Kowloon plate

Chapter 129 Stranger Army

The wind is silent and windless, blowing away pieces of leaves. Between the cold winds, the two figures walk hurriedly between the mountain roads.

"Teacher, here's more." The young man saw a corpse on the ground from afar and quickly greeted the middle-aged man who was checking the road conditions in the cold wind not far away.

"The bone in front of the chest was fractured by a large-scale impact, leading to qi and blood coagulation and death." The middle-aged man calmly analyzed.

"Who is so vicious? At least 15 people have died along the way." The young man sighed and gently stroked the eyes of the deceased.

"It's not a human. It's likely that the heavy blow caused by the heavy metal cow hurt people like this." The middle-aged man looked at the road ahead and said calmly, "The dead are all dressed in the same dress. It's very likely that they are from a family or organization, but who did they offend..."

"heavy metal cow? Isn't that the silver card beast in the steel system? Is it that powerful? Moreover, why are these people's card beasts gone? Even if he dies in battle, the body and the beast card will be left behind. The teenager asked in surprise.

The middle-aged man stood up, looked at the distance, and whispered, "If you follow, you will know the answer."

The two followed all the way, leaving bodies on the road from time to time to confirm the most correct direction for them.

The young man's name is Kaite, and the middle-aged man's name is Carlot. The relationship between the two is a master-apprentice. Carlot is a famous card beast in the North Carolina world. I heard that the most powerful card beast in his hand is already the third level of the gold card beast, which is one of the best masters in the North Carolina Empire.

Karat has been a teacher for six years. He is an orphan. It can be said that Carlot raised him. Therefore, Carlot is also a teacher for him.

This time, the two went down the mountain to celebrate Carlot's good friend, Earl Clark of the North View Empire, but they didn't expect to meet a murderer on the way. He killed countless people along the way. Carlot claimed to be a 'elegant card master' and naturally would not ignore this kind of thing, so they chased them all the way down.

But with the speed of the two, they chased for several days, but instead of chasing the enemy, they got more corpses of the killed, which made both the master and apprentice suffocate.

away from the weeds, the secluded forest, in the boundless forest sea, several bodies are across the forest full of fallen leaves, and in the depths of the woods, more than a dozen people in black are driving around a car dragged by iron-headed horse beasts. Several men in the same costume as the armored armored men they had seen before are directing their card beasts to work hard to prevent The attack of the man in black.

The group of people in black are uniformly dressed, and there are unified card beasts, all-colored silver card beasts - heavy metal cattle. This kind of big guy, which weighs up to 500 or 600 pounds and has round corners like a pile of iron pimples on his head, can kill the other party's card beasts almost every time. If it hadn't been for the card beast master The card order after another made it resist desperately, and these messy card beasts had long been killed by heavy metal cattle.

Among the more than ten people in black, one of the people in black stood in the middle was slightly shorter, but the rest of the people in black were vaguely protecting him. Obviously, he was the leader of this team.

"Leader, these people can't hold it for long. That card must be in the hands of the girl in the car." A man in black with a strong physique.

The leader did not speak, but nodded faintly. Just as he nodded, the heavy metal cattle of the people in black finally pushed out a bloody road and pushed the heads of the two sharp-horned jumping antelopes into their stomachs fiercely. Suddenly, blood splashed and the bones broke.

The heavy metal cow roared in a muffled voice, and four thick legs moved towards it, tearing apart the enemy's defense.

The strong man in black shouted, "Kill him, don't leave him alive."

Nine people in black moved together, meditating on the decision of the royal beast, and hit one strange light after another in their hands. Those heavy metal cattle seemed to be excited and began to be more restless, and then launched a desperate impact and were torn open a defense line. In the eyes of these heavy metal cattle, Jane It is an unbearable existence.

Although the iron-headed armored horse beast belongs to the silver card beast, it suddenly shrank into a light and flew back to the beast card when facing several enemies, and did not dare to fight again.

A girl in the carriage jumped out of the carriage in a panic and rolled on the ground, allowing the heavy metal cattle to attack, but the car was not so lucky. It was hit into debris by the heavy metal cattle. The gorgeous decoration and thick iron plate shelves were scattered, and then trampled by the heavy metal cattle hooves. The car could no longer be found a trace. Good place.

"You bad guys, woo-woo, I will avenge the revenge of killing my father and destroying my family, even if I am a ghost." The girl was like a little beast trapped in an iron cage. Her voice was crisp but showed a trace of perseverance. She held the package in her arms and looked around the heavy metal cow around her, and her face was full of determination.

The girl is about 14 or 15 years old. Although she is young, she is standing. Her little face with tears is pale with a trace of flush, amazing and beautiful. Although her violently undulating chest is not too surging, given her age, it is enough to make many men swallow their saliva.

However, not everyone will appreciate her beauty. The strong man stepped forward and sneered, "Hahaha, little guy, I can kill your whole family when you are a man, not to mention ghosts. Hand over that card obediently, and I will let you die."

"No." The girl's face was full of courage to face death: "Even if I die, I will let this card accompany me to hell."

After saying that, the girl pulled out a sharp blade and stabbed the package in her arms, actually trying to pierce the package together with herself.

At that time, the man in black snorted coldly and shook his right hand gently. A purple triangular card lightning flew out and scratched the girl's hand. After that, a purple light flashed on the purple card. A golden-mouthed eagle with purple feathers flew out and grabbed the package away. The girl was shocked and quickly turned into a thorn. He wanted to cut off the double melon of the purple eagle, but when his sharp knife cut on the purple eagle's claws, it triggered a burst of gold and iron.

"Hahaha, I'm a silver card second-level purple sculpture beast. Do you want to hurt it with your little doll? Hahaha, brothers, let your heavy metal cow see off this Miss Os family.

"Rumble..." Under the control of nine people in black, the heavy metal cow turned its head and rushed to the girl. In the face of this torrent-like steel beast, the girl's face was as pale as paper. He did not dodge. The woman who had lost her family treasure has lost her life. Love.

At this time, the purple eagle, which had just flown more than ten meters above his head, cried twice and fell straight down. A golden light came out of the black package, illuminating the deep forest clearly and brightly. Some people in black who couldn't stand this light couldn't help but hide their eyes, only The man in black robe, who was injured by the card beast, looked straight with a gloomy face.

"Tofa, is that it?" The short man in black asked softly and listened to her voice, but he was also a girl.

The black-robed man who was called Tofa nodded, secretly pinched the beast, and prepared to take down the monster in one fell swoop.

At this time, the golden light burst violently, like a small sun bursting. The cathartic golden light shone on everyone and the beasts. In an instant, great pressure hit, with the golden light as the center, blowing in all directions like a ten-level wind. The messy tree was blown close to the ground, and there was a Some unstable foundations were uprooted and powerful.

The nine heavy metal cow roared and knelt to the ground together, trying to resist the power of the golden light. The people in black also couldn't help retreating dozens of steps, looking at the source of the golden light with surprise and a little fear, and the girl in the field was at the center of the shock wave, and the huge force directly fell to the ground, bleeding and life and death were unknown.

Outside Lindao, Kaite and Carlot, who chased the body, also looked at it in a daze. They were both surprised by this unprecedented pressure. Carlot narrowed his eyes and said in surprise, "Is this the legendary star diamond-level beast king card?"

It's just that the situation on the field could not allow him to think too much. The golden light was extremely strong and decayed, but it disappeared after a moment like a meteor, and the black package fell back to the girl's side.

"Take it down." Tofa shouted softly and simply rushed to the package by himself. Just as his palm was about to touch the package, Carlo moved.

"It's really a good way to kill people and seize treasures and kill them all." A silver-white square beast card drew a strange arc and stabbed the back of the bracket.

"Who is it?" Tofa was shocked and suddenly turned around. At first glance, he saw a silver light pouring down, melting into a slender silver monkey like mercury. The silver monkey's claws and fangs looked very fierce. In fact, it was indeed very fierce. It was the most ferocious card beast in Carlot's hands - [killing silver monkey].

If it hadn't been for the real anger, Carlot would not have used this card casually. The silver monkey is a fierce card beast that does not swear to return the card without blood.

As soon as the silver monkey appeared, a fierce claw grabbed Tofa's chest. Tofa quickly dodged, but still brought out a few traces of blood.

"Roar, knife, cow and beast." Tofa did not dare to be careless and quickly called out his most powerful card beast. In mid-air, a man stood up, three meters away. Two sharp knife-like card beasts on his head jumped out of the purple light and attacked the silver monkey.

"Who are you? How dare you mind your own business." Tofa was so angry that he was about to win. Unexpectedly, such a fierce man was killed halfway. This silver monkey was a third-level silver card beast. Although it was only a small level higher than his knife and bull beast, the gap in strength was one by one.

Carlot ignored him. The silver monkey waved its iron claws wildly, and the knife and cow beast were not its enemy at all. It was killed and retreated. At this time, a translucent shadow passed through at a very fast speed and grabbed all the wrapped and the teenagers who fell to the ground and took them away. It was so fast that it was even too late to stop it.


The figure moves extremely fast. Despite the obstruction of other people in black, it is still useless. The heavy metal cow is as slow as a snail in front of his speed.

"Damn, who the hell are you?" Seeing that the things in his hand were intercepted halfway, Tofa was furious, but no matter how fast his royal beast was, the knife and beast could not break through the blockade of the silver monkey. Under the urgency of quick success, the knife and cow beast was even scratched by the middle and lower abdomen by the silver monkey's iron claws, and the blood flowed for a long time.

Carlot did not answer him. The more he fought, the more surprised he became. The card beasts used by these people in black are all card beasts with strong attack power, but lack flexibility. As far as he knows, only the army will choose this kind of card beast, because card beasts such as heavy metal cattle are the attack. A sharp weapon to plunder the city.

So, these people in black* are not simple.

Although Carlot was not afraid of these people, he did not want to cause trouble to Yaz Mountain. Seeing that Kaite took away the injured teenager, Carlot's heart was a little calm. Looking around for a week, the royal beast was determined to pinch. A few black lights flashed out of his fingers and nailed into the body of the silver monkey. The silver monkey roared and his claws merged. He rushed up wildly and suddenly nailed the shoulder blade of the knife bull beast. The knife bull beast roared bitterly, but just as it wanted to fight back, the silver monkey turned into a silver light and hid into the silver card in Carlot's palm.

"Humph, do you want to run?" The girl in black, who had been standing quietly in the corner, sneered. A sharp object had been prepared for a long time turned to the ground, and then purple light lingered out one after another, and nine heavy metal oxen and knife beasts were included in an instant, and the purple light was great.

"Dementor Royal Beast Array!" Carlot was shocked and hurriedly bounced off the ground, threw a palm-sized beast card, and stood on it by himself.

The card beasts included in the purple light all stiffened up, like a puppet that was only manipulated. Their faces were dull. The girl in black whispered some spells. The purple light flowed from the sharp iron in front of her to the ground through her body, and then within 30 meters in front of her. A huge circle was formed, and the beasts roared up to the sky and shook the earth.

Carlot's heart is like a mirror, such an obvious unique learning. If he can't recognize the power, he will have lived for so long in vain. In the whole Beijing Empire, only the artifact [Noah Cone] can magnify the soul power a hundred times and carry forward the original chicken ribs. The owner of the artifact is the Beijing Emperor. The prime minister of the country---Keqis.

At this time, whether it is the huge power behind the other party or the power of the demented beast array itself, Carlot is a little afraid. In terms of the power of the demented beast array itself, the power itself is not strong. According to his speculation of the girl in black, she can control up to one-level iron card beasts of copper. Ability, but with the 100-fold magnification of Noah's cone, she already has the ability to compete with a master-level figure like him, especially when he has fallen into the center of the array.

Kaite ran all the way with the only Miss Du Miao wrapped in the Ao family. Wen Xiang Ruanyu couldn't let him stay for a while. He didn't know if there were any pursuers behind him, but he still kept running and ran to the ground after exhaustion. The black package rolled away with Oris and was already injured. Oris woke up directly from her faint state.

On Kaite's body, the armor like a layer of mercury slowly shrank into a ball, and finally turned into a hairless silver cat. With a soft cry, the silver cat shrank beside Kaite, stretched out its tongue and licked it, looking worried about him.

Oris struggled to stand up, and her delicate body shook gently several times, as if she might fall down at any time, but she held on, and her stubborn face was full of hatred that did not match her age.

She was not grateful to Kaite, the lifesaver, but took off the beast card in her coat pocket, struggled to pinch the royal beast, and summoned her first-class silver card iron-headed horse beast.

"What are you going to do?" Armor, who was so tired that he was almost exhausted, was a little anxious, because he actually saw endless murder in Alice's eyes.

Alyth did not speak and waved her hand to drive the iron-headed armored horse beast to walk towards him step by step. The iron-headed armored horse beast is a powerful card beast that can pull up to a thousand catties of frame. Even if it does not run wildly, its weight alone is enough to trample on the armor to death.

"Hear." The cloud-piercing armored beast shrank in front of the armor and tried to make itself look more terrible, but it was weak in front of the iron-headed armored horse beast, just an ant in front of the giant, which was not worth mentioning.

"You, do you want to kill me?" Kaite tried to stand up, but several efforts were in vain and fell to the ground. Kaite gasped and said, "I, I am you, your lifesaver, you, you treat your benefactor like this?"

Alice's expression was finally a little hesitant, but she was covered by that hatred and responded coldly: "Those who peep at the treasures of my Oss family deserve to die!"

"Treasures, what treasures? I didn't peep." Kai Te gasped a little and asked inexplicably.

But Alice obviously did not intend to give him a chance to explain. She quickly drove the iron-headed horse beast to step on him. The big man weighed hundreds of thousands of pounds. Although his movements were a little clumsy, it was still easy for him to trample him to death in the face of a person who could not move.

The cloud-piercing armor beast jumped and roared. Its body kept coming and going next to Kaite and wanted to leave, but it was worried about its master. Its position swayed left and right. Finally, it closed its eyes and hugged its master, and actually wanted to live and die with him.

Kaite was a little tearful. He never thought that the person he had been struggling to save for more than ten days would want to result in his own life at the first time. This dramatic change made him feel like being teased by fate, although he never believed in the so-called fate.

The iron-headed horse beast is also quite imposing when running. Although it is not as shocking as the heavy metal cow, it is more flexible. The distance of about ten meters is just two or three breaths.

And when it raised its iron hooves and stepped on Kaite, the fateful Kaite suddenly felt a magical call. This feeling was very familiar with him when he subdued the cloud armored beast and opened his eyes deliberately. Kaite saw a flexible golden light, like a golden dragon across him. Between the iron-headed armored horse beast, this kind of light is the same as the shock wave light seen in the woods, but unlike the blank ignorance in the woods, at this time, the armor clearly felt that this golden light was coming to save him.

"Law." The iron-headed horse beast roared nervously, because it felt that its iron hooves were stepping on an object of absolute strength. It was not smart, and its heart was full of the kind of panic of the following crimes, as if a subordinate had done something rebellious to the superior.

In the world of card beasts, it is actually more hierarchical than human beings.

The grumpy iron-headed armored horse beast calmed down, and the golden light did nothing to do with it. It crossed between the armor and its iron hooves like a golden rainbow, one end on a huge one, and the other end connected to the black package.

turned into a streamer, and the timid armored horse beast retracted back to Oris's beast card. She was very surprised and stared at the armor and the black package. She clearly knew that the black package was inherited from her ancestors, and there was only one thing in it, and this thing was her only revenge weapon, because Therefore, she has no idea of letting her treasure fall into the hands of others.

staggered a few steps, she staggered to the armor, and once again took out the two knives that had been used to commit suicide, without hiding her murderous intention.

She is not a child who knows nothing. At this time, this scene is clearly the precursor of the card beast to recognize the owner. If she wants to make this precursor useless, in addition to forcibly taming the card beast with more powerful royal beast skills, she can only kill the owner that the card beast will recognize.

She doesn't know how powerful Kaite's royal beast skill is, but she understands that Kaite absolutely has no ability to resist at this time. To kill him, she only needs to gently wave the knife in her hand.

But she obviously ignored the cloud-piercing armor beast. Although this little guy is just an auxiliary card beast, he still has a certain attack ability. Although it is not strong, it is still very simple to defeat such a weak girl like her.

Unfortunately, none of them had a chance to do it. After hearing the strange sound of a dragon and tiger roar, a horse-tailed lion hoofed beast about one meter high flashed in the black package.

This guy grinned at Kaite in a stool field, like a smile, and then staggered a few steps, like a drunk. After a few steps, as soon as he took steady steps, he raised his head and roared strangely.

Kaite looked at this new partner who had just learned to leave and looked forward to becoming strong, and whispered, "Welcome, little guy."

The card beast seemed to hear Kaite's words, ran over and licked his cheek affectionately, and put the owner it was supposed to please.

Oris's mood is quite complicated. Looking at the intimate appearance of the card beast and Kaite, her heart is slowly dripping blood.

Although she has been working hard, she still failed, but she will not be pretentious because Kaite gets her own treasure and fight with him again. Once the card beast admits a person, unless it is strong enough to distort the will of the card beast, even kill its owner will not exchange it back. The wind, silent and windless, blew away pieces of leaves. Between the cold wind and crisscrossed, two people hurriedly walked between the mountain road.

"Teacher, here's more." The young man saw a corpse on the ground from afar and quickly greeted the middle-aged man who was checking the road conditions in the cold wind not far away.

"The bone in front of the chest was fractured by a large-scale impact, leading to qi and blood coagulation and death." The middle-aged man calmly analyzed.

"Who is so vicious? At least 15 people have died along the way." The young man sighed and gently stroked the eyes of the deceased.

"It's not a human. It's likely that the heavy blow caused by the heavy metal cow hurt people like this." The middle-aged man looked at the road ahead and said calmly, "The dead are all dressed in the same dress. It's very likely that they are from a family or organization, but who did they offend..."

"heavy metal cow? Isn't that the silver card beast in the steel system? Is it that powerful? Moreover, why are these people's card beasts gone? Even if he dies in battle, the body and the beast card will be left behind. The teenager asked in surprise.

The middle-aged man stood up, looked at the distance, and whispered, "If you follow, you will know the answer."

The two followed all the way, leaving bodies on the road from time to time to confirm the most correct direction for them.

The young man's name is Kaite, and the middle-aged man's name is Carlot. The relationship between the two is a master-apprentice. Carlot is a famous card beast in the North Carolina world. I heard that the most powerful card beast in his hand is already the third level of the gold card beast, which is one of the best masters in the North Carolina Empire.

Karat has been a teacher for six years. He is an orphan. It can be said that Carlot raised him. Therefore, Carlot is also a teacher for him.

This time, the two went down the mountain to celebrate Carlot's good friend, Earl Clark of the North View Empire, but they didn't expect to meet a murderer on the way. He killed countless people along the way. Carlot claimed to be a 'elegant card master' and naturally would not ignore this kind of thing, so they chased them all the way down.

But with the speed of the two, they chased for several days, but instead of chasing the enemy, they got more corpses of the killed, which made both the master and apprentice suffocate.

away from the weeds, the secluded forest, in the boundless forest sea, several bodies are across the forest full of fallen leaves, and in the depths of the woods, more than a dozen people in black are driving around a car dragged by iron-headed horse beasts. Several men in the same costume as the armored armored men they had seen before are directing their card beasts to work hard to prevent The attack of the man in black.

The group of people in black are uniformly dressed, and there are unified card beasts, all-colored silver card beasts - heavy metal cattle. This kind of big guy, which weighs up to 500 or 600 pounds and has round corners like a pile of iron pimples on his head, can kill the other party's card beasts almost every time. If it hadn't been for the card beast master The card order after another made it resist desperately, and these messy card beasts had long been killed by heavy metal cattle.

Among the more than a dozen people in black, one in black stood in the middle who was slightly shorter, but the rest of the people in black were vaguely protecting him. Obviously, he was the leader of this team.

"Head, these people can't hold on for a long time. That card must be in the hands of the girl in the car." A man in black with a strong physique.

The leader did not speak, but nodded faintly. Just as he nodded, the heavy metal cattle of the people in black finally pushed out a bloody road and pushed the heads of the two sharp-horned jumping antelopes into their stomachs fiercely. Suddenly, blood splashed and the bones broke.

The heavy metal cow roared in a muffled voice, and four thick legs moved towards it, tearing apart the enemy's defense.

The strong man in black shouted, "Kill him, don't leave him alive."

Nine people in black moved together, meditating on the decision of the royal beast, and hit one strange light after another in their hands. Those heavy metal cattle seemed to be excited and began to be more restless, and then launched a desperate impact and were torn open a defense line. In the eyes of these heavy metal cattle, Jane It is an unbearable existence.

Although the iron-headed armored horse beast belongs to the silver card beast, it suddenly shrank into a light and flew back to the beast card when facing several enemies, and did not dare to fight again.

A girl in the carriage jumped out of the carriage in a panic and rolled on the ground, allowing the heavy metal cattle to attack, but the car was not so lucky. It was hit into debris by the heavy metal cattle. The gorgeous decoration and thick iron plate shelves were scattered, and then trampled by the heavy metal cattle hooves. The car could no longer be found a trace. Good place.

"You bad guys, woo-woo, I will avenge the revenge of killing my father and destroying my family, even if I am a ghost." The girl was like a little beast trapped in an iron cage. Her voice was crisp but showed a trace of perseverance. She held the package in her arms and looked around the heavy metal cow around her, and her face was full of determination.

The girl is about 14 or 15 years old. Although she is young, she is standing. Her little face with tears is pale with a trace of flush, amazing and beautiful. Although her violently undulating chest is not too surging, given her age, it is enough to make many men swallow their saliva.

However, not everyone will appreciate her beauty. The strong man stepped forward and sneered, "Hahaha, little guy, I can kill your whole family when you are a man, not to mention ghosts. Hand over that card obediently, and I will let you die."

"No." The girl's face was full of courage to face death: "Even if I die, I will let this card accompany me to hell."

After saying that, the girl pulled out a sharp blade and stabbed the package in her arms, actually trying to pierce the package together with herself.

At that time, the man in black snorted coldly and shook his right hand gently. A purple triangular card lightning flew out and scratched the girl's hand. After that, a purple light flashed on the purple card. A golden-mouthed eagle with purple feathers flew out and grabbed the package away. The girl was shocked and quickly turned into a thorn. He wanted to cut off the double melon of the purple eagle, but when his sharp knife cut on the purple eagle's claws, it triggered a burst of gold and iron.

"Hahaha, I'm a silver card second-level purple sculpture beast. Do you want to hurt it with your little doll? Hahaha, brothers, let your heavy metal cow see off this Miss Os family.

"Rumble..." Under the control of nine people in black, the heavy metal cow turned its head and rushed to the girl. In the face of this torrent-like steel beast, the girl's face was as pale as paper. He did not dodge. The woman, who had lost her family treasure, had lost her nostalgia for life.

At this time, the purple eagle, which had just flown more than ten meters above his head, cried twice and fell straight down. A golden light came out of the black package, illuminating the deep forest clearly and brightly. Some people in black who couldn't stand this light couldn't help but hide their eyes, only The man in black robe, who was injured by the card beast, looked straight with a gloomy face.

"Tofa, is that it?" The short man in black asked softly and listened to her voice, but he was also a girl.

The black-robed man who was called Tofa nodded, secretly pinched the beast, and prepared to take down the monster in one fell swoop.

At this time, the golden light burst violently, like a small sun bursting. The cathartic golden light shone on everyone and the beasts. In an instant, great pressure hit, with the golden light as the center, blowing in all directions like a ten-level wind. The messy tree was blown close to the ground, and there was a Some unstable foundations were uprooted and powerful.

The nine heavy metal cow roared and knelt to the ground together, trying to resist the power of the golden light. The people in black also couldn't help retreating dozens of steps, looking at the source of the golden light with surprise and a little fear, and the girl in the field was at the center of the shock wave, and the huge force directly fell to the ground, bleeding and life and death were unknown.

Outside Lindao, Kaite and Carlot, who chased the body, also looked at it in a daze. They were both surprised by this unprecedented pressure. Carlot narrowed his eyes and said in surprise, "Is this the legendary star diamond-level beast king card?"

It's just that the situation on the field could not allow him to think too much. The golden light was extremely strong and decayed, but it disappeared after a moment like a meteor, and the black package fell back to the girl's side.

"Take it down." Tofa shouted softly and simply rushed to the package by himself. Just as his palm was about to touch the package, Carlo moved.

"It's really a good way to kill people and seize treasures and kill them all." A silver-white square beast card drew a strange arc and stabbed the back of the bracket.

"Who is it?" Tofa was shocked and suddenly turned around. At first glance, he saw a silver light pouring down, melting into a slender silver monkey like mercury. The silver monkey's claws and fangs looked very fierce. In fact, it was indeed very fierce. It was the most ferocious card beast in Carlot's hands - [killing silver monkey].

If it hadn't been for the real anger, Carlot would not have used this card casually. The silver monkey is a fierce card beast that does not swear to return the card without blood.

As soon as the silver monkey appeared, a fierce claw grabbed Tofa's chest. Tofa quickly dodged, but still brought out a few traces of blood.

"Roar, knife, cow and beast." Tofa did not dare to be careless and quickly called out his most powerful card beast. In mid-air, a man stood up, three meters away. Two sharp knife-like card beasts on his head jumped out of the purple light and attacked the silver monkey.

"Who are you? How dare you mind your own business." Tofa was so angry that he was about to win. Unexpectedly, such a fierce man was killed halfway. This silver monkey was a third-level silver card beast. Although it was only a small level higher than his knife and bull beast, the gap in strength was one by one.

Carlot ignored him. The silver monkey waved its iron claws wildly, and the knife and cow beast were not its enemy at all. It was killed and retreated. At this time, a translucent shadow passed through at a very fast speed and grabbed all the wrapped and the teenagers who fell to the ground and took them away. It was so fast that it was even too late to stop it.


The figure moves extremely fast. Despite the obstruction of other people in black, it is still useless. The heavy metal cow is as slow as a snail in front of his speed.

"Damn, who the hell are you?" Seeing that the things in his hand were intercepted halfway, Tofa was furious, but no matter how fast his royal beast was, the knife and beast could not break through the blockade of the silver monkey. Under the urgency of quick success, the knife and cow beast was even scratched by the middle and lower abdomen by the silver monkey's iron claws, and the blood flowed for a long time.

Carlot did not answer him. The more he fought, the more surprised he became. The card beasts used by these people in black are all card beasts with strong attack power, but lack flexibility. As far as he knows, only the army will choose this kind of card beast, because card beasts such as heavy metal cattle are the attack. A sharp weapon to plunder the city.

So, these people in black* are not simple.

Although Carlot was not afraid of these people, he did not want to cause trouble to Yaz Mountain. Seeing that Kaite took away the injured teenager, Carlot's heart was a little calm. Looking around for a week, the royal beast was determined to pinch. A few black lights flashed out of his fingers and nailed into the body of the silver monkey. The silver monkey roared and his claws merged. He rushed up wildly and suddenly nailed the shoulder blade of the knife bull beast. The knife bull beast roared bitterly, but just as it wanted to fight back, the silver monkey turned into a silver light and hid into the silver card in Carlot's palm.

"Humph, do you want to run?" The girl in black, who had been standing quietly in the corner, sneered. A sharp object had been prepared for a long time turned to the ground, and then purple light lingered out one after another, and nine heavy metal oxen and knife beasts were included in an instant, and the purple light was great.

"Dementor Royal Beast Array!" Carlot was shocked and hurriedly bounced off the ground, threw a palm-sized beast card, and stood on it by himself.

The card beasts included in the purple light all stiffened up, like a puppet that was only manipulated. Their faces were dull. The girl in black whispered some spells. The purple light flowed from the sharp iron in front of her to the ground through her body, and then within 30 meters in front of her. A huge circle was formed, and the beasts roared up to the sky and shook the earth.

Carlot's heart is like a mirror, such an obvious unique learning. If he can't recognize the power, he will have lived for so long in vain. In the whole Beijing Empire, only the artifact [Noah Cone] can magnify the soul power a hundred times and carry forward the original chicken ribs. The owner of the artifact is the Beijing Emperor. The prime minister of the country---Keqis.

At this time, whether it is the huge power behind the opponent or the power of the demented beast array itself, Carlot is a little afraid. In terms of the power of the demented beast array itself is not strong. According to his speculation about the girl in black, she can control the most one-level iron card beast with copper. But with the hundred times magnification of Noah's cone, she already has the ability to compete with master-level figures like him, especially that he has fallen into the center of the array.

Kaite ran all the way with the only Miss Du Miao wrapped in the Ao family. Wen Xiang Ruanyu couldn't let him stay for a while. He didn't know if there were any pursuers behind him, but he still kept running and ran to the ground after exhaustion. The black package rolled away with Oris and was already injured. Oris woke up directly from her faint state.

On Kaite's body, the armor like a layer of mercury slowly shrank into a ball, and finally turned into a hairless silver cat. With a soft cry, the silver cat shrank beside Kaite, stretched out its tongue and licked it, looking worried about him.

Oris struggled to stand up, and her delicate body shook gently several times, as if she might fall down at any time, but she held on, and her stubborn face was full of hatred that did not match her age.

She was not grateful to Kaite, the lifesaver, but took off the beast card in her coat pocket, struggled to pinch the royal beast, and summoned her first-class silver card iron-headed horse beast.

"What are you going to do?" Armor, who was so tired that he was almost exhausted, was a little anxious, because he actually saw endless murder in Alice's eyes.

Alyth did not speak and waved her hand to drive the iron-headed armored horse beast to walk towards him step by step. The iron-headed armored horse beast is a powerful card beast that can pull up to a thousand catties of frame. Even if it does not run wildly, its weight alone is enough to trample on the armor to death.

"Hear." The cloud-piercing armored beast shrank in front of the armor and tried to make itself look more terrible, but it was weak in front of the iron-headed armored horse beast, just an ant in front of the giant, which was not worth mentioning.

"You, do you want to kill me?" Kaite tried to stand up, but several efforts were in vain and fell to the ground. Kaite gasped and said, "I, I am you, your lifesaver, you, you treat your benefactor like this?"

Alice's expression was finally a little hesitant, but she was covered by that hatred and responded coldly: "Those who peep at the treasures of my Oss family deserve to die!"

"Treasures, what treasures? I didn't peep." Kai Te gasped a little and asked inexplicably.

But Alice obviously did not intend to give him a chance to explain. She quickly drove the iron-headed horse beast to step on him. The big man weighed hundreds of thousands of pounds. Although his movements were a little clumsy, it was still easy for him to trample him to death in the face of a person who could not move.

The cloud-piercing armor beast jumped and roared. Its body kept coming and going next to Kaite and wanted to leave, but it was worried about its master. Its position swayed left and right. Finally, it closed its eyes and hugged its master, and actually wanted to live and die with him.

Kaite was a little tearful. He never thought that the person he had been struggling to save for more than ten days would want to result in his own life at the first time. This dramatic change made him feel like being teased by fate, although he never believed in the so-called fate.

The iron-headed horse beast is also quite imposing when running. Although it is not as shocking as the heavy metal cow, it is more flexible, more than ten meters away, just two or three breaths.

And when it raised its iron hooves and stepped on Kaite, the fateful Kaite suddenly felt a magical call. This feeling was very familiar with him when he subdued the cloud armored beast and opened his eyes deliberately. Kaite saw a flexible golden light, like a golden dragon across him. Between the iron-headed armored horse beast, this kind of light is the same as the shock wave light seen in the woods, but unlike the blank ignorance in the woods, at this time, the armor clearly felt that this golden light was coming to save him.

"Law." The iron-headed horse beast roared nervously, because it felt that its iron hooves were stepping on an object of absolute strength. It was not smart, and its heart was full of the kind of panic of the following crimes, as if a subordinate had done something rebellious to the superior.

In the world of card beasts, it is actually more hierarchical than human beings.

The grumpy iron-headed armored horse beast calmed down, and the golden light did nothing to do with it. It crossed between the armor and its iron hooves like a golden rainbow, one end on a huge one, and the other end connected to the black package.

turned into a streamer, and the timid armored horse beast retracted back to Oris's beast card. She was very surprised and stared at the armor and the black package. She clearly knew that the black package was inherited from her ancestors, and there was only one thing in it, and this thing was her only revenge weapon, because Therefore, she has no idea of letting her treasure fall into the hands of others.

staggered a few steps, she staggered to the armor, and once again took out the two knives that had been used to commit suicide, without hiding her murderous intention.

She is not a child who knows nothing. At this time, this scene is clearly the precursor of the card beast to recognize the owner. If she wants to make this precursor useless, in addition to forcibly taming the card beast with more powerful royal beast skills, she can only kill the owner that the card beast will recognize.

She doesn't know how powerful Kaite's royal beast skill is, but she understands that Kaite absolutely has no ability to resist at this time. To kill him, she only needs to gently wave the knife in her hand.

But she obviously ignored the cloud-piercing armor beast. Although this little guy is just an auxiliary card beast, he still has a certain attack ability. Although it is not strong, it is still very simple to defeat such a weak girl like her.

Unfortunately, none of them had a chance to do it. After hearing the strange sound of a dragon and tiger roar, a horse-tailed lion hoofed beast about one meter high flashed in the black package.

This guy grinned at Kaite in a stool field, like a smile, and then staggered a few steps, like a drunk. After a few steps, as soon as he took steady steps, he raised his head and roared strangely.

Kaite looked at this new partner who had just learned to leave and looked forward to becoming strong, and whispered, "Welcome, little guy."

The card beast seemed to hear Kaite's words, ran over and licked his cheek affectionately, and put the owner it was supposed to please.

Oris's mood is quite complicated. Looking at the intimate appearance of the card beast and armor, her heart is slowly dripping blood.

Although she has been working hard, she still failed, but she will not be pretentious because Kaite gets her own treasure and fight with him again. Once the card beast admits a person, unless it is strong enough to distort the will of the card beast, even kill its owner will not exchange it back.