
Chapter 161 Torture.

Dr. Joe has been a doctor for so many years. Although he is young, he is experienced and has done many surgeries, but he has never been as nervous as he is now. No matter what situation he faces, he has never changed. Now, he has shown a nervous and uneasy look, and even his hands Shaking slightly.

Looking at the peace of mind with a smile, Dr. Qiao swallowed and said nervously, "If you can't stand it, talk at any time, and I will stop sewing immediately." This is not an injection. Just prick it. It's a stitching, just like a broken dress and stitching it with thread, needle by stitch!

Seeing that Dr. Qiao was so nervous, he smiled at ease and said, "Hmm! Don't worry, I can stand it. Come on!" She will never ask Dr. Joe to stop because she can't stand it, because it will bring a lot of trouble. When you wait to the hospital, you have to take it apart and sew it again. The left and right are also suffering, so it will be uncomfortable this time!

Mu Junhao stood silently by the bedside without saying a word. He couldn't see any emotion on his face, but his hands clenched into fists behind him. At this time, the man who experienced the strong wind and rain began to sweat, even more worried than when he was injured.

"That..." Dr. Qiao said slowly, "I'm starting!"

"Hmm!" Nodding, she said she knew, and then closed her eyes. She was really afraid that she would cry. After all, it was a needle through the skin. So, you'd better close your eyes. Maybe you won't be so afraid if you can't see it. However, when the pain of the needle passing through the skin clearly came, she immediately couldn't stand it. With a muffled hum, the beautiful eyebrows suddenly twisted tightly together, and the hands flat aside suddenly trembled fiercely.

Seeing this, Dr. Qiao hurriedly said, "It's not too late to stop now!"

Only one stitch, if it stops, it will not cause any trouble.

shook his head, but Anxin said stubbornly, "Continue!" Now that it's started, stick to it until the end! Then she turned her face to Mu Junhao and said, "Can you do me a favor?"

"You said!" Mu Junhao's voice was unprecedentedly nervous. Seeing this, she smiled at ease. She operated alone, which made the two people more uneasy than himself.

"Hold my hand! I'm afraid of moving around!" Her body can't help but want to stay away from the pain, but every time she moves, it will affect Dr. Qiao, and if she moves around, the wound will not be well sewed well. However, she has no strength. The needle has made her dizzy to death, and the strength on her body is as if she has been drained. She has no strength to bounce. It's hard to even lift a finger.

I didn't expect it to hurt so unbearably.

"Good!" Mu Junhao frowned and responded with difficulty, and then sat down with peace of mind and turned his back to her.

Dr. Qiao looked at Mu Junhao, who was sitting facing him in embarrassment, and the latter frowned and nodded to signal him to continue. But the big hand that pressed Anxin's arm began to tremble.

It was only a matter of more than ten minutes, but Anxin felt as long as a world. By the end of the suture, her whole body seemed to have been taken out of the ditch, soaked and even almost lost. Even the ups and downs of the chest seem to be much smaller.

pulled the corners of her mouth weakly, and her voice was as soft as a mosquito, but with the joy of relief, "It's finally over!" This operation is not too much to be called torture.

"Yes!" Dr. Qiao stretched out his hand to wipe the sweat on his forehead. At the end of the operation, he obviously breathed a sigh of relief and said, "It's over!" This operation was not only reassuring. Dr. Qiao was just like the person being treated, so nervous that his hands began to tremble!

And Mu Junhao is the same. The always ruthless man, whose always cold eyes seem to be slightly red. The big hands of Anxin's arm were all sweat, which made her skin wet.

stood up, and Dr. Qiao hurriedly poured some warm water for Anxin, but now she doesn't seem to move, and she can't raise her hand to catch the water cup at all. Even opening her eyes seems to take a lot of effort.

"Give it to me!" Mu Junhao reached out to take the water cup handed over by Dr. Qiao, carefully took it into his arms, and slowly put the cup to her mouth. "Come on!" The man's voice is unprecedentedly gentle, but now he is not in the mood to pay attention to these things. Be careful!" He reminded softly.

With Mu Junhao's action, Anxin raised his head slightly and slowly swallowed the warm water. It must not be his own hand, and Mu Junhao seemed to be the first time to feed people something, so the two did not cooperate very well. There was a little water flowing out along the corners of An's mouth.

Seeing this, Mu Junhao raised his hand and gently wiped the water stains from the corners of her mouth. In that way, that action gave Anxin the illusion that he was the treasure he cherished.

She laughed in her heart with self-deprecating. If she had believed it four years ago, but now, she only thinks that she is really too unconscious. Thank you!" He pulled the corners of his mouth weakly and smiled gratefully at Mu Junhao.

"Don't talk if you don't have the strength!" Mu Junhao said in a low voice and gently hugged her, letting her most of her body lean against herself. "Sleep for a while when you are sleepy!"

"Hmm!" Respond gently with peace of mind. Then she closed her eyes, and she was really sleepy.

"Junhao!" Dr. Qiao suddenly said at this time, "Take peace of mind to my lounge to sleep!" There is a bed and a quilt. Let her have a good rest!"

"No!" He said weakly, "Don't toss around anymore, that's it!" She has no energy to care that she is lying in Mu Junhao's arms now. Now she just wants to have a good sleep and doesn't want to be quarreled by anyone. After saying that, she slowly closed her eyes. It seems that even such a small move will make her very tired.

"You go to sleep!" Mu Junhao said softly, and then passed through the armpits with one hand and legs with the other hand, and picked her up in the way of a princess.

Feezing that her body was empty, she slowly opened her eyes and saw that she was being held by him. "Don't...I..." The words to stop her were also soft, without any persuasiveness. She really has no strength now.

"The lounge is better than here. Let's go there!" Then he said to Dr. Qiao, "Take the lead!"

Seeing that the man had made up his mind and did not have the strength to refute, he was relieved to take himself to Dr. Joe's lounge. Besides, the smell of disinfectant there is lighter than here.

Looking at the man's resolute side face, I don't know why his eyes were a little sore. When was the last time he was picked up like this? When was the last time you were taken so carefully? Unconsciously, we are going further and further, Mu Junhao............

Seeing to feel a reassuring sight, Mu Junhao slowly lowered his head and looked at the woman in his arms.

He pulled the corners of his mouth weakly, smiled gratefully, and said, "Thank you!"

Frowning, the man replied sullenly, "Hmm!"

Sure enough, the environment of the lounge is much better than the disposal room, and it is more suitable for rest. Put it gently on **, and Mu Junhao carefully covered her with a quilt.

At this time, Dr. Qiao came in with a drop, hung it up, and then adjusted the needle and said, "I'll give you some anti-inflammatory injection. Provincial infection."

"I'm sorry to trouble you!" She was sick but had a lot of trouble with Dr. Qiao. She was called to Mu's house at night, and then tossed here and dealt with the wound for herself. She was ill and made her neighbors uneasy. However, it's finally over.

"Have a good rest! Take a nap!" Apply some iodine and alcohol to your safe arm, and then push the needle into the back of your hand and move neatly.

"Junhao, take care of it!" Dr. Qiao said to the man, "Otherwise, it would be bad for her to roll needles when she sleeps!"

"Hmm!" Mu Junhao nodded to show that he knew, and then said to Dr. Qiao, "I'm sorry to trouble you tonight!"

With an indifferent smile, Dr. Qiao said with a smile, "This is what I should do!"

And then the two said something, and the confused peace of mind could no longer be heard. When the room calmed down, she said softly, "You haven't slept all night. Take a break!" I sleep honestly and can't make mistakes. You don't have to watch.

Mu Junhao is not a robot, and he has been tossing all night. How can he not be sleepy?

"It's okay!" The man whispered, as if sitting opposite her, "I'm not sleepy." After thinking about it, he said, "Do you need to turn off the light?"

"No!" The light is not in the way. In the hospital, she doesn't like to turn off the lights and feels inexplicably afraid.

I don't know how long it took, when I was confused, I said, "I'm sorry!" It gently came into her ears.

Slowly opening his eyes, Mu Junhao was obviously shocked. It seems that I didn't expect that An An hasn't fallen asleep yet. For a moment, the atmosphere between the two was indescribably awkward.

In fact, Anxin didn't feel anything. This is far from the shock of hearing his apology for the first time. Besides, it will become like this. She has a large part of the responsibility. If she can calm down, she won't get this step.

Now, she really admires Han Sichen's endurance. People who do great things are indeed extremely patient.

smiled and said at ease, "You don't have to apologize to me. I'm responsible for this matter!" It has nothing to do with you. If I really say something, I still want to say thank you. After all, you brought me to treat the disease.

"Reassuring..." Mu Junhao's voice was full of apology "I..."

I wanted to say something, but I was interrupted by peace of mind. "I want to sleep. You can also take a break!"

Then she closed her eyes. Seeing this, Mu Junhao was not talking either.