
Chapter 172 Ping Pong.

To be honest, Anxin is really hungry, especially when this delicious food is brought to the table by Mu Junhao, her saliva is about to drip down.

As soon as the hot noodles were brought to the coffee table by Mu Junhao, she quickly picked up the chopsticks and picked up a large chopsticks. However, the noodles were very slippery and could not pick up the bowl. Seeing that the noodles of this big chopsticks kept falling straight into the basin and splashing hot **, this was simply white pick, but , she was so anxious that she came again, and this time her strength was so strong that the noodles broke before they could be picked up in the bowl.

I'm so angry! An An's face was annoyed, and it was really annoying to see that he couldn't eat his mouth!

At this time, a bowl of noodles was handed to her. She looked up at Mu Junhao in surprise, but she couldn't see any expression, but anyway, she said gratefully, "Thank you!"

And put down his chopsticks and reached out to take over the rice bowl, while Mu Junhao quickly became another bowl.

This kind of ordinary life of watching soap operas and eating while eating seems to have passed for a long time, and suddenly returned to this state. It's really... smiling, a little uncomfortable!

Looking at the man sitting next to him eating noodles, somehow there is a feeling of life.

It's true! Who can afford to live in a villa of thousands of square meters? Who has a servant to wait on as soon as he gets home? Who doesn't have to cook and wait for ready-made food? Not to mention the distance, just yesterday, the life I lived yesterday is still the same as that on TV! To be honest, Anxin felt that there was no sense of reality at all, and now, eating food made by himself in this normal room, this feeling, smiling happily, is indescribably comfortable.

As if sensing the reassuring sight, Mu Junhao slowly turned his head. Seeing him looking at herself, she smiled and then buried herself in her rice bowl, but it seemed a little inconvenient! After picking up the noodles, if this is directly bitten off, the rest will fall everywhere. This............

So, he got up from the sofa and sat directly on the ground in Mu Junhao's doubtful sight. After lowering his head slightly, his mouth could reach the rice bowl on the coffee table.

"Snoring! Snoring!" Anxin began to snore with a little imageless, but she was really hungry.

After looking at him, Mu Junhao looked away and turned his attention to his bowl. I didn't care about her imageless way of eating.

The dinner was carried out in silence. After dinner, the dishwashing work naturally fell on Mu Junhao's head. He looked at the man apologetically and said innocently with a smile, "Thank you!" She really can't do anything about it. If she can get a little water, she doesn't need Mu Junhao to help clean up the mess.

Although he looked reluctant, there was nothing he could do. His relieved hand was still hurt.

He flattered and handed the rubber gloves to the man and said, "Take it!"

"I'm not a woman!" Mu Junhao said dissatisfiedly.

Then he threw his chopsticks, bowls and basins of noodles into the sink, and suddenly made a sound of ping-pong, which made him worry that the tableware would break. Be gentle! Be gentle!" This rice bowl is porcelain! How can you stand such a fall! However, the good thing is that this is made of good porcelain and the quality is good. There is nothing wrong with Mu Junhao's destruction.

Although she couldn't help, she didn't leave because she was a little uneasy.

And Mu Junhao seemed to be the first time to wash the bowl after dinner, because when his hand was stained with the residue of the food, his face suddenly changed and shook his hand in disgust. This shake was terrible. It seemed to hit his face. The Yingting's eyebrows immediately wrinkled and raised his hand and hurriedly used his hand. I went to wipe the dirt on my face, but I forgot that my hands were not clean, so it got worse and worse.

"Don't use your hands, wipe it with a paper towel!" He resisted the impulse to laugh and took out a few tissues from the paper box on the coffee table and handed them to Mu Junhao.

Reached out to take the paper towel, but before it could be wiped, the moisture in the hand had already soaked it, so the frown, which was wrinkled tighter. Seeing this, Anxin simply reached out to help him wipe it.

A moment of stiffness appeared on Mu Junhao's face, as if he didn't expect peace of mind to do so, but after the reflection, he did not avoid it, just slightly uncomfortable.

Seeing him like this, Anxin really didn't know what to say. They even had the closest relationship. Why are they embarrassed?

I don't know where it's dirty. Anyway, she wipes it wherever she feels!" All right!" She withdrew her hand and threw the paper towel into the toilet, and then she continued, "Don't dislike it, just do it!" Just brush the bowls of the two of us!"

Without answering, Mu Junhao silently washed the dishes with his hands.

Seeing this, Anxin handed him the wire ball and said, "Use this to wash the dishes, otherwise it will not be clean." Besides, if it's all hand-brushing like you, then we women don't need their hands." Squeeze some detergent!" With that, he squeezed the transparent ** into the sink.

However, when the crisp crack sounded, he began to regret it. Maybe it was too much detergent, which made it too slippery, so Mu Junhao, who couldn't hold it, threw the bowl to the ground.

Compared with his reassuring face, Mu Junhao looked stunned. He may not have expected this result, which is very stunned. He stared at his empty hands.

"It's okay!" He smiled and comforted, "It's the first time! Take your time and have another bowl!" Why does this sound a little strange?

And Mu Junhao seemed to be a little angry. Maybe in his eyes, this should not have happened. But Anxin thinks it's normal. Men are like this. It's normal to play one or two when they wash the dishes. He is just too demanding and doesn't want to fail in everything, but there is no way in the world where everything can be done according to his wishes. There will always be one or two unsatisfactory things.

And the fate of the second bowl is the same as that of the first bowl. This time it is too tight, but in fact, it is easier for the bowl to slip off. I guess he doesn't understand the truth that the tighter he grasps, the easier it is to lose.

"Damn!" Mu Junhao hammered the marble table fiercely, which was "bang!" All of a moment, there was a lot of noise, and even the things above were shaken.

Something is wrong! If it goes on, Mu Junhao won't tear down the kitchen, but after thinking about it, there are two porcelain bowls, two pairs of stainless steel chopsticks, a small stainless steel basin, and a plastic spoon with soup. Now the two bowls that are most likely to have an accident have been broken into pieces, and the rest will be fine no matter how they fall. In addition to making harsh noises.

"You don't have to be angry!" Anxin continued to smile and comfortingly, "This is normal for you men, or why do women go into the kitchen?" However, there are also men who cook better than women and clean up the house. The second half of the sentence, of course, absolutely can't be said, which is too devastating to Mu Junhao.

He looked at Anxin suspiciously, but the man also seemed to think that this was a good reason to hide his clumsiness.

Then in a burst of ping-pong accompaniment, the rest of the tableware was finally washed, but the small basin coated with green paint on the outside of the soup was brushed too hard with a wire ball, leaving a lot of scars, and I don't know how much strength he used.

However, in an instant, this is also a memorial. Mu Junhao labeled you for the first time. You are also very happy. Thinking so, Anxin put the tableware left in the man's hand and put it in the cupboard.

It's 8:30, and it's still a little early before going to bed, so Anxin sat on the sofa and watched a TV series. I remember a colleague said last time that a TV series performed by a station was very good, and I don't know if it will be performed or not.

After washing the cutlery, Mu Junhao went straight into the bathroom. The man has the habit of taking a shower before going to bed, which is good. Taking a shower before going to bed can wash away the fatigue of the day. It will be very comfortable at night, and she also needs to take a shower later.

20 minutes later, Mu Junhao washed it, and the TV series he watched at ease was also finished. Stand up and stretch. It's almost nine o'clock. After taking a shower and lingling for a while, it's only ten o'clock. It's time to go to bed. However, an inadvertent glance made her stare at the things in front of her, and her stretching movements also froze there, just because Mu Junhao actually came out of **............

"Teng!" For a moment, Anxin's face turned red like fire. This............this............

Fee the reassuring sight, Mu Junhao looked back at her, and Anxin hurriedly looked away, but the man swaggered into the bedroom.

"Bum! Bang! Bang!" Anxin felt that her heart was about to jump out, which was too exciting. Although she had never seen Mu Junhao's **, no matter what, she was embarrassed!

At this time, Mu Junhao was already wearing a pair of white casual shorts, naked, and with wet black short hair. As he kept approaching, his heart kept jumping at an amazing speed, but the man just sat on the sofa and picked up the remote control. It's just a change. Other than that, there is no other action.

It's okay to pat your chest! It's okay! But...what's so good? Ask yourself, do you think what he is going to do to you? How can it be! But... it's not impossible! Ouch! Hit yourself on the head! What do you think! It's all some obscene things.