Kowloon plate

Chapter 62 Encounter the Strange Dead Again

Reconveal the strange dead

"Well, don't be sad. I don't think you are the father's killer, but you have to show us your father's body and see if we can find the origin of the murderer from the body."

The teenager looked at him doubtfully and asked, "You can see it from the body."


Opening the white cloth, a very ordinary old man, about 50 or 60 years old, looked very peaceful and not much different from falling asleep, but the old man had a wound smaller than his fist, and his whole skin was missing.

"Well, this forehead?" I checked up and down and found that the fatal wound on his body was in his neck, which was broken by a hard object. The old man died instantly, and even had a life-old expression, but this was strange. If so, the wound on his forehead--

"What's your name?" Qingjia chatted with the teenager here. The teenager seemed to notice the beautiful and lovely Qingjia, and his face turned red uncomportuncommly.

"My name is Zhan Yue."

Qingjia was stunned and then smiled, "Is such a good name given by your father? I can't see that he is quite knowledgeable.

The surname indicates that Zhan is brave and aggressive, but it is a little inappropriate to use on this weak teenager, not to mention the latter word Yue, which is an insurmountable chas for Zhan Yue, which is quite ironic.

"It's not taken by my father, but by a person who passed by the door to ask for water. My father said he was an immortal." Qingjia smiled at this, immortal? Where did the immortal come from? For mortals, those emperors are all immortals. Of course, there may be more powerful beings than them.

At this time, the anonymous examination was also completed. Qingjia looked at his thoughtful face and asked doubtfully, "What's wrong?"

I took a look at Zhan Yue without a name.

"Is there something wrong? First of all, the murderer's motive is unknown. It's just a 50 or 60-year-old man. Is it his enemy? Do you have any enemies in your family?

Zhan Yue covered his father's body with white cloth and replied, "My father and I live together and stay away from the market. In addition to buy some necessary daily necessities, I rarely go to the town. I have not offended anyone. Even if there is, there is no murder."

Nod, according to what Zhan Yue said, the murderer should have no hatred with their family, but after the other party killed, he even prepared the white cloth, paper money and red wax needed for the afterth. What is this? What's more, the old man's fatal injury is in his neck, but why is there still an injury on his forehead? These questions make nameless people unable to understand, and Qingjia is free and free and doesn't care much about them.

"Zhan Yue, the injury on your father's forehead is also caused by the murderer?"


This is strange. Looking at the murderer's precise technique, it is impossible to accidentally hurt his forehead. He shook his head helplessly at Qingjia, saying that he didn't see anything. After a few checks, the two who had no results also gave up. Qingjia didn't want to ask Zhan Yue for clothes anymore. Her father had just died, and she couldn't say anything when she asked him for something.

Just as the two were about to say goodbye to Zhan Yue, Zhan Yue went and hesitated: "Well, that, you two--"

Qingjia was stunned, and then smiled at him and said, "If there is anything, just say."

"You two are so good at kung fu, but can you teach me? I want to avenge my father. Zhan Yue said with a clear face. Qingjia thought for a moment and looked at the nameless.

"Ah, this--" is a little difficult. It's not that he doesn't want to agree with him, but he also knows how difficult it is to wait for him on the way forward when walking in the world. Fortunately, with Qingjia, Bijing has a good skill, but with the words of Zhan Yue, who is completely incompetent, it is a little cumbersome.

"I can cook, wash clothes, and do a lot of farm work. Please accept me. If you don't accept me, if my enemy comes again, you won't even kill me."

Zhan Yue's last words were said to Qingjia. The girl was soft-hearted. When he said so, she thought about it. Maybe the murderer would turn back sometime. Although this possibility is very small, she didn't want to joke about other people's lives and look at the unknown with the eyes of asking for help.

Name has no resistance to her eyes. "Okay, but I can't guarantee that you can learn anything from me, because I can't practice this kung fu by anyone."

Zhan Yue nodded quickly. Finally, the two helped Zhan Yue bury the old man together, and then Zhan Yue also found a cleaner dress for the new elder brother.

The nameless man in his new clothes looked much more energetic. Qingjia stood next to him and nodded with great satisfaction.

"Ha, it still looks like this dress, hee hee, the unknown brother looked so stupid before."

"Puff." Even Zhan Yue, who had not yet passed the sad period, laughed and smiled bitterly. He had nothing he could do with her and had to let her say it.

The three of them stayed in Zhan Yue's house for one night. The next day, the three of them set out together. Although Zhan Yue was reluctant, his novelty about unknown things soon let him release this astringent feeling.

Zhan Yue was very attentive. From time to time, he asked Ming Ming if she was thirsty and asked Qingjia if she was hungry. His bag contained the luggage of three people - the so-called luggage was just one or two clothes and a little food and water.

The nameless gritted her teeth and looked at Qingjia. This ghost girl really made full use of everything. She was not wasteful at all. She sympathized with Zhan Yue's desire to take him, but when she set out, she really sent others to take this and that. Even her Shaohua sword was let Zhan Yue take it. She couldn't see it without a name. She wanted to share some points for Zhan Yue several times. But he refused, saying that he would take it as exercise.

It's good for him to exercise like this. If he hadn't been working in the holy land of fire for a few years, he wouldn't have had today's cultivation.

Near noon, the three finally arrived at the village closest to Zhan Yue's family. Before they entered the village, there was a scream in front of them, and then there was a loud noise. Many people ran in the same direction and finally surrounded a room.

The three unknown people looked over from afar and saw a group of villagers gathered together as if they were looking at something strange.

The three people squeezed over, but they were shocked when they saw the scene. The villagers surrounded a dead old man, about 50 years old. His neck was cut and blood flowed all over the ground, and his forehead was rotten, as if he had been beaten countless times, and every time he hit it was produced in the same place. This death is similar to Zhan Yue's father. He looked at Qingjia and found that there was a strong shock in each other's eyes.

And beside the old man, there were also a few pieces of white cloth and paper money candles. He looked at Zhan Yue, who was stunned, and said to him, "This time I believe you."

Previously, Zhan Yue said that his father had been killed, and he didn't believe that these things were unknown around him, because who would kill a person and leave the deceased with items for post-mortem?

A woman next to her muttered with fear, "The day before yesterday was the fifth uncle, yesterday was the eighth uncle, and today is the third uncle. Oh, my God, who will it be tomorrow?"

The surrounding villagers all looked afraid and changed their names. They grabbed the woman's hand and asked, "This aunt, what do you mean by the day before-year-law? Do you have people dying every day?"

The nameless voice pulled the villagers' eyes this way. At this time, they seemed to find the unknown three people. The woman pulled out her hand awkwardly and asked, "Who is this little brother?"

Nameless: "I passed by with my friends and dare to ask my aunt. Does what you just said mean that people die here every day, and it's still the same way to die?"

The woman may not have seen this kind of staff, and she is a little overwhelmed.

At this time, a young man next to him said, "This little brother, what's the matter with you asking this?"

Zhan Yue, who pulled aside namelessly, said, "My brother's father was also killed yesterday. I want to ask you to see if I can find the murderer."

The man looked up and down and saw that although he was outstanding, he was not old, not like a capable person. Looking behind him, it was either a beautiful girl or a smelly child. He whispered, "This little brother, I know you are also eager to revenge, but you Still small--"

He interrupted him with a nameless smile, hooked his feet, hooked up a bowl of cut wooden stakes, and his hands actually tore the hard wooden piles into two. After the people around him only felt a harsh and sharp sound, the stake was torn apart, which was extremely powerful. The young man looked at the nameless with frightened eyes. He stood recently and clearly saw the picture of the wooden pile being torn apart little by little, which was so shocking.

If this wooden pile is torn suddenly, then the shock is not obvious, but tearing it apart little by little is like pulling people's nerves little by little. The slower the action, the more shocking it is, which means that the more powerful the other party is.

"We all have extraordinary people with strange skills. You don't have to worry about our safety." With a slight appearance of kung fu, the surrounding villagers immediately regarded the three as gods. Zhan Yue had never been treated like this. It was a little cramped. The nameless and Qingjia both walked in front with solemn faces. These things were too strange. They were all confused and angry, because the murderer killed was an unarmed old man. One or two can be said to have hatred, but how can they not be angry when they meet one and kill the other?

The villagers invited the three people to the house. After a while, the village head also rushed over when he heard the news.

The village head is a middle-aged man of more than 30 and nearly 40 years old. As soon as he saw the two of them, he came forward.

"Three young heroes, I'm Zhou Heizi, the village head of this village. You can call me Lao Hei."

Nameless: "I dare not, village head Zhou, let's not mention the gossip. I just saw that this old man here was killed. Have you caught the murderer?"

The village head shook his head helplessly, looked at the circle of people in the room, and shook his head and said, "Let alone catch the murderer, we haven't even seen the murderer, hey."