Kowloon plate

Chapter 32 Awe-inspiring

The purple and black dragon chased out and entangled it, trying to continue the siege, but as soon as they fighted, they found that it was completely different from the current one.

The purple dragon just wanted to sweep up with its tail, and the dragon's teeth appeared and were majestic.

The blue-eyed golden-eyed beast's body swings, and the claws were shot wildly. The purple dragon's attack was brazenly destroyed by it. The blue tide was born, and the power of the beast's claws rose steadily. In the purple dragon's angry eyes, it hit its seven inches wildly.

No matter the dragon and snake, seven inches is the most deadly place. The purple dragon howled and was trampled on the ground fiercely by the blue-eyed golden-eyed beast.

With a loud noise, the purple dragon fell to the ground, ten feet around, three feet to the ground.

The black dragon was furious, and the dragon's tail waved and roared at the blue-eyed golden-eyed beast. His mouth was brewing with the black beast spirit of the skeleton. He raised his head and suddenly spewed out.

The blue-eyed golden-eyed beast was full of disdain. With a mouth, the blue light surged inside. In just a moment, it gathered into a huge wave and roared. A wave hit out, suddenly broke the beast spirit of the black dragon, and then hit the black dragon heavily.

"Oh..." The black dragon screamed and flew dozens of feet away.

This is the real strength of the three major monsters in the aquarium. Just now, it was just suppressed by the righteous bell.

Tang Lei ignored the war of the three beasts. At this time, he was in a subtle feeling. At this moment, he actually had an illusion that he was the righteous bell, the righteous clock, that was him.

When the blue-eyed golden-eyed beast defeated the two dragon beasts, and saw the annoying human hanging in the air, the blue-eyed golden-eyed beast did not think about it, and it was full of waves.

Tang Lei only felt a cold force coming to his face, and he didn't have time to think about it. He moved his hand at will and pinched it into a strange finger. A surge in the sea of air, and a huge force that had never existed before and after rose in Tang Lei's body. At this moment, Tang Lei felt that he had reached the throne...

"Correct reincarnation." A red fire spewed out from Tang Lei's palm and piled up layer by layer. The red fire was entangled like several fierce fire dragons, intensifying and multiplying each other. Finally, it suddenly hit the blue waves.

Water and fire are inherently incompatible. As soon as they come into contact, there is a shocking explosion. The two forces collide and tear them crazily. The powerful breath instantly blows up the surrounding ground to pieces.


A huge explosion, the wind roared, and the waves surged.

After all, the power of the blue-eyed golden-eyed beast is stronger, but this righteous reincarnation is also not weak. The blue wave is only rushed out by the huge force, but has no attack power.

The blue-eyed golden-eyed beast didn't expect that this small human had such strong power. It suddenly came to rise. It had just broken through the suppression of the righteous bell and had long wanted to find an opponent with similar strength to fight. Unfortunately, the two dragon beasts were still too weak to be his opponents. Now Tang Lei's strength has more than doubled. , in this way, he made the blue-eyed golden-eyed beast interested.

Seeing that the reincarnation of righteousness was ineffective, Tang Lei was not discouraged. He jumped into the front of the blue-eyed golden-eyed beast. The red front was like a blood-eating poisonous snake and fiercely cut to the chest of the blue-eyed golden-eyed beast.

The blue-eyed golden-eyed beast was furious. After resisting a knife, the giant claws slapped and slapped Tang Lei out.

Unexpectedly, Tang Lei, who was hit by a claw, immediately rushed back at a faster speed, and another big move hit the chest of the blue-eyed golden-eyed beast. Although the blue-eyed golden-eyed beast was amazing in defense, it could not completely resist two heavy blows. Suddenly, it was cut through the beast's armor and blood bursting.

The blue-eyed golden-eyed beast roared, lowered its head and opened its mouth and bit it. Tang Lei was awe-inspiring, but rubbed his body and jumped in.

The blue-eyed golden-eyed beast bit it, but it was hit by a hard object, and the deafening bell sounded out.

Tang Lei couldn't stop laughing, which is another big advantage of the righteous bell - righteousness awe-inspiring.

This is the most powerful place of the Zhengqi Bell, which completely defends against the enemy's attacks, even the attack of heavenly mythical beasts.

Thinking that the blue-eyed golden-eyed beast has been suppressed by the righteous bell for hundreds of years, it shows the ability of this righteous bell. Now it can not only instantly improve Tang Lei's whole level of strength, but also give him the most powerful defense. In this way, he has the capital to dare to face the enemy's blue-eyed golden-eyed beast.

Tang Lei laughed a few times in the mouth of the blue-eyed golden-eyed beast. The red front moved, and the fire wave flew, hitting the wall of the blue-eyed golden-eyed beast. Chi Feng was a divine soldier. Such a close and unstoppable attack was like cutting melons and cutting vegetables. Between the blood turned over, a huge beast tongue was also cut by Tang Lei. Come down.

The blue-eyed golden-eyed beast roared, and the head of the beast suddenly shook. Tang Lei only felt the ground shaking, and his mind was dizzy. He quickly inserted the red front into the mouth of the blue-eyed golden-eyed beast.

The blue-eyed golden-eyed beast howled again, and its shape was extremely tragic. It couldn't bite, and it couldn't shake it off. It was really a dilemma.

Tang Lei sneered, stared at the nucleus above the wall of the Warcraft cavity, and cut it out with a knife.


The beast's blood sprayed his face. At this time, the blue-eyed golden-eyed beast, which felt the danger of life, burst out its power as a heavenly beast. It shook its head and suddenly hit the mountain wall next to it. The blood splashed everywhere and the armor was broken.

Tang Da stood unsteadily and was hit on the mountain wall by such a heavy blow. Although he was not directly affected, he was also shaken by a big earthquake. His hands and feet were numb and his body trembled. Then he was dumped by the blue-eyed golden-eyed beast and suddenly came out of the beast's mouth.

As soon as he came out, Tang Lei felt a pair of blue eyes staring at him deeply, and a golden light shone down.

When his heart was cold, he was about to get away, but his body did not listen to the call at this moment and stood still.

Although it was only that short moment, it was enough to make the blue-eyed golden-eyed beast slap it fiercely.


Tang Lei was severely slapped into a mountain wall in the distance. Although he was guarded by a righteous bell, he still felt uncomfortable as if his whole body was about to fall off.

The giant shadow flashed, and the blue-eyed golden-eyed beast chased over again. A mouth, a super wave mixed with animal blood spewed out.

Tang Lei did not dare to be careless. He pinched his fingers and made a decision. He was really angry and said, "The righteousness is awe-inspiring."

A circle of golden aperture swayed around him in all directions, and the huge waves on his face quickly disappeared like spring snow.

As soon as the blue-eyed golden-eyed beast saw that this move didn't work, it roared and rushed up again. The golden light flashed in the blue eyes and fixed Tang Lei again. Then it patted him to the ground with one foot. The earth smashed and was smashed out by Tang Lei.

Tang Lei was so painful that he couldn't speak. He suddenly remembered that Deng Zituo asked him to be careful of the eyes of the blue-eyed golden-eyed beast. It seemed that his eyes were indeed strange and could fix other people's bodies.

He climbed out of the pit with difficulty and was greeted by an ice knife and water arrow.

This is not comparable to a wide range of water waves. This is a fixed-point attack knife and arrow. Tang Lei felt that the power of these ice knives and water arrows is not weaker than a strong man of the throne. How dares to be careless and run away.

As soon as the body left, the ice knife water arrow hit the position where Tang Lei had just been.


There was a big explosion, where a large pit of ten meters was blown out, which was shocking.

Tang Lei's heart is extremely cold. With such a powerful force, there is absolutely no life on his body. Even if there is a righteous bell to protect his body, he will be shocked to death by that huge force.

After a few failed attacks, the blue-eyed golden-eyed beast shrank its shape, and its speed exploded again. It caught up with Tang Lei's back. A golden light flashed in the blue eyes, and Tang Lei was instantly covered with a strong one.

But this time, the blue-eyed golden-eyed beast was not in a hurry to give Tang Lei a heavy blow. Instead, it blinked again, and another golden light covered Tang Lei. Originally, Tang Lei was more recovering, but he was covered by this golden light, and his body stiffened again. What's more terrible is that this time was much longer.

Under the pressure of another golden light, Tang Lei felt that his blood had stopped flowing. In another piece, Tang Lei had lost consciousness, and even the righteous clock was as if he had fallen asleep and had no reaction.

Tang Lei's heart was cold and secretly said, "I'm dead..."

The blue-eyed golden-eyed beast came over without a hurry, and the four consecutive use of the blue-eyed golden light spells also made it almost release its strength. After a quiet moment, the blue-eyed golden-eyed beast slowly gathered a heavy and powerful force with its mouth. This power must be extraordinary.

The seriously injured purple and black dragon struggled, roared and rushed to the blue-eyed golden-eyed beast. A blue light condensed on the claws of the blue-eyed golden-eyed beast, and one by one was imprinted on the two dragons. The two dragons could not even scream, turning into a two-color halo and returned to the copper plate on Tang Lei's chest.

The beast roared low, and the visible forces converged, slowly forming a huge water ball with a true diameter of about one meter in the mouth of the blue-eyed golden beast, but the power contained in this water balloon is earth-shaking.

Tang Lei finally despaired. His body could not move at all, and the true qi all over his body could not be moved. Chi Feng trembled gently, and obviously he could not get rid of that power.

"Are you going to die?" Tang Lei asked himself gently.

"Xi Ruo, live well... • And Zimeng, be good."

Tang Lei slowly closed his eyes and quietly felt the moment before the storm came.

Suddenly, a strong figure flashed beside Tang Lei, covered him with a colorful soft gauze, and then became smaller and shrank into his robe.

With a sonorous sound, Deng Zituo has an extra Qi sword in his hand. This is a true Qi sword composed of pure power. Without the strength of the king's rank, it can never be formed.

The blue-eyed golden-eyed beast also showed a solemn expression. The momentum on this person is more than ten times higher than that of that person. His strength is enough to make it feel the threat of life.

"Roar." The beast's mouth suddenly spewed out the fierce water ball. At the same time, it also rushed up with its teeth and claws. It didn't believe that the middle-aged man's body was as good as the young man.

Unfortunately, it was greeted by a staggered silver cross.

"Reverse light cross."

"Boom, boom."

There was a loud noise between heaven and earth, and the backlight cross cut and the water ball burst into an unprecedented powerful impact. The extremely fierce strength shook in the space, the earth was abruptly torn into a huge crack, and the mountains and rivers were rigidly flattened.

"Bomb." There was another loud noise, and the seal, which had lost most of its strength, finally collapsed and shattered into a little starlight.

The cold water of the extreme abyss poured down like the collapse of the earth.

The blue-eyed golden-eyed beast cheered and jumped into the cold water and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Deng Zi Tuomu's expressionless dispersed air sword, his body rose to the sky, and the abyss water that fell one after another avoided.