Nine God Bracelet

Chapter 100 Millions of heroes march to the west, dust covers the sky and steps on the corpse

In the middle of the Xishan Mountains, in the west of the Rhino Palace, among the thousands of meters high mountains, a tiger demon looked up and stared at the dust that rolled in the sky not far away. The forest, which was originally covered with turf, was actually covered with dust. You can imagine how large the team is. The tiger demon has the saber-toothed tiger in the endless forest The difference is that it can practice, and the other is that it is much smarter than a saber-toothed tiger!

"Where did such a large army come from? I'm afraid it's not good. I'm afraid the king of Xishan wants to go to the west. Finally, this day is still coming!" The tiger demon's heart was like a mirror. Obviously, he was a leader. With a roar, many tigers in the cave surged out and obeyed his orders to retreat from the mountain. They did not want to be controlled, so they had to return to the west and find their homes.

However, many fierce beasts also roan this mountain, some unwise goblins don't know what to do, but they actually rush up, simply don't know whether to live or die.

Almost every hill, where there are mountains and vitality, there are countless fierce beasts and monsters. Lin Quan did not want to go west like this. First, he was afraid of encountering extremely powerful mountain beasts, and second, he went against his original wishes.

But now he can't help it. I can only see him sitting on the fierce elephant. In addition to Xiaoxiang and Xiaoxue, there are four generals around him. Although they don't understand why the king suddenly opened up his territory, they even let themselves succumb to Lin Quan, but the military order cannot be violated, and there is nothing they can do.

"Wait! Order the whole army to retreat to the bottom of the mountain! Tens of thousands of people returned to the array!" Seeing that the army was about to occupy the mountain, and there would be a stronghold within a hundred miles, Lin Quan suddenly shouted, waved his hand, and immediately ordered it to spread all over the army. In the puzzled look of the four generals, he quietly looked at the top of the mountain.

This mountain, according to the local icon, is originally a small mountain in Xishan. It is usually unknown and is called Hu Xiaoshan. It is named because there is always a shocking tiger roar in the evening.

At this time, there has been no tiger shadow on the top of the mountain. Obviously, these tigers are very smart and have long retreated. According to reason, the most powerful tiger demon in Huxiao Mountain is the tiger demon. Now the tiger demons have gone, and they are full of fierce beast corpses and blood flowing into a river. Some slightly smarter fierce beast goblins finally began to escape and see the horse. He was about to occupy the mountain, but he didn't know why Lin Quan suddenly ordered to retreat.

"Drink, this little leader is smart!" Just as Lin Quan was alert, a loud shout suddenly came from the top of the mountain, and the sound was earth-shaking. Somehow a big bear popped out. The big bear was nearly ten feet high, with fangs, holding a hammer bigger than his own body in his hand, and his eyes wide open angrily. It was the black bear who wanted to come to Xishan to join the rhinoceros essence. At this time But I don't know how to appear here!

In this Hexuan mainland, with a clear sky, the mountain less than 3,000 meters high is indeed not a big mountain, and the clouds and fog will not block the sight. At this time, a bear shadow suddenly appeared on the top of the mountain, surrounded by a sea of corpses and blood, reflecting each other with the sky. It is really a unique heroic and lonely.

"Sure enough, I just saw that there was no fluctuation of vitality near the top of the mountain before the war, but there was really a master!" Lin Quan nodded secretly. Fortunately, he reacted quickly. Now his army has regrouped. Unless he meets the supreme strong man in **, he doesn't have to be too afraid.

"I am the general of Zhenxi, under the throne of Xishan, leading the westbound expedition of millions of troops. Who are you?" Lin Quan saw that the bear spirit floated from the mountain, stepping on thousands of corpses, and blood splashed under his feet. One person seemed to be thousands of horses galloping, but it was also dusty. Looking closer and closer, he felt a little nervous and asked.

Huh? King Xishan?" Dai Jian originally wanted to vent. Although the million army could not be destroyed by himself, it was not a problem to fight the autumn wind. As soon as he heard Lin Quan say that the king of Xishan, his eyes suddenly lit up and he was about to rely on him.

"The Black Bear Mountain Black Bear Immortal thousands of miles away from Xuanchun Fairy Mansion is now coming to join the king!" The huge black bear did not use illusion at this time. His black face was fangs, but his face was full of smile, giving Lin Quan an extremely awkward feeling.

"What should I do if it's a plan?" Lin Quan felt awe of his heart. He is no longer the child he used to be. He must guard against others, and he will never let this black bear spirit enter his army at will.

"What are you doing instead of hiding in this small hill instead of the king's palace?" Lin Quan shouted and stared at the monster in front of him. The army was still in a first-class alert state. As long as the black bear made a slight movement, it immediately launched a thunderbolt.

"I'm going to give a gift to the king!" The black bear smiled and waved his hand, which was a shining stone.

The stone fist is the size of a faint white halo, and it looks like a fluorescent round light bulb.

"This is Juyuanshi, which I have worked hard to find from the middle of this mountain, which is just a gift for the king to meet and cultivate elite disciples!" Dai Jian saw that Lin Quan was a little surprised and achieved the effect he wanted. He smiled and said, "The general has a high status and is also a goblin spirit beast. How dare I hurt the king of Xishan? Please don't be too wary!"

"If you want to turn to the king, it's just go to the king's palace. Please leave this place as soon as possible and don't delay my million army's western expedition!" Lin Quan also replied that he was still unwilling to recruit him into his army.

"Since the general said so, I won't disturb you anymore!" Seeing that Lin Quan did not buy his own battle at all, and was disturbed by the killing spirit just now, the black bear fairy was faintly unhappy, but he did not show it. He pretended to arch his hand and went to the side of the army.

"Well, with the name of a general, it's really majestic!" But the little fragrance snorted coldly and looked at Lin Quan's body. Why didn't he kill him at the beginning? He also led the wolf into the nest and remembered the tragedy of Wang's death. He couldn't help but feel pain in his heart and became more and more hateful.

"My life is not yours, nor should it be owned by the king of Xishan!" Lin Quan replied faintly, answered the question, and didn't want to explain too much. Looking at another flat mountain, countless creatures died because of themselves, and sighed slightly in his heart.

"The army set up camp, rest for one night, and set off for Red Camel Mountain tomorrow!" As soon as Lin Quan ordered, these monsters and beasts and beasts had also been well trained. They arranged sentries and stationed them one after another. Speaking of the army ordered that there was no need for Lin Quan to bother too much. He had never led a soldier. At this time, he also felt that it seemed to be a little simple. This is the advantage of most of the fierce beasts. Usually training habits became According to the law, there is no need to worry too much. It is not like the human army, and the military spirit is a big problem.

At night, the bonfire burned. Lin Quan sat around one side with two foxes and four generals, roasting a chicken-like livestock while spreading the map and looking carefully. Although there are few practitioners who are hungry, there is also a magic elixir called Pigudan, but the root of thirst for food. Planted in heredity, so there is a good meal, but it will never refuse.

"I heard that there is an ancient beast on the Red Camel Mountain, which stands as the king and trains thousands of demon soldiers. I don't know how the general is going to capture it!" One of the four generals who seems to be the head is actually a rare human-like spirit beast. Except for the strangely large and pointed ears, the elbow protruding outward, and the other parts are exactly the same as human beings. He is a triple master of fossils and was actually placed under Lin Quan!

"Hmm, he is a young baby, how to know how to capture it? Brother, I think we might as well obey your orders. How can we obey a spirit beast that is so different from us in a realm? But another general with earthy skin but a pair of pig ears shouted. Although Lin Quan is a human spirit beast like their four brothers, he must not violate the principle of respecting strength.

"Lu Chao, don't interrupt!" The spiritual beast known as the eldest brother scolded and looked at Lin Quan and said, "It must be reasonable for the king to let the general lead a million troops in the realm of water quenching. I don't know what the general has!"

"According to the map, this red camel mountain is arranged with evil waves. It can't be arranged by ordinary practitioners. I don't know where this mountain king comes from?" Lin Quan thought carefully and had a little doubt. Generally speaking, mountain monsters without sects, even if they get some common skills, are lucky enough to get through the golden quenching, and happen to find a place to absorb the vitality of the mountains, they should never be able to learn this very abnormal array.

The evil wind reflects the waves. It is said that it was created by an evil wind demon fairy. It was originally a shocking demon at the time of the chaos of demons, and was besieged and died. However, his practice method was obtained by some scattered demon schools. Although most of these scattered sects are incomplete, after all, they are the skills of supreme demon immortals, with unpredictable opportunities. .

"Well, it seems that this mountain king is backed by a scattered sect. No wonder he dares to stand up as a king without fear of the siege of other monsters. Usually, the king disdains to deal with him. This time, it just makes these villagers in the old nest in the west suffer!" The leading spirit beast answered, nodded secretly, and continued to ask:

"I don't know what the general has to do to crack it?"

As soon as Lin Quan heard it, this spirit beast is originally called the eyes. Although the realm is extremely high, it is polite from beginning to end and does not despise his low realm. At this point, I'm afraid it is much smarter than ordinary spirit beasts.

"If it is an authentic evil wind and waves, I naturally have nothing to do, but there is always a gap in the broken array!"

"Oh? Just want to hear how to minimize the loss!" But another general asked that these four generals are all spirit beasts. Except for the boss, who is the triple realm of fossils, everything else is the realm of fossils. In fact, in tens of millions of troops in Xishan, they can achieve the level of generals. Except for goblins, the most are spirit beasts. You should know that the title of this army is a great general is special. At all times, it has the ability to command millions of troops!

"Look!" Lin Quan smiled, and a golden sword was appearing in his hand!