
Chapter 114 That Night. Next

I only felt a whirlwind. When I reacted, Mu Junhao's handsome face was right in front of me.

has been stunned by what suddenly happened, and his heart is beating wildly and he looks at the person in front of him. What is he going to do? And with such close contact, she can even smell the faint smell of cologne on him.

But at this moment, his lips suddenly became hot, and his big eyes were about to stare out of his eyes. He looked at Mu Junhao in disbelief. He... He actually kissed himself! After realizing this, Anxin began to struggle.

But she was a weak woman, how could she break away from Mu Junhao's imprisonment, and he seemed to be very dissatisfied by the peace of struggle. Therefore, his free hands were finally grabbed by Mu Junhao's wrist and buckled above his head with one hand, and his strong body was all attached to his petite body and the belt of the bathrobe. Because the struggle has long become loose, and the snow-white skin hidden inside has all been exposed, which is tightly attached to Mu Junhao's skin, which is also ** outside. She can even clearly feel every part of Mu Junhao's body, and the hot temperature from the skin connection is hot and exciting. Then the ears began to turn red, and the struggle under him became more intense. The heart also beats more intensely in this situation.

What's wrong with him? What is this doing! Anxin kept twisting his head without giving up, while Mu Junhao used another free hand to tightly squeeze Anxin's chin and fix it and couldn't move. At this time, Anxin had to let him do whatever he wanted.

It may be a little ridiculous to say it. They are already 24 people, but they only kissed Mu Junhao, a man, four years ago. Now, the familiar breath filled the whole nose, and the dexterous tongue was attacking the city in its mouth. In an instant, an unspeakable feeling began to swim between the body, even with a slight excitement.

What's going on? An was shocked in his heart. Didn't he give up on him? Aren't you going to give up? But why do you still feel this way? Are you worthy of Shen Shengxian by doing this? However, why did he...

Looking at Mu Junhao, who is constantly kissing himself at different angles, isn't it himself but him who just fell? Otherwise, how could he, who hate himself to the bone, do such an incredible thing?

With the passage of time, she, who is not good at kissing for a long time, has been almost suffocated by Mu Junhao's domineering kiss. A pretty face began to turn red due to lack of oxygen...

Just as An was preparing to struggle again because of breathing difficulties, Mu Junhao kindly loosened his red lips, which had been occupied for a long time. As he left, a silver thread was pulled out from the corners of their mouths......

Seeing this scene, Anxin's face suddenly turned red, but at this time, her chest was gasping.

There was lightning and thunder outside the house, and the wind was strong. And the atmosphere in the house is strange............

"I thought that nothing happened today..." He breathed softly, and then broke away from Mu Junhao's loose confinement. At the moment when she was released, and the gap that kept breathing, she thought about many possibilities to explain Mu Junhao's obviously strange behavior, but she never figured out why. Moreover, she felt that it seemed to be the best choice not to ask, because she thought that he might not know why he acted absurdly. And even if she asked, she felt that his answer would not be what she liked. It should be good not to say anything unpleasant.

Besides, if they argue about this and wake up others, they will be embarrassed. They just fell from the upstairs and made such a big noise that someone may have woken up. If they saw them standing together in their clothes in the middle of the middle of the night. Even if there is nothing wrong, you will think that there is something wrong. So, let's just treat it as if it hasn't happened!

Besides, there is only Shen Shengxian in my heart. If you are kissed by Mu Junhao, you won't be moved. Yes, you won't be moved. He said so with peace of mind. But I don't know why I feel a little guilty.

However, Mu Junhao pulled her back and pressed her on the wall again. A muffled sound made Anxin immediately frown, just because Mu Junhao was very strong this time, which made her hit the wall heavily, and the hot pain immediately came from her back.

His mood immediately became impatient. He looked up at Mu Junhao angrily, but was surprised to find that his face was quite ugly at this time. In fact, it was not an exaggeration to say that it was horrible.

But she is not in a good mood now. Mu Junhao's behavior has made her feel disgusted, so she said, "Let me go." Anxin said in a low voice and looked around.

They have made a lot of noise over and over again. If they don't control the volume, maybe someone will really come. At that time, a hundred mouths can't explain everything now.

At this time, Mu Junhao suddenly smiled for some reason, but the smile made Anxin's back feel cold. "What..." He said meaningfully, "Are you afraid of being seen what we are now?" With that, he reached out and raised his relieved chin.

This made her frown even more and reached out to beat Mu Junhao's hand that raised her chin. She didn't like this action, so that she felt like a cargo that had been measured and felt uncomfortable all over.

However, she wanted to leave, but there was nothing she could do, because Mu Junhao pressed her very tightly, bit her lower lip, frowned and said, "Mu Junhao, what on earth do you want to do!"

However, as if he hadn't heard the words of peace of mind at all, he said to himself, "How would Shen Shengxian feel when he saw what we are now?" He deliberately said this sentence slowly, as if to make it clear to the ears of peace of mind.

After listening to his words, Anxin suddenly turned pale, and an ominous feeling came to his mind and began to struggle hard under his body, " Let go of me!"

Because of friction, the feeling of skin clinging is more obvious, and a strange feeling continues to spread all over the body, constantly struggling in a man's arms, which makes Anxin feel very embarrassed, and his face begins to turn red. If there is a light now, you can definitely see peace of mind almost no different from tomatoes.

At this time, Mu Junhao's face with a playful smile suddenly changed and scolded, "Don't move!!"

Suddenly treated like this stunned Anxin and really stopped struggling, but she felt something wrong, because it seemed that something was against her leg. This............

Looking at Mu Junhao's dodge eyes, An An suddenly understood that this was even more embarrassing, and his whole face was about to burn. And he was motionless in Mu Junhao's arms and no longer resisted.

She is not so stupid that she doesn't even know what it is.

The silence swayed between the two, but Mu Junhao still did not leave, while Anxin turned his head aside and no longer faced him face to face. But the heart is "banging! Bang!" The jump keeps jumping. As if it was about to jump out of my heart. Quietly clenched his fists, and Anxin is very nervous now.

In this situation, I suddenly felt so hot, not only because the two were too close, but also because of nervousness. In short, the palms of peace of mind were full of sweat, and the back seemed to begin to become wet.

Time passed by minute by, but peace of mind gradually felt that something was really wrong, because the strange feeling between his legs not only did not disappear, but became more and more obvious. He slowly turned his head unbelievably, and the opposite was Mu Junhao's eyes full of desire.

"You...hh!" As soon as he opened his mouth, Mu Junhao's kiss hit again. Anxin knew that he had to break free this time anyway. Otherwise, he didn't know what would happen. Realizing a possibility, Anxin's heart began to lose his hair, and his resistance became more fierce, and Mu Junhao had followed Anxin's open bathrobe and burned him. Like a red iron block, he reached in with his hot palms.

"Hm!!" Anxin's eyes suddenly widened, because Mu Junhao's hand that kept touching her waist made her tremble! What to do! What to do! At this time, Mu Junhao squeezed into her legs with his body.

He closed his eyes cruelly, fell down his teeth hard, and bit his tongue that was constantly entangled in his mouth.

With a muffled hum, Mu Junhao immediately loosened his mouth, took advantage of the gap, pushed him away from him fiercely, and then ran away. He was also a little tall and ran back to the room unscathed in the dark.

With her back against the door, she gasped at ease, and her chest fluctuated violently. After her breath stabilized, she seemed to ring something again. She immediately turned around and put all the locks on the door and pulled it twice. After confirming that it was really safe, she was relieved.

This night is destined to be sleepless............


"Sister Anxin! Sister Anxin!" Suddenly, his arm was shaken hard, making An An come back from his thoughts.

She didn't know what had happened when she fell into her memories, so she could only stare at Shen Shengyou, who called her back to her mind.

"What's wrong with you? I called you several times, but you didn't respond!" Shen Shengyou said with a worried face, "Are you all right?"

Shake his head and smiled at her at ease, "It's okay!" At this time, he found that Shen Shengmei was no longer in front of him, and he was immediately relieved. However, he saw them in another seat in the restaurant, and the smile on his face stiffened, because Mu Junhao was facing her eyes at this time.

turned his head in a hurry and said calmly, "Xiaoyou, you eat slowly. I suddenly remembered that I have something important to say, so I'll go first."

"Hey!" Shen Shengyou suddenly stopped her and said, "Sister Anxin, why don't you go that afternoon..."

"I won't go. I'll call you when I go!" As she spoke, she took out a few RMB from her wallet and put them in Xiaoyou's hand.

And as soon as he saw her like this, Shen Shengyou immediately refused and said, "Sister Anxin, what are you doing?" I have the money. You don't have to pay the bill. You go!"

"No!" Anxin stuffed the money Shen Shengyou into his hand and stuffed it back. "It was agreed that I would treat you to dinner. I'm sorry that I didn't accompany you. How can I ask you to pay for this meal!" Then she said, "Don't argue with me. Many people are watching. I don't know what's wrong with us! Wait for the next time. Next time you have a chance, you can invite me to dinner.

Hearing Anxin say this, Shen Shengyou couldn't say anything more, so he had to accept the money, and Anxin quickly left the restaurant after saying a few words to her.