Nine God Bracelet

Chapter 148 The old man sees that the present is not the same as before, and the common difficulties are attempts

Lin Quan looked directly at the amazing beast in front of him for the first time. Thinking that in those years, when he was in the realm of his little wood quenching, his first thought when he saw this beast was to escape. How could he think of it? Now that he met again, he had reached the realm of **? Although it was a little helpful because of Aoki, the power of the ** realm was really in his own hands, and he had to have a sense of pride to compete with it.

This 100-meter-high beast now stands gently on the surface of the water and still looks up at the sky. The black figure, white*, is as silent as an ink painting. If it hadn't been for the cold light reflected by the water when the fangs at the corners of his mouth, he might have only seen him as a statue standing on the sea.

"I once saw everything die in the Luzhou Swamp, which was more brilliant than the pan. When I was shocked and sighed, your appearance was like a sharp sword hanging on my head, which woke me up from my dream and made me leave trembling and quickly. Now I see you again, is it God's will?" Seeing that the beast has a posture of standing forever, Lin Quan asked first.

Seeing that the giant ape in front of him still had no reaction, Lin Quan was also very careless and continued, "I don't know where you came from, or a natural spirit, but there is always a purpose, but it will not be standing still forever and eternal silence!"

After saying this, the giant ape in front of him finally reacted, slowly opened his eyes, lowered his head slowly, and finally began to carefully look at the little man who had been muttering on the water. At this sight, he seemed to think of something, and then looked at the person in front of him with great surprise, as if he had met a ghost in broad daylight. "On that day, I saw that you were not in the realm of Mu quenching. How could you reach the realm of ** after such a long time?"

Huh? Did you see through my realm at a glance? Lin Quan was also shocked by this question. In this way, this powerful ape, which looks like Kong Wu, is actually a supreme realm? Isn't he taller than Xi Siming, the head of Tianshan? In this way, how can it be that He Xuan has never heard of such a person before?

"What are you thinking about?" At this time, the giant ape really became interested in Lin Quan. He turned around, but did not bring a trace of water. His eyes rotated slightly, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

"I'm thinking that I, He Xuan Continent, and even the elder Tianchi, who is at the peak of my master's fossils, are also famous. Why haven't I ever heard of ** double supreme masters like you?"

"What you haven't heard of, why is there only such a little?" The giant ape snorted and said, "You came here to wake me up for no purpose!"

"I just feel predestined, so I want to ask clearly, and I think you are strange why it always gives people a sense of extreme peace!" Lin Quan opened his mouth, but told the truth.

"I was born with a god ape and Hercules ape. I lived in the West Mountain and was the king of the territory. The rhinoceros used to seize my magic weapon and injured me more seriously. It drove me out of the mountain and got my army. I was silent in the Luzhou pit for thousands of years. Finally, I repaired my injury and went further. In the past thousand years, I have also understood my lack of skills. So he came to the sea for silent practice and finally broke the double body!" Yuan Dongyong opened his mouth. On the one hand, he had a little good impression on Lin Quan and felt that there was no need to lie. On the other hand, his current strength was refined. In terms of this world, the only thing that made him afraid was Jian Lei Hansong, the head of Jianyi Sect, and he was not afraid that Lin Quan would do anything bad to him.

"So it is!" Lin Quan thought about it, nodded, and then frowned, "I don't know how to practice? Thinking that there was no panacea at the bottom of the Luzhou marsh in those years, how to recover from the injury?

Ape Dongyong heard that this was his own privacy and could not be easily leaked. The person in front of him actually asked casually. I really don't know whether he had the intention or not, but he didn't care much and replied, "I am born with a quiet mind. The eternal silence of those who are favored by me, the practice to mend wounds, silence. You should know why you suddenly felt that the world was lightless and eternal silence!"

"So that's it!" Lin Quan seemed to recall the scene of that day and smiled slightly: "Brother Dao, my surname is Duan and my name is Lin Quan. If you want to go back to Xishan to revenge, I will also go back to He Xuan to save the master. How about Dao?"

"You go your way. I walk alone in the world, and I don't need your help!" Yuan Dongyong turned his attitude back and turned into a cold face.

"I'm afraid that Taoist brother still doesn't know what has happened to He Xuan. Now the owner of Linshui's palace, Bai Yan, the king of the Red Phoenix clan, Cui Yuan, the endless demon king, Tang Chengzhou, and Xi Siming, the head of Tianshan, have been trapped in Tianshan by shocking figures. If he doesn't figure out the situation, he will rush into He Xuan, and I'm afraid he will suffer disaster!" Lin Quan knew that this person would not easily walk with him, but he had a good plan for a long time.

"Oh?" Hearing this, Yuan Dongyong's face finally changed and asked, "Although the owner of Linshui Fen Grand Palace is my descendant, he has profound skills and profound background. Only Jianlei Hansong is sure to defeat him in He Xuan mainland, but Bai Yan is not very clear, but he should at least enter the realm of **. Although the endless demon king and others have shallow skills are a little , they should all be strong people in the ** realm. Who has the ability to trap all four of them? Did Jianlei Hansong break through the ** triple realm? Yuan Dongyong felt more and more that this was completely possible. If so, he really had to plan well. Don't finally take back the Xishan Mountain and be beaten by Qiu Feng. You should know that it is several times more difficult to trap four such masters than killing four such masters, which is not what ordinary masters can do.

"The problem is that this person is not Jianlei Han Song, and even Jian Lei Han Song fled. My master was trapped in the black field by this person. According to my preliminary estimate, this person may have reached at least ** four supreme realms! It has even reached the legendary state of breaking hearts!"

"What?" Ape Dongyong's shock is not small. Since the chaos of demons, he knows the situation of He Xuan mainland very well, but I can't imagine that after the fluctuations of heaven and earth, the world could give birth to such a freak. I can't help asking, "Is there really such a person? I struggled to break through ** double, and I felt the limit. How can anyone break through ** quadruple?

"Brother Dao, do you know the reason why the world is full of great strife and strong people have been born one after another?" Lin Quan listened to the giant ape finally became interested, and was leisurely comfortable. He really needed a helper. Finally, he planned to throw out a shocking secret. Before the giant ape on the opposite side opened his mouth to ask, Lin Quan had already stood on the surface of the water and said, "The king of the Red Phoenix clan has reached the triple realm, which is probably something you can't imagine, such as Today, the Fengling clan, the long-handed clan and the orcs have set foot on He Xuan one after another, in order to get a shocking pearl, Wanling pearl!"

"What, is there really such a thing?" Yuan Dongyong was said by Lin Quan, as if he recalled something and continued to say, "I used to regard it as a legend. I didn't think that there was such a thing. What you said is the supreme magic weapon that can break through a bottleneck of the world and change your path?"

"Have you heard of this bead?" Instead, Lin Quan was shocked by the reaction of the giant ape. He recalled all the memories he had got, nodded and continued: "Since the chaos of demons, the vitality of this world has been broken. ** The triple is the limit that this world can break through, and his talent is as outstanding as a Taoist brother. He also feels that the level has almost broken through in **du. There is no hope, but if you get the Wanlingzhu, you can really break the shackles and reach the supreme realm of ** triple, four, five, and even ** realms!"

"What you said may even be a ** five-fold supreme figure. Who is it? How on earth did it come out?" Ape Dongyong was really interested at this time and asked.

"This man is the first-class demon in the world. Originally, he besieged the endless demon palace, but he didn't want to add this variable out of thin air. I don't know where he came from, and now I don't know where he's going. This is also an important reason why I hope you and I can save many elders in Tianshan with me and kill this demon!" As soon as Lin Quan opened his mouth, he lied. Although he didn't know where the demon came from, the current situation of the demon and the top master of his Tianshan faction were not revealed at all.

"Even if I, the ape Dong, bravely dominates the heavens, will never dare to follow him easily. I have no grievances or hatred with him. Why should I make this enemy?" Yuan Dongyong looked at Lin Quan's expression and refused to cooperate with him because of Lin Quan's words.

"If I am willing to attack Xishan with you and take back the magic weapon for you to show my sincerity, how about you and I jointly rescue my master?" Lin Quan didn't know the suspicion of the giant beast. He turned his eyes slightly and said.

"I have told you so much because I don't have a bad feeling for you. You are ** in a low state and talk about cooperating with me. Do you want to exhaust my patience?" At this time, Yuan Dongyong felt more and more that this person was treacherous and seemed to want to take advantage of himself, and couldn't help but be a little angry.

"Hahahaha! It turned out to be this concern!" Hearing this, Lin Quan finally understood the principle that tigers and sheep can't cooperate. He didn't say more. With a wave in his hand, a cold and shining black sword appeared. With a slight stroke, he saw a fine line in the air fleeting, making a "bo"-like suture sound.

"Break the void!" However, this simple stroke actually made Yuan Dongyong cold to the bone. He self-cultivated his heart with clear **. Those who can break the sky with a sword can not be achieved below ** double. It is not a power reason. This is a hard rule, ** five-fold, one-fold broken meat, double bone-breaking, triple brain-breaking, four-fold broken line, five-fold heart-breaking, only bone and flesh Only by breaking can you withstand the counterattack of breaking the void. Is it possible that the person I just saw is just a ** heavy cultivation, but a cover-up of the other party? If this is the case, unless this person is really ** in a triple situation, the danger to yourself will be greatly increased and you have to beware of it.

"Don't be surprised. I was born with a divine body and practiced anti-sky skills. Compared with your quiet heart, it is no problem to deal with ordinary ** double masters. How about I just need to help Taoist brother calm down Xishan together and then go back to Tianshan to rescue my master and others?" Seeing that his swordsmanship worked, and recalling that the dark stick of Xishan was the supreme weapon of this person, Lin Quan couldn't help but be very surprised by the person's identity. Seeing that this man was easy to talk, Lin Quan still had a faint desire to make friends.

After another moment of meditation, Yuan Dongyong seemed to finally figure out something. With a wave of his hand, a water-blue stick appeared. Looking at the weapon in his hand, he sighed for a moment and said, "Okay, I will advance and retreat with you. I will kill Xishan Laoniu and find my weapon. I will definitely help you save your master!" After saying that, he stepped on the water and walked forward at an extremely slow pace, but the speed was no worse than flying into the sky, which was also extremely strange.

"In terms of vitality control, I want to be much worse, but I also have my cards. If I really meet him, I won't necessarily lose!" Seeing this, Lin Quan compared secretly in his heart and found that the water surface stepped on by the giant ape was calm and waveless, and the fluctuation of vitality was extremely small. Obviously, the vitality practice returned to its originality. Every action was secretly in line with the rules of vitality, which was really much more powerful compared with himself. Although he had experienced a hundred years of dream practice, after all, it was not comparable to real practice. People who came here, not to mention that this person has lived for thousands of years, and may eat more salt than Lin Quan's food. Of course, in theory, there is no need for any food in the future.

The two masters were not in a hurry to rush all the way. Among them, the giant apes were silent for thousands of years, and they were also a little more lonely. They looked left and right all the way, as if they were anxious and curious. Lin Quan, carefully combed the countless memories he had obtained from his soul search in his heart, and wanted to really see a little clue from it. Since Forced to inherit the memory of skills by the monk of Fahua Temple, the information obtained is not a little bit, but also the memory of the general of the Changshou clan. The efficacy of Wanling beads is unknown, but the beads appearing in my heart are not as simple as Wanling beads. The magic beads caused by Yan Feng, the elder of Tianxing, the endless magic palace spirit beads, and a blood Almost all the faint beads are centered on all spiritual beads, and they seem to constitute a more powerful thing!

Shake his head and saw that he couldn't think of more things. Lin Quan no longer thought about it. He talked with Yuan Dongyong all the way. The relationship went a step further and finally began to understand what caused the so-called demon chaos in those years!

According to Yuan Dongyong, more than 2,000 years ago, there were many masters in the world. At that time, he was only a small fossil situation. He did not want to participate in the shocking war, but just avoided escape. He only heard about the situation at that time, which was not accurate, but he probably knew something about the matter.

More than 2,000 years ago, there were only good and evil, and there were no demons. The world was scattered, the good and evil were mixed, the human and demons were mixed, and the resources were rich. Most people were single-minded to pursue the supreme position, so there were many masters. Like his fossil realm at that time, among many masters at that time, he belonged to the type of passers-by, but in the middle of the night, a cluster of stars appeared in the sky, like a fire sun, shining a layer of the world for nine days. These nine days, there was no day or night, leaving only this cluster of starlight. Until nine days later, this high starlight suddenly It burst spontaneously and divided into two parts. One was extremely dark and fell on the continent at that time. Another starlight became more and more bright and scattered, forming two lines of big characters, which was also the source of evil that caused countless people to fight later! •

"What word is enough to cause turbulence in the whole world?" Lin Quan was shocked when he heard this, as if he was finally going to hear a shocking secret and finally discover a shocking conspiracy.

"The nine god bracelets are out, and there are many miracles."

"Nine god bracelets come out, and miracles are everywhere?" Lin Quan was puzzled by this line of words and asked, "Just for this line of words, you can't understand what it means. Why do you fight for it?"

"I didn't understand it at first, but it was not until later that I gradually understood the spread of things and shocked everyone." Yuan Dongyong paused, as if he wanted to deliberately lose Lin Quan's appetite. After a while, he slowly said, "Until that day, a newborn baby killed his parents!"

"What!" As soon as Lin Quan heard this, he almost couldn't control his vitality. He was about to fall into the water, forcibly suppressed his impulse, and slowly said, "Who is it?" Why are you so powerful as soon as you are born?

"It's not a human reason, it's just because the baby wears a small bracelet on his hand. What he accidentally did, it reminds me of a vision in the sky. The bracelets of the nine gods come out, and the miracles are everywhere. Don't think about it, and you know what's going on!" Yuan Dongyong sighed. Looking at this, he didn't sigh for such a magic weapon, and he didn't know what he was sighing.

Lin Quan's eyes flashed slightly and seemed to understand Yuan Dongyong's thoughts, but there seemed to be a flaw. He couldn't help asking, "You are not the only one who experienced the chaos of demons in those years, but I have only heard what you said. Why don't others seem to know at all?"

"Hahaha..." Speaking of this, Yuan Dongyong laughed loudly and stopped. Looking at this person who was dozens of times shorter than himself, a sense of pride came out in his chest and said, "I, Yuan Dongyong, am born with a spiritual life. I have a magic weapon to protect myself since I was a child. My future achievements are unlimited. Why should I become one? Is the illusory magic weapon born and death? Originally, everyone understood the nine bracelet, but with a white light in the sky, almost everyone lost their memory of this matter. If it hadn't been for my divine treasure's desperate resistance, even I would have lost countless memories. Hate that the rhinoceros spirit would dare to deceive me and trap my magic weapon. Otherwise, how would I be afraid of the sword and thunder? Speaking of this, Yuan Dongyong was no longer in the mood to go on. He was more and more eager to get the magic weapon he had lost for thousands of years. He saw the fog in the distance, but a black line appeared from time to time. He couldn't help shouting excitedly, "He Xuan mainland, I finally want to regain my dignity!"

"Brother Ape, wait for me!" Seeing that the giant ape was extremely impulsive, he flew in an instant and suddenly disappeared into the clouds. It seemed that he had set foot on the mainland. There was nothing he could do in his heart, so he could only follow up quickly, hoping that he would not break out randomly and ruin his big things.