Nine God Bracelet

Chapter 94 The ambitious rhino king gave up his daughter-in-law to the wolf

Lin Quan obviously saw the change in the expression of the rhinoceros essence and was relieved. He didn't know where he came from and risked his life just to make direct contact with the rhino king.

"Who the hell are you?" The rhinoceros threw Lin Quan to the ground and looked at the villain in front of him. For him, Lin Quan was indeed a villain.

"I was born between heaven and earth. The sun and the moon became gods, and the mountains and rivers became the body. I was born in response to heaven and earth. The divine wisdom weapon is a supreme spiritual beast. I heard that you, the king, are broad-minded and far-sighted, and want to come to come to, but now you are embarrassed by a little woman!" Lin Quan was put down and was not afraid at all. He mocked coldly.

The rhinoceros spirit looks at the weak villain in front of him, but he has been talking nonsense and is not afraid of himself. He is also a little confused in his heart. Is this person really a born supreme spirit beast? Have a natural noble temperament? Is it really sent by God to tide over the difficulties for himself?

You should know that the subordinates who have the five-emer spirit body are very likely to encounter the ten thousand spirit beads in the future, which is the news revealed when he discussed cooperation with the demon king!

Speaking of which, the two sects most related to Lin Quan have never known the legend of Wanlingzhu. For example, the Tianshan School only thought that Lin Quan was a disciple with great potential. Jianyizong only thought that Lin Quan would cause chaos in the world, but he did not know why, but the return to the Lingyun School, the Endless Demon King and the Xishan Rhinoceros are accurate. I know that it is related to Wanlingzhu, and I don't know where the news comes from.

"Hahahaha..." As soon as the rhinoceros spirit heard it, he really wanted to use his men to control Lin Quan. He immediately laughed and thought, "My king of Xishan, how can I be angry for a little woman! Bring me that fox demon!" This was said to the wooden demon king under the stage.

Chao Zhiqing did not dare to neglect, and also grabbed it with his hand. Although it took more time than Lin Quan, the fox demon king Fengtong still grabbed it. At this time, her face was ruddy and her clothes were a little messy. Obviously, she had just fought with the wooden demon king just now.

"If you say I'm lustful, I'll show you whether I'm lustful or not!" As soon as the rhinoceros's words fell, Lin Quan only felt a red light in front of him, and then he saw a scene that surprised him extremely.

I saw Fengtong's beautiful eyes open, as if she didn't know what had happened, but after a while, a red line appeared on her neck. After a while, the red line became more and more obvious.

"bang", "hish"

The ferocious scene really happened in front of Lin Quan. The ** momentary fox demon king was directly cut off his head, his head fell to the ground and made a terrible "bang" sound, and the blood spewed out of his neck made a "hist" sound for a moment.

It's really a beauty disaster, and the demon king doesn't need to kill people.

"King!" As soon as Lin Quan saw it, although the fox demon king had seduced him, he was a good goblin. Now he gently waved him to drive him to the west. How can he calm down? Thinking of the promise I made to the fox demon king when I first came here, my anger and blood surged up, which almost directly caused the heart demon to explode, and I almost wanted to cut off the rhinoceros in front of me.

The rhinoceros spirit also found that Lin Quan's face was suddenly gloomy, but he didn't care at all and smiled, "You told me that you care about this little woman. Now that I kill her, why do you look gloomy!"

"Strong, I want to be strong!" At this time, Lin Quan's heart was surging. As soon as he arrived in this Xishan, he first died a group of little brothers. Now the rhinoceros did not care about his feelings at all and directly killed the fox demon. Even his originally lazy and indisputable personality was completely stimulated by blood. At this time, there was only one thought in his heart, that is, he must This king of Xishan killed and killed all the brutal beasts!

After a while, he calmed down and looked at the body that was divided into two halves and was extremely gorgeous at the previous moment. He knew that he was now in the hands of others and could not be impulsive. He turned back and looked at the huge body in front of him.

"Your Majesty, although it is not regrettable for this fox demon to die, this fox demon is my wife after all. How did you say that you killed my spouse?"

"Hahahaha!" The rhinoceros spirit laughed loudly, "I thought you were thinking about something. It turned out that you wanted a place that you didn't want in the future. This is easy to do. Without the constraints of this fox, the group of fox demons will be given to you in the future, and you can do whatever you want!"

"In that case, thank you very much, King! It happens that this old woman always controls me, but her cultivation is higher than mine. She can't help it. Now it's much easier!" Lin Quan arched his hand, lowered his head, and made up his mind, but his face did not show it at all. He just said, "I was born to be ordered to assist the king to achieve great things. Since the adult is willing to take care of it like this, I won't say anything. However, after all, this fox is with my husband and wife and asked me to bring her body back. "

"Hmm!" The rhinoceros king nodded calmly, "It's a good thing that you intend to rely on me. In the future, you will rule millions of troops for General Zhenxi and open up territory for me in the West Mountain. However, your cultivation is too low now. I will give you a year to improve my realm!" After saying that, he threw out a dark token, but it was a "demon palace order".

"With this token, you can often come to the depths of my demon palace to practice, and I can guide you at any time and refine your body with magic flames. This order also has a guiding effect and can reach your own palace. In the future, as long as you follow me faithfully, there will be no lack of your benefits!" The rhinoceros spirit looked at Lin Quan's expression and found that Lin Quan's smiling face was full at this time. He couldn't help nodding secretly, and there was a sneer in his heart, but he thought that once he found Wan Lingzhu, he would kill Lin Quan.

Although he can also violently detain Lin Quan now, it depends on his strong personality just now. What if he makes him unhappy and commits suicide directly?

"Your Majesty, I'll go back now and bury this body!" Lin Quan arched his hand and found that the king did not say anything. For the time being, he was relieved. He picked up the body on the ground, held his head in his hand, and turned around and was about to leave.

"Wait!" Suddenly, the rhinoceros shouted loudly, and Lin Quan's heart condensed and gave rise to the courage to fight to the death.

"You have a low cultivation now. I'm afraid you can't even clean up that group of foxes, so I will give you my soul magic weapon with infinite power. Whoever dares not obey, you can kill it directly! There are also some practice elixir in it, and you can also take them!"

Lin Quan turned around and saw a universe bag coming, falling directly into his sleeve and attached to his belt. Speaking of which, Lin Quan now has three universe bags.

Lin Quan sent out vitality, and with a small feeling, a huge magic suddenly rushed out. It turned out that the rhinoceros separated a trace from the magic flame it controlled and gave it to Lin Quan.

"What is it, how can it be so fierce!" Lin Quan only felt that he was almost choked to death by this magic gas. This thing is really powerful, and he doesn't know what it is. However, he carefully felt these vitality and found that these vitality were not completely under his control, and there was a slight connection to the side of the rhinoceros. Lin Quan bent the corners of his mouth and walked out of the palace.

Lin Quan didn't understand why he could find this method higher than his countless realms.

At this time, he slowly walked out of the door and saw the group of fox demons standing in front of the door, looking forward to it nervously. Suddenly, he found Lin Quan's appearance and was happy. However, the next moment, the whole community seemed to see the end of the world, and their beautiful eyes were wide open, as if they had seen incredible things.

Lin Quan's expression was cold at this time, and the wind blew his clothes. Suddenly, dark clouds covered the sky, and the wind and clouds changed color, as if to add power to Lin Quan.

"The fox demon king is dead, and now I am the leader of the fox demon clan. Those who disobey the order will die!" Lin Quan roared and threw the corpse into the air. A fierce vitality spewed out of his eyes. Ten thousand solutions of swordsmanship had been practiced to the realm of no sword. In a short time, the beautiful and colorful person in the previous moment turned into ashes and was eternal!

At first, this pile of foxes had not reacted. After listening to Lin Quan's words, they began to turn the king of the fox clan into ashes. Finally, their eyes suddenly became blood red and opened their mouths. Two thin sharp teeth emerged, armrests turned into claws, and their nails were suddenly long and sharp. Several low-cultivated foxes were directly turned into Body.

"Wang..." The leader was Xiaoxiang who led Lin Quan into the valley that day. At this time, he shouted sadly, "My family has been deceived by the sky. If my Xiaoxiang does not avenge this, I hope that my soul will be broken and blood will be sprinkled on thousands of worlds!" After saying that, people have bullied and approached. They don't want to kill Lin Quan with magic at all, but just want to tear it into thousands of pieces in the most tragic way!

"Hmm!" Lin Quan snorted coldly and sacrificed the universe bag, and a black smoke rushed out. The little fragrance didn't know what was going on. She only felt black in front of her eyes and lost her intuition.

"This magic flame is really powerful!" Lin Quan sighed secretly in his heart that this little fragrance probably had just arrived at the fossil realm, and there was no time to react at all under the control of the magic flame. At this time, he knew that his every move was under surveillance, and this magic flame was more likely to be the rhinoceros spirit to threaten to control himself one day. He had to play a big performance first. Play.

"Xiaoxiang, Xiaoxiang!" Another fox in the fossil realm saw that the little incense fell down, and thought it was more auspicious. His claws were whirling, his sharp teeth were shining cold, his face was ferocious, and he also rushed up.

However, he was still directly knocked down by Lin Quan.

Seeing that those little foxes actually wanted to jump up one by one, Lin Quan was cruel. When a fox was directly waved out of the fierce sword by him, he used the remaining ten thousand swordsmanship and directly turned into ashes.

The other little foxes saw that the leaders of the two fossil realm were knocked to the ground. They didn't know whether they were alive or died. The body of the innocent fox just now was shocked by death. Finally, they did not move for the time being, but secretly swore in their hearts that they must kill this person.

"Which of you dares to kill directly without listening to the command? There is no discussion. If you want to revenge, when your strength is strong, I would like to see what kind of climate you foxes can develop!" Lin Quan snorted coldly. At this time, the sun had been covered by dark clouds. The sky was dim, and another big thunder came. The light of lightning shone on Lin Quan's face, adding a lot of ferociousness to him out of thin air.

"Wax..." The thumb-sized raindrops fell on Lin Quan, and he did not deliberately stop them. Looking at the tragic fox clans in front of him, he was also extremely sad. He turned around and stopped looking at them. He walked to his palace, but knew that some of these fox clans would send them to their own palace. In the hall, satisfy your so-called desires.

And in the tall and gloomy palace, the rhino king sensed the scene just now through the magic flame. He nodded, put down a lot in his heart, and there was a trace of doubt. "The breath of the sword is not like everything in the world. It is indeed a natural god. It is actually born with weapons. I don't know how to practice in the future. If I enter Step by step, I'm really afraid of being reluctant to kill at that time!"

After thinking about it, I didn't care anymore. I took out the magic flame bottle that had not been refined and began to refine it.