. Although the four old people's smile was gratifying and tired, he couldn't hide it. He tried to improve his voice and said, "Xia Daoyou gave you to our hands and let me wait to protect your safety. I have promised this. How can I violate it?"

"The matter of life is too important. Taoist friends... If the array of shelter is broken later, you will be able to leave here calmly with the power of the divine soldiers of reincarnation lotus. If you can, then you can take the seeds of a few dragons and step into the virtual fairyland to raise them. In the future, they will be able to replace my dragon clan, blood! Wash! This! Enmity! That's it!"

The eyes of the four old people are like torches. In the last sentence, the huge hatred contained in the words is so huge. The sea of blood has a deep hatred, and the four elders have long been imprinted in their own souls. If they can kill the reincarnation Taoist, he will not hesitate to seal it with his own life!

The cruelty of reality makes him understand.

Reincarnation Taoists are by no means what they can resist.

The huge dragon clan will eventually turn into soot. When it is destroyed, there will be small ripples in the world.

Maybe... someone will mention this big family in the future, but after all, it's just a word in the classics.

It is extremely gratifying for him to be able to preserve some seeds. Changsun Su Shi was silent, and suddenly she smiled.

The smile is like a peony in full bloom, and the handsome smile is like a blooming flower, mixed with a little beauty. If it's another time, this smile alone is enough to turn all sentient beings upside down. As if the four elders had never seen it, Changsun Su Shi looked at the divine door connecting the sky on the altar.

The divine door seems to be nothing!

Inheritance still exists, but it is not known when the people in the inheritance will come out.

"I'm not for the dragon clan, I'm for him. If the altar is destroyed, then all inheritance will naturally be turned into soot, not above this world! If he dies, what's the point of my life?" Changsun Su Shi suddenly looked at the dark sky and laughed again, as if he were saying a very plain thing.

"Four elders, do you know? In the West Wasteland, maybe you don't know where it is. It's my home. There is a legend in the western wilderness, which is called desire to give birth to flowers.

"No one knows whether this flower has ever appeared or not. It is as mysterious as a flower on the other side. If you want to live a flower in any place in the world, it's just... Heaven and earth don't allow it to appear. Only when this flower meets its beloved and meets its own destiny, will it quietly bloom in front of the other party and follow it forever.

The four elders were stunned, and some words poured into his ears. Immediately, with his insight, he naturally vaguely guessed what Changsun Su Shi was about to do.

"I want to give birth to a flower, so if I meet him, I will naturally die because of him. If there is fate, if he is willing to marry me, take my body into the western wilderness, find my father, and bring me back to life. If there is no fate, he has died in the place of inheritance, then I will step on the yellow spring with him, which is also my wish.

"This is my decision. I hope you can understand the fate of the four elders!"

As soon as the voice fell, Changsun Su Shi's thin lips opened slightly, revealing her white teeth, and her pink and soft tongue flashed slightly, and she saw a dark black lotus in her mouth.

This lotus is wrapped around two ghosts, which is the ghost king who was accompanied by the reincarnation lotus at the beginning.

The eldest grandson Su Shi smiled, and in a moment when his mind moved slightly, the two ghosts were released.

"Let's go. From now on, you husband and wife will be free, and you will be free from three thousand worlds."