
Chapter 35 is too late.

It's not that I can't accept that we become lovers, but I didn't expect this, because this sudden thing really surprised me, but if my heart tells me that it actually likes you, then I won't deceive myself.

"Sometimes we are confused, but what will happen if we imagine that there is a sudden lack of the person who makes us contradictory in our lives?"

Is he missing? Because of An's mother's words, her hand couldn't help trembling. At the beginning, the one-person world was abruptly broken by him. Although it was annoying at first, it gradually adapted to it and got used to his existence. If he suddenly disappeared... No one would stay in the classroom in the afternoon with him, and no one would be in danger. When you save yourself, you won't cry so sadly in your arms. No, no. No! Nothing!

If everything is blank, no! Anxin suddenly opened his eyes in horror, "No." Without you, I...I...isn't used to it? Uncomfortable? Or...is it sad! It's sad! Without you, my heart would be heartbroken...

It turned out that Mu Junhao had unconsciously occupied her heart.

Looking up and seeing my mother looking at herself with a smile on her face, Anxin suddenly smiled, "Mom, thank you."

She thought she had understood. So she will follow her heart.

"Silly child, mom only wants you to be happy." Touching the reassuring head, An's mother still smiled and said, "Go! Go and find him!"

"Hmm!" He nodded and ran out with a smile.

When I figured it out, I suddenly felt enlightened. Those things that had been bothering me suddenly disappeared, and I even felt that I was so stupid that I didn't even understand it, but now I'm sure it's fine.

It turns out that she likes each other as much as he does.

However, she ran out of the hospital full of excitement. She suddenly found that she didn't know where to find the man she wanted to see at this time, and where to tell him her feelings. Looking at the people in front of her, she suddenly sadly found that she was not at Mu Junhao at all. Well, if you say that group of girls are superficial, don't she only know half of them?

Where does Mu Junhao live?

I don't know!

Where do you usually go?

I don't know!

"Oh!" Suddenly, I laughed sarcastically. When you went deep into my life, I knew nothing about you. So when you turn around and leave, I have nowhere to find.

Looking at this hurried passerby, fear suddenly filled my heart, fearing that we would eventually become this hurried passer-by.

It turns out that my hesitation may really make a big mistake. Now, I have understood my heart, but how can I convey my heart to you? Will you wait for me?


waited and waited, waited and waited, but he never appeared, and this heart became more and more anxious and uneasy, because time may make them open a greater distance.

And when Mu Junhao, who had disappeared for a long time, appeared in front of her again, he made Anxin speechless. The cold eyes that looked at her made her stop trembling. The original intention was to express, but after seeing him like this, she couldn't say a word. Her heart suddenly swelled and felt so uncomfortable, but she couldn't find it. To the exit.

Just glanced at him with peace of mind, Mu Junhao closed his eyes and lay on the table ready to sleep.

And this action, which usually has no other meaning, is full of rejection today, and his eyes and movements all make his heart feel sad.

Don't look at me like this. My heart is so uncomfortable. She frowned and looked at Mu Junhao with his eyes closed.

How could this happen? Is it too late for me to decide? Have we staggered? Can't go back to the past?

And when she thought of this, she began to be afraid, because she didn't want them to eventually become passers-by, so she said, "I have something to tell you."

However, Mu Junhao did not respond and still maintained an unchanged posture.

He knew that he could not fall asleep so soon, and he didn't answer, indicating that he didn't want to listen, but "Mu Junhao, I..."

"Do you know that you are annoying?" Mu Junhao's tone was cold and his face was full of impatience. He opened his eyes and looked at peace of mind. His disgusted eyes were like a sharp sword, stabbing him with wounds all over his body.

And this was not over. He suddenly said to the head teacher who had just entered the classroom, "I want to change my seat!"

The non-negotiable tone explained his determination and made the teacher look at the two doubtfully. He didn't understand why Mu Junhao, who had always been getting along well with peace of mind, asked to change seats.

And Anxin has been so shocked by the other party's behavior that he can't speak.

And Mu Junhao had already stood up from his seat at this time and packed up what he didn't have.

Seeing that the other party was about to leave, he subconsciously stretched out his hand to keep him.

However, the hand that had just touched the corner of his clothes slowly shrank back under Mu Junhao's cold eyes.

And the heart is also sinking together. Why is it like this? For you, if we can't be lovers, can't we even be friends? Thinking that if you don't fall in love with him, you will be treated like this, and you will suddenly feel uncomfortable. However, even if you fall in love with him now, won't you be treated like this? I don't even have time to think, I don't even give me the opportunity to explain, and I don't even give me room for manoeuvre. I'm not like you. I've encountered anything. I haven't even ever been in love, so how can I distinguish my heart in an instant?

blindly asked me for an answer and kept forcing me to give an answer, but how could I immediately tell you how my heart felt about you? Then when I wandered, you made a decision without hesitation. When I turned back, you chose to leave. Isn't it a little too much to do this? What?

Looking at Mu Junhao's departure, he said fiercely in his heart, let's go! You go! It's okay not to be such a selfish person! Mu Junhao! Don't look back when you leave!

But why did tears wet their eyes at this time?

Don't cry! Tell yourself that you will live better without him. Isn't it good to return to the calm days before? Isn't it easy not to share his mind? Isn't it happy that you don't hurt him so much that you shed tears? Isn't it good not to get hurt for anyone?

resist the impulse to shed tears and resolutely turn around and don't look at the person who left us. In this case, let's draw a clear line from now on. We are not a world, and there is no need to come together.

However, if feelings can be controlled, there will not be so many crazy men and women in the world.


"My God!" Yanzi looked at the injured arm in surprise and came to the bar and said, "You are crazy! Go home!"

shook his head and said with a smile, "I'm really boring. Just let me go to work."

Because once you are idle, your mind will think nonsense, and the more you think about it, the more sad you will be, so if you are busy, it won't be like this, right? If you don't have time to stay, you won't think about it or be sad.

"No!" Yanzi resolutely disagreed and didn't discuss it at all.

dragging her injured arm, she can't go to work like this now.

After thinking about it, Swallow said, "If it's boring, you can stay here and chat with you when I have time, but if you work secretly in this person, I will kick you out immediately! Did you hear that?"

Seeing his friend's kind threat, he answered with a helpless smile, "Okay!"

As long as you stay in a crowded place, because you won't feel lonely, right? I don't think so.

Seeing the night gradually coming, the crowd gradually filled the empty bar, but this heart was always empty, as if something was missing. Even the brighter the smiling faces of others, the more uncomfortable her heart became. It turned out that this method did not work. She mocked her innocence in her heart. Looking at others doesn't make you happy.

And she, who had been sitting quietly in front of the bar, suddenly smiled and said to the swallow, "Give me a glass of whisky!"

I don't know why I suddenly want to drink, and I think the color of that ** is particularly attractive tonight. She was constantly tempting her to taste it.

"What?" Hearing her words, Yanzi immediately shouted in surprise. Because she was so surprised that she couldn't control her volume, almost the whole bar looked at them.

In this case, the swallow could only smile at everyone awkwardly, and then turned around and lowered her voice and said to Anxin, "Come here!"

She held her intact hand tightly and dragged her to the lounge.

"Swallow?" He looked at his friend who suddenly became very angry with a puzzled face.

As the door of the lounge was closed, the bad hunch made An An couldn't help but have a cold war, especially the horrible expression of Swallow at this time.

"What's wrong with you?" She said carefully that she didn't have a job. Why did the swallow get angry?

"What's wrong?" Swallow repeated, and then said, "Should I ask you this?" She pinched her waist and said, "I felt that you were abnormal when you came today. Smiling so fake!" Reaching out and poking Anxin's cheek, the swallow continued, "Say! What the hell happened to you?"

Shaking his head, Anxin still said with a smile, "Don't think too much, it's really okay!"

But I couldn't help asking myself, is it really so easy to be seen? Is the smiling face really so fake? Does she feel okay? It's because I can't see it, so I don't know that I'm full of sadness even if I smile now.

I began to resent my uselessness. In the past, I was obviously so strong, but why did I gradually become so vulnerable? I can't stand a little blow. How could it be like this? How could it be like this!