Kowloon plate

Chapter 84 Faceless

I don't know how long it has passed, and I don't know how many times Chen Feng has fallen and got up. Anyway, the blood on his knees and hands has not dried, and even the pain has been numb. Now Chen Feng is only supported by a belief and does not give up. It is precisely because of this, when he didn't realize it, his On the back of his hand, the necklace absorbed by him emitted a faint light, quickly repairing the wound on his body, and even the blood hole on his shoulder healed and scarred.

The only thing Chen Feng felt was that he fell more and more energetic, his legs and feet became more and more flexible, and a hot warm current in his body filled his body, making his pain much slower.

The body began to be light, and the aura began to be full, but Chen Feng did not dare to show any performance. She still walked all the way and fell all the way, because this would be his last capital. Moreover, Chen Feng could obviously feel that his aura was getting stronger and stronger. If the previous aura seemed to be seen in the morning of 100 meters. Fog, now it's 80 meters, and the color is a little darker.

Chen Feng secretly knew it, because it was a symbol of rising grades.

In fact, Chen Feng is not happy to know at all, because in this kind of high-intensity and high-pressure exercise, it is almost inevitable to upgrade, but ordinary people can't advance so fast without his necklace.

After about half a day, a bright light began to appear in front of the secret road. As people moved, the light became brighter and brighter. Chen Feng knew that the exit was in front of him.

Just when Chen Feng thought that there was a chance to escape from the tiger's mouth, 'Dongfangyi' turned around with a sneer, grabbed his hand, and then hit his backhand. Chen Feng couldn't help exhaling involuntarily. At this moment, the fingers of 'Dongfangyi' quickly reached Chen Feng's mouth and then slapped it.

"Uh, vomit."

Chen Feng only felt that there was a foreign object crawling into his mouth. The feeling was extremely disgusting. As soon as he was released by Dongfangyi, Chen Feng couldn't help vomiting.

'Dongyi' looked at Chen Feng, sneered and said, "Don't waste your energy. These are three corpses. They drilled at the sight of meat, and now they have penetrated into your stomach."

As soon as the words of 'Dongfangyi' fell, Chen Feng felt that his stomach began to crack, just like someone poking hard with a sharp knife. For a moment, Chen Feng sweated coldly, and his body began to twitch, his face turned blue and his lips purple.

'Dongfangyi' opened Chen Feng's mouth again, and then didn't know where to take out a piece of carrion, which smelled. 'Dongfangyi' didn't care of Chen Feng's resistance and stuffed the carrion into Chen Feng's mouth. Chen Feng vomited again, but she couldn't vomit it. The carrion seemed to be alive. He went straight into his stomach, but at this time, the pain in his stomach became smaller and slowly calmed down.

"This is the meat sprinkled with the secret medicine. Only with it can suppress the three corpse worms for five hours. After five hours, you will be bitten by the three corpses again. If there is no carrion meat feeding within ten breaths, it will bite your intestines and turn your body into carrion, and you will become a walking corpse, spirit. The soul will still be caught by my father as a 'human eclipse', so don't run away!"

The words of 'Oriental righteousness' completely interrupted Chen Feng's escape. Not to mention 'Oriental righteousness', his soul will be captured as a human eclipse after death. Even if it is the pain caused by the three corpse insects, Chen Feng can never stand it. That kind of pain is not comparable to the pain outside the skin. .

Deep into the bone. It hurts to the soul. This may be the real feeling when the three corpses bite.

Chen Feng, who gave up the idea of running away, had to continue to follow the team. The light in front of him became brighter and brighter. When he walked out of the secret path and appeared in the sun, Chen Feng felt as if he had come back to life again. A feeling of 'good to live' spread all over his body, but when his eyes touched the oriental flame and 'Oriental righteousness', He is like falling into an ice cave.

This is a cliff. After walking out of the secret road, there is a huge stone about ten feet in diameter. Standing on this huge stone and looking out, Chen Feng couldn't help but have a pride of heaven and earth, and only me.

In front of the boulder, there is a row of stone ladders about two meters wide. The stone ladder has at least thousands of steps down, and when you look around, it is a huge valley. How big is this valley? Well, it is about a thousand times the largest football field Chen Feng has seen before. From the boulder, there is basically no mountain. Another look of the valley.

In the middle of the valley, there is a huge lake, with light blue water reflecting the white clouds in the sky, which looks extremely beautiful. Around the valley, there are smooth cliffs like mirrors, some thousands of feet high, the lowest and hundreds of feet. Looking around, except for this ladder, Chen Feng can no longer see the road out of the valley.

Outside from the huge lake, there are green forests and lush forest leaves, which almost cover the whole valley. Only a few extremely tall buildings can come out of those ancient forests to welcome new visitors.

"Let's go, welcome to the Temple of Death." Dongfang Yi's face was relaxed and looked at Chen Feng with a lingering smile.

Other people in black have quickly walked down the ladder and walked briskly.

Chen Feng is a little guilty, and his legs and stomach are a little trembling, because the ladder is only about two meters wide. If this width is placed, it is already quite wide, but if it is placed here, it looks quite narrow.

With a little head, Chen Feng saw that under the boulder, there was a forest about 500 meters high. At this height, people could hardly see it. What he could see was just a piece of green.

Taking a deep breath, Chen Feng strode up the ladder and roared in his heart: "Anyway, it's all a death. If you fall down, you will be able to avoid the 'erosion' of the old ghosts of the East."

Thinking of this, Chen Feng simply closed his eyes and stepped down step by step with his own feeling.

Behind him, Dongfang Yan and his son were a little surprised. Although they were not afraid to walk the ladder now, but in those years, even if their cultivation was far higher than Chen Feng, they stood on the ladder and trembled. They did not dare to take a step for a long time, but Chen Feng actually seemed to walk on the flat ground, as if there was no The slightest fear.

I didn't think much about it. After sighing a little, the Oriental father and son also followed and stepped on the ladder like a heavenly palace built in the heavenly palace. After they left, two stone gates suddenly popped out in the secret path behind them, sealing the secret path tightly.

I don't know how long it took. When Chen Feng counted the ladder to 149 steps, he found that he had landed and opened his eyes. The people in black were scattered in all directions. Fei Ling, who had wanted to give him meat sympathetically, turned around and disappeared in Lin. Inside the ancient road.

This is a forest covered by ancient trees. Every ten meters apart, a huge tree rises in the sky and collects all the sunlight in the sky. Therefore, under this big tree, except for soft leaves, there is no grass or other miscellaneous trees. All of them are a kind of forked trees with human face size. Tree of leaves.

Shortly after Chen Feng saw the surrounding scenery, a group of people came in from outside the ancient road. The leader was a young man in a yellow stand-up collar robe. He looked about 30 years old, but from his eyes, Chen Feng could even see endless vicissitudes.

After this young man in yellow, there are a group of more young girls, some holding washbasins, some carrying water, and some holding a set of brightly colored robes.

"Welcome to the return of the elders of the East. Thank you for your hard work along the way. Alba has cleaned up the 'Dongqi Hall' where you used to live. These little ones are all yours."

The so-called man who stretched out his hand without smiling, a rare smile appeared on his face and said, "Alba, thank you very much. When I came back this time, I can still bother you, the head of the temple, to greet him in person. It's really a blessing for my oriental flame."

Alba laughed and looked very excited and said, "I haven't seen you for many years. As soon as I heard that you came back, I naturally couldn't wait to pick you up. Who is this person?"

As he spoke, Alba found Chen Feng, who was covered with blood, with only a gray waist but covered with blood strips.

At this time, Chen Feng had no hair on her head. Her face, chest and hands were all bruises, especially on her face. Most of her skin had been wiped off, which looked quite horrible. No wonder Feiling could only smile when she looked at him. At that time, Chen Feng was still sad. Now if she asked him to look in the mirror , he would feel that Fei Ling did not scream loudly, which was really too face for him.

Dongfang Yan also took a look at Chen Feng and said coldly, "He is my 'eclipse'."

"What?" Alba exclaimed and said urgently, "Lao Yan, what did he do? It made him so angry that he was going to be a human!"

Chen Feng once again affirmed the horror of 'human eclipse', because no matter who seems to hear the name of 'human eclipse', there is no one who is not panicked, even the so-called chief of the temple.

Dong Yan did not elaborate, but said, "Let's go back to the Dongqi Hall first. A few days ago, I was besieged by Naland of Hongjun Sect, Zhou Yu, the second patriarch of Qi Ru Sect, and Lai Gebao, the patriarch of Ganqian. I was seriously injured. I need to take good care of it."

Alba was silent for a moment, nodded, and then walked in front, taking the Oriental father and son together with Chen Feng, and turned into the ancient road.

I don't know how many years have been on this ancient road. On the middle of the bluestone road, countless shallow pits have been stepped out, and the fallen leaves on the ground can't be covered.

The ancient road is very good. Looking from afar, there is no end at a glance. Only the sunlight is also blocked from these big trees. Chen Feng can't feel its warmth. He only feels a little gloomy under these big trees, as if there are countless pairs of eyes staring at him.

Dongfang Yan and Alba led the way in front. Chen Feng walked behind, surrounded by a group of young, plump and slim girls. From time to time, they looked at Chen Feng with their beautiful big eyes. They were all curious about what kind of person he was and how to offend him. Elder Dongfang, the elder Yang actually wanted to take him as a 'human eclipse'.

Seeing the women looking at him, Chen Feng smiled at them. The broken ugly face and the skin full of blood clots almost scared several girls to scream, and the things in their hands were almost unstable.

Alba turned around and stared at several women angrily, which scared them without squint and no longer dared to look around.

After walking for about half an hour, Chen Feng and his entourage came to a towering cliff. Under this smooth cliff, there was a complex of buildings, mostly antique pavilions and golden eaves, which were very elegant.

The crowd did not stop, and under the leadership of Alba and Dongfang Yan, went straight to one of the tallest halls.

Dongqi Hall, one of the five elder pavilions of the temple, is generally occupied by elders who have made great contributions to the temple.

Chen Feng did not know when the Oriental Flame changed from the Fuyun suzerain to the elder of the temple, but he could also see that the temple gave such a luxurious palace to the Oriental Flame, obviously because of his indelible achievements for the temple, and these achievements obviously refer to the Holy Dragon Spirit.

So far, Chen Feng has only seen the holy dragon spirit and still look at it from a distance. He doesn't know what is on the small parchment scroll that can make the Fuyun suzerain abandon the whole Fuyun sect and make so many sects fight for him, even this mysterious and unpredictable temple of death. They have also been involved in this storm.

Chen Feng can't imagine what the situation is to make so many heroes participate in this matter.

Everyone went straight to the Dongqi Hall. Far away, Chen Feng saw the group waiting quietly in the small pool in front of the hall. The purpose was difficult to predict.

This is led by a group of strong warriors escorted by a beautiful woman in colorful butterfly clothes, wearing a high-crowned hat and stepping on sky boots.

This beautiful woman's face is covered with a thin veil, which can't cover her gorgeous face, but it is hazy and enlightened, which makes people want to have a glimpse of her true face. Through the tulle, Chen Feng could see a faint smile on the beautiful woman's face and a beauty mole on her forehead.

Being the beautiful woman, there are three 17- or 18-year-old girls standing. One is pure, the other is elegant, and the other is quiet. The three women stand there like a picture scroll, which is so beautiful that people are frightening. 'Oriental righteousness' and Chen Feng are crazy about it for the first time.

Behind the three bright women, a man in a gray-white robe and lowered his head on his chest was not noticeable. Even if he could not tell whether he was a man or a woman, he had been there, motionless, as if sitting on an ice sculpture.

Seeing these people appear in the Dongqi Hall, Dongfang Yan and Alba look different. The former looks unhappy, while the latter looks embarrassed.

"I have met the Lord's wife." Dongfang Yan pulled up the 'Oriental Righteousness' to see the beautiful woman and gave a gift to the beautiful woman in colorful clothes.

Shi, a beautiful woman in colorful clothes, bent down and her expression remained unchanged, still looking at Dongfang Flame with a slight smile.

"When she heard the return of the Oriental elders, Pei Yu was very happy. She specially led the colored yarn, phoenix and butterfly clothes to come to welcome the Oriental elders." Mrs. Peiyu's voice was crisp, not like a woman over half a hundred years old at all, but like a 17- or 18-year-old girl, which made people's hair crisp.

Dongfang Yan smiled without saying anything and said, "I dare not bear it. How can Dongfang Yan dare to work hard with Mrs. Peiyu? Presumably, is there anything else to do this time?"

"Ha ha, the elders of the East are really clever and unpredictable. Pei Yu's careful thoughts can't escape the eyes of the elders of the East."

"Mrs. Peiyu laughed and dared to ask her, but she came for the Holy Dragon Spirit?"

"Exact!" Mrs. Peiyu answered with a smile. Looking at Dongfang Flame, her face has quietly changed.

"Sorry, I have promised the Lord that after getting the Holy Dragon Spirit, I will give it to him as soon as possible, not to others."

Mrs Peiyu's smiling face was also put away, and the faces of both sides were a little ugly, which made Chen Feng happy. It seems that this old oriental ghost also has many enemies in the temple. The three known gods, Elder Xuanyuan, Alba and Mrs. Peiyu, have offended two of them. These resources have been used. Yes, you can help yourself escape from life.

Chen Feng has begun to come up with the idea of Mrs. Peiyu and Elder Xuanyuan.

Mrs Peiyu put away her smiling face and began to say coldly, "The words of Elder Dongfang don't make sense. I and the Lord are husband and wife. What's the difference between you and me and the Lord?"

Dongfang Flame tit-for-tat: "The white horse is a horse, and the black horse is also a horse. How dare you ask Mrs. Peiyu, the white horse is a black horse?"

"You..." Mrs. Peiyu was asked speechlessly, and the atmosphere on both sides suddenly became tense, as if she could fight with just one sentence.

At this time, the strange man who had been standing aside and bowed his head suddenly raised his head. After seeing his face clearly, Chen Feng couldn't help but be shocked.

This guy is actually a faceless person. His facial features only have a mouth and nose, no eyes, no ears, no eyebrows and so on. He looks extremely strange.

But as soon as this strange man looked up, the eyes of both Peiyu and Dongfang Yan were suddenly attracted.

The strange man slowly raised his hand and pointed his finger in one direction. Everyone looked along his fingers. Suddenly, dozens of pairs of eyes stared at Chen Feng's body, which made Chen Feng's hairy bones tower.

"Who are you? You, body, up, injury, what, what, time, wait, stay, down, what?

The weirdo's words are very interesting, word by word, which makes people understand the meaning of his words for a long time.

Mrs. Peiyu and Dongfang Yan looked back at him at the same time. Peiyu said, "Lord Lanqi, is there anything wrong with him?"