
Chapter 43 Choice.

"I won't leave you, never."

Mu Junhao said with a gentle smile and hugged him in his arms.

But how long can this happy day last? But no one knows the answer.

And that day, she saw a person she didn't expect.

As usual, she went downstairs and waited for Mu Junhao to pick her up. While thinking about herself and Su Tianyi, she went downstairs silently. The relationship between the two is really very stiff now, and she didn't even know what to say when they met. Every time she broke up with Mu Junhao, he habitually left a kiss on his cheek. The moment she turned around after sending him away, she sometimes saw Su Tianyi not far away. Embarrassment occurred, but in the end, she lowered her head and dared not look at the other party. However, she did nothing wrong to him, but she still felt guilty.

Looking at his watch, he was still five minutes before Mu Junhao came to pick her up. With an inadvertent glance, he found that there was a swing in the community downstairs.

How long has it been since I played? I looked at the swing and thought of it. I still remember that when I was a child, I played the swing with Su Tianyi to see who was higher, but now?

Sitting silently on the swing, the rusty chain made a rattling sound. And the body also swings gently with the rhythm, and only he is playing alone!

Unconsciously, we have grown up, and many things have changed, just like we can't get shorter when we grow taller, and some things can't go back to the past.

At this moment, a black high-end car slowly drove into the community. Their building was full of ordinary people, and no one could afford a car at home, so the sudden appearance of the car made An Anxin frown with some doubts.

Then, three people in black came down from the car and walked straight towards Anxin. She, sitting on the swing, grabbed the chains of the swing uneasily and looked at these men in black on guard.

"Is it Miss Anxin?" One of the men sat respectfully on the swing and said.

nodded and said at ease, "I'm relieved." But at the same time, she also wondered how this person could know his name, because she didn't know him at all.

After listening to her words, the man continued: "Miss Anxin, please come with us. Our master wants to see you."

Anxin, who didn't understand what was going on, was even more confused. What kind of master, she didn't know at all, "I'm sorry, I don't have time. I'm going to go up." With that, she quickly got off the swing and was ready to leave. People always want to run away when they are in danger.

But at this time, the man blocked her from leaving faster and said politely, "We have asked for leave for Miss Anxin. You don't have to go to school today."

"You..." Anxin looked at the man in shock. She didn't expect him to do this. Under Anxin's surprised eyes, the man still smiled politely and half bent down and made a gesture of invitation to Anxin.

Although she was puzzled by the sudden appearance of the other party and angry because of his behavior, she knew that she could not escape today. And if you refuse again and again, this group of people may be strong, but at that time, it will be bad. Therefore, weigh the pros and disadvantages. For the sake of safety, let alone the posture of this group of people tells her that they are not up to see and will not stop.

bit her lip and couldn't help looking into the distance, but there was no figure she wanted to see in the empty street.

She frowned and got into the car unwillingly. After getting on the car, Anxin suddenly felt sleepy. She knew that something must have been done in the car, so she pinched herself fiercely in the dark, trying to drive away the pain away from sleepiness, but in the end, she failed and she fell asleep in the car.


I slowly opened my eyes and didn't know how long I had slept. When I woke up, I only felt a splitting headache. I thought this was the sequela left by the effect of the medicine. Her first reaction after waking up was to get the mobile phone in her schoolbag. She wanted to call Mu Junhao. It turned out that you were the only person I thought of at this time. You have become a pillar.

However, after pouring out the contents of the whole schoolbag, she did not see her white mobile phone. She knew that her mobile phone must have been taken away by the group of people in black. They want to cut off their contact with the outside world.

So what are they going to do? And where is this?

Looking at the unique decoration in front of you, the layout of the room, and the leather sofa under it, all tell An Anxin that the owner here is a very identifiable person.

But the more so, the more confused she is. Looking at everything in the house, it is not difficult to guess that the owner here will not be an ordinary person, but she doesn't know anyone with a special status. Except for Mu Junhao, Mu Junhao...

This familiar name suddenly reminded her of something, and the bad feeling of the master that the man said before came to her mind. She seemed to guess who she knew.

And as if guessing that Anxin would wake up at this time, the closed door was slowly pushed open, and the man who took her into the car appeared in front of her.

"Miss Anxin, please follow me." Then he walked out of the room regardless of the relieved answer.

After a moment of hesitation, Anxin still followed her. No matter whether this person is the person she guessed or not, she has to see who invited her like this.

silently followed the man and turned left and right with him. I don't know how long it took in this seemingly endless corridor that the man in front of him stopped in front of a red wooden door, and then raised his hand and knocked on the door gently: "Sir, we have brought the person you want to see."

Then the man opened the red door and signaled to go in.

I don't know why, Anxin suddenly began to be afraid. The door was waiting for her. Anxin's intuition told her that it would never be a good thing. However, no matter what it was, there was no way out. She had to move forward, and she had to go in to solve her happy doubts, so she clenched her fists. He walked in boldly.

And the door behind him slowly closed.

"Kka!" With a sound, the door has been completely closed, and the heart of peace of mind suddenly rose with a crisp sound.

The light in the room is not dark, but it is not very bright, and the man is sitting in a tall seat with his back. He knows nothing but that he is a man from the palm of the armrest.

At this time, the man slowly turned around, and with his movements, he understood everything.

No need to say anything, she also knows who the former man is. From that similar face alone, she knows his identity.

"What's the matter with you asking me to come?" Anxin politely said that no matter what, the man in front of him was Mu Junhao's father, but his eyes were colder and more ruthless than Mu Junhao. Even if he was so far away, Anxin could feel the cold air emanating from his body.

"Do you still need me to say it?" The man's cold voice sounded.

Because of his words, her heart suddenly contracted fiercely. It seems that what she has been worried about is still coming. She didn't die last time. What about this time? I'm afraid she's dead, but when she raises her head, there is no fear in her relieved eyes. She is not afraid of death now. Her mother has left her. She takes everything lightly except Mu Junhao.

However, she will not beg Mu's father to let her go, because it is useless. She even has the heart to kill herself. How could she be moved by her few words? She is not so naive, but she also has doubts about why Mu's father no longer sends someone to kill him once but negotiate directly with him. Does this mean that he has the reason why he can't do it?

"I won't leave Mu Junhao, so you'd better send someone to kill me again!" He said with peace of mind and neither humble nor arrogant. At the same time, she is also wondering what she wants to know.

After listening to her words, Mu's father smiled sarcasticly and then said, "You are very smart, so I might as well tell you that the reason why I can't kill you is because he threatened me that if you die, he will die."

There was no expression on his face, but he was already at a loss because of these words. Mu Junhao, the man who loved her so much, threatened his father with his life to protect her. And in my heart, because I learned about this, I became more determined that no one could stop me from being with him, because they would not even be afraid to die for each other.

So, looking at Mu's father's eyes, peace of mind turned into pride. Such a man who loves her deserves her life.

"Stupid!" Mu's father spit out these two words coldly, and then looked at Anxin and said, "Don't you feel confused about your mother's death?"

Unable to keep calm, he immediately opened his eyes wide and looked at Mu's father in disbelief. Do you mean...do you mean...this...

"What did you do to my mother!" Anxin shouted loudly at the man, and his hands couldn't help shaking. It turned out that her doubts were not false. At the beginning, she felt strange that she was still a good mother the day before, and why did she leave the next day? However, she could not refute the doctor's words, because the passing of every life was sudden. Besides, her mother's illness has reached an advanced stage and she left at any time. It was dangerous, so she finally accepted it. However, I didn't expect that someone really made a fool of this.

"Hmm!" With a satisfied and reassuring expression, Mu's father said, "You should thank me. How tired your mother is to live. I'm letting her end her life to get her out of the sea of suffering."

The facts were so shocking that Anxin's thin body couldn't bear to shake and barely stopped the wall beside him.

"Why, why did you do this! This has nothing to do with my mother!" Tears flowed down his cheeks. Did his willliness harm his mother? Is it his persistence that made his mother leave too early? Tears fell like rain, but they couldn't wash away her guilt. It turned out that the person who killed his mother was himself.

"But it has something to do with you." Mu's father looked at the winner and said, "I remember you seem to have a younger brother..."

"What are you going to do!" Anxin immediately raised his head and looked at Mu's father in horror.

"If your lesson is not profound enough, then I have to let you experience what is heartbreaking again."

"No! You can't do this." She has been sorry for Su Tianyi. Does she still want him to lose his life for himself? This is so unfair.

Mu's father looked at her coldly and said, "What should I do? This decision is in your hands."

She understood what he meant, but the heartache was so painful that she couldn't breathe. She couldn't leave Mu Junhao, but she couldn't let Su Tianyi lose her life for herself. It turned out that the choice was so difficult. She didn't want to hurt either of them, but she had to make them suffer.