Nine God Bracelet

Chapter 108 Jingwu left a three-life style, and finally got the sword thunder and shocking secrets

"How could this happen? Vitality riot, movement? Go crazy?" While helping Wang Xueyan regulate his vitality, Lin Quan wondered that he had never seen such a thing since he practiced Taoism. Can the vitality that has been controlled by himself become the culprit of hurting himself for some reason?

"Bear by the way, Wang Xueyan's mind is not strong enough, and it's normal that he can't control his vitality!" Lin Quan nodded. At this time, her whole body was sweating profusely. She felt that her breath was stabilizing. She was relieved, let go of her hands, took a long breath of atmosphere, stood up, and looked at the remaining wisp of red sun. There were many emotions in his heart. How could he figure out the changes in this world?

At this time, Wang Xueyan slowly opened his eyes and looked at his back not far away. Although he had just saved himself, he always felt that he was losing something, and she really didn't want to lose it.

The question is, who wants to lose it?

"If you want me to prove it to you, I will prove it to you!" Lin Quan found that Wang Xueyan woke up and knew that he could no longer use that childish scheme if he wanted to convince her.

With a wave of the hand, it is a colorful lotus flower. This lotus flower is magical and beautiful under the sunshine. There is a subtle mark in an uns sighted place.

"This flower is the witness of my love with her. You and I are impossible!" Lin Quan shook his head, put the flowers back in his bag, and then said, "Do you know why I designed it for you in the first place? But it's all your father's instructions. Your father really cares about you. Everything I do, including what the head uncle tells you that you can't practice, is at your father's orders. Your father doesn't want to lose you. He just hopes that you will live a good life without experiencing too much bitterness!"

"What?" Wang Xueyan heard that in the end, he had been kept in the dark, "It turned out that my father didn't want me to practice!"

took another look at Lin Quan and found that his spirit was not fluctuated, as if he had no feelings for men and women. He couldn't help but be extremely disappointed. In addition, when he had just been rejected, he suddenly felt no interest and said indifferently, "It turns out that you have always been just to complete the task!"

After saying that, he ignored Lin Quan's reaction, lowered his head and walked straight to his room, as if nothing had happened.

Lin Quan saw Wang Xueyan returning to the house calmly and didn't think much about it. He turned around and stood in the light of the sunset. His thoughts flew away. After such a disturbance, a feeling suddenly rose in his heart that he wanted to escape from the shackles of his body.

"Even if a practitioner goes through all kinds of dangers and reaches the legendary ** realm, he is still a human being. If one day, I can go wherever I think of, and do what I want to do, I can complete it in an instant. I don't have to worry about the impermanence of God's will, and I don't have to sink into the sea of suffering. That should be more. How chic!"

Thinking of this, Lin Quan smiled and suddenly sighed in his heart. At this moment, it seemed that everything on the earth was dreamy, and everything in front of him was real.

This is like the difference between two completely different lives. I feel that the connection is so poor that it should not exist!

Suddenly, a glimmer of inspiration suddenly appeared in his head. Lin Quan's whole temperament changed. With a wave of his hand, the fierce sword was sacrificed, emitting a hot wave, like not a sword, but a furnace that can melt everything.

This Lieluan Jianli's array is more advanced than the gossip gathering array. I don't know what kind of array it is, but this sword, under the fossil realm, the higher the power it is, the more powerful it can exert.

"I realized that three lives, one is the previous life, the other is this life, the other is the next life, the previous life is like a dream, this life is like a butterfly, the next life is turbulent and impermanence, even if there is no reincarnation, there is still three lives, this swordsmanship is the three-life style of ten thousand swordsmanship!" After saying that, with a wave of his hand, a stream of vitality spewed out from the meridians. Through the body of the sword, the heat wave rolled and gathered into a conical whirlpool. If he wanted to pierce the sky, he reached the stream in a moment. He was about to enter the water for a moment, shaking slightly and went deep into the bottom of the water.

"Bang", the whole stream was blown open, and the water splashed down in the sky. Just in time, the last trace of dawn fell, and there was only a wisp of moon left in the sky.

Only Lin Quan himself knew that the shaking on the surface of the water just now did not directly touch the water surface and jumped directly into the water. This is simply the legendary jump in the air! Although it only jumps less than a millimeter now, you can imagine how amazing the power of this skill will be when it is practiced to the extreme!

However, Lin Quan didn't know the wisp of black line in the palm of his hand!

"Sister, when I know the secret of Jianyizong, I will rush back to Tianshan immediately!" Lin Quan stood up and looked at the big moon. A sense of infinite missing rose in his heart. He clenched his fist and made up his mind.


Three days have passed in a blink of an eye, but Wang Xueyan has not talked to Lin Quan these days, but as usual, he left early and returned late with Xi Ruoshui. Lin Quan was also happy and left her alone. Now he has done everything she should do, but then she completely depends on herself. If she insists on choosing this road, I'm afraid it can only be her. , is it possible to use the hard method?

Lin Quan stood quietly in the courtyard. He knew that the head of Jianyizong was about to come here and tell him a shocking secret!

The weather is clear and cloudless, rare without pink or white, but an empty light blue. The big sun, like the ancient throne in the world, seems to be high and immortal!

A white dot suddenly came away from the shining white light and got closer and closer. It slowly turned into a black dot and turned into a figure. In an instant, he came to Lin Quan and did not come down. He just floated in the air and quietly looked at the disciple who had just entered.

"Since I killed demons in troubled times, how long has it been since there has been a genius!" Jianlei Hansong sighed. In his extremely critical eyes, only Lin Quan, a rebellious spiritual body, can be seen by the law. However, people in this world are born unfair. Their qualifications are superior and inferior, superiors are better, and inferior are inferior, and they can never turn over!

This is the ruthless way of heaven!

Except for a few small fish that waved at that time, the top of power in the world will only become more and more concentrated. Seeing that the turmoil is coming, the most destroyed are naturally those at the bottom.

But in the era of strength, who cares?

"Uncle!" Lin Quan arched his hand and knew that today was the day of secret disclosure.

"Come with me!" Jianlei Hansong nodded and waved his hand. Lin Quan was taken to his side. With only a flash, he left the courtyard and galloped away.

Lin Quan began to feel that his eyes were blurred, and the speed was much faster than when Xi Siming took him on that day. His ears whirped and his eyes couldn't open. Suddenly, he only got hot all over and stopped.

"Is this?" Lin Quan looked around and found that this was a stone platform of less than 100 square meters. The surrounding magma rolled and kept bubbling. The heat wave hit him. With the cultivation of Lin Quan's current golden quenching environment, he was afraid that as soon as he fell into the magma, he would be burned to the residue.

"Under the interior of Jianyi Mountain, this is the place where the mountains are full of vitality. The stone platform where you and I are is the Juyuan array under me!"

Seeing Jianlei Hansong drinking again, the stone platform suddenly moved slowly. Lin Quan only felt that the stone platform slowly rose and couldn't help looking at the top of his head, but found that the surroundings were dark, but it was not clear. Obviously, it was an extremely smart formation that covered the whole area.

"Look!" Jianlei Hansong saw Lin Quan calm down and his fingers rose 100 meters under the stone platform. "What do you see from the movement of these magma?"

Lin Quan looked down carefully along the fingers of the leader and found that the whole magma gave people an illusion of crowding and gathering at the central stone platform. However, sometimes some white light like sword scratches jumped out, which was like hallucinations and not like hallucinations.

"These magma seem to gather towards the center, but in fact they are just illusions. The occasional flashing white light seems to be hallucinations and more substantial. I don't understand!" Lin Quan thought for a moment and replied.

"You're right! But it's wrong again!" Jianlei Hansong smiled slightly, "This illusion of gathering is indeed a hallucination, but it is the source of the gathering of vitality in the mountains, and it can be said to be real. This knife-like white light is like substance, but it is actually an illusion, which seems to have nothing to do with our world!"

"I don't know what my uncle means!" Lin Quan was confused when he heard it. How can he understand it?

"The illusion you see is actually generated by the gathering of mountain vitality to the stone platform, and the occasional white light is the source of mountain vitality turmoil, but it does not exist in this world at all!"

"What do you mean?" Lin Quan didn't understand more and more.

"The vitality of this mountain is extremely thick, and the quenching environment is indispensable. The fossil environment needs a highly condensed fossil elixir, but the vitality of our Jianyi Mountain is randomly caused by the white light turmoil that does not exist in the world. Almost all the mountains in the whole Hexuan mainland have this risk, and the vitality is too thin. It's useless. If the vitality of this mountain continues to be scattered randomly and walks around the whole world, it can be imagined that there will be no practitioners in the future. Do you understand what I mean?

"Ah!" Lin Quan heard that the head of the mountain said something similar that day, but he never thought it would be so serious.

"If there is no way to keep it, just follow your destiny. The problem is that many people in this world know that there is another way to change their fate!" Jianlei Hansong looked at Lin Quan quietly, and his tone seemed meaningful.

"What?" Lin Quan's heart trembled slightly and his heart beat faster, as if he was about to see a shocking secret.

"Don't worry!" Jianlei smiled loosely and continued, "But this method must be supported by infinite vitality. Those ignorant little fish will fight against each other, but they don't know the specific use of these vitality at all. If it goes on, I'm afraid that the vitality has not dissipated, and people have killed each other completely!"

"What you and I have to do is to control the whole He Xuan mainland with the smallest loss, and even overseas must be controlled under the palm of your hand. One day, heaven and earth will be greatly released. Because of the real leader, there will be no war until we personally open it in the right way. Barriers bring new hope to the world!"

Speaking of this, he smiled again: "However, I know that if you say good words, none of these sects will listen, big and small, because they don't know a secret at all!"

"What?" Lin Quan opened his eyes wide and his chest fluctuated violently.

Jianlei Hansong seemed to have expected Lin Quan's reaction for a long time and looked fixedly outside the dark array.

"Our world is just one layer, leading to another level of gate, just behind Tianshan Mountain, in the real main body of Tianshan Mountain!"