
Chapter 140 Make trouble. Next

After listening to the reassuring words, several policemen beside them have been biting their ears in a low voice, but the place is so big and their voices are low, and they will still hear more or less.

In a faint time, Anxin seemed to hear a few words such as 'Mu Junhao, trouble, trouble', and they also pulled over the man who had been verbally threatening Mu Junhao because he had just suffered losses and discussed something together.

Looking at Mu Junhao, he was smiling at the corners of his mouth and looking at the movements of the people in the car sarcastically.

With a helpless sigh, this man will never be afraid, no matter what happens. It will always be this unsurprised look.

But he is not as calm as he is. He turns his head and looks at the dark sky outside the window. It's indescribably uncomfortable. Do you still have to spend the night at the police station tonight? Thinking of this, I was even more worried.

Oh... Gently touching the puppy that has fallen asleep in your arms, you are sleeping soundly!

whispered for a while, and then raised his head. The man obviously lost his previous momentum, but his face was cramped and even uneasy. The other people in the car didn't look very well, but the woman began to look at Mu Junhao with shining eyes after participating in the discussion. Even stronger than when looking in the parking lot. Even the peace of mind looking out of the window could detect the woman's eyes that she couldn't wait to eat Mu Junhao, and she could imagine how hot it would be.

He curled his lips, and even now he is still so charming. I remember that when they went to school, Mu Junhao was the prince charming in the minds of all the girls, recognized as the school hunk. Now, with the passage of time, he has become more mature and handsome. Looking at Mu Junhao's perfect side face, he can't help sighing that how can anyone look like Apollo's reincarnation.

And Mu Junhao didn't stop. He actually smiled meaningfully at the woman and even stretched out his tongue and licked the corners of his mouth. Suddenly, the woman's face turned red like an apple.

Seeing this scene, I couldn't help rolling my eyes. When is it? I'm still in the mood to flirt!

"Fare in love with me." Although he didn't turn his head, Mu Junhao's smiling voice sounded faintly.

I'm sick! Anxin gave him a white eye again.

"You...what else do you say!"

The woman answered in a panic, which stunned Anxin, while the people in the car looked at them inexplicably.

The man's atmosphere turned red and warned Mu Junhao, "I tell you, don't hit my woman's mind! Otherwise, don't blame me for being rude!"

With a sarcastic smile, Mu Junhao didn't hear his words at all.

"That woman!"

Suddenly speaking to her, he was a little stunned and pointed to himself and said, "Me?"

"Can't you care about your boyfriend like this?"

tube? Looking at himself with a smile, Mu Junhao said that they are all grasshoppers tied to a rope now, so do me a favor! So, he reached out and grabbed Mu Junhao's arm and said with a smile, "Although my boyfriend's words and deeds make people look like a flowery radish, he really loves me. We have a good relationship..." After a pause, he continued: "Actually, from the day we dated, I knew that he was causing trouble. The face will make me afraid in the future. With that, Anxin reached out and patted her gently, "But now, I can tell you clearly, miss..." turned around and looked at the woman and said, "You can't get in!" Let it go!"

Mu Junhao suddenly put his hand around his shoulder and looked at the woman with an apologetic face and said, "I'm sorry, miss, I misunderstood you. I just saw that the atmosphere was too dull and joked. I hope you don't mind."

The harmony between the two made the man and woman sitting opposite very angry, especially the woman who said, "Oh!" He laughed and said, "Don't talk nonsense. Isn't it just a little handsome? Who will fall in love with you!"

"Oh..." He sighed helplessly and said at ease, "It's all women. Your mind can't be hidden from me. If you really don't mean to my boyfriend, why do you want to continue his words? Why are you blushing? Why did you stab?

The woman who was suddenly blocked by these words was speechless. The man beside him immediately reached out and slapped the woman and said, "You shameless bitch!"

"How dare you hit me!" The woman covering her face was unbelievable, "How dare you hit me!"

Several policemen hurried forward to persuade, but the woman was anxious and humiliated by Anxin and Mu Junhao. Her boyfriend embarrassed her at this time. This time, she was not allowed to share. Unexpectedly, the man tore together. In the police car that had just returned to calm, she suddenly made a pot of porridge.

Seeing this, he shrugged his shoulders helplessly, and Mu Junhao also looked like it had nothing to do with himself.


After a long time, the police car suddenly stopped. After being stunned for a second, Anxin's face began to turn pale, and his eyebrows were about to be entangled. Holding the dog, she pouted and silently followed the police to get out of the car, and the woman followed her crying, making her begin to reflect on whether she had gone too far.

When he passed by, a light word suddenly broke into his ear, "Don't be afraid, there is me!"

For a moment, a warm current slowly flowed into my heart. Looking up and looking at the tall back in front of me, I suddenly felt that there was nothing to be afraid of. I frowned, smiled, followed the man and walked into the police station.

The police station was much busier than Anxin thought, and it seemed that there was something more important to deal with. Several policemen were also called away because of something. Suddenly, they were put aside and no one took care of them.

But at this time, something happened again. Somehow, she suddenly wanted to go to the toilet, but she didn't know where to go. So, biting her lip, she looked patient.

But Mu Junhao still found something wrong with her. "What's wrong?"

The face turned red before he opened his mouth. Seeing this, Mu Junhao was even more puzzled, "Is it uncomfortable?"

Shake his head, and then felt something wrong. He nodded again. Finally, he simply raised his head, but did not dare to look at Mu Junhao's eyes. He just lowered the corners of his eyes and said with some embarrasment, "I want to go to the toilet." After saying this, he blushed even more.

This answer really stunned Mu Junhao, and then coughed dryly, and his reaction made An An even more embarrassed.

At this time, a policewoman happened to pass in front of them. Mu Junhao reached out and stopped the woman, and as soon as the woman who was about to attack saw his face, she immediately smiled like a flower and said softly, "What's the matter?"

smiled and Mu Junhao said, "Where is the bathroom?"

"Go straight from here, and then turn left and you will see it."

But when she came out of the bathroom, Mu Junhao, who came with her, was no longer there. Looking at the men's bathroom, it may be convenient to go! However, the more I think about it, the hotter my face is. I am really not an ordinary shame today! This kind of thing... hey...

However, after standing at the door of the bathroom and waiting for a while, he didn't come out, so he reached out and knocked on the door and whispered, "Mu Junhao, you..." Are you all right? Is it in there? Or is it over?" That...Mu Junhao..."

However, no one answered and frowned. She raised the volume slightly, "Mu Junhao?"

There is still no sound. It seems that it's not inside. Then... It should be back! So, she returned the same way, but the situation in front of her made her a little confused. Because of the unusual excitement in the police station, and a man was saying something to Mu Junhao with a sneering face, and they were surrounded by police. Seeing this, her heart suddenly panicked. Looking at Mu Junhao's disdainful expression and looking around, Isn't it that he caused something else? Thinking about this, I'm very uncertain.

"Let's get out! Excuse me!"

As he spoke, he wanted to pass through the mountain of people, but he was stopped outside the crowd by the police and said, "Don't get close to the idle people. Didn't you see the director talking to Mr. Mu?"

Hey? An An was stunned, Mr. Mu? So... looking at it this way, it doesn't seem to be a good thing............

At this time, the whispers of several policewomen around him came to the ears of peace of mind.

"I still wonder why the director suddenly came. It turned out that the new guys in our department actually arrested Mu Junhao!"

"I heard that the minister called Director Wan directly. Tut!" The little policewoman beside her curled her lips and said, "The backer is really hard enough!"

A small policewoman said, "I don't know that Zhang doesn't have a long brain, and she doesn't look at it when arresting people!"

"I heard that a traffic policeman saw him because of a fight, and then called the police to arrest him."

"God!" The white policewoman rolled her eyes unbearable.

Hearing this, Anxin couldn't help curling his lips. No wonder Mu Junhao was so calm. The backer was really big enough! However, the news spread quickly, but I didn't see Mu Junhao's phone call? Suddenly, a scene from the parking lot came to my mind. It seems that his men did it! Thank you very much!

"But he is really handsome!"

Gossip is far from over............

"Yes, I thought it would be an old man! But it looks so young, that is, 245!"

I couldn't help nodding with admiration. What a guess! Mu Junhao is 24 this year.

"I don't know if I'm married."

"How can it be!" The little policewoman said, "So young and rich and powerful, how can you get married so early!"

"Indeed!" The white policewoman nodded with her arms in her arms and agreed, "However, there must be a lot of flies around."

"That's of course, not to mention anything else, there are many people who have to take the initiative to embrace this face."

"Mu Junhao may be married!" As if thinking of something, a honey-skinned woman frowned and said thoughtfully, "I just saw a woman with him."

Don't talk nonsense. Although we stand together, we are not a couple.

"You idiot!" Baijing's policewoman glanced at her and said, "It's his wife when we are together. Maybe it's a lover!"

Yes! Yes! She couldn't help nodding, but she was still smart.

The scolded little policewoman muttered dissatisfiedly, and then said, "By the way, what about that woman! She is a prisoner!" Then he began to look around.

Because she was not standing very far away, Anxin was soon found by her, so she smiled politely at the policewoman.

The policewoman was stunned and then smiled.

But the women next to her, because they didn't see her, were still discussing the topic just now, and the more they talked about it, the worse they became.

"It's just for fun." Baijing's policewoman said, "How can a man like him be sincere!"

That's quite right. Mu Junhao really doesn't have any sincerity. His heart...he! Self-deprecating smile, what are you thinking about here?

"Yes!" The little policewoman said, "This kind of man is not good."

That's right, but these people still look at Mu Junhao with infatuation.

"But..." The white policewoman raised her eyebrows and said sarcastically, "Is it really so good to be someone else's lover? Is it interesting to throw it away like garbage after being played? After saying that, there was a cold hum.

This suddenly changed An's face. Looking at the woman's eyes with anger and knowing nothing, he knew that he was talking nonsense here.

The little policewoman also laughed sarcastically, "Rich!" She said strangely, "Money is my father these days!" Besides, Mu Junhao is still so handsome that he won't suffer from him for a while. Even if he is dumped in the end, he can still get a lot of break-up fee. No matter how you think about it, you won't lose!"

As soon as she heard that her companion talked more and harder, the policewoman hurriedly touched the other party with her arm and suddenly said in a dissatisfied voice, "What are you doing!"

"Stop it!"

The policewoman frowned and lowered her voice, but she still heard it, but she didn't care. When he was with Mu Junhao, he had to be ready to be pointed out. If she can't regard the identity of this lover as a kind of pride, she must learn to adapt to the pressure around her.

As soon as they listened to their companions' words, several people who had been chatting enthusiastic just now suddenly closed their mouths and looked around, as if they realized that what they had said might be heard by others.

It's not a big deal, although I feel sad. But who knows if you don't say it yourself? So... pulled the corners of her mouth and showed a bitter smile.