Kowloon plate

Chapter 37 Sharp Killer

Tang Lei smiled stupidly and suddenly released the knife. He put it cleverly when the man suddenly pulled out the knife, so the long knife was fiercely lifted, and the back of the knife irreversibly hit his forehead. Suddenly, a blood tank appeared. The man was smashed by the back of his knife and faintly forgot the southeast and northwest.

Tang Lei sat down boringly and said, "Isn't the knife seller showing me something with a knife? Do you want to rob?

Wu Jieya and Su Zimeng burst out laughing, but the wine glass in their hands was pinched to pieces.

No matter how idiots several robbers were, they could see that several people were playing them. A man who was shouting at the boundless man and cut the long knife in his hand to the boundless shoulder.

I didn't see any action. There was a flash of golden light on his back, like an extremely sharp sword spirit. The robber's knife was broken into several pieces, and then the powerful force hit him. The big man was rushed by the golden light and immediately flew out three meters away, smashing a wooden table.

Infinity did not kill him. Although the other party was a robbery, there was no fatal conflict between the two, so he let them go.

A group of diners and bosses have long retreated to the store and watched the 'robbery' that happened here in fear.

The robbers knew that they had kicked the iron plate, but they were a tough guy. When they saw their companions being beaten out, they roared and chopped down.

For this kind of play without any technical content, Tang Lei and the other three of them disdained to respond, but the knife was on the head and had to be blocked, so...

There was a crisp sound, and the figures flashed, and the knives of the robbers were broken into pieces one after another. Only one knife handle was in their hands. In a stunned, several robbers were also attacked by brute force and fell several meters away.

Tang Lei clapped his hands and said to the store owner, "Concout."

Such an opponent is not challenging for the three of them.

The shop owner came out in fear, his hands and feet trembled, and said, "Grandpa, you are willing to come to our store. The little one already feels very lucky. How dare you ask for your money?"

Tang Lei was stunned and smiled casually. The boss thought that they were also robbers and was afraid of them, so he laughed and said, "Boss, you don't have to be afraid. Our brothers are not these robbers. We..."

At this time, an unprecedented sense of crisis appeared in Tang Lei's heart, and the golden bell of righteousness buzzed and suddenly popped out of himself.

A killer who was stunned with the robbers suddenly went into trouble, and a weapon hidden in his robe stabbed Tang Lei.


With a loud noise, the automatic defense of the righteous clock was only resisted for a few seconds, and then it was completely disintegrated.

Tang Lei's heart trembled. This is a super protection that even the blue-eyed golden eye beast can't break. Who is this person? There is such a sharp attack!

Although the righteous bell air mask was broken, the man's attack power was still slow. Tang Lei raised the red front, and a huge real qi suddenly cut out. The red fire rolled down like an angry dragon, cutting all the tables and chairs in front of him to pieces. The lingering knife hit the hut, with a bang, and the wall was knocked out. A three-meter-long hole, the people inside suddenly jumped.

The man was not surprised. He was attacked by Chi Feng and was not panicked. An object in his hand docked with Chi Feng. With a 'dang' sound, the man actually flew to the cabin without looking at a few more people. He flew away. The speed was so fast that Tang Lei and others had no time to catch up.

"Brother Tang, are you all right?" Su Zimeng asked nervously, and Xiaorou looked up and down at Tang Lei's limbs, which made him laugh bitterly.

Looking endlessly at the place where the man went, he said, "Who is this person? What a powerful attack power. Even if I try my best, I'm afraid it won't be easy to blow away.

Tang Lei nodded and said seriously, "Even the natural protection of Zhengqi Bell can't be broken by a blue-eyed golden beast. This person can break it at the first time, and then retreat in an instant in my counterattack. It is not sluggish. His heart is not stable and calm. It seems that this journey will not be peaceful."

He said coldly, "His target seems to be you, your enemy?"

Tang Lei smiled innocently, and his eyes showed murderous intent, "I have always kept a low profile, and there are only a few enemies. If you want to take my life, the only thing..."

"At this time, we have to go to Beixuanmen." Tang Lei said indifferently, looking up to the north, and his eyes were more murderous.

Two days later, Tang Lei and the four finally arrived in Muqi City. During this period, they did not encounter any resistance, and the powerful assassin did not reappear, as if they had given up.

But Tang Lei knew that this was not giving up, but a little calm before the storm. Next time, that person will bring a stronger attack.

As soon as they entered the wooden city, the four people saw the huge hole in the gate and the countless claw marks in a group of four deep paths on the wall. Among the claw marks, countless dried blood stains seemed to tell the tragedy here.

As the four people moved forward, the ground, forts, barracks, and private houses in front of them were full of traces of being killed by large-shaped magic, which was shocking.

Endless, the more they walked forward, the shock in their hearts were better than before. Although they heard Tang Lei describe the battle with the blue-eyed golden-eyed beast, the fierceness and power of the monster still far exceeded their expectations. Looking at the traces of being hit by it in the surrounding houses, the two found that even if they compared themselves, they People can't attack with all their strength, and they can't have such a strong attack power. In particular, you can imagine how fierce the battle between Tang Lei and the blue-eyed beast would have been at that time!

There are few pedestrians on the street, and occasionally they pass by in a hurry. Obviously, the blue-eyed golden-eyed beast has caused indelible trauma to this city.

Tang Lei looked around and felt guilty. If it hadn't been for his poor strength, the blue-eyed golden-eyed beast would not have escaped, and the people here would not have suffered so many reckless disasters.

Turning around the corner, there is an open square, which is much more lively. Hundreds of strong men are roaring. On the high platform, a man with a ferocious scar on his forehead stands on it and roars loudly.

"For the sake of our people and our survival, we must destroy that beast. Now, I, Jabar, swear that the beast will kill this demon and not be a human! If a brother is willing to go with me, he will stand up, but I have to say it first. Don't go if the monster is fierce and fierce, weak or has a concerned person in his family.

The crowd below was excited, and Liu Sheng roared, "I'm willing to go with the city owner and kill the monster that killed people."

Jabar roared and roared, "Okay, I know you are all famous men. Go, don't get rid of this demon, and swear not to return to the city."

Everyone turned around and walked towards the four people of Tang Lei.

boundlessly laughed and stepped forward, holding the boxing, "Presumably this hero is the owner of Muqi City, the owner of Jabarja."

The blood on Jabar's eyebrows was rolled up. Obviously, he was injured by the blue-eyed golden-eyed beast a few days ago. At first sight, he blocked the way endlessly, so he said, "It's Jabar. Who are you?"

Endless smiled faintly and said proudly, "I'm You Teng County, Endless."

Everyone was in an uproar and talked about it.

Jab's face was shocked, and then he said happily, "I hope I'm a little crazy. It's really extraordinary. I've just been rude."

Tang Lei and the other two also stepped forward. Tang Lei's face was stupid and smiled, "Master Jia must have made this trip to kill the blue-eyed golden-eyed beast, right? I'm also a little immeable. Can you take me to wait?"

Tang Lei was with Endless. Jabal did not look down on him and smiled and said, "That's the best. The beast appeared in Rihua City before his birthday. Fu Biao, the owner of Rihua City, had a life-to-life relationship with me. Just now, he flew a book with me and asked me to help him. If the little madman is with the heroes, Jia can only be happy. What's wrong?"

Everyone behind Jabar was also excited. The name of the little crazy and boundless name is absolutely easy to use in the northern eight wilderness. With him, everyone is much more courageous. Therefore, hundreds of people drove to the Japanese city 30 miles away. Of course, all of them rode beasts or horses. If they drive 30 miles with their legs, even if I can get it in a short time, and I'm afraid I don't have the strength to fight.

Along the way, Jabar rode on a three-stage thunder leopard and walked first with several people.

Oolong is naturally a camel with Su Zimeng, endlessly calling out its own pet, a ground-level eight-pin winged dragon, which is powerful and difficult to be.

The winged dragon is five meters long, with a wide back, and the boundless and light killing sit on it.

Tang Lei did not settle down and was not easy to ride a beast with Jabal, so he just needed to sit on the oolong.