Kowloon plate

Chapter 68 Encounter


"Nameless, are you all right?"

He shook his head namelessly and said, "Does Uncle Zhou have anything for me to do?"

Zhou Buqing nodded and was about to speak when suddenly there were several exclamation and screams outside. The three people's faces changed. Zhou Buqing kicked the stool and flew out. The nameless two looked at each other and followed.

The nameless and Qingjia rushed outside, but the situation surprised both of them. They saw paper money flying around, a large pile of white cloth piled up together, candles and green incense in bundles, and dozens of people in black rushed in to fight with the people around them, but the people who came this time were obviously much stronger. Ben That is, the people of the Wuhe River can't resist and be picked out one after another, but the people in black rarely kill. Obviously, their target is still those old people.

The two nameless people were about to stand up, but Zhou Buqing appeared in front of them with a golden gun. He said seriously to the nameless, "Nameless, the old man has something for you to do."

Staring at the field with nameless eyes, he saw that those people in black attacked strongly, and the people in front of him were directly defeated. He said anxiously, "Uncle Zhou, I'll go when I fight them back."

Zhou Puqing grabbed him and roared, "Listen, you have to do this now, or we will die in vain."

Nameless astonishment. Death? How does Uncle Zhou say such a thing? How unlucky."

Zhou Puqing said helplessly, "There is nothing unlucky now. Nameless. Listen to me, the lives of our lives that I asked you to do are not worth mentioning. You must do it now. Do you understand? It's now!"

Seeing that Zhou Buqing said seriously, he looked at Zhou Puqing and asked, "What is it? Will it be more important than your life?

"Don't ask, take this and go to Bofang City to find the 'Emperor' hegemony. If you give this to him, he will understand. Let's go." Zhou Buqing recommended the two to the back door of Zhoufu.

"But--" At this time, a man in black found them, and immediately six or seven people rushed over.

Zhou Puqing roared, "No, but if you don't go, the old man will show you immediately." After saying that, Zhou Buqing pointed the tip of the golden gun at his throat.

The nameless hurriedly stepped back three steps and said to Zhou Buqing, "Okay, Uncle Zhou, I'll go, I'll go, don't do this, but, hey."

Zhou Buqing's gun pointed on the ground, and a deep mark appeared on the ground. He said, "I think Zhou Buqing still have some ability. It's not so easy for them to kill me. Don't worry."

After saying that, Zhou Buqing rushed back to fight with the enemy and said, "Go quickly. If you don't go, I will do what I said." He refers to suicide.

He was nameless, anxious and angry, but in the end, he could only sigh helplessly, turn around and walk with Qingjia, and suddenly stopped after a few steps. He turned back and said to Zhou Buqing, "Uncle Zhou, we are leaving. Take care of yourself. Zhan Yue will stay with you. Please take care of him."

Zhou Puqing roared to show his answer. He turned around and ran out with Qingjia. Several people in black chased him out, but there were no one there.

There are more than 200 miles on the road to Bofang City, which is unknown, but Qingjia knows that she doesn't want to walk 200 miles on her feet. Besides, according to Zhou Buqing, this time she is in a hurry. The faster the better, of course she can't walk. The two finally found a horse and a mule from the nearby villagers. Son, Qingjia rides a mule without a name.

But after walking for a while, he lost the mule namelessly. Because Qingjia's horse is fast, the nameless mule can't catch up. Qingjia waits while walking, and the horse is taller than the mule. Every time Qingjia looks down and nameless, which makes him very aggrieved, and finally ignores Qingjia. Strong opposition, nameless riding with her, in nameless words, it's not that she hasn't hugged, what's the shame.

As a result, Qingjia spent the whole journey with red faces.

Bofang City is located in the south of Doukui, and Shuntianhuang in the south. There are two mountains in the west and east respectively. The road is cut off, so I want to enter Bofang City. Only its Dabei Road, 30 miles of plain of Dabei Road, all the way to the fertile field, and you can see the horizon.

Under the sunset, the nameless and Qingjia, handsome men and beautiful women ride together. At present, the beautiful scenery is in the arms of the beauty, but the nameless but has no regrets, because on the edge of the woods under the sunset, more than a dozen people in black are lazy or sit or lie down.

The nameless heart tightened. If these people dare to intercept him here, they must have something to support him. Qingjia had the same intention and could understand what he meant. She looked back with shame, and her nameless lips just crossed her cheek. Both of them were embarrassed. Finally, Qingjia said first, "Do you remember my hidden ring?"

Only when she saw Qing Jia for the first time did she secretly play with the fire cloud beasts. After that, she didn't mention it much. He almost forgot it.

Is it a ring? Oh, remember. Can it still be used?" If you can use this hidden warning, then-

Qingjia nodded: "The time limit of that ring is only half an hour. It will take half a month to recover after using it once. I'll take it invisibility to help you."

She was overjoyed and nodded. Qingjia took out a golden ring and put it on gently. In an instant, Qingjia's whole body disappeared, and he couldn't even feel her breath.

"Qingjia, where are you?"

Qingjia smiled, but he couldn't hear where the voice came from. His feet hurt, and he heard Qingjia's voice again: "Hee hee, fool, my ring can be hidden, and people can't find the source of my voice. They came over."

With a nameless smile, the ring was really magical. The man in black opposite was originally waiting for the nameless to pass by, but after seeing them playing here for a long time, one of them disappeared out of thin air, which surprised them and quickly ran over.

"Hey, do you still have someone else?" Some people in black asked.

He pretended to be stupid and asked, "Who is it? Have I always been alone? Who are you? What are you going to do?"

The man in black was stopped by a series of anonymous rhetorical questions. One of them scratched his head, pulled out a piece of paper from behind him to compare it to the nameless for a long time, and finally affirmed, "Yes, it's this boy, but what about the girl just now?"

The people around were also puzzled. No one answered him. They looked at the paper in the man's hand. It turned out that the faces of him and Qingjia were painted on it. They secretly sighed anonymously, "Well, the painting is so ugly. I really don't know why they are so sure that the person in this painting is ours?"

"Hey, what haven't you said what to do? If it's okay, I'll go first." After saying that, he had to ride a horse past several people.

A man in black said coldly, "Do you want to report from Bofang City? Drink." The nameless saw that his palm was thunderous and bursting with bursts of lightning. It was so amazing.

Seeing that he came fiercely, he jumped up from the horse and raised his figure straight and high. The horse was struck by the man and shot out three feet away with a hiss. In mid-air, a sound of bone cracking was heard. The horse's whole body was cracked, and blood came out of the cracked skin. Before landing, the horse had already died and died.

Although the nameless did not experience himself, he still felt the strength of the enemy this time. He did not dare to neglect it. He was in the air, and the universe turned around. Dayan cut his head sharply. Several people in black dodged like lightning, and the flames hit the ground, blowing up a big pit, full of dust and smoke.

As soon as the nameless landed, the six men in black attacked together. Although the six people were bare-handed, the nameless party secretly shouted bad as soon as they had a fight. The other six people were so strong that they did not kill the man on that day, and the six people's attributes were strange. The six people's moves complemented each other, which trapped the nameless and the pressure was revealed little by little.

Under the enemy's fists like mountains and seas, the nameless was suppressed for a moment. A slight red, yellow, blue, blue, purple and golden light exploded on the six people. There was a faint relationship between the six colors. In the five elements, there was the power of this thunder, and the nameless big Yanzhan always reversed without attack. The six people seemed to have long known the horror of folding the fire knife. When they saw the light of the light and dark, they all protected their surroundings. When they were ready to cut one person's defense, the other five people's thunderous blow will be bombarded down. After a few attempts, they turned away with a bitter smile bitterly. To guard.

Seeing the nameless give up, the six people were shocked. They all changed their various tricks in their hands and always fought anonymously. The high-frequency attacks made the nameless more and more unresistenced, and they were almost injured several times. However, the valuable experience of several years of bloody battles in the fire holy land played a role at this time. At the most critical moment, he He can avoid it, which has always made him feel safe. But he knows better than anyone that if he keeps it like this, he will only lose.

Qingjia was hidden in the dark. She saw that the nameless was in danger and wanted to help, but she hesitated, because the remaining people seemed to be scattered, but there was a distance between them. Qingjia's insight was not bad, and she recognized that this was a strong combination of attack. I think they also wanted to prevent her from disappearing suddenly. The lost person. And the nameless life is not in danger for the time being, so there is no need for her to fight.

This group of people in black are completely different from those who have met without names. The lowest cultivation of these people is no worse than the high-level mythical beasts in the Holy Land of Fire. The stronger one can even compare with the initial urgent beasts. The six people's skills complement each other, like a wave, like a big river and a fierce river, and the nameless gradually can't resist.

Thinking of life, his mind moved and his determination changed. The big fire knife appeared, and the flame rushed the six people and tore a gap. Seeing this, the nameless smiles, Zhou Buqing's 13 moves of "war enemies" came out with fire and had the momentum of burning the field. The form on the field changed. The unknown hand, which was originally suppressed, took a long knife, and the knives came out one after another. The strong force instantly disintegrated the situation of the six people. One of them was lifted by a fire knife and was torn open from his chest to his abdomen. This man was also a man without any pain. , dragged down by Zhou Ban.