
Chapter 146 Check.

It was a little unexpected. She thought that Mu Junhao, who was furious, would take her home and scold her, but she didn't expect that he didn't say a word, and the car stopped at the gate of the city hospital.

However, when things came to this point, I understood what he was going to do, but if it was really what he thought...

I couldn't help sighing helplessly. I didn't have to make things like this, but I let my confused myself mess up and become so complicated.

And when she began to have a general examination, she completely understood and proved that her conjecture was correct. In fact, the man wanted to take himself to the hospital for a check-up at noon, but he didn't expect that he had forgotten each other's agreement, so he shrugged his shoulders and could only take up work time.

However, I am very grateful that I can still do things according to the original plan when I am so angry with myself. I admire him very much. And it seems that he has to say thank you. Mu Junhao will not be able to work all afternoon because of him, and every time he processes a document less means that he will have a lot of loss.

Blood test, blood pressure measurement, electrocardiogram, B-ultrasound... Anyway, there was a big examination all over her body. She didn't know how many departments she had walked, and how many times she ran upstairs and downstairs. All she knew was that when she finally went for a gynecological examination, she felt that she was almost exhausted.

Looking at the gloomy man beside him, although it was kind, it was really unacceptable! So upstairs, downstairs, east and west without playing, she felt that half of her life was almost gone.

However, after so many examinations, she is satisfied with each report, because everything else is normal except anemia and unpreserved ears. Of course, after a gynecological examination, she can be sure that there are really only these two problems. But............

Why do you put on this posture to eat people? No one has provoked him. Anxin is really a little confused. He did what he said, and all the doctors who were resting gave up their lunch break because of his words. They were honest and listened to his arrangements, and they were all authoritative doctors in various subjects. What is there any dissatisfaction? Everything goes according to the steps he set. What else does he want?

"Miss, please take off your clothes." Maybe Mu Junhao's face was too horrible. The doctor said tremblingly, "Then lie down on the chair over there."

The doctor's words interrupted her complaint with dissatisfaction, and she answered softly, "Okay!" And walked behind the screen in the room and did the inspection. It was all such a procedure, so she didn't feel anything wrong with this request. However, she felt normal. The man beside her couldn't accept it. She reached out and grabbed the peace of mind. Mu Junhao frowned, but after catching her, she didn't seem to know what to say. So, the rein is here.

looked at the man who suddenly stopped her doubtfully and said at ease, "What's wrong?"

After being silent for a long time, Mu Junhao suddenly said, "You are very healthy!"

These inexplicable words made peace of mind and the doctor stunned. Before this test, Mu Junhao can know whether he is healthy or not. When did he have this ability?

Looking at the man who said this strangely, she looked at him up and down.

According to the current examination report, she is quite healthy, but "after the gynecological examination, you can be sure whether there is really nothing wrong!" Before the final examination is completed, you can't make such an early conclusion and frown doubtfully. How come this sentence seems to have a feeling that you are eager to have something wrong?

Lefting Mu Junhao's hand, she walked to the screen in the room. In fact, she had an intimate relationship with Mu Junhao alone. According to reason, there should be no other gynecological diseases, but it's good to check it out to make herself more at ease.

"Wait a minute!"

This made me feel at ease when I was about to take off my clothes. I turned my head and looked at him inexplicably. What's wrong with this? What's the wind? After so many tests, I didn't say a word, and there is only this last examination left. Why are you still in trouble? Finish it quickly and leave! This is not a good place!

The taste of disinfectant is really not very attractive.

Looking at the man who didn't know what she was thinking, she was really worried. She was a little impatient with her arms.

"You!" Mu Junhao looked at the doctor gloomily and said, "Come out!"

The doctor who was suddenly named seemed to be unable to react for a moment and looked at him with his eyes open without moving.

Seeing his reaction, the man immediately frowned impatiently and said, "Didn't I speak Chinese?"

This hidden angry voice immediately made the stunned man recover. The doctor immediately nodded repeatedly and said, "Yes! Yes! Yes!" Then he immediately followed Mu Junhao out of the house.

This............ For a moment, the empty room was relieved to stand alone and stupidly. Didn't you have lunch? I'm hungry!" Muttering discontentedly, nothing!

And five minutes later, when a woman in a white robe walked into the house, she completely understood. I also clearly know why Mu Junhao's hesitant face is. It turns out that he cares that the doctor is a man.

Looking at the female doctor who entered the door, An An couldn't help saying thank you in her heart. Indeed, the male doctor just now made her feel a little embarrassed, but she was a doctor, and all the people who came to the examination were naked, and she was not the only one who did this, so there was nothing to be embarrassed. Moreover, if it is twisted, it will be even more embarrassing.

And it's really much easier to change a woman. They are all female compatriots, and there is no shyness.

curled his lips, Mu Junhao was quite careful, and he didn't come in this time. There were only two women in the room without any tension.

So, it didn't take long for the examination to be finished, and there was no disease, and it was in good condition. This is somewhat expected, because if there is something really wrong, it will be felt before.

When she came out of the room, Mu Junhao asked with concern, "Are you... all right?"

"It's okay!" He answered with a smile. She is happier than anyone else in good health.

However, is Mu Junhao a little worried? Why is his expression so nervous, and why does his face still look fierce at the female doctor who has just finished her examination? So, she said, "The doctor checked very carefully! Don't worry!" I will never pass on anything messy to you, but............

Thinking about this, I feel relieved that Mu Junhao is also necessary to check it! She is healthy, but he is not necessarily healthy! So "Mu Junhao..."

"What's the matter?" The man answered and frowned to let the frightened doctor go.

With permission, the female doctor immediately ran away. By the way, Mu Junhao's murderous eyes were really scary.

With one hand on his chest and his chin in the other, he said calmly, "I think you should also check it!" Then he continued to be fearless and said, "I'm healthy now, but you are still unknown! If it's really okay, it's good for both of us. If it's really okay, it's the two of us who suffer.

The more I think about it, the more I feel that what I said is correct, and I can't help nodding in agreement with my ideas.

And this suddenly made Mu Junhao's blue veins on his forehead burst. It seemed that he was very angry, but the latter felt that what he said at this time was very reasonable. "Don't be angry!" She comforted and said, "I'm doing this for your own good! If you are healthy, I will be relieved!" If you are not healthy, I will suffer...

"Shut up!"

Mu Junhao's voice sounded, and the sound of clenching teeth was so scared that he shrank his shoulders and curled his lips dissatisfiedly... It was unreasonable at all.

However, his scare reminded her of something. She couldn't help looking at Mu Junhao's important part, holding his cheek, and starting to think again.

In fact, Mu Junhao should be normal. As he just said, one person is sick and two people suffer. And I'm normal now, which proves that Mu Junhao is also normal. Otherwise, I should check the problem, right?

Following her reassuring eyes, she found that she was staring at her male symbol and thinking. Seeing this, the man smiled evilly at the corners of his mouth, and he slowly bent down............

The man's sudden approach made the mind who was thinking about it come to his senses. He looked up and bumped into the man's evil face.

"Tonight..." Mu Junhao's enthusiasm when he spoke happened to spray on the auricle of the reassuring **, which made her to tremble. Seeing this, the smile on his face was deeper. I will definitely let you beg for mercy..." After saying that, he gently kissed his ear.

Suddenly, the face seemed to be on fire, and it was red. He pushed Mu Junhao fiercely and looked at the man who smiled particularly improperly with resentment, "Rang!"

There is no serious word! My mind is full of that obscene thing!

With an undeniable smile, Mu Junhao then said, "At night, you will know whether I am a hooligan or not!"

If you bite your lips tightly, how can there be such a person in the world? Anxin is so puzzled that he can't do it now. Mu Junhao is thick-skinned, incorrty and unreasonable. How many shortcomings can this person have? Look how many he has!

But the more angry he was, the happier Mu Junhao seemed to be. He even looked back at her as she had just looked at his important part. However, Mu Junhao's eyes were not so simple. The eyes were full of indecongruousness and the meaningful expression suddenly It made An's face hot, and he had the impulse to escape.

and scolded "indevil!" After that, she really ran away.