
Chapter 122 Fulfillment. Next

When the delicious food was served, An An couldn't help swallowing. Although he was hungry before he saw something, he felt that he could not eat and had no appetite. However, when I really saw something, my stomach immediately cooed and couldn't control it at all. I haven't eaten anything since last night. Now when I see this brightly colored food, my stomach really can't stand it. So, she, who couldn't care about anything, began to eat happily. Anyway, fill your stomach first.

And Mu Junhao, who was beside him, ate the things on the plate without saying a word.

There was no dialogue, and there was silence on the table, only a slight sound from chewing food.

frowned and gently put down the knife and fork in his hand. Why did his stomach suddenly feel uncomfortable? She just took a few bites and wanted to go to the toilet.

Seeing this, Mu Junhao looked up at her. Although he didn't say anything, his eyes were asking questions.

In fact, their current situation seems a little embarrassing, and there is nothing wrong with silence.

"I'll go to the bathroom." She whispered and then stood up.

When she came back from the bathroom, her seat had been replaced by another beautiful woman, and she was talking to Mu Junhao, who looked pale. He frowned doubtfully and felt that she was a little familiar. After thinking about it carefully, he really remembered. Isn't this the woman who quarreled with her last time because of a dress? What a coincidence that I met again.

In fact, there is no me. This is all the reason why Mu Junhao has too many lovers. Walking on the street, maybe one is his woman.

However, whether the woman remembers herself or not, she must not let the woman see herself with Mu Junhao, otherwise it will be bad. She won't do anything to this woman, but she will treat herself as a rival in love. No matter how she explains like Shen Shengmei, she won't listen to her. It will be ruined if she makes a scene here! She can't afford to lose face. So, Anxin quietly went back to the bathroom again.

If only she could pester Mu Junhao, because in this way she doesn't have to be with him today. Although that kind of thing will happen sooner or later, but it can be delayed for a day. After all, if she has sex with him, she and Shen Shengxian will have no possibility at all. Therefore, she sincerely expects so.

"See it! See?" A long-haired woman who just came in suddenly said excitedly to her friend, "He is so handsome!"

"Yes!" The short-haired woman also looked excited. "I'm more stylish than the magazine! Really, it won't let people live!" Although he complained, his words undoubtedly did not reveal his love for this person.

"However, I heard that he has a lot of lace scandals." The long-haired woman looked entangled at this time. "I heard that she has a lot of women." Then he said with some gossip, "Do you think Xiaohui knows?"

"How can you not know!" She glanced at her friend, and then she said, "It's absolutely normal for a rich and handsome man like Mu Junhao to have many lovers." Then she said with a longing face, "If only I could be his lover, even for a day!"

shook her head helplessly. These two women don't look small. They should have passed the age of nymphomaniac. Why are they still so naive? Emotions are not a child's play. How can they be so rash? Besides, the important thing for two people to be together is the relationship, not how handsome he is and his face can't be eaten. Besides, people will have an old day, and there will be times when they are no longer young. Will they break up at that time?

Thinking of this, she couldn't help complaining about Mu Junhao. Even if he is sincere to all his lovers, this practice is also very hurtful. Imagine, which woman is willing to share her lover with other women? Anyway, she won't! If Shen Shengxian is such a person, she will break up with him directly and won't be entangled any more. Thinking of this, there is a sad feeling in her heart. I'm afraid she and Shen Shengxian won't even have a chance to pester.

Although the bathroom of the hotel is clean, there is no odor. However, after all, this is not a place where people should stay for a long time. Besides, it is strange to stand here without going to the toilet or make up!

So, after staying for a while, Anxin left.

Back to the hall, the woman was no longer there, but she was sitting at another table not far from them, and the two women who just met in the bathroom talking about Mu Junhao were at the same table with her. It seemed that the three of them were together. And the woman still looked in the direction of Mu Junhao from time to time. In this way, she can never go back.

She can't eat. She has to leave, but she took a look at Mu Junhao, who was thrown at the food. What should she do? Isn't it good to leave quietly?

Forget it, go out and wait for him! Let him eat slowly here first.

I went to the supermarket next to me to buy a loaf of bread and a bottle of mineral water. Let's take a bite like this. I can't eat a big meal.

Walk forward silently, walk around first, and come back 20 minutes later. He should have finished eating. Thinking so, she began to wander around.

"An...peace of mind?" An uncertain voice sounded behind him, even with a slight excitement.

This made her look back in doubt, and when she saw the person in front of her clearly, she was so shocked that she forgot to react.

Just because this is her brother who hasn't met for four years... Su Tianyi.

For a moment, her face was unbelievable, and she didn't know what to say. The joy of reunion after a long separation made her excited only tears.

And Su Tianyi's eyes also turned red and shouted tremblingly, "Sister!"

"God's will!" With this call, tears of peace of mind rolled uncontrollably down his cheeks. Obviously, he should be happy, but he was really uncomfortable. He thought that he had thrown Su Tianyi here alone as his sister, and he had not told him any news in the past four years, and he didn't know how he lived and how he ate. Well, how are you dressed? Is the work going well? She doesn't know everything. Thinking of this, she was happy about the reunion and felt guilty for not taking good care of him.

"Are you the sister of God's will?"

At this time, Anxin suddenly woke up and found that there was a woman standing beside Su Tianyi. Suddenly, he remembered that Mu Junhao had said that Tianyi was dating a daughter and carefully looked at the woman in front of him. She was very beautiful and seemed to have a good personality, and matched Su Tianyi very well. Yes, I am." Wiping her tears, she smiled and said, "You must be God's girlfriend."

The woman smiled shyly, but this is the best answer.

Unconsciously, it was already dark, as if there were endless words. Anxin and Su Tianyi kept telling each other's story, but they kept silent about that matter.

"Sister, God's will, wash your hands and eat!" Xu Lili, Su Tianyi's girlfriend, has prepared the meal and asked the two to come over for dinner.

At this time, Anxin suddenly remembered something. He just sat down and suddenly stood up, causing the two people beside him to ask worriedly, "What's wrong?"

"I suddenly remembered something." With this, Anxin got up in a hurry. She only cared about seeing Su Tianyi and was happy. She completely forgot that she left the restaurant without saying hello and left Mu Junhao there alone. Look at the watch, it's almost six o'clock now. This is terrible!

After saying goodbye to the two, she hurriedly ran downstairs. When she arrived at the restaurant breathlessly, Mu Junhao was still sitting there, slowly eating. Everything seemed to be exactly the same as when she left.

"I..." embarrassed. I felt nothing but embarrassment. I was at ease. Standing in front of the silent Mu Junhao, I didn't know how to explain the fact that he had been to the toilet for most of the day.

Slowly raised his head. Although he didn't say anything, his gloomy face was enough to show his mood at this time.

"I'm sorry! I really didn't mean to." She explained hurriedly, "When I came out of the bathroom, I saw a woman talking to you, so I went out first. I didn't expect to meet an acquaintance and chat..." At the end, the voice became smaller and lower. She bit her lips tightly, and she looked sorry. Why do you always forget things? Han Sichen's appointment twice, and this time he left Mu Junhao here. His memory was really bad. But it's useless to regret, or how to calm Mu Junhao down!

With a "bang", Mu Junhao threw the knife and fork in his hand on the table. The sudden sound made him feel relieved and could only say more apologeically, "I really didn't mean to."

I didn't pay attention to peace of mind at all. Mu Junhao got up and walked out of the restaurant, and she followed awkwardly.

Along the way, Mu Junhao didn't say a word, so he had to carefully try not to make him angry.

I don't know where the car went, because by the time they arrived at their destination, the sky was completely dark. He lowered his head and followed Mu Junhao and walked silently with an apologetic face.

"Young master, you are back." A shrewd man who looked like a housekeeper said with a smile.

did not answer. Mu Junhao went upstairs by himself, smiled awkwardly at the housekeeper and followed.

After arriving at the room, Mu Junhao finally spoke, but the first sentence was "Go take a shower!" The tone was stiff and indifferent, and she felt uncomfortable when she heard it, but now she was wrong first, so she answered softly, "Hmm!" After looking around, I finally saw the location of the bathroom, and then walked in silently.

It was not until I stood under the shower that I suddenly woke up like a dream. When I thought of what would happen next, my hands and feet suddenly became a little cold. I had always felt guilty for leaving Mu Junhao before, but now I am afraid and reluctant for everything that is coming.

She knew that when she walked out of the bathroom, it was when her relationship with Shen Shengxian completely collapsed, so she really hoped that time would stop like this and never happen.

Mu Junhao, you have so many women, why don't you let me go? What's more, I'm a woman you hate so much that it doesn't make sense to have sex with me. What on earth does he think? I can't help but wonder.

I don't know how long she stayed in the bathroom, but when her whole head began to feel drowsy, she slowly opened the bathroom door.

A breath of fresh air suddenly woke her up a little. But now she would rather faint because of lack of oxygen. Because she can't afford to hurt the next thing.

At this time, Mu Junhao was sitting on the black sofa in the house, drinking red wine elegantly. In fact, he didn't like the room very much. The whole room was black and depressing, as if there was something in his chest. However, everything in this room is not what she can do.

Seeing Anxin come out, Mu Junhao slowly stood up and walked towards her, and every time he took a step, Anxin took a step back, and his heart began to jump constantly, as if he were about to jump out of his chest. Unconsciously, he retreated to the bathroom.

"Why..." Mu Junhao raised his eyebrows and looked at her coldly and said, "Do you want to take a shower again? I don't mind taking a bath."

As soon as this came out, An An immediately stayed. After reacting, he hurried out and left the bathroom to Mu Junhao.