Kowloon plate

Chapter 48 offended

I offended

At that time, Tang Lei's whole body did not change before the water waves came, but at the moment when the waves approached, his whole body suddenly burned flames. That was the protective inflammation that could only be cultivated in another realm, and a powerful force could burst out in an instant, which could not be resisted by Xue Hai.

Cang Er finally zheng zheng zheng Tang Lei's cultivation. Not only did he not have any worry, but was full of excitement. Originally, he thought that after the endless defeat, he was already a master of the young generation in the Northern Eight Wastes, but he did not expect that another Tang Lei suddenly appeared. How could he not be excited?

Also, the cold-faced boy named Qingshi seems to have good cultivation.

The water mist has not dissipated, and a person slowly came out of the crowd. It was Tang Lei...

Everyone was in an uproar. They didn't know why Tang Lei, who had just not responded, defeated the arrogant Xue Hai and won, but everyone felt a little strange. Tang Lei had an extra momentum, a kind of momentum that only Cang'er and other masters could exude.

Tang Lei walked to the people of the Holy Water Pavilion and said coldly, "Cang Er, you have fought. Tang will allow you for three days. Three days later, you and I will fight again. Please be prepared for the nucleus of the blue-eyed golden-eyed beast."

"Drink, that's a big breath!" Everyone took a breath of cold air, and Tang Lei was too arrogant. The people present with Cang Er's ability have seen it. Even if it is the end of the master of the older generation, it is estimated that it will not be pleasing. Even if the war has passed, it seems that there is no need to rest for three days to deal with a nobody like him, right?

Cang'er did not feel despised, but nodded solemnly. When he met an opponent of an even enemy, he would never let him fight with his tired body. He would also give the other party time to present the best combat state. Otherwise, the battle would be too boring.

Soon, the schedule of the fight was finalized. Three days later, it was held at another big school yard in Bazhi County, and the referee was still the county head Leby.

This time, Lebby readily agreed, because he found that these young people seemed to be much more interesting than he thought.

After the matter was settled, Tang Lei and the four of them left the damaged campus under the eyes of the crowd, found an inn at will and stayed in.

The boundless injury was not serious. Under the true conditioning of Tang Lei and Qingling, he quickly recovered, but this failure gave him a little pressure and shadow, but later he heard Tang Lei's analysis that Cang'er was likely to be the killer. He came alive again. In his words, there was no need for one. The low-sputtering killer lives in pessimism.

So that night, at the insult of Su Zimeng, three big men accompanied her on a shopping trip.

Wujie was probably the first time to go shopping with Su Zimeng. At first, she thought it was quite interesting, but when she saw Miss Su almost saw a store and was about to go up to see it, and she bought one robe after another, jewelry, books and rouge, Wujiya and Tang Lei killed lightly together. Among the temporary porters, only Miss Su was happy, but her happiness was based on the pain of the three men flattening their purses and acting as a hard labor.

The three of them almost swore at the same time that they would never go shopping with girls again. The more beautiful they are, the worse.

It's also quite spectacular for three people to walk on the street with something bigger than their own bodies. Although this thing is nothing to the three people's bodies, the psychological fatigue is irresistible.

Finally, Miss Su showed great mercy and found a larger restaurant for a treat.

It's just her treat. Tang Lei and others paid for it. Miss Su is now penniless. If she still has money, she will definitely buy it again and will never give up.

Four people and three piles of objects equal to the human body occupied the last two tables left in the building as soon as they entered the restaurant.

The boundless people sat down without hesitation, put things on the side of the table next to them, and took a breath.

Xiao Er looked at him with embarrassment and said, "Grandman, we still have to do business in our restaurant. Who can still eat if you put so many things like this?"

Infinity glanced at him and said, "How can I eat if you don't let me put down so many things? At worst, you can calculate some more money at this table.

Xiao Er was even more embarrassed. When the guest's words came to this, he didn't give face any more, so he shook his head to prepare the dishes.

But as soon as he took less than three steps, a young man stepped in and said, "Xiao Er, I will prepare a table for the young master. Our brothers are going to have a good drink."

When Xiao Er saw him, his face was a little ugly and whispered, "Master Shi..."

Tang Lei couldn't help but be happy when he saw this person. Isn't this Mr. Shi who teased Cai Dun and others with a group of beasts on the Digu Peak that day? It's really a narrow road for enemies.

"What's wrong?" Shi Ershao was in a good mood today. His school was requisitioned. He not only received a high reward, but also received an enthusiastic reception from Cang Er of Shengshui Pavilion. Shi Er Shao did not accept his life, but he had a special love for this legendary teenager.

If you want to say that the second young master of his great historian, he is also a head and face-to-faced figure in Bazhi County, but only Cang Er of the Holy Water Pavilion has never bird him, which makes him extremely shameless. From then on, he has worried about his gains and losses. Sometimes he even doubts whether he is a pervert. He is obviously a man, but he has With 'that' preference.

Xiao Er pointed to the endless side, and then pointed to the table piled up with 'goods' and explained.

After listening to Xiao Er's words, Shi Er Shao did not lose his temper. Instead, he walked to the endless with a smile and said, "Brother, move these things. I want to drink some wine."

Mr. Shi, who said this, was surprised. If he encountered such a thing at any time, he must have lifted the things on the table without saying a word, but today he surprisingly did not do so - it seems that Cang Er has a lot of influence on him.

Unexpectedly, he said, "We have also paid for this table. You can change to another restaurant."

Mr. Shi Er was stunned and sneered, "It seems that people are really good at being bullied, and horses are good at being ridden. Master, I finally feel compassionate and sit in the same room with you bad people, and how dare you dare to drag me? I'll count three times. If you don't take away these messy things, don't blame me..."

"Don't blame you?" The light killing is also cold and groaning. He has always been the only one who bullies others. When is it his turn to bully him?

Mr. Shi's face was gloomy. These people clearly did not give him face, so they said coldly, "One, two, three."

No one moved. Su Zimeng and Tang Lei looked at him curiously and really wanted to know what he could do.

Mr. Shi shouted loudly and kicked over the table next to him. The things on the table fell to the ground. Mr. Shi jumped up and stepped on it fiercely. As he stepped on it, he said, "Try you bastards not to let me, and you bastards not let me..."

Tang Lei, the four people looked at each other in consterable, and this prince was really naive.

But Su Zimeng didn't agree. This is what she bought with all her family's money. She cherishes all the things in it. How can she make him so miserable?

So he came forward and pulled a whip on Mr. Shi's back.

Although the second son of Shi is said to be naive, he does have some ability. Otherwise, it would not have been possible to easily kill the red earth section of Digu Peak at the beginning. He was dismembered by the forest wolf in the jungle at the foot of the mountain.

When the whip came, Mr. Shi quickly turned around, grabbed the whip, and said angrily, "Good boy, dare to attack me."

As soon as she exerted her strength, Su Zimeng's whip flew out of her hand, and her hand was also dragged by the whip because of her strength. She shouted in pain. With the inertia, the hairband used to cover her head and the fake beard on her face fell off, and her beautiful face appeared.

It is impossible for the three people to sit and watch Su Zimeng being bullied like this by a stranger. Tang Lei's heart tightened. As soon as his heels moved, he stood in front of Mr. Shi Erzi. He was slapped away by Mr. Shi Er, who was dizzy by Su Zimeng's beauty, turned around and hugged Su Zimeng in his arms, and then laughed. "Sister Shi, you have offended..."

Tang Lei's slap was not light. Mr. Shi's second son's face was blue, and a huge sense of shame came. Mr. Shi's second son was extremely wronged. He looked at Tang Lei fiercely and suddenly said in surprise, "It's you..."