Kowloon plate

Chapter 123 Ghost

Chen Feng, who hasn't climbed far, is already in pain, as if the silk-like breath is about to disappear. He stared blankly at several men and teenagers, looking like they were dying. Before he could reply, he heard the teenager say first, "You're not dead!?"

"Do you know him?" The leading man looked sideways at the teenager beside him.

When the teenager's eyes came from Chen Feng. I have never left. It was not until the man spoke that he woke up from surprise: "He is a mercenary I hired."

The leading man suddenly turned his eyes on Chen Feng again, with a look of curiosity and doubt.

The most confusing thing is, of course, the planner of the dragon battle. The teenager seemed to not believe his eyes: "I just saw you fly backwards by the dragon's tail..."

As soon as the words fell, the teenager noticed that Chen Feng was dark at this time, and then he found that the dark marks on his body emitted a disgusting smell: "What is this?"

Although Chen Feng's pungent smell is also very disgusting, it is still the half-dead expression: "If I guess correctly, cough... This should be... dragon dung."

From their dialogue, they learned that the person on his upper body was a warrior, but the tragic Chen Feng, such a simple otaku, could also be struck by lightning.

The leading man looked at the black dragon dung behind Chen Feng. Then he suddenly looked at Chen Feng with an apologetic face: "It's all my brother Lu Python, which has involved you."

Chen Feng wisely chose to be silent, and the man looked back at the body on the ground and Cao Wei, who was also exilated. He shook his head helplessly and turned to hold the crumbling Chen Feng: "What's your name?"

Chen Feng slowly raised his head and said, "My name is Chen Feng!"

The leader still looked guilty and helped Chen Feng evacuate: "I am Dongfang Yi, the young patriarch of Fuyunzong. Would you like to worship my Fuyun sect?"

"Yes!" It was such a simple word that revealed the calmness and calmness, which slightly surprised Dongfang Yi and the other two men. If others pick this big bargain, they will be extremely excited, and Chen Feng doesn't know what Fuyunzong means to the people of Sinan mainland, but no matter from what perspective, it's good to have a backer.

"How does this work?" It was the teenager who fought with Chen Feng for the rest of his life. Obviously, he is very dissatisfied with the fact that Chen Feng was brought under the door: "How can a denomy become a noble spiritual master!"

"Shut up. Sun Fu, you still don't repent. With that, Dongfangyi pointed to the corpses all over the ground and Cao Wei, "Look at yourself, all this is caused by you. If you hadn't wanted to kill the dragon, how could so many people have died? How could Cao Wei die here?

Although Dongfangyi's scolding made Sun Fu not speak any more, this seemed to aggravate Sun Fu's dissatisfaction with Chen Feng. If no one was present, it was estimated that Chen Feng would not die in the hands of the pterodactyl dragon, but it was very likely that he would die in the hands of Sun Fu.

When the group walked to the edge of the forest, it was almost dusk. At this time, Dongfang Yi suddenly stopped. Looking at the other two men, "It's right here. In order to prevent the fierce beast from hurting the innocent.

The other two nodded when they heard the words. Then he took a cheetah, found a spacious place, took out some strange things from his arms and put them on the ground, with words in his mouth. It seems to be arranging arrays or something.

At this time, the location of Dongfangyi slowly changed, and the ground with it as the center gradually formed an aperture with a diameter of about five meters. When he left the aperture, he suddenly knotted his hands, pinched his fingers quickly, and kept saying something similar to a spell.

At this time, the body of the cheetah in the middle of the aperture is gradually changing, and the dark body color is getting lighter and lighter until it completely disappears into the aperture. A dazzling light shined away.

When Chen Feng opened his eyes again, he saw Dongfang Yi leaning against a tree trunk and gasping. Then the same situation occurred when the other two men were located.

After walking out of the forest, before he could rest, Dongfang Yi led a group of people to Fuyunzong!

When the boundless forest behind him gradually disappeared, he finally stepped on the official road made of bluestone slabs mentioned by Dongfangyi.

When Chen Feng and his party stepped on the official road, the endless crowd immediately consciously gave way to a wide road. Not to mention that no one dares to stop them, and even many people dare not look at them directly. Obviously, it can be seen that it is not disdain, but awe from the heart.

It can be seen how noble Dongfangyi and others are as a rare profession of royal spirit masters that can only be cultivated by sects or nobles. While Chen Feng followed the team with tiger power, he was also secretly glad that his decision to join Fuyunzong was right.

As the sky gets darker and darker, there are fewer and fewer people on both sides. Finally, only the unique light in the distance guided Chen Feng and others forward.

After a long journey, I finally reached the bright position - Ziwu City! It is also the hometown of Dongfangyi and the location of Fuyunzong.

"Open the door!"

Half of the head poked out of the bright wall and looked down. At this time, it was already dark. How could you see who it was? "Who is under the city?"

"I'm your grandfather!" Since coming out of the Warcraft Forest, the eyes that are enough to cut the spitting wingless dragon into countless pieces have never left Chen Feng. Cao Wei's death was completely regarded as Chen Feng's responsibility. Although Dongfang Yi brought Chen Feng under his family, he was extremely dissatisfied, but he did not dare to be presumptuous to his eldest brother. However, in this way, Sun Fu regarded Chen Feng as a thorn in his eyes.

After hearing the words, the soldiers on the tower did not get angry. Instead, he immediately opened the gate. When he saw Dongfang Yi and others, he quickly bowed and hugged his fists: "I have seen the young master of Dongfang, young master Sun."


Before everyone could understand what was going on, the soldier who welcomed Dongfang Yi and others looked at Sun Fu with a doubtful face. Before everyone could speak, his face changed and he said first: "The villain knows his guilt."

The loud slap did not make the soldier angry, but the respectful attitude of not fighting back and scolding made Sun Fu's hand rise again.

"Sun Fu!" Dongfangyi shouted loudly, which made Sun Fu prepare to incite the second hand. Stop the next step. I had to lower my head silently and drink sadness alone.

Although Chen Feng pretended to be half-dead, he knew very well that the brain-damaged young master was obviously worried about Cao Wei's death. Between Dongfang Yi's inclusion in the door, he did not attack himself, otherwise he would never be as simple as the soldier. Single. And the unlucky soldier became his scapegoat. Not to mention that Chen Feng is now "severely injured", even if he is not injured, he is definitely not Sun Fu's opponent. At this time, he could only pray for the soldier silently in his heart.

Dongfang Yi strode to Sun Fu: "Are you finished? We all feel uncomfortable about Cao Wei's death. It's you who should reflect on it. No wonder others.

This words seemed to touch the most vulnerable bottom line in Sun Fu's heart. Chen Feng, who had been staring at Sun Fu, faintly saw a trace of crystal tears in Sun Fu's eyes with his head down. Sun Fu ran to the city before Dongfang Yi finished speaking. Maybe I don't want others to see those sad tears. Under the dim light, Chen Feng saw a trace of desolation from the rushing back in a trance.

"Big brother, I'll chase him back."

"No, let him calm down! Let's go back first." Looking at Sun Fu's distant back, Dongfang Yi didn't leave until he disappeared in the dark city.

led everyone straight through the Meridian City. When the soldiers guarding the city saw Dongfang Yi and others, they did not dare to neglect them. One of the soldiers held their fists in their hands: "The villain has seen the young patriarch of the East."

"Ye." Dongfang Yi replied casually. Then he walked towards the open door again.

"Can you hold on?" Looking at Chen Feng, Dongfangyi asked with concern.

Chen Feng, an orphan, was coldly regarded by the world. For the first time, he was really unaccustomed to being cared for. I was a little moved, and my eyes were a lot wet in an instant. I looked at Dongfang Yi gratefully: "It's okay. I'm okay."

Dongfang Yi squeezed out a smile that almost scared Chen Feng to death: "It doesn't matter. It's not far ahead is Morning Glory Peak."

"Are you finally going to reach Morning Glory Peak?" After most of the day's journey, it's really hard to toss. Even Chen Feng's best state, regardless of physical strength or combat effectiveness. Compared with these people in front of us, the gap is probably not a little bit, let alone that they are injured now. Hearing that there was a morning glory peak in front of me, I couldn't help but be excited. It's not because I'm about to see the true face of Morning Glory and Fuyunzong in the mouth of Dongfang Yi and the other two brothers. Moreover, it's dark everywhere now, and it's good to be able to feel back to Morning Glory Peak. But Chen Feng just wants to lie down and have a good rest now.

It was not until she climbed the morning glory peak that Chen Feng was shocked by what she saw in front of her. Under the night sky, the lamp that has not been extinguished all year round is like a bright pearl on the morning glory peak. The magnificent buildings can't be seen at a glance. Two bright red pillars carved dragons and phoenixes are extraordinary. Above the nearly five-meter-high red paint gate, three gold-painted dragons and phoenixes dance, vigorous and powerful. It is the destination of Chen Feng's trip - Fuyunzong!

After seeing Dongfang Yi and others, the two Fuyun disciples saluted with fists: "Big brother!"

"Ye." Dongfang Yi answered casually and walked straight in. The remaining two disciples of Fuyunzong, who were on duty at night, looked at Chen Feng among the group with puzzled faces.

After passing through several gardens in a row, the lobby that has been printed into the eyes is still brightly lit. An old man of about 50 years old in the hall is sitting in danger.

Dongfangyi stepped into the lobby and bowed: "Father. The child worried you.

The old man waved his hand to Dongfang Yi to get up: "Where's Sun Fu?"

"Sun Fu should have gone home."

"Go home!?" The old man sneered: "Huh... Then let his father deal with him." The old man stood up and said, "You should also go and rest first."


"Is there anything else?"

Dongfangyi looked embarrassed: "Cao Wei..."

"Say what you have to say, don't hesitate. What's wrong with Cao Wei?

"Cao Wei... died in this dragon-killing battle."

"Cao Wei is dead!?" Speaking of this, the old man's calm and terrible attitude fluctuated a little, but soon returned to calm: "I hope Cao Wei's death can make this boy wake up."

In fact, since Chen Feng entered the door, he has been locked by the eyes of the old man. When they looked at each other, the old man's plain eyes were frightening: "Who is he?"

"His name is Chen Feng, a warrior hired by Sun Fu to participate in the dragon slaughter. He is also the only shuan huan zhe among more than 20 soldiers who participated in this battle. The child made his own decision and put him under the door. I hope my father will forgive me." After saying that, Dongfang Yi knelt down again.

"You are the future suzerain of Fuyun Sect. It's not a big deal to accept a disciple. You don't need to report it to me!"

Dongfangyi held his fist and bowed: "Thank you, father!"

"Oi, you go and have a rest first. Their family will solve Sun Fu's affairs by themselves. After saying that, the old man turned around and walked into the inner hall.

Dongfangyi's originally tight face suddenly eased a lot: "You go and have a rest first. I'll take Chen Feng to the bedroom.

After the two men saluted with their fists, they also turned around and walked out of the lobby. Dongfang Yi helped Chen Feng, passed through the martial arts practice field, and came to the bedroom.

Dongfangyi took out a delicate bottle from his arms and poured out a pale yellow pill from it: "Come on, take this, and you can heal yourself first. Don't be in a hurry to practice. I'll arrange it for you when you get better.

I didn't expect that the extremely rough-looking man in the East also had a considerate and careful side, which moved Chen Feng again. Looking at Dongfang Yi with a grateful face: "Thank you, big...brother!"

After Dongfang Yi left, Chen Feng put down the shabby politeness. If you are relieved, you will feel much more relaxed. He dragged the severe pain from his waist and abdomen and walked straight to the bedside.

After falling down, I no longer want to move at all. Under the alternating attack of serious injury and extreme fatigue, I only felt that my eyelids were getting heavier and heavier, and I slowly closed my eyes.

"Dong Dong..."

Chen Feng yawned lazily: "Who?"

The familiar hero was ringing outside the door: "I'm Dongfangyi!"

After only one night's rest, Chen Feng's injury had improved significantly, which barely supported his body and opened the door.

"How is your injury recovering?"

"It's okay. It's almost recovered. What medicine did you give me yesterday? It works so well."

"That's the secret elixir of Fuyunzong - Chaolu Pill! It has the most miraculous effect on healing wounds. It also has the effect of supplementing spiritual power. You can't buy it elsewhere."

Chen Feng suddenly said, "Oh, no wonder I feel that my body is full of power!" His hands were hard, and his clenched fists really creaked: "I guess even the tiger can be killed now?"

"by the way, what level of your spiritual power has reached?"


"Yes, every disciple who enters the sect will carry out targeted training according to the grade of spiritual power, don't you know?" Dongfang Yi looked puzzled.

Seeing that Chen Feng did not speak, Dongfangyi continued to explain: "The royal spirit master is extremely scarce, and no wonder you don't know some of these things. In fact, the royal spirit master is just a general name. In fact, the cultivation of the royal spirit master has two directions. One is that, like me, combined with spiritual power and secret methods and transmission arrays can be summoned. Fierce beasts from other worlds. According to the strength of spiritual power, you can summon fierce beasts with different combat effectiveness. The stronger the spiritual power, the stronger the fighting power of the fierce beast summoned. He is called the alien royal spirit master. The other is the spiritual master recognized by the public, which is what Sun Fu and Cao Wei practiced. It is divided into six levels, and each level is divided into ten grades, and the royal spirit masters summon various battle forms with their own spiritual power through cultivation secrets. It is the royal spirit warriors who can initially summon beasts to fight. On the upper level, only by summoning a spirit beast that can fight a little consciously can be called a royal spirit master. With the enhancement of spiritual power, spiritual beasts can also be enhanced and gradually have a better consciousness. It is called the Royal Spirit King. And there are powerful beings such as the Royal Spirit Emperor and Royal Spirit Master who can summon holy beasts. There is also the legendary royal spirit that can summon mythical beasts and the royal spirit gods who can merge with the spirit to reach the realm of communication. When it comes to the stage above the royal spiritual master, Dongfangyi is already yearning for it.

"If you want to take the conditions like Big Brother to a higher level. It shouldn't be too difficult. For example, can you refine some elixir to improve spiritual power and so on? Chen Feng asked tentatively.

"Haha... It seems that you really don't understand. Elixir can only help recover, and can only restore a very small amount of spiritual power. Yes, the elixir does have an auxiliary effect. The improvement of spiritual power still needs to be cultivated through spiritual determination. Otherwise, the elixir has such a magical effect, and you only need a pill to break through it when you encounter a bottleneck. Isn't that not everyone can communicate?"

Chen Feng's idea of using elixir to enhance spiritual power was ruthlessly strangled by Dongfang Yi's explanation in an instant. I had to shake my head helplessly. Abandoned this unrealistic plan.

Think of the "Dragon Slaughter Battle" in the Warcraft Forest, especially the thorny tiger summoned by Sun Fu. He was beaten by the spitting wingless dragon and had no power to fight back. Chen Feng couldn't help shivering: "I think I'd better learn from the alien world. That's much better than the fighting power of the spiritual body summoned by spiritual power.

"You are wrong. What is really powerful is the spiritual body summoned by spiritual power. Instead of a fierce beast from another world.

The more Chen Feng listened, the more confused he became: "Oh, what do you say?"

Dongfangyi looked at Chen Feng beside him with a smile: "At most, what Sun Fu summoned is just form. There is no combat effectiveness at all.

"Form!?" The more Chen Feng heard it, the more surprised he became.

"Yes, the cultivation of the royal spiritual master has a level, and the summoning of the spiritual body is also procedural. It must go through the initial spiritual power separation, then to the virtual shadow summoned by Sun Fu, and then to the formation period to be regarded as the materialization of spiritual power. And at this time, it can only be used as a sandbag. Only when it comes to the spiritualization period can it be called a spiritual body. Only at this time will the spiritual body have some attack power. Or the condition of the attack.