
Chapter 18 Shocking Things.

It's lunch break again, but my favorite peace of mind to read quietly during this period has obviously become absent-minded, because for ten minutes, the book in front of me is still on the page where there are not too many words. I think I don't know where my thoughts have gone, and all this is due to Mu Junhao.

Looking at the empty seat beside him, his heart was full of worry, because Mu Junhao didn't come to class for two days. Although he usually didn't listen at all and came to school just to sleep, at least he had never been absent, but this time he disappeared for two days. This sudden change was really puzzled. .

"Where the hell have you been?" He spoke to himself doubtfully.

If you think about it carefully, in fact, since they separated from the place where they worked, she never saw Mu Junhao again, and this perception suddenly made Anxin a little uneasy.

Suddenly, I found that I didn't know anything about Mu Junhao. I didn't know anything about him. Except for knowing his name and knowing that he smoked and drank, I didn't know anything else about him. Somehow, this made the reassuring Liu eyebrows gradually frown together.

At this time, a clear female voice came and said, "Reassuring."

This call brought her back to her mind. Looking at the door of the classroom, the girl standing at the door surprised Anxin. She said, "Han Xiao?"

Why did she come here? Are you looking for Mu Junhao? Thinking about it, this is the only possibility. Han Xiao is Mu Junhao's sister. However, when he remembered Mu Junhao's vicious attitude, he felt sad for Han Xiao, but he also wondered what happened to the two brothers and sisters, and the relationship would become so stiff.

And today Han Xiao came to see him, but he was not there. Should this be regarded as a good thing or a bad thing? Mu Junhao, he didn't come to class today.

The reassuring words made Han Xiao shake her head. She said, "I'm not here to find him."

This made Anxin look at Han Xiao and said doubtfully, "I didn't come to find him, then you are..." Seeing that the other party was looking at her, Anxin seemed to think of a possibility. She said in surprise, "Is it possible that you came to me?"

And Han Xiao nodded affirmatively and said, "I'm here to find you."

"So... what can I do for you?" Anxin asked with some hesitation. Because she and Han Xiao have only met once, and they are not even friends, Han Xiao said that he had something to ask her to make An An a little confused.

However, under the eyes of peace of inquiry, Han Xiao seemed to have something difficult to say. He bit his lip and didn't say anything. And the expression was worried, which made Anxin a little puzzled. What was the matter with her and why did she show such an expression?

Although Anxin wanted to know, he did not urge her, but silently waited for her to speak.

After three minutes, Han Xiao seemed to have finally made up his mind and looked up and said slowly, "My brother..."

Mu Junhao! Realizing that Han Xiao was talking about Mu Junhao, Anxin immediately said nervously, "What's wrong with him?" As soon as she said the words, she was stunned. How could she become so excited? But now the focus is not on this, but what's wrong with Mu Junhao. Thinking of Han Xiao's expression just now, An An immediately had a bad feeling. She whispered in disbelief, "Is there nothing wrong with him?"

And Han Xiao nodded again, which made Anxin suddenly uneasy. She said anxiously, "How is he now?"

Her heart was shaking violently because Han Xiao's words seemed to jump out of her heart.

Shaking her head, the reassuring words were only for Han Xiao's shaking her head. She said with a disappointed face, "I only know that my brother was injured at that time and the situation was not very good, but I don't know what's going on now."

Speaking of this, Han Xiao's face was full of sadness, but Anxin was not in good condition. These five words shocked his head. Mu Junhao was injured. How could he be injured? Why did he get hurt? She said excitedly, "Doesn't he have a bodyguard? Didn't they protect him?"

What about Mu Junhao's bodyguards? Last time in *, just a few people wanted to surround Mu Junhao, and his bodyguard surrounded him in the middle to protect him. What about this time? Are they not there when Mu Junhao is in danger? Shouldn't you always be by your master's side as a bodyguard?

"No, my bodyguard was not around at that time, in fact..." Speaking of this, Han Xiao paused again, but Anxin urged anxiously this time: "Actually, what! Tell me!" As soon as she said the words, she was stunned, and then her face began to turn red. First, she was shocked to realize that she would be so worried about him, and second, she actually used such an unreasonable tone to Han Xiao.

And Han Xiao didn't seem to care. She continued, "Actually, my brother's skills are very good, and his bodyguards can't beat him. And my brother is a soaring young master and no one dares to provoke him.

And Anxin suddenly thought of the supervisor's attitude and what the foreman had said that day, but the more he thought about it, the more he knew that Mu Junhao could not be provoked, but at the same time, it also made Anxin more confused. Since he was extraordinary and special, why was he injured? Isn't this contradictory? Isn't it difficult to make it yourself?

Seeing the question of peace of mind, Han Xiao's next sentence gave her the answer, "Because he ran to the underground casino to fight black boxing."

This made Anxin doubt again, and she repeated inexplicablely: "Black fist?"

Obviously, she doesn't understand what Han Xiao is talking about.

So, she explained, "It's to participate in an illegal gambling boxing match." And she seemed to recall something. Her expression was very painful. As soon as she opened her mouth, her voice trembled. She said, "I don't know why I did this. This is simply a joke about my life. You know, every boxer is a master with unique skills. They are like killing machines and will never show any mercy. And he will sign the life and death certificate before the game, so even if I finally die on the boxing court, there is no reason.

Anxin suddenly found that her hand began to tremble unconsciously. She couldn't imagine what the scene was like at that time, but from Han Xiao's trembling voice and painful expression, Anxin guessed that the scene must be cruel and bloody. I couldn't believe that this was true. Anxin never thought that this was a real thing. Han Xiao's words really surprised her, but at the same time, the doubts in her heart were deeper.

And Han Xiao threw a blockbuster to Anxin at this time. She said, "And I actually challenged a five-game winning boxer."

This... Anxin couldn't find her voice all of a sudden. She could only open her mouth and look at Han Xiao with a shocked face but couldn't speak. Is Mu Junhao crazy? Inferred from Han Xiao's words, not at all

It's hard to think of what superb fighting skills a five-game winning boxer will have, and Mu Junhao actually challenged him. What on earth is he thinking! But...what about the result? Anxin felt that someone grabbed her by the neck and made it difficult for her to breathe.

"Although my brother won in the end, he was also seriously injured." Han Xiao's words relieved him at this time. But her next words were like a bolt from the blue, and she was relieved.

Han Xiao said, "I really don't understand why I did this. Is it for the two million bonus? Is it not enough money to spend? However, you can't do that either. What should we do if something happens to him?

And she couldn't hide her worries anymore and burst into tears.

Maybe the truth was too hard for her to believe. After listening to Han Xiao's words, she could not say anything about the truth, but tears slowly flowed out of her eyes and her mind was blank. However, she knew that her heart was so uncomfortable and very uncomfortable now. Even if she shed tears, she could not solve this. A feeling.

Looking at Han Xiao, who was crying sadly in front of her, guilt filled her heart with peace of mind, because she hurt her relatives. She suddenly felt that she had no face to face Han Xiao.

quietly wiped away his tears and said calmly, "Where is he now? Take me there."

It's like overturning a five-flavor bottle. She can't say what she feels like now, but the feeling of wanting to see Mu Junhao is getting stronger and stronger, making her unable to wait even for a second.

But Han Xiao shook her head with tears on her face. She said sadly, "I can't go with you. Because I hate me, you can go by yourself. Just tell me how he is now when you come back. That's why I came to you."

For a moment, her heart was indescribably sad. What a kind sister she was looking at because she was worried that the other party would cry, but because the other party didn't want to see her. What a kind sister she was. The crystal tears were all her sister's love for her brother, but why did Mu Junhao ask for it? What about boredom? It suddenly occurred to me that when I first saw her, Mu Junhao's attitude towards her must have been very sad at that time. Mu Junhao was so cold that even an outsider couldn't stand it at that time. I can imagine how painful the heart of the person concerned would be, but she still cared about the other party as always. Such a sister Are you going to look for it? What on earth is Mu Junhao thinking?

Suddenly, that feeling appeared again, and those eyes came to the mind of peace of mind again, but this time the peace of mind did not take him back from his mind. I want to know that she wants to know everything about him, not the domineering Mu Junhao, not the careful Mu Junhao, not the cold Mu Junhao, not the stupid Mu Junhao, but the real Mu Junhao. She wants to know.
