
Chapter 148 Anger Leaves.

Looking at the man's departure back, she curled her lips impatiently, and couldn't help saying in her heart, why her attitude was so vicious. She just asked, was it possible that it was still against the law? Besides, it's okay if you don't want to answer. If you really don't want to say it, then you can be silent. Do you need to chop her like this? She didn't offend him. Thinking about this, she suddenly felt a little uneasy, because she had a nightmare just now. She struggled so fiercely in her dream and resisted. In reality, she thought that she should not lie honestly **, and she knew from the sweat of her body how fierce her reaction was just now. Therefore, she was afraid of what she shouldn't have said in her dream just now.

Reminiscence of the man's expression when he left just now, she frowned worriedly. Because Mu Junhao's face just now was really a little ugly, and does this mean that he really said something that should not be heard in the nightmare just now? Otherwise, how could it be such a reaction?

The more she thought about it, the more she felt that the possibility was very high. The more she frowned, the tighter her eyebrows became, and her heart began to panic. Hopefully, she didn't say anything particularly exciting.


A respectful voice suddenly sounded in the quiet bedroom, and this sudden sound really shocked the peace of mind that she was thinking. She, who could not control her expression, immediately looked back at the source of students with a frightened face.

And she was shocked by the servant who called her downstairs for dinner. With her confused eyes open, the maid carefully repeated, "Miss, dinner is ready..."

Seeing that the person was a servant of the family, and from her expression, she knew that she was a little too nervous now, which scared her. So, pulling the corners of her mouth, she smiled kindly at the servant and said, "I know, I'll go down right away."

However, before she went downstairs, she felt something was wrong, because all the servants were so nervous that the atmosphere was inexplicably depressing. Therefore, she couldn't help looking at the main seat of the dining table, and this look suddenly understood, because Mu Junhao was now sitting there with a gloomy face, looking angry.

Seeing this, Anxin couldn't help rolling his eyes in the dark. He is always so angry and not afraid of getting angry. Besides, how can a big man be more angry than a woman? Also, how can there be so many annoying things and how can there be so many things that make you put on this face? I think you are the best at doing this kind of thing that you can't deal with yourself!

It's really... There's something wrong with it, find your own suffering!

And as she complained and went downstairs, Wang Wang suddenly appeared at the end of the stairs wagging his tail, and kept making a sound of "woo...woo..." in his mouth. The whole look was extremely excited, just like hoping to come to it quickly.

Seeing this, she immediately smiled and accelerated the speed of going down the stairs. She seemed to understand that the master was running by himself, and Wang Wang downstairs was even more happy. Her two front paws kept moving in place, impatient!

However, she was relieved to walk step by step. Because of her hurry, she accelerated the speed of going down the stairs, but she never thought that she had taken two steps at once, which was not her intention at all. So, "My mother!!" With an exclamation, Anxin suddenly opened his eyes wide in horror and watched himself lying on the steps. Fortunately, there was a thick carpet on the steps, which was not very painful, but it also made her frown.

"Miss!" Seeing this, the servant hurriedly gathered around and said, "Are you all right? Does it matter?"

How's it going? Do you need to ask the doctor to have a look?

In the face of enthusiastic inquiry, peace of mind is obviously a little uncomfortable. Waving her hand, she said that she was fine, but her nose... seemed to be something wrong...

"My nose is bleeding!" A maid exclaimed at this time, "Miss's nose is bleeding!"

This verified that her doubts were not illusions.

"Raise your head! Miss, raise your head!"

And the servant's fast speed made her understand what was going on. Her face was raised by three or four hands. She looked up at the ceiling in a daze, blinked her eyes, and fell down to find that there were so many people caring about her.


Wang Wang seemed to understand that his master was injured now. He was crying pitifully and licking her fingers with his tongue outstret comfort, as if hoping that this would make her feel better.

"Hee..." The feeling on her hand was a little itchy, which made her help laughing and turned her face to look at the puppy and said, "Wow..."

However, before the words were finished, the head, which had just lowered a little, was immediately shouted in panic by the servant, and then the face was raised again in an instant.

"Miss, don't move!" A maid said worriedly, "Otherwise, there will be more blood!"

"Yes! Don't look up!"

Seeing that you are so worried about yourself, I feel warm and embarrassed. I don't usually have much contact with everyone, but I didn't expect that so many people would take the initiative to greet me when I was injured. In fact, it's not that I don't want to go. It's just that I don't have free time. I'm always busy with this and that, and I don't have time to talk to anyone for a while.

After a burst of busy work, Anxin's nose was stuffed with tissues and helped up from the ground.

"Thank you! Thank you!" She looked at everyone gratefully and said, "I'm sorry to bother you all and worried you!"

He was hurt at ease, but Mu Junhao didn't say a word from beginning to end, but looked coldly at the injured woman and the servants around the front and back.

But when she was a little embarrassed and sat on the chair with a paper towel in her arms, the man who had been silent suddenly moved. He threw the chopsticks in his hand to the ground fiercely.

"Bang!" Although the sound is not very loud, it is also quite scary. Several servants who were concerned about peace of mind immediately lost their voices. Everyone stood still, did not dare to move, and did not seem to dare to breathe.

For a while, the room was silent, and even Wang Wang noticed something was wrong at this time. He was afraid to drill into his arms with peace of mind. In fact, not only was it afraid, but its owner was also afraid.

Looking at Mu Junhao, who suddenly went crazy, she looked at the man who was so angry that she was about to catch fire.

What's wrong with this? Did you fall and provoke him? Why are you angry? Besides, look at how scared the people in this room are scared by him! What is this! I can't stop eating a meal!

And after looking at him for a long time, the man seemed to be getting more and more angry, so he pushed away the chair and said, "Teng!" He stood up and left the table.

Looking at his back as he strode away, her mind was full of inexplicability, but she suddenly began to guess whether Mu Junhao would not come back tonight? If so, it would be great if you can't help smiling at the corners of your mouth!

With the man's departure, the atmosphere in the living room immediately became lively. Although no one spoke, the obvious relaxed feeling said it all. It seems that everyone is trembling under Mu Junhao's hands, for fear of accidentally angering the owner of this family, but...

smiled. Now he is not at home. "That!" She opened her mouth awkwardly, and she didn't know what everyone was calling, so she stood up awkwardly and said, "If you haven't eaten, sit down and eat together!" There is no tiger in the mountain, the monkey is called the king, and the Mu family. For the time being, she, who has no weight, will make the decision!

As soon as she heard what she said, the group of servants suddenly panicked and looked at their leaders one after another, and the housekeeper said, "How can the servants..."

"Ouch!" Anxin interrupted him with a smile and said, "I know what you're going to say, isn't it? How can a servant eat with his master unruly, or else, he doesn't have this qualification, right?" Without waiting for the housekeeper to answer, she continued, "I don't have so many rules, and I'm not a child of rich parents. I've been used to being served since I was a child. I just think it's unnecessary for everyone to live together so formal. I'm not Mu Junhao, and I don't have the temperament of not being angry and arrogant. It would be good for everyone to get along with me like friends.

After that, she took the lead in pulling the housekeeper to sit on the chair. After all, she was the heaviest in the group.

"Miss, this..."

Seeing the housekeeper's frightened face, he cried and said, "I'm not a germ. Why are you so afraid!" He doesn't need to be so scared when eating. He just wanted to get closer to everyone, and Mu Junhao created conditions for her. This man always does good things!

Then pulled several servants to sit down, and under her constant persuasion, four or five servants sat down tremblingly. Then, slowly in the joking words, everyone was laughed by her and couldn't help relaxing.

Without Mu Junhao's Mu family, peace of mind seems to live a more comfortable life. There is no need to look at his ugly face, no need to guess whether he has angered him, and he gets along with the servant again, and the laughter spreads far away.

After all, if you have to live here for a long time, you have to have a good relationship with the servant! Only when something happens like this will someone help regardless of the consequences! Isn't it? Thinking about it, why do you feel so hateful?

Looking at Wang Wang in his arms, he asked silently, 'Do you think so?'

And Wang Wang shouted twice as an answer. Seeing this, she smiled deeper.