Nine God Bracelet

Chapter 38 A Misunderstanding

"Ah?" Lin Quan felt really strange when he heard it. According to those pages of gold paper, it is indeed necessary to deal with life and death all the time. It is very difficult. Even Lin Quan also feels that if he can, it is enough to live 800 years. There is no need to work hard to practice Taoism. Anyway, even if Taoism, the power is just like that sea city. The mirage will still die one day. What's more, most of them will die in the long journey, but Mu Ruomin said that he would not be surprised to enjoy this kind of life.

Looking at Lin Quan's surprised expression, as if he had expected it, Mu Ruomin sighed and said softly, "In this world, in the right way, ordinary people only pursue wealth in exchange for wooden quenching elixir to live the 800-year life safely and happily. However, there are also a considerable number of people who seek to break through the shackles of life. , to explore the true meaning of life, so step into the road of practice without fear of death.

However, there are also some ambitious people who want to make their lives more wonderful and want to be a ruler who dominates the heavens. However, I'm not one of these kinds of people. I just find a sense of satisfaction that I do have something between this life and death. My life is given by the master, so every time I break through, I think that the master will be relieved by this, and I feel that everything is worth it.

"Sister, aren't you going to be very sad that your parents can't see you for a long time?"

"Ha ha!" Mu Ruomin looked at Lin Quan at this time. Isn't this spiritual beast without parents since childhood? Maybe he didn't understand, so he casually replied, "My parents have abandoned me since I was a child, but they are not like you. They are born without parents and don't need to understand the family affection in this world. It's good to be carefree!"

As soon as Lin Quan heard this, he suddenly felt a feeling of pity for each other. He just looked at Mu Ruomin in a stunned way: "Sister, in fact, I told you that I was born with heaven and earth, but I just said nonsense. I actually have parents and love me very much, but I look strange and know that I can no longer integrate into them. Life, then escape alone!"

"What? Aren't you born in the sea?" Mu Ruomin was shocked when she heard Lin Quan's words, "You just entered Tianshan. Although your body is light blue, you are not as human as you are now, and you are definitely not strange?"

"My senior sister doesn't know that our world is completely different from yours, and the concept is even more so. People like me will only become monsters and be laughed at by thousands of people."

"Alas, you have parents but escaped by yourself, and you really don't know happiness in happiness!" Mu Ruomin looked at Lin Quan and felt that the man in front of him was indeed stupid.

"Sister, how can thousands of people in the world have the same idea? Different situations can't be compared together!"

"Well, that's right. I didn't expect you to have a mature side!" Mu Ruomin smiled and looked at the closed door and found that Xiao Er had not delivered wine and vegetables after waiting for so long. She couldn't help shouting, "Xiao Wu, why haven't you delivered the food?"

After a while, he found that there was no response. Mu Ruomin stood up and went outside to see what was going on, but he didn't expect that as soon as he walked to the door, a mana entered the door. Mu Rumin couldn't react and was hit in the left shoulder.

"Sister!" However, when Lin Quan saw this, his heart jumped and quickly walked over, put his arms around her shoulders, held Mu Ruomin, and found that there was nothing serious. He breathed a sigh of relief and immediately let go of his hand. Seeing Mu Ruomin's expression, the atmosphere seemed a little awkward.

"It's just the peak of the fire!" Mu Ruomin looked at Lin Quan and automatically ignored the embarrassment just now, "This skill can't hurt me!" After saying that, he opened the door and saw an old man with long eyebrows.

"Demon, why did you hurt my senior sister?" But Lin Quan spoke first.

The old man with white eyebrows found himself hitting with all his strength. The "monster" had nothing to do. He couldn't help but be shocked and shouted, "Everyone, run away quickly! Monsters are so powerful that they are afraid of killing civilians!" After saying that, he sacrificed a page of rune paper. The rune paper seemed to be refined and given to him by others. He stretched out two fingers and didn't know what gesture he had made. Suddenly, he "touched" the ground. The rune paper burned, and the old man with white eyebrows suddenly disappeared.

"Thousands of miles away!" Mu Ruomin was shocked when she looked at the escape charm, but then looked around and smiled coldly, "It turned out to be a fake. He couldn't escape a meter and wanted to escape my sight!" After saying that, as soon as he raised his hand, a four-color vitality sent out and hit the place where the rune paper burned just now. Suddenly, there was a muffled hum in the place that seemed to be empty. An old man appeared and his mouth was full of blood, but he was seriously injured by one blow.

"Hmm!" As soon as Lin Quan saw it, he walked over and wanted to teach the white-browed old man a lesson.

"Wait!" But Mu Ruomin calmed down, stopped Lin Quan, and looked at the white-browed old man: "I have no grudge against you. Why do you want to harm me?"

"Demon, I'm unlucky today, but God is clear. If you mutilate these innocent civilians, sooner or later you will suffer the thunder!" At this time, the so-called long-browed Taoist priest knew that the two people in front of him could not be dealt with. He thought that his life was imminent, and he was simply not afraid, and he seemed to be righteous.

Lin Quan took a look, but the old man mistakenly thought that he and others were monsters. He couldn't help but feel a little speechless. Do you look like a monster? "You old man, I'm afraid you are confused. What do we look like monsters?"

"Well, evil is evil. Although my long-browed old Tao is in your hands today, I have defeated demons all my life. If I had known that there would be today, if I wanted to kill it, I would be at your will!"

"Hey, I said, you old man, I really don't know what's good or bad. Do you know that we are disciples of the Tianshan School? This time we have an important task in our arrival. If you don't say anything, you can recognize us as monsters!" Lin Quan looked at the old man and really wanted to beat him.

"What? Disciple of Tianshan School?" Now it's the old man's turn to be surprised: "Zhang Erhu said that you have become a tiger. How can you turn into a tiger?"

"How do you understand the exquisiteness of our Tianshan skills!" Lin Quan saw that the man still needed to be beaten and wanted to wave a spell to teach him a lesson. He didn't know what was wrong with him, but he was so angry about a misunderstanding.

"Lin Quan, forget it, this old man didn't mean it!" However, Mu Ruomin saw Lin Quan's impulse, quickly stopped it, took out another elixir, and said to the old man, "Go down and ask Xiaowu to prepare some wine and dishes. We are indeed decent people. This is seven-wound elixir, which is better for your realm!" After saying that, he didn't bother to pay attention to the old man and went back into the small room.

Lin Quan returned to the small room and looked at Mu Ruomin. I don't know why she was not angry at all. "Sister, the old man just regarded you as a demon. Why are you not angry at all?"

"Lin Quan, although this old man is dazzling, his heart is upright. I'm surprised why you are so angry!"

"This..." Lin Quan really felt that he was too excited just now. Is it because of the worry in his heart just now? If someone hurts the senior sister, even if the other party is a righteous person, will he be angry for no reason? What's wrong with me? Even if it's for the senior sister, shouldn't you lose your nature?

"Lin Quan, you should be careful!" Mu Ruomin seemed to see Lin Quan's mind, "In the future, your long life will experience thousands of hardships. Every monk is like this. If your heart is not firm, it is always easy to fall into the devil!"

"Senior sister!" At this moment, Lin Quan suddenly had a strong desire to tell his heart, looked at the beautiful lantern hanging on the small room, stared at Mu Ruomin's face reflected in the red light, and finally couldn't help saying, "Sister, you look so beautiful now!"