
Chapter 127 Dire! Obscene!

After eating, I took the bowls and chopsticks I used to the kitchen. At first, the servant didn't understand what she meant. When she stood under the faucet and began to wash the dishes, they reacted and hurried forward and said, "Miss, this is our job. Don't do it quickly. Get your hands dirty."

Her words suddenly made Anxin cry and laugh and said, "Is it possible that I don't wash dishes when I eat alone?" There is nothing wrong with her hands, and it's not that she can't get wet. Why do she have to be so surprised when washing dishes? Although they are servants, it's better not to bother others in what they can do. Besides, she is not the owner here. How can she be so arrogant? After washing the dishes, she smiled and said, "Don't always call me, just reassure me."

She has never been a young lady. It's really awkward to be called like this. This name is not suitable for her miserable person.

And her words embarrassed the servants. It seems that they have always called their masters like this, and they can't accept it for a while. Forget it, smile carelessly, whatever they call it.

"Mu Junhao!" Coming out of the kitchen, when the owner of the house was about to go upstairs, he frowned and said, "I'm going out." It feels like everything needs to be reported. It's really awkward. The thought that Mu Junhao was going to trap her here like a beast, he resisted to death.

And after saying this, whether he would agree or not, she began to go out.

Anyway, she also wants to go back and have a look. I don't know what's going on with Xiaoxue. Thinking of this, he frowned and accelerated his pace.

"Good!" Mu Junhao's consent came from behind him, but that's all. "I'm just going out. Let's go together!"

turned around angrily, and Mu Junhao just came to her.

Looking at the face with a particularly harmless smile, he clenched his lips angrily, "I'm a human!!!" She shouted. His chest heaved violently because he was too angry. Is it possible that Mu Junhao doesn't even give her any freedom? Even if the animals raised at home have a chance for the owners to let go of the cage and let them go outside!

I don't care about shouting at himself, Mu Junhao smiled and said, "I know. And you are still a woman."

"You..." He clenched the belt of the satan bag and was so angry that he couldn't speak.

She can't talk to him all the time. Realizing this, she was even more angry and turned around angrily. She ignored the people behind her and began to walk forward quickly.

Driving the black Bentley like a turtle crawling on the ground, Mu Junhao took the steering wheel in one hand, leisurely out of the window with the other hand, and tapped gently on the door. Really not in the car?" He smiled and looked at the peace of mind as he strode forward.

I didn't want to talk to him, so I walked at ease without blinking my eyelids.

"Oh..." Mu Junhao sighed helplessly and said, "Then you can go and see how long it will take you to get to the city."

Looking at the endless straight road in front of him, An An couldn't help biting his lower lip. Mu Junhao was right. When he got to the hospital, he didn't know it would be a year of the monkey, and he might die. After thinking about it, there is no need to get along with yourself. So, he turned his head and said with an embarrassed face, "Stop!"

And Bentley, which was no different from the turtle speed, immediately stopped.

Reaching out and opening the door of the back seat, he lowered his head and sat in the car reluctantly. I began to complain about how I always changed my mind in front of him. The will is not firm!

At this time, this world-class good car finally ran normally.

However, the two were silent and quietly looked at the scenery outside the window. Mu Junhao drove quietly, or felt that the atmosphere was too embarrassing. Mu Junhao stretched out his hand and turned on the stereo in the car.

The soft music slowly flowed in the car, making An's angry heart slowly calm down, and the owner of the car's slender fingers on the steering wheel gently beat the rhythm with the music.

However, this harmonious atmosphere did not last long............

"Yes!" As if thinking of something, Mu Junhao said, "I'll take you to Yanzi's house later. You can pack up your things and move them here."

"I don't want it!" An An immediately frowned and objected. The mood that had just calmed down suddenly became worse again.

Mu Junhao was obviously a little unhappy. He looked at the rearview mirror and said, "You signed!"

Knowing that this was a mistake caused by her negligence, he still wanted to mention it. He bit his lower lip and said calmly, "I promised to be your lover. What else do you want? I won't repudiate!"

"You are repudiate now!"

Suddenly, her face changed angrily, but Mu Junhao's words made her unable to refute, so she was so angry that she punched the driver's seat fiercely and scolded, "Mu Junhao, you little man!"

Knowing what peace of mind means, he deliberately misunderstood, "I'm 1.88 meters tall and 80 kilograms. I don't think I'm very small, right?"

"Mu Junhao, do you want to pissed me off!" He has always been very gentle and relieved by Mu Junhao, and the image of a lady has disappeared.

"What are you talking about!" Mu Junhao pretended to be angry, and then said with a smile, "If you are not here, who will do what you like to do with me!"

With his words, a beautiful face suddenly turned red, and Mu Junhao, who saw this scene from the rearview mirror, smiled.

"Mu Junhao!" Anxin frowned and asked in disbelief, "Don't you feel embarrassed to say this kind of thing casually?"

"Excuse me?" Mu Junhao's face was unbelievable. He said puzzledly, "Why are you embarrassed? Am I the only one in the world who can do such a thing? Are other men all decorations? Or is it sexual incompetence?"

"Ah!!!" Mu Junhao's words immediately frowned and shouted angrily, "You hooligan!!! Ruffan!!!"

Anxin is really going crazy. Mu Junhao's words were not taboo, and her face turned red and white with anger. She can't tell him, and she is not as thick-skinned as him. No matter what she says in the end, she is always angry!

There is no way to talk. He is too obscene!

He pulled off the sat bag on his shoulder, took out the facial tissue at ease, rolled it into a small ball under Mu Junhao's surprised eyes, and stuffed it into his ears.

Seeing this, Mu Junhao "Oh!" He laughed, and after seeing his smile in the rearview mirror, he closed his eyes again. I can't see, I'm not upset, I don't listen, and I'm not confused.