
Chapter 31 Unfortunately.

Even if the body has become stiff because of maintaining a posture for a long time and the neck begins to sore, the tightly hugged body under the shade does not mean to let go of each other at all. And everything around seems to be non-existent in the eyes of both of them, and their eyes are only the person in their arms at this time.

"You already know." After a long time, Mu Junhao's voice broke the silence, and his words were not questions, but affirmation without hesitation.

I thought that Mu Junhao knew that Han Xiao would come to tell Anxin everything.

"Hmm!" Respond softly with peace of mind.

It seems that nothing can be hidden from him. Then admit it generously!

After a brief conversation, it was silent again, as if he was thinking about something. He stopped talking, and soon after, his voice sounded in his ear. This time it was much lighter, as if talking to himself, "That..."

As if I didn't have the confidence to go on, the words were suddenly interrupted.

"What do you think?" Ask at ease.

Although Mu Junhao's words are not finished, she also understands what he wants to express. There are some words between them that they don't need to be said so clearly that the other party will understand. Instead of answering, she threw the question to him again.

"Oh!" Hearing her words, Mu Junhao suddenly smiled. And the laughter was full of joy.

And Anxin also laughed. The answer is self-evident, and they will never give up on each other. Maybe I hesitated and hesitated, but in the end I found that I couldn't let go anyway, so don't separate.

"Don't leave my sight." He hugged the person in his arms harder.


However, I didn't expect that when she left school and visited her mother in the hospital with a happy mood, she was greeted by a bolt from the blue.

She was so shocked that she even forgot to shed tears. Her face was unbelievable and she clutched the doctor's sleeve tightly. She said emotionally, "I heard it wrong. I heard it wrong!"

But the doctor's face was full of sorrow, but it hurt her eyes, which made her have to believe that everything just now was not her hallucination.

In an instant, the sky collapsed and her brain was blank, like a puppet whose soul was pumped away. She immediately sat on the bench in the corridor. It's obviously daytime, but why does she think the world is dark?

I cover my face tightly and really can't face this sudden thing. I never thought that death would be so close to me, close to my reach. Although my mother is not in good health, how could she get stomach cancer... How could she... Tears kept falling like broken beads, but they couldn't relieve her sadness at all.

Suddenly began to become hysterical. Why did you take away my relatives? I have lost my father. Don't you even leave my mother to me? What the hell did I do wrong! Why do you treat me like this? Why!

The doctor who is used to life and death continued at this time: "We will try our best, but your mother's cancer cells have now spread to the liver and lungs, so you'd better be prepared!"

Her body is like a helpless fallen leaf in the autumn wind, trembling fiercely with the doctor's words, which told her how to bear the heavy blow.

At this time, a hand suddenly rested on her shoulder, turned around in surprise, and saw her mother looking at herself with a smile.


The sudden appearance of An's mother made the tears on her face open her eyes in an instant, but seeing her mother's calm face, she knew that she had heard what she had just said, and her tears began to burst in an instant. "Mom!" He couldn't control his emotions anymore and threw himself into his mother's arms and cried.

No! No! I don't want it!

She refused over and over again in her heart, hoping to resist the arrangement of fate, but she was not God after all.

An's mother could only smile with tears in her eyes and reach out to touch her relieved head. There was no fear of death in her eyes, but only full of reluctance to her daughter.


Without the previous worry-freeness, sadness filled her face. Thinking of my mother's thin face tortured by illness, my heart was as if it had been cut fiercely by a knife, which was heartbreaking.

And her mother's medical expenses are also a huge amount for her, so she can't afford it at all, but she will not watch her mother leave her in any case. As long as there is a glimmer of hope, she will not give up.

Looking at Mu Junhao beside her, she didn't know how to speak, because she owed him so much that she couldn't repay it, but she didn't expect anyone else to take out tens of thousands of yuan in a short time, except him.

Say that she is selfish, shameless, and say that she can do anything, because she really needs money.

Mu Junhao, who was lying on the table, seemed to feel something at this time and slowly opened his eyes.

The eyes collided, and the sadness in her eyes was too late to hide, so she had to turn her head to one side immediately. Because she hasn't figured out how to speak.

"What happened?"

Because of his words, Anxin suddenly had an impulse to shed tears, and his words of concern also made Anxin more guilty. He shook his head and said at ease, "It's okay."

But the trembling voice betrayed her heart at this time.

"Do you think I will believe it?"

And with his words, Mu Junhao pulled over his relieved shoulder and faced himself. Seeing her tears in her eyes, Mu Junhao frowned and said, "What's going on?" Then he seemed to think of something and said hurriedly, "Is the old man bothering you?"

"No!" She shook her head at ease, and tears fell down with her movements. Mu Junhao asked her how to open her mouth and how to let her open her mouth. She couldn't face his face.

began to blame himself in his heart. Why did he repeatedly drag down Mu Junhao and began to complain about him like a fool? Can he do anything once he determines that the other party is the person he needs? Won't you regret doing anything? How can there be such an idiot? How can there be such a stupid person? All I can give you is hugs and shoulders, but you give me life! It's life!

Thinking about this, tears of peace of mind kept falling. No one hates crying more than her, but she loves tears more than anyone else. Is the sadness in my heart overloaded, or is there too much emotion in my heart?

"What the hell is going on? Tell me!" Mu Junhao said anxiously, "I hate guessing."

Tears raised her head. The tears in her eyes made her unable to see Mu Junhao's face clearly, but she felt his worry, and her mother suffered a huge blow from cancer, which made her unable to support it alone. "My mother... got cancer."

Obviously hesitant and wandering, but in front of you, I don't seem to be able to hide. Yesterday you sought comfort in my arms, but today I cried in your arms. Why do we all have to be hurt? Why do we all live so painfully and what have we done wrong?

I have never got an answer to repeated questions, but I also understand that you are still by my side when I am helpless.


Carrying her schoolbag, she took a mechanical step and walked in the direction of home. She wanted to go home to get some clothes for her mother, and the word home... suddenly made Anxin feel sad. Originally, there was one less person in the place where the four people lived, which has been hit hard, but now there is still the danger of losing another person. This is already without father and mother's home. Can it still be called home?

If my mother really leaves... won't, won't! Anxin immediately shook her head to deny her speculation. Her mother is now receiving treatment. She will definitely get better.

When I thought of my mother, I thought of Mu Junhao, because he paid for his mother's medical treatment. Helplessness and guilt hit her heart together. What she owes to Mu Junhao is not over in her life. I'm afraid I won't pay it off in my next life. Somehow, she first told Mu Junhao, not Su Tianyi, about her mother's illness. It seems that when he became his support, he also became his pillar, so let us, who are hurt all over, support each other and move forward! We are all abandoned by God.

"Drip! Drop!"

At this moment, the sound of the car horn suddenly came behind her, interrupting her mind and making her come to her senses, and then she found that she had unconsciously walked to the middle of the road.

Looking at the car driving from her side, I am relieved that the street of their house is relatively quiet and there are not too many vehicles. Otherwise, she will stand in the middle of the road like this and don't know how dangerous it will be.

I can't help complaining that she is distracted again, but how can she keep calm after another blows? She should be lucky that she didn't collapse.

Suddenly felt something was wrong, because she had already walked aside, but why did she feel that there was still a car behind her?

Looking back doubtfully, there was a car behind her.

What's going on? She subconsciously looked in the direction of the driver's seat. This look was even more puzzled. Why was the driver still wearing a mask on such a hot day, but the next second she was stunned. Although she was some distance from the driver in the driver's seat, she felt that the driver's eyes were staring at her closely, and the eyes screamed I shuddered with peace of mind. It made her feel like she had fallen into the ice cave.

And the car, which had been driving slowly, suddenly increased its speed without warning and drove to peace without hesitation.

This made her eyes widen and forgot to reflect for a moment. She could only watch the car drive towards her, and a sentence suddenly broke into her mind, and 'get rid of you' suddenly woke up. She understood that the car was for her.

After realizing this, she turned around in a hurry and began to run desperately.

But...how can she run a car!