Nine God Bracelet

Chapter 104 The Supreme Shadow Demon is summoned again, and the broken and melted fox stabbed the sword

The low-level monsters have turned into fire one by one, but Lin Quan has no choice. At this time, the masters who have reached the fossil realm are as busy as themselves.

"What the hell is this? How can you be so powerful?" Lin Quan was stunned. Since entering this continent, he has never felt so powerless. Life and death are not in his own hands at all. This feeling of being controlled is more than a hundred times greater than meeting the rhinoceros.

This is a comparison that rises in Lin Quan's heart for no reason.

At this time, it was also the most awake time for him. Whether he fell into the river or was caught by the rhinoceros last time, Lin Quan felt that it was not as life-threatening as this time.

"General, such a master can't escape today!" But his eyes shouted loudly, as if he was extremely uncomfortable. On the one hand, he was also a little surprised that Lin Quan could still support it.

"A few little dolls, if you don't die quickly, you have to let them die in pain!" The Red Phoenix King spoke softly, but it seemed that he had made a death sentence.

Lin Quan only felt a flash of black light in front of him, and his whole body suddenly became countless times hot, as if every pore was barbecued by flames. He didn't know how to describe this feeling of living suffering.

"Hmm?" The Red Phoenix King was supposed to aggravate his means to immediately kill Lin Quan and others, but suddenly his heart was cold, and he didn't know why he had a sense of vigilance.

"Impossible? How can these weak monks make me feel dangerous? Just as the king of the Red Phoenix clan was puzzled, Lin Quan suddenly became flickering. The top of his head, eyes, nostrils, mouth, and every pore on his body seemed to keep emitting black smoke.

It seems that a peerless murderer who has been sleeping for hundreds of millions of years is about to wake up, devour everything in the world, destroy the source of life, and cut off all the blocking fierce gods in front of him.

"For hundreds of millions of years of life and death, only the road is eternal. If you call me out, there will be misfortune!" But a miserable and lifeless voice came from Lin Quan, and the black smoke gushed more and more from Lin Quan until it was full of kilometers in the sky and turned into a huge black figure.

This figure is thousands of meters high, with a single horn on his head, holding a huge black sword in his hand. The eye shadow is even more light red, and his eyes are cold. Looking at Lin Quan, who fainted on the ground at this time, now, except for Lin Quan and these fossil people who are just in a coma, the other million troops have died!

"Sure enough, there is still this moment!" The voice spit out by this figure was plain, as if there was no murder at all.

But the Red Phoenix King was shocked. He broke through the triple realm and thought that there was no one in the world. Unexpectedly, the momentum of the shadow in front of him was simply a hundred times higher than himself. How could he fight against it?

The plain tone reveals a tragic and decisive atmosphere, the ambition to kill the world and the cold blood of thousands of creatures.

When the fierce god is not fierce, it is the moment when everything is destroyed!

"No, no, it's just a remnant soul, but it's just a remnant soul!" The Red Phoenix King was just shocked and was almost overwhelmed by the momentum. Suddenly, he saw something. He was suddenly happy and shocked. He didn't know what the momentum could be so broad, as if it would cover the momentum of the sky!

"Who the hell are you?" Seeing that the shadow had not moved for a long time, he did not dare to take the initiative to attack, but shouted.

"Me?" After hearing this, his eyes were stunned, as if he were full of doubts, "Who am I?" After a while, his eyes flashed red and his momentum was even more unmatched. Suddenly, he shouted:

"Who am I and what does it have to do with me killing you? Who am I and what does it have to do with me destroying the sky?

This loud shout was earth-shaking, and the rolling yellow water of the underground river was suddenly shaken and sprayed out into the sky, just like the underground rain.

As soon as the king of the Red Phoenix heard it, he suddenly seemed that the devil came to worship, and everything knelt down. He seemed to kneel down at once. He couldn't help but be ashamed and angry and shouted:

"A wisp of remnant soul dares to pretend to be a ghost. Look at my red phoenix flying flame!" As soon as the sound fell, the man in purple suddenly flew into the sky and turned into a big bird, and squeezed out a pair of huge wings behind him. The wings were afraid that they would be thousands of kilometers long and covered half of the sky!

After a while, the black wings suddenly fluttered, as if to roll up the whole earth.

Huge trees were uprooted, and dozens of miles of land was overturned. All of them surged into the sky and covered the earth, and the sky darkened in an instant.

"Do you dare to show off in front of me?" The shadow instinctively waved its left hand, as if to directly overturn the Red Phoenix King.

When the king of the Red Phoenix clan saw this dark shadow, he actually wanted to lift himself directly with his hand, and his soul flew out of the sky.

"Is it the legendary realm?" An idea came to his mind that he couldn't even believe.

However, when the hand waved to the sky, it did not have any effect on his skills, but it was a false alarm.

"Hmm?" This dark shadow did not seem to bring a little wave at random, and did not play a role in his imagination at all. He looked at his left hand doubtfully and then at the black sword in his right hand.

"It seems that I'm really not complete!" The shadow muttered alone, as if he had a headache and didn't think much about it. He just quietly looked at the Red Phoenix King above his head.

The storm sand of dozens of miles turned faster and faster, slowly forming a huge whirlpool, centered on the Red Phoenix King, as if to absorb everything.

However, he didn't want to suck in, but suddenly stagnated and suddenly calm down. This time, like Hachet hit halfway, making the people watching really uncomfortable, and inertia seemed to work!

This suddenly still huge whirlpool is illuminated by the sun, like fire oil encountering stars, suddenly turning from black to yellow, and finally turning into flashing white light, hot waves rolling and red flames.

Unexpectedly, it gives birth to all the fire vitality that blows up things and turns it into a huge fireball that seems to melt everything.

At first, the fireball was in the shape of a whirlpool, but suddenly it was like a pool of stagnant water and a big land, quietly shining on the ground.

I saw a 100-meter-wide transparent flame suddenly dive from the middle of the mirror with an unstoppable speed. How can it avoid it?

"Phoenix clan!" The dark shadow muttered faintly, as if he remembered something. He threw the sword in his hand and went straight to the red phoenix king hidden behind the border, but he quickly met the transparent flame.

At the last moment when it hit the flame, the dark shadow suddenly lit up, as if it had suddenly restored the real person's eyes, and an incomparable vicissitudes voice suddenly came out:

A few times into a dream and fall asleep,

He Xiao is drunk and idle.

How do you care about his life,

Wake up and draw a green mountain.

As soon as the sound fell, the flame fell, and the shadow was melted and scattered, but it did not disappear. Instead, it was full of air and slowly formed a green mountain picture. This green mountain permeable bluestone without any impurities. The top fell into the pure white realm, and thousands of abyss were inserted into the bottom. It was endless. I don't know what it was. What mountain.

"What is this!" The Red Phoenix King only felt that he saw the greatest thing in the world, but suddenly his heart was cold, and the cold light appeared in front of him. It was the black sword that flew straight away.

Lin Quan woke up slowly at this time, and only felt a flower in front of him. Looking at the green mountain, he seemed to see through the sky and went straight to the supreme chaos, but he could not see through at all.

Seeing that the huge black sword suddenly attacked the shocking black bird, he knew that two supreme strong men were fighting, and he seemed to be protected by one side and was not affected at all.

"What the hell is that thing? That black sword must be the weapon of the person who helps me, but why is there no shadow of him? Lin Quan's heart was full of doubts. Thinking of the predecessor mentioned when Zhen Qianyuan gave him six petals to the heart grass, did he become the person in front of him?

The earth suddenly shook, and Lin Quan saw a huge air wave in the high sky, which made the earth tremble. The whole red camel mountain suddenly shook left and right, cracking a big crack. The underground river seemed to have finally found a way to vent and rolled out directly from the fault of the river, as if When the Tianhe River comes, thousands of creatures will be flooded.

However, a light curtain appeared in front of Lin Quan for no reason, which completely covered himself up.

After a while, another gentle force picked himself up directly from the ground, and in an instant, he went to the stone palace at the top of the mountain.

When Lin Quan opened his eyes, the king of the red camel and the king of the red phoenix had gone cleanly, but the monsters on the other mountains and their millions of troops had already died, and the blood stained the whole land red, and even rolled down with the water, walking with the unparalleled magnificent atmosphere.

And the remaining black smoke in the sky was turbulent for a long time, and finally condensed a faint shadow. The shadow was floating and obviously hit hard. At this time, the shadow looked at Lin Quan fixedly, suddenly figured out something, and said lightly:

"I thought it was my magic idea to exterminate the world, but I didn't think about it..." Before I finished speaking, a gust of wind blew, and the dark shadow suddenly passed away with the wind, leaving only the black sword suddenly burst and shot all over, directly into Lin Quan's head. How could Lin Quan resist it?

"No!" Lin Quan felt that as soon as the broken sword entered his body, it was like falling into the infinite abyss. His soul could not extricate himself. All kinds of resentments floated in his heart and expanded ten thousand times. He only kept echoing the same horrible and resentment voice in his mind. This sound was like ten thousand years of zombie death, and it was like a killing of hundreds of millions of troops, which made life and death could not be as he wished. It can be relieved, which is:

Kill all the people in the world who don't respect me!

Kill all the people in the world who don't listen to me!

Kill all the people in the world who don't know me!

Kill all the people in the world who don't love me!

Kill all the invisible Luoxians in the sky!

Kill all the shadowless beasts in the sky!

Kill all the unintentional yuan god in the sky!

Kill, kill, kill!

"Wo!" Just as Lin Quan competed with the devil's mind, his eyes turned red and his skin turned pale from earthy yellow to pale, he only heard a long sword into his body.

Straight through the favorite and most hated heart!

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