Nine God Bracelet

Chapter 43 Lin Quan is confused and wise, and he is in charge of drinking and talking

Not to mention that Xi Siming asked Lin Quan to find a way to return to Tianshan, and asked him to remember his mission. Lin Quan did not doubt such an obviously contradictory words at all. At this time, he was looking at Mu Ruomin nervously: "Sister, it was only me they wanted to arrest and kill. You quickly escaped from the other way, but no one wanted to do anything. You!"

"Well, if they want to kill you, they will also kill me!" When Mu Ruomin heard this, she looked at Lin Quan: "Let's go together quickly. After Li Songcheng, Zhang Er, don't care about joining the faction. Now that we have been betrayed, I don't know if you are still willing to follow us."

"Now that you have recognized the eldest brother, how can there be a reason to give up halfway?" Zhang Erhu said loudly, "Although the eldest brother is killed, he will never be afraid of his poor ability!" After saying that, he patted his sweat and blood and ran out with Lin Quan first.

Mu Ruomin saw it and nodded. The brother was not staggered. He also patted his horse and quickly chased him.

When Lin Quan and others were in danger of life and death, in the interior of this Xinxiang Palace, Xi Siming did not know when he had an extra glass of wine in his hand. He tasted it slowly and looked at Yu Shuipei with a smile: "Now, Lin Quan has been hunted down by the Yunzhen Empire, and I left the next plan to cheat Jianyizong behind. Inside the sound stone, Lin Quan and others should be able to understand my good intentions after hearing it!"

"Yes, no, how did you create the story that Master Lin Quan was killed by my Linshui Zhifen, and his disciples were also hunted down?" Yu Shuipei smiled and said, "Mr. Xi did a good job just now. Why didn't he give the little girl a cup?"

"Hahaha" Xi Siming laughed, and then a glass of wine appeared in his hand and handed it to Yu Shuipei: "This is the first time I have tasted this Bidao Xianlu with people, and I have never let him drink it that day! Today, Miss Yu's performance really impressed Xi. She looks too stingy if she doesn't take out anything!"

Yu Shuipei got the blue island fairy dew and couldn't wait to take a sip. Suddenly, she felt that her whole body was floating, as if she had become a fairy on that day. All her troubles had disappeared, leaving only indescribable freedom and joy. She couldn't help but praise loudly: "Today, I'm lucky to drink Xi's fairy dew. It's really three lives. Fortunately!"

After a while, Xi Siming calmed down and looked at Yu Shuipei again. There was a look of worry in his eyes: "Although this Xinxiang City does not have been pursued by fossil masters, your war message must have reached Li Song City faster than Lin Quan. The owner of Li Song City seems to be a fossil realm, and With so many people rounding up, I don't know that they can't pass!"

Seeing Xi Siming's sudden worry, Yu Shuipei also sighed: "How many times more than them have experienced this life-and-death moment in our life? If they really die unfortunately, there is nothing they can do. The head of Jianyi Sect is too ambitious. If they don't layout around, I'm afraid that we will all be swallowed up one by one! This is a difficult road to practice, which has been destined from the beginning!"

"Well, that's true!" Xi Siming looked at Yu Shuipei, arched his hand and said, "Now that the task here has been completed, I'm going back to help my brother complete the last level of sealing the vitality of the mountains, and I will meet with Miss Yu again in the future!"

"Well, Mr. Xi is easy to go!" As soon as Yu Shuipei finished speaking, Xi Siming was not sluggish at all. He directly stepped on the Qingyun Sword and rushed back to Tianshan.

"Oh, the old man has gone to the fragrance of flowers, and the fragrance of flowers to the deceased!" Yu Shuipei looked at the fleeting head of Tianshan, and his eyes were dementia, as if he was still recalling something: "This Bidao Xianlu makes people worry-free, but what you don't know is that I don't want to drink this Bidao Xianlu at all! My infatuation can fascinate Lin Quan and Mu Ruomin, but it has no effect on you!" After saying that, he shook his head and went to the usual place of Xinxiang City to discuss strategies against the enemy, waiting for the arrival of these many elders to explain the call just now.

And in a forest tens of thousands of miles away from the Rose Palace, it was the next day, and the three of Lin Quan were running desperately. The two sweat-blooded BMWs were also rendered by Lin Quan's emotions and ran hard, but

What they don't know is that thousands of miles ahead of them, there has been a team of soldiers waiting for them. These soldiers are fully armed. Each two teams are divided into *hands and infantry. These * are not ordinary*, not made of metal, but a kind of hard stone similar to diamond, which is exactly In order to prevent Mu Ruomin and Jin quenching from having an effect on metals. Basically, every captain is a practitioner, and most of the practitioners are women. In this land of the Yunzhen Empire, it is also a spectacle.

However, there is also a woman who looks unrestrained and casual. She wears gray clothes, has silver needles on her head, and can faintly see a trace of white hair on her forehead and a pale face. She is the elder-level figure of Fen in Linshui. She is the lord of a city in Li Songcheng. She is famous for her ability to kill people with leaves. Although she is only the peak of fossils, but The double master of fossils does not want to provoke easily.

At this time, she was inspecting the deployment of the army at various gates. From time to time, she saw some imprecise places and scolded and corrected them. Li Songcheng, which was not a large force, actually controlled the movement of thousands of miles around Li Songcheng under her deployment. Moreover, there were also two teams led by the captain of the water quenching territory quickly swam on both sides of Li Songcheng thousands of miles away, waiting for the arrival of the people on the wanted notice at any time.

Zhu Hongye actually put eyeliner on the places where Lin Quan and others may have fled, and sent letters to each other. I'm afraid that Lin Quan's trip is really bad luck. This method of Linshui Hongyan's biography is unique to Yunzhen. It is a kind of pocket beast carefully raised. It is extremely fast, several times faster than Lin Quan's sweaty BMW, but it is also very precious. In medium-sized cities like Li Songcheng, it can only be allocated to about ten, but despite this, in Zhu Hongye In the arrangement of the array, he was afraid that as soon as Lin Quan and others appeared, they would be quickly spread throughout the army and quickly surrounded and killed.

"Brother, wait!" But Zhang Erhu shouted.

After hearing this, Lin Quan immediately stopped the horse and asked, "Zhang Er, what's the matter?"

"I feel that it is not wise to continue to move forward."

"Oh? How did you come to such a conclusion?" Lin Quan just felt strange when he heard it.

"I also rely on my intuition for many years of hunting." Zhang Erhu said solemnly, "I feel that there are not thousands of miles ahead, and there is incomparably danger waiting for us. At the beginning, I found that you were not far from the Baigong River, and I also felt an unusual fluctuation of vitality before I came to watch it!"

"Oh? It's amazing that you still have this kind of ability!" Lin Quan heard that the brother he had just met was indeed not a talkative person, and he already believed it eight points in his heart.

"But this is the only way to pass through Li Songcheng!" When Mu Ruomin heard this, she was also anxious and didn't know what to do for a moment.

"Why don't you do this!" Lin Quan suddenly had a plan, looked at Mu Ruomin, and slowly said his plan.