
Chapter 120 Fulfillment. On

Looking at the peace of mind of handing the money to herself with a smile, Yanzi couldn't say a word. Only tears kept spinning in my eyes.

smiled indifferently, patted her on the shoulder, and said comfortingly, "There will be an operation tomorrow. There can't be any more delay. Hurry up and pay the money!"

"Peace of mind!" She hugged her fiercely. Although she was desperately depressed, the dampness from her shoulders told An Xinyanzi... She cried and reached out to hug the other party. She patted the other party's back silently.

However, her heart is not as calm as seen on the surface, even with bitterness. The money bag in her hand seemed to weigh a thousand pounds, which made her really feel that her arms were so tired and she really wanted to throw them away. However, this was Xiaoxue's life-saving money. No matter what, she couldn't do that.

It's past ten o'clock since she came out of the hospital. Today's weather is fine, sunny and cloudless, but she doesn't feel any warmth.

Walking blankly on the street, she suddenly found that such a big city seemed to have no place for her, no house, no job, no relatives, like a lonely soul, floating everywhere. Tears began to condense, and she suddenly wanted to go back to England. At least there were William and his wife who treated her as a daughter, and at least... warmth.

At this time, the mobile phone in the satrap suddenly rang. When he took it out, he took it out and saw that the name displayed on the screen was called Anxin and burst into tears, just because it was Shen Shengxian.

She really didn't have the courage to press the answer button. From the moment she agreed to Mu Junhao's request, she had no face to see Shen Shengxian again. Rejecting, accepting and abandoning is tantamount to playing with him, although this is not his intention.

If she had known that things would have become like this, she would have kept a distance from Shen Shengxian and would never give him hope. However, after all, if she thought of this, her heart would be so uncomfortable that she could not understand how painful his heart would be after knowing all this, and she could not imagine how much Shen Shengxian would hate her. She obviously wants to protect him and doesn't want him to be hurt, but why...

I can't tell all this clearly. I just hope that if one day he really knows, I hope he won't do anything stupid. Just imagine himself as a dirty woman. You... have to live a good life.

And now, it's not the time to say everything. His leg is not healed yet. If he says he wants to break up with him now, it will definitely affect his recovery, and there is no reason to break up. How can he accept this? The time is not ripe yet. Now, we have to hide it.

So, she wiped the tears on her face and swallowed her saliva hard. She tried to make everything look the same as usual, especially her voice.

As soon as his trembling finger pressed the answer button, it immediately came from the receiver. He complained dissatisfiedly, "Why did you answer the phone!"

"The supermarket is so noisy that I didn't hear it. What can I do for you?"

"It's okay. I just miss you." Then his embarrassed laughter came from the phone, which was just six words, but in an instant made everything she do collapsed. She covered the microphone tightly, bit her lower lip hard, and told herself not to cry and not to let him find out. So, tears kept breaking, but she didn't dare to make a sound.

"Hey! Are you listening?" He talked for a long time, but his side was silent, so Shen Shengxian said doubtfully, "Why is there no sound? What are you doing?"

Sucking her nose, she did her best to calm down the trembling voice. "It's okay, I'm listening to you."

"What's wrong with you? Why do you feel strange?"

"I have a cold. Don't worry."

As soon as he heard that he was sick, he immediately said anxiously, "Is it serious? Did you take the medicine or get an injection? Do you need me to see you?"

"Don't come here!" She hurriedly stopped Shen Shengxian, because she was too afraid that things would be discovered, so her voice was a little excited, but this also showed that something was wrong. So, on the phone, there was suddenly no sound. At this moment, I was so scared that I was in a cold sweat, afraid that he would notice something, so she hurriedly pulled back and said, "I mean, I'm not a big deal, just a small cold, and I also took medicine. You don't have to worry. Besides, don't toss around if your legs and feet are inconvenient. Take good care of yourself at home and I'll see you when I have time.

"All right!" The reassuring explanation seemed to have worked, and Shen Shengxian did not hesitate to believe it, but this also made her feel even more uncomfortable.

After hanging up the phone, he could no longer hide his peace of mind. He sat on the roadside with his hands on his knees and buried his face fiercely, while tears kept falling like broken beads, wetting his arms.


Is the person in the mirror really yourself? Red and swollen eyes, thick dark circles, tired and haggard face, self-deprecating smile, who else is this?

I was sleepless all night, accompanied by tears. Now I should be glad that the situation is not too bad. There is still some distance from the ghost.

I'm hungry, but I don't want to eat anything and have no appetite.

If everything yesterday was a dream, she would have thought about it at ease before going out, so that she would not have to embark on the road to Mu Junhao's company. At every step, her heart would sink. She clearly knew what would happen between them. Maybe it was noon today, or maybe tonight, she kept twenty-four. Nian's body will be completely handed over to him.

A feeling of nausea suddenly hit my heart, holding the street lamp beside me and vomiting at ease.

When she thought about it, she felt disgusted and made a deal with her own body. However, there was nothing she could do. For swallows and Xiaoxue, she had to do this. So can you make yourself feel better if you think so? Can you make yourself feel that you are not so cheap?

"Wait a minute." The peace of mind that he just thought about things was stopped by the lady at the front desk. Miss, what can I do for you? She said with a smile.

Pull the corners of her mouth, and she showed a smile that was no different from crying, "I'm looking for Mu Junhao!"

"This..." Hearing that it was looking for her own president, the receptionist looked embarrassed. "Do you have an appointment?"

He smiled self-deprecatingly. He said yesterday that he would come to him today. Is this an appointment? However, she can't be angry. Although she is angry, she only "no" to Mu Junhao.

"Well... I'll call and ask." The receptionist asked with a smile, "What's your name?"


After whispering something to the person on the other end of the phone, the receptionist hung up the phone and said politely, "The president is having a meeting now. Would you please wait in the lounge for a moment?"

nodded and agreed at ease.

The spacious and bright lounge is also empty. She is the only one sitting on the leather sofa quietly. She found that her mood is unexpectedly calm now. Whether she thinks about it or not, she doesn't care about anything. Yes, she nodded and thinks that she is right. Now she has reached this point and regrets it. It's useless at all. Everything you say is nonsense, which will only add sadness. Only hope that this year will pass soon.

She made a plan in her heart. A year later, when the contract with Mu Junhao ended, she wanted to go back to England, and, really, never come back. Let's erase it from her memory.

Where to work hard, buy a small house, plant some flowers and plants you like, and adopt a child if conditions permit. It's good to live like this for a lifetime.

At this time, there seemed to be a quarrel outside. The familiar voice was at ease and at a loss. He carefully poked out his head. The man was indeed Shen Shengmei.