Nine God Bracelet

Chapter 11 Breakthrough of wood quenching, three changes of molting (seeking red tickets, collection)

"I don't know why Brother Qianyuan carried such a long wooden stick but didn't take the pole behind the door?" Lin Quan walked behind the teenager at this time, full of doubts.

When Qianyuan heard his words, his head stopped and turned around and smiled evilly: "That little pole can only bear a load of firewood at a time. I have so many things to do. How can I be free if I don't finish it earlier? To tell you the truth, the stick we hold can withstand the weight of five loads of firewood. Isn't it easy to cut back the firewood at one time?

Lin Quan looked at the body in front of him, which seemed to be thinner than himself, and thought to himself, "How can you carry five loads of firewood, let alone walk such a long mountain road?" Although he thought so in his heart, he didn't say anything to see what he would do then.

They walked for nearly half an hour, nearly ten miles, and finally walked out of the residential area. This residential area is just a connected courtyard like a courtyard cave opened up by Da Neng on the mountainside, and it is only a small part of the mountainside. You can imagine how big the Tianshan Mountain is, and the Tianshan they call it is also It's just a prominent cliff of the back mountain. I don't know how deep and how high the back mountain is. And along a two-kilometer-long earthworm-like path, Lin Quan finally came to a so-called forest with a relatively gentle slope around Tianshan Mountain. The reason why it is called the so-called forest is because Lin Quan feels that he is alive. The forests of the world are really difficult to describe the forests of the world.

This forest is very different from the plain he saw when he first entered the world. The trees here are generally much taller than the Wenxian Plain. The species are simply dazzling. Even the shortest trees are 20 to 30 feet high, which is completely an enlarged version of the forest in his world. Some bamboo-like trees, the size of a house, are really It was terrible. Lin Quan looked carefully and found that the lowest branches were as tall as several floors, and the tree was too big and smooth. He didn't know how to cut firewood at all.

"Brother Qianyuan, these trees are so tall, how can we do it?"

Hearing this question, Qianyuan looked back at Lin Quan contemptuously, and even lazily explained. Without saying a word, he still walked into the woods. Lin Quan had no choice but to follow. When Qianyuan saw these trees, he did not stop and still walked to the depths. Lin Quan became more and more confused. He didn't know what Qianyuan was going to do until they came to a huge tree like a rectangular mountain. The tree was covered with a rocky luster and high There are hundreds of feet, and the branches are very wide. Countless flowers of various colors bloomed on them and bear many fruits. Some of them are the kind of blazing swallow fruits eaten in front of Lin Quan. It turned out that Mu Ruomin came to the woods that day, knocked down two blazing swallow fruits with spells, and came back as dinner for Lin Quan. Now he sees this fruit again, Lin Quan had an indescribable taste in his heart.

"The blazing swallow tree is indeed a blazing swallow tree!" Qianyuan laughed and said, "Master let me feel this blazing swallow tree. Sure enough, I don't know how old this tree is. I'm afraid the benefits of my cultivation are unimaginable." With that, Lin Quan, who was in a daze, suddenly emitted a red light in the center of his eyebrows, shining into the body of the tree in front of him, and closed his eyes into a state of meditation.

Lin Quan saw that he seemed to be practicing, and did not dare to disturb him rashly. After about half an hour, he saw that Qianyuan's eyes opened and the red light entered his body. There seemed to be boiling water on his body, which actually made a "gurgling" sound. He suddenly took a breath, as if Do something extremely restrained: "Lin Quan, in order to see you promote, I have been holding back for a long time, and I have never dared to forget the teachings of my predecessors who saved my life. Don't care who I am, and I won't hurt you. Take it!" With that, it was the six petals he frowned at in his room that day.

Lin Quan took over and saw that this grass was warm and looked extremely wonderful. He was afraid that it was an extremely precious good thing. Hearing his words, he thought that he had only been in this world for less than two months, and Lin Quan's mutation was only about three months in total. This person who had never seen him before As if he had known for a long time, he just wanted to ask, but the Qianyuan waved his hand: "Swallow these six petals of the heart grass quickly. The senior will let you swallow, and I'm sure you won't be bursting. Fast, otherwise I can't hold it. I'm afraid I'll live up to the instructions of the predecessor!"

The Qianyuan seemed to be very urgent. Lin Quan hesitated for a moment, looked at the face that seemed to be a little deformed, and thought, "It looks like a good thing, but there are still many problems, but it seems that I have to swallow it now, otherwise the consequences seem to be a little serious!" While thinking about it, he finally made up his mind to swallow the palm-sized grass. The grass was very magical and melted in the mouth, as if it had entered his body without passing through his throat. An extremely violent energy rushed around the body, as if it wanted to destroy his body to gain freedom. No, what is this? It's so fierce. Is it poison? Why did this Qianyuan hurt me?" It turned out that Lin Quan tried his best to suppress the airflow, but the airflow was getting stronger and stronger, and he was about to be unable to suppress it. His eyebrows suddenly became hot, and the violent energy was suddenly sucked into the corner, and then the heat in his eyebrows slowly dispersed. On the contrary, a cool feeling came, but it was that After transformation, the furious energy began to enter Lin Quan's body softly and slowly.

Lin Quan felt his own change and felt like drinking a bottle of ice when he was hot and thirsty. Suddenly, he became extremely comfortable from hellish fire. After a while, Lin Quan faintly felt that he seemed to break through the gate of wooden quenching. He sat directly on the ground, and his whole body seemed to be very painful. Suddenly, a The cyan vitality rushed out of every cell of his body and turned into a blue fog, but in the blink of an eye, it all shrank back. However, his change did not seem to have stopped. His whole body suddenly became trance, like a holographic light and shadow, shaking violently. He suddenly turned into a big bird. The bird was like a big bird, spreading its wings and fluttered, and a whirlwind came out. After a while, the big eagle also trembled violently and turned into A tiger is the same size as an ordinary tiger, but the white word "king" on its head is very conspicuous, and every hair on its body is extremely hard.

While observing Lin Quanjin's wooden quenching with red eyebrows, Qianyuan also suddenly understood something at this time. He shouted: "Senior, the younger generation finally knew your good intentions. In the future, I will definitely live up to my mission and reach the realm of that day with him to help him complete the amazing The great cause of moving the earth!" With that, he also changed a little faster than Lin Quan, and continuously turned into three animals. Not only did Lin Quan transform the two just now, but the big fish that Lin Quan transformed three months ago was also transformed by him, but compared with Lin Quan, he did not seem to be so real.

Lin Quan pointed his hand, and a blue vitality came out and turned into a blue fog. This vitality is much smaller than that of Mu Ruomin, but this means that Lin Quan can hurt people in the air in the future, and also means that he has finally reached the realm of wooden quenching. He looked at Qianyuan beside him and saw that he also turned from a tiger into a human. When he saw him, he had a strange feeling in his eyes. He walked to Lin Quan, bent down and picked up a layer of broken skin. It was Lin Quan who did not know when a layer of skin. At this time, Lin Quan's body also turned khaki, which was more yellow than ordinary yellow than ordinary yellow people. A little, but the strange thing is that Lin Quan's clothes are not ragged, and I don't know how the skin fell off.

He patted Lin Quan on the shoulder: "Lin Quan, don't tell anyone about today's matter, especially about giving you six petals to go to the heart grass, otherwise I don't know how many people want to kill you to refine medicine!" With that, he laughed and looked at the big tree in front of him. He was in a good mood and said a poem very boldly: "I was born with one heart, not for beauty or gold. When you get the way under the blazing swallow tree, you don't have to worry about life and death. Lin Quan, we don't have to cut firewood today. I have to leave Tianshan immediately. In the future, we will definitely meet again. At that time, I'm afraid that we will really die! Hahaha..." After saying that, regardless of Lin Quan, who was still thinking deeply, or the wooden stick he brought on the ground, he seemed to have finally found his lifelong dream and left Lin Quan very happily.