
Chapter 131 Life at the mercy of others.

She pleaded, but changed back to Mu Junhao's two words "dream!!"

This was particularly cruel in her ears. She doesn't know what kind of expression she has on her face at this time. All she knows is that her heart is very uncomfortable. It's really uncomfortable...

After dragging her peace of mind, Mu Junhao began to reach out and stuff her into the car that he had been saying she wanted to leave.

His rude behavior made him feel bitter. He did not struggle, but he did not mean to obey at all. "Bum!" With a sound, she stood straight, because she did not bend down, but was forced to press her head by Mu Junhao. Therefore, her head hit the border of the door fiercely, and a warm feeling began to spread along her forehead.

Seeing this, Mu Junhao stopped. Slowly let go of his hand.

Slowly raised his arm and gently stroked the injured part, and then touched the feeling of **. When he took a look in front of him, the bright red color was dazzling and tight, and the bloody smell suddenly filled the whole nose. Mu Junhao..." Looking at the blood stains on his hand, he said peacefully, "What on earth do you want..."

"To get in the car!"

is still the word, but it also shows his unaltered decision.

She blinked hard, bit her lips fiercely, and frowned. The tears in her eyes were about to come out, but they were abruptly restrained by her.

She can't speak, because she is afraid that she will really cry as soon as she opens her mouth. So she shook her head gently and didn't go back.

Mu Junhao was really angry. He grabbed her and pressed her against the car door fiercely. Then he almost roared and shouted, "I tell you! You don't want to leave today! You have to come with me!! Don't force me anymore!! Otherwise, don't blame me for taking you back by extreme means!!!"

"Mu Junhao..." Anxin called the other party's name softly, but this mouth seemed to give a way to vent sadness. All the sadness and sadness all roared out at this time, and tears flowed out of her eyes uncontrollably. She looked at Mu Junhao with tears and said softly incomprehensiblely. "Why did you force me? I have said that I can't go back. Why are you still so stubborn? She lost the strength to quarrel and the energy to quarrel. She just wanted to tell him her mood, but... "And what can I do if I go back? In our current situation, do you think it is possible for us to get along well?"

They disagree and think differently. Mu Junhao is a typical male chauvinist, domineering and stubborn, and can't tolerate half a word. And peace of mind is a person who pays attention to equal treatment. How can these two people stay together quietly?

"You must come with me!!!"

In a word, she broke all the hope of peace of mind and covered her face in pain. She was full of sadness. Why, why are you so stubborn! Why are you so stubborn! Mu Junhao!!!

Tears overflowed through the fingers and kept flowing down the slender fingers, dyeing the whole white back of the hand.

Mu Junhao looked at the person crying silently in front of him without saying a word, and his eyebrows frowned tightly. His cold face made people not know what he was thinking at this time.

I don't know how long it took, the arm that covered his cheeks slowly drooped, and the crying beautiful face appeared in front of Mu Junhao, but it was just like a beautiful doll. Although he had a lovely face, there was no trace of anger... ......

If you can't resist, then obey, otherwise you will still be injured in the end. Anxin has always admired her adaptability, just like now, Mu Junhao is so stubborn that she can't persuade him and doesn't make sense, and she also understands his purpose, which is that she will never make herself feel better. Therefore, as long as it goes well, as long as you do what he says, it should be better... At least... You don't have to be slapped or bloodshed.

There is pain from the wound on her forehead, and her cheeks are also burning. If she resists like this, next time, is it time to lack her arm and break her leg... She doesn't want to become disabled...

It's only one year, and it will pass. At that time, she must leave here and never come back!

Unable to resist, struggling uselessly, helplessly raised his head slowly, looked at Mu Junhao's cold face and said, "I..."

"It doesn't seem good to be difficult..."

Even if he didn't look back and see the other party's face, the smiling voice clearly told Anxin who the person was.

In fact, although they left the city, there will still be vehicles passing by this secluded road, so there is no need to be particularly shocked when Han Sichen appears here.

Hold Anxin behind him, Mu Junhao put his arms in his arms and raised his eyebrows to look at the man: "I advise you to leave me alone, otherwise..." The words were not finished, but the meaning of the warning was very obvious.

"Ha ha!" As if he couldn't see Mu Junhao's hostile face, Han Sichen said with a smile, "Anxin is my friend. I can't let her be wronged, not to mention..." After lengthen his tone, he smiled and provoked, "I still like her so much."

As soon as this word came out, An An was stunned, and Mu Junhao's face obviously became more ugly.

No matter what the purpose of Han Sichen's words is, it undoubtedly has the effect of adding fuel to the fire.

His heart kept beating, and Mu Junhao's anger all over his body felt that he was relieved. Anyway, she could not let him hurt Han Sichen, especially he also said that he had helped himself. She must ensure that he could not be injured.

So, completely blocked by Mu Junhao, she just reached out and wiped the tears on her face. Sichen, I haven't seen you for a long time." Anxin stood behind the man and said with a smile, "What are you going to do?"

"I'm going back to the company. What about you? What have you been up to lately? Han Sichen answered her words with a smile and walked towards her.

The two completely ignored Mu Junhao's existence, so when Han Sichen was still a few steps away from them, he grabbed Anxin's hand and understood what he was going to do. Anxin hurriedly lowered his voice and said, "I'll go with you! However, I beg you to let me talk to him, and I'll leave it to you when I get back.

Then he pulled away his hand and strode to Han Sichen.

She stood face to face with a man in her untidy clothes. Even if the other party was her friend, she was still a little embarrassed and her face was burning, but she also opened her mouth. After all, this was her purpose to beg Mu Junhao.

"Sichen, thank you, but..." shook his head and said feebly, "You'd better leave it alone." Their affairs are so messy and complicated that she doesn't want to involve others anymore. I don't want to involve other innocent people because of myself.

Laughing, Han Sichen said, "I've never been a nosey person, but..."

At this point, Han Sichen suddenly stopped and raised his head with doubt.

Without that elegant smile on his face, Han Sichen became particularly serious, "You are an exception."

With that, he took off his suit, put on Anxin, who had been stunned for a long time, and pushed the hair hanging on her cheeks behind his ears. His intimate little action suddenly made Anxin blush and even his ears burned.

Unexpectedly, Anxin really didn't expect that Han Sichen was... However, she couldn't give him a response. She only had Shen Shengxian in her heart now, but... A sad emotion poured into her heart. Mu Junhao destroyed everything. He messed up everything and couldn't find the original. Point............ and can't see the future............

"Come with me!"

Han Sichen asked softly in a discussative tone. And took out a handkerchief to wipe the embarrassed face for Anxin, and a trace of blood on his cheeks attracted his attention. Following the traces, he pushed away his hair and saw Anxin's injured forehead, and the movements of his hands suddenly stopped. But it's only a short time.

And the person who had always been gentle flashed the viciousness that Anxin didn't see, but he didn't say a word.

His series of gentle movements made her reassuring eyes suddenly become sour and slowly lowered her head. His words and his actions undoubtedly gave her the greatest comfort to her injured heart, and a warm current gently flowed into her heart. However, he stopped the movement of Han Sichen's hand, took the handkerchief to his hand, and held it tightly, "I'm sorry..."

It's just three words, but it's said by Anxin. And the tears that were hard to stop were hooked out by him, but the two crying were completely different reasons.

Mu Junhao, that is her deep helplessness, while Han Sichen is moved without words. When he is hurt all over, there is a man who opens his arms to rely on, which will comfort a woman's psychology.

Anxin suddenly felt that God seemed to treat her well.

After listening to this sentence, Han Sichen smiled and said, "Don't apologize. You didn't do anything wrong." Then he whispered, "Take good care of yourself and call me if you have anything to do."

Nodding his head and whispering in a trembling voice, "I... I'm leaving..."

Raising her tearful eyes, she looked nostalgicly at Han Sichen, who gave him the greatest comfort at this time. No matter what happens in the future, she will always remember that at this time today, there was a man who helped him.

He clenched the white handkerchief in his hand, bit his lips with peace of mind, and slowly turned around.

And tears, at the moment of turning around, are like breaking the dike, uncontrollably............

I walked to Mu Junhao step by step, and my heart sank at every step. I didn't worry about how I would be treated when I went back, but I felt so sad and really sad.

These tears flowed for her unmanable fate and pathetic life at the mercy of others............